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IMO you have a very fair question.

IMO ICA's version of the pool story is false because of logical inferences (as I see them) concerning both ICA's and GA's conduct after the proposed accident.

Along these lines, I dismiss:

(1) that ICA, for two years, and with an iron will, covered up a true pool accident that, had she revealed it, would have spared her felony suspicion (and a 2008 grand jury murder indictment) from the start.

(2) that GA, after finding a dead Caylee, treated her deceased body to a despicable level of disrespect that GA even prevented with his deceased pets.

(3) that GA managed to hide this pool accident from CA for over two years (unless we include CA in a massive conspiracy).

I grant that these grounds for my view are not a classic "smoking gun," such as a forensic toxicology report or video tape, etc. (And of course, experts from both sides would have disputed even this evidence for three days).

But I assume that such inferences from behavior can be considered as legitimate evidence.

IMO the preponderance of trial evidence negates ICA's pool story to the point of removing reasonable doubt as to ICA's felony misconduct.

:online: :Banane37:

Everyone on this forum that has had experience with sociopaths has said that the truth is sprinkled within all the lies so with that...

The defense said "Caylee drowned in the pool by accident and the events spiraled out of control"

What if the truth is Caylee drowned in the pool but it wasn't an ACCIDENT...
I want to know why Casey never actually tried to get a job or go to school or ANYTHING. She claimed to go to Valencia College (I think that's what it was), but they said she never even applied. I mean, she could have gotten financial aid money and actually move and DO the things she said she was doing. That would have been easy money. But she never even tried. She really didn't go out any more than the average 22 year old, so balancing a job and a child with that really doesn't seem like it would have been that difficult.

I got pregnant when I was 19. I lived with my mom. My child's father died (not really, but that's what I told everybody because it was just easier than going through the whole story). I had a full time job, went to school full time, and was able to move us out on our own in a relatively short amount of time. AND I went out and fun when I wanted to. AND it really wasn't that big of a deal.

I don't understand why she never even tried.
I want to know why Casey never actually tried to get a job or go to school or ANYTHING. She claimed to go to Valencia College (I think that's what it was), but they said she never even applied. I mean, she could have gotten financial aid money and actually move and DO the things she said she was doing. That would have been easy money. But she never even tried. She really didn't go out any more than the average 22 year old, so balancing a job and a child with that really doesn't seem like it would have been that difficult.

I got pregnant when I was 19. I lived with my mom. My child's father died (not really, but that's what I told everybody because it was just easier than going through the whole story). I had a full time job, went to school full time, and was able to move us out on our own in a relatively short amount of time. AND I went out and fun when I wanted to. AND it really wasn't that big of a deal.

I don't understand why she never even tried.
One word - sociopath.

Manipulative and Conning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.

Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."

Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.

Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.

I have a question for those that agree with the verdict I guess
Cause those of us that are infuriated by the verdict feel we have a pretty good idea

So how did Caylee's body get to the woods
If it wasn't in Casey car , as the defense protested ,then how did it get transported. They didn't conceed that it was the white pontiac but george was the one that drove it, they fought tooth and nail that there was a body in that car

I presume its not resonable that someone walked there with a dead child
Caylee didn't put herself there

Is your answer George's car, hmmmm
So given a choice between Casey car, with the smell, the hair, the stain, the chloroform, the cadevar dog hitting on it, the driver/Casey lying about everthing surrounding Caylee's dissappearance and then going partying etc etc and ....George's car, your answer is George's car???
My big question is about the PhotoBucket images and sayings, particularly the stuff uploaded between 6/15 - 7/16.

We know these were stipulated to by both sides and entered into evidence, right? It looked like a big packet of papers if I recall. Do we KNOW if the jury actually SAW THOSE IMAGES AND SAYINGS? Of course we know they didn't review ANYTHING in the jury room, so I am speculating that they missed reviewing all that information. And imo, those images were a pristine view into Casey's mind and thoughts at the time, and would have been very valuable for the jury to review.

Anyone know?
What if the truth is Caylee drowned in the pool but it wasn't an ACCIDENT...

You know I have thought of this for a long time... it definitely would explain the ladder incident... and it would allow Casey to rationalize in her own mind 'well she DID drown"...

UGH. I am going to be sick now.
I want to know why Casey never actually tried to get a job or go to school or ANYTHING. She claimed to go to Valencia College (I think that's what it was), but they said she never even applied. I mean, she could have gotten financial aid money and actually move and DO the things she said she was doing.

I don't understand why she never even tried.

BBM.... she never tried because she is a lazy, manipulative b!tc# who uses everyone around her to get what she wants, and has NO MOTIVATION to do anything for herself. She obviously was never held accountable to anything as a child, was never told NO, has never dealt with the consequences of her actions, etc. Everyone (including her lawyers) say that she is extremely immature. She's a rebellious 16-yr old in a 25-yr old's body who refuses to grow up and take responsibility for herself. Cayee got in her way. And she took care of that. NOTHING stands in the way of what "Casey wants".

Excellent list--I was thinking the same. To the list I would add:
4) KC had no normal reaction on the claimed day of occurrence which would appear like a accidental death took place to her one and only child.
5) KC has had a long history of lying/conning behavior even before this incident

***snipped respectfully***

8) I know it's not exactly hard science, but I really do think the pool would have been taken down long ago, if this is where she had died. Every time they would swim it in, they'd be reminded of her death. (It is still there, no?) In fact, just the accusation (after this trial) focused on the pool might make them take it down post trial.

Regarding comment 4. Why are you expecting Casey to act within "normal" parameters? There is no one fits all face of grief or reaction to trauma. Your idea of what is normal for you might not be what I consider normal for me. Post 9/11 I saw several people disassociate and slip into months of denial, carrying on life as they saw as normal, refusing to accept, unable to accept. You can not place your own expectations of behavior on other people *especially* post trauma.

Comment 5. Do you think this comment tends to go to explain nothing about Casey or her world was "normal" ?

Comment 8. *If* Caylee died in the pool, George and Cindy might not be aware or believe it. I don't think the pool being still up suggests much more than unaware or disbelief. I do agree if they knew 100% they might not keep it up.
BBM.... she never tried because she is a lazy, manipulative b!tc# who uses everyone around her to get what she wants, and has NO MOTIVATION to do anything for herself. She obviously was never held accountable to anything as a child, was never told NO, has never dealt with the consequences of her actions, etc. Everyone (including her lawyers) say that she is extremely immature. She's a rebellious 16-yr old in a 25-yr old's body who refuses to grow up and take responsibility for herself. Cayee got in her way. And she took care of that. NOTHING stands in the way of what "Casey wants".


and sadly she continues to be enabled
first by her family, then her defense team, then even by the jury
she's either very lucky, very smart ( in a sociopath sorta way) or a little of both
BBM.... she never tried because she is a lazy, manipulative b!tc# who uses everyone around her to get what she wants, and has NO MOTIVATION to do anything for herself. She obviously was never held accountable to anything as a child, was never told NO, has never dealt with the consequences of her actions, etc. Everyone (including her lawyers) say that she is extremely immature. She's a rebellious 16-yr old in a 25-yr old's body who refuses to grow up and take responsibility for herself. Cayee got in her way. And she took care of that. NOTHING stands in the way of what "Casey wants".


Casey didn't have to go to school or get a job or look after her child or provide for her child. Everything was done for her. People do things because there is a payoff. They don't change if there continues to be a payoff.

Perhaps if some of those things were cut off a long time ago we wouldn't have a thread about a murdered child.
Everyone on this forum that has had experience with sociopaths has said that the truth is sprinkled within all the lies so with that...

The defense said "Caylee drowned in the pool by accident and the events spiraled out of control"

What if the truth is Caylee drowned in the pool but it wasn't an ACCIDENT...

I also wondered if Caylee drowned (or however she died) if it wasn't a deliberate act that could appear like an accident. If you are home alone, telling Caylee its swim time and deliberately leaving the door to the pool open and just letting nature takes its course.
I have a question for those that agree with the verdict I guess
Cause those of us that are infuriated by the verdict feel we have a pretty good idea

So how did Caylee's body get to the woods
If it wasn't in Casey car , as the defense protested ,then how did it get transported. They didn't conceed that it was the white pontiac but george was the one that drove it, they fought tooth and nail that there was a body in that car

I presume its not resonable that someone walked there with a dead child
Caylee didn't put herself there

Is your answer George's car, hmmmm
So given a choice between Casey car, with the smell, the hair, the stain, the chloroform, the cadevar dog hitting on it, the driver/Casey lying about everthing surrounding Caylee's dissappearance and then going partying etc etc and ....George's car, your answer is George's car???

The body was in Casey's car. I believe GA had her car for several days after the 17th and the. I believe that because TL said that GA had her car. The car was at the tow yard after the 30th when TL returned. TL said they NEVER took Casey's car anywhere. She complained of the smell the 24th or 25th and said her dad must have run over something.
I have researched the pings from the 20th- when BB said her car was backed in the 3rd time. I do not believe she was at the house with her car that day. I know she ran out of gas on the 20th and the 27th both Fridays. TL said they broke in the shed the 23rd for cans.
I can't figure it out!
Did we ever hear how she got gas the 20th? cause she went to Fusian that night.But was pinging moving around in the after noon.
I need to look at that day again.
Everyone on this forum that has had experience with sociopaths has said that the truth is sprinkled within all the lies so with that...

The defense said "Caylee drowned in the pool by accident and the events spiraled out of control"

What if the truth is Caylee drowned in the pool but it wasn't an ACCIDENT...

Thank you. This idea has been like a hobgoblin lurking in the back of my mind.

JB's pool accident details were elastic. So ICA might have been able to use the pool as a weapon before GA found Caylee in the pool.

But if GA found Caylee in the pool, I don't see why he would then hide this true story from the world, even to this day.

And if GA wanted Caylee's body hidden, due to his own foul play, we must believe he then went to work later that day, and just left Caylee lying around somewhere for ICA to manipulate and for CA to come home and discover.

This would be strange behavior for someone trying to hide Caylee's body at all costs. IMO, the true story falls into place better with GA out of the loop until CA's 911 call.

So how did Caylee's body get to the woods

*respectfully snipped*

Accident or Murder, regardless of who put Caylee there or drove her body down the road, her body was transported in Caseys car.

I think the defense argued vehemently against it, because thats the story Casey put forth to the defense to tell. She is the client. The defense team essentially work for her.
Maybe she celebrated Caylee drowning so she did not have to actually kill her...who knows. We are not talking about the average family here, and there is nothing normal about Casey, IMO.

IMO this is actually a very perceptive observation. But if true, then ICA took a hellacious risk by celebrating in conjunction with lying for years to cover up this fortunate accident, knowing that Caylee's body was a quarter mile away with duct tape on it.

And ICA's entire Pontiac Sunfire fiasco---three relatives confirming the car had a powerful scent of death, and the Amscot abandonment---didn't exactly enhance ICA's aura of innocence.

For an innocent party, ICA just seemed to act rather recklessly with her own legal interests, needlessly drawing suspicion to herself.
Thank you. This idea has been like a hobgoblin lurking in the back of my mind.

JB's pool accident details were elastic. So ICA might have been able to use the pool as a weapon before GA found Caylee in the pool.

But if GA found Caylee in the pool, I don't see why he would then hide this true story from the world, even to this day.

And if GA wanted Caylee's body hidden, due to his own foul play, we must believe he then went to work later that day, and just left Caylee lying around somewhere for ICA to manipulate and for CA to come home and discover.

This would be strange behavior for someone trying to hide Caylee's body at all costs. IMO, the true story falls into place better with GA out of the loop until CA's 911 call.


First and foremost...this family is SCREWED UP and TWISTED beyond comprehension. The truth will never be known because NONE of the Anthony's are capable of telling the truth.

I have a few theories on how Caylee's death could have gone down. All of my theories are based on the catalyst for Caylee's Death, the arguement on June 15th, where Cindy chokes and tells Casey she's going to take Caylee away from her. Casey Hates Cindy. Not because Caylee loves her more and not because Cindy loves Caylee more but because Cindy is just a psycho, controlling, manipulative biotch.

Theory One: Murder
June 16th after George leaves for work Casey and Caylee come home. They go for a swim and Casey drowned her. Then set it up to look like a kidnapping gone wrong. The body was only in the trunk for a short period. Long enough to swing around the corner after the burial in the back yard didn't work. George isn't involved.

Theory Two: Accident
June 15th Cindy and Caylee come home and go for a swim. Casey shows up wants to swim. Cindy says no Caylee is tired, hands Caylee off to Casey to bath her and get her ready for bed. Cindy is fuming and forgets the ladder up. Casey gets Caylee ready for bed. Cindy confronts Casey about the money. All hell breaks loose. Casey tells Cindy if she tries to take Caylee aways from her, Casey will tell them that George & Lee had been molesting her and Cindy knew about it and did nothing to stop it. Casey leaves without Caylee. Cindy and George assume that Casey took Caylee, because when Casey is mad she always takes Caylee from Cindy. The next day Casey comes home to "get ready for work" and George asks where is Caylee? Casey tells him she left her at home. They go out to the pool and there is Caylee. She's been there since the night before. They stage a cover up because they would all be charged with child neglect. This is why the ribs aren't broken signaling an attempt to resuscitate. She been dead for over 12 hours. George is involved in the cover up.

Theory three: Accident
June 16th Casey and Caylee leave for "work". After George leaves for his job, Casey and Caylee come home. Casey is on the computer and Caylee gets out and into the pool. After an hour Casey finds Caylee. In a panic, she calls Cindy and George. When no one answers she tries to bury Caylee like the family buried the pets. She duct tape her mouth and wraps Caylee in her favorite blanket, double bags her with her favorite things. When she can't bury her in the backyard she drives around with her for a day or so because she really doesn't know what to do and can't bear to part with her. Once the smell gets too bad she drops her off in the place she used to hang out with her friends. George is not involved in the disposal. BUT he is involved after the fact when he picks up the car from the tow yard. He's an EX-COP. He knows what that smell is. He also knows HOW TO CLEAN UP A CRIME SCENE. He either stops before he gets home or he does this once he is home. He opens the wheel well and finds liquid goop with maggots. At this point HE KNOWS Caylee is DEAD. He gets the pool shock powder and dumps it in the trunk, along with other cleaning agents he can find and hoses it down until all the goop and bugs are gone he also vaccums and rinses the trunk liner.

Take your pick of scenerios and run with.
I'm a counselor - I have a BS in Psychology & MS in Counseling & Human Development, and the psychologist doesn't believe she is. And she's certainly not smart enough to fool him.
Are you referring to Dr. Krops?
My big question is about the PhotoBucket images and sayings, particularly the stuff uploaded between 6/15 - 7/16.

We know these were stipulated to by both sides and entered into evidence, right? It looked like a big packet of papers if I recall. Do we KNOW if the jury actually SAW THOSE IMAGES AND SAYINGS? Of course we know they didn't review ANYTHING in the jury room, so I am speculating that they missed reviewing all that information. And imo, those images were a pristine view into Casey's mind and thoughts at the time, and would have been very valuable for the jury to review.

Anyone know?
I think they just saw a couple of the photos with her smiling all goofy in the blue dress. They didn't see any of the avatars and such.
How did Caylee get in the woods? a theory
Noon-2:00 pm moderate level of user activity on desktop
2:00-4:00 pm extremely high level of user activity on desktop
2:00-4:00 pm extremely high level of user activity on laptop
2:12 pm KC calls Gentiva, 2.5 minute conversation.
both computers are being used and KC is driving
2:18 pm KC’s cell phone pings show her tracking southward. KC’s cell phone pings then show her at or near the Anthony home until 2:45 pm.
2:18 pm KC calls AH, 9 minute conversation.
2:29 pm KC calls RM, 1 minute duration.
2:30 pm KC receives call from DRF, 7.6 minute conversation. (This is most likely RM calling KC back.)
2:44 pm KC attempts to call TL.
2:44 pm KC attempts to call TL. (37 seconds after last call)
2:45 pm KC attempts to call CH.
2:45 pm KC attempts to call CH. (35 seconds after last call)
KC’s cell phone pings show her in the area of Lee Vista Blvd and T.P.C. drive to the west of the Anthony home.
2:49 pm TL calls KC, 50 second phone call.
No activity on phone for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
4:00-5:00 pm User activity on KC’s laptop.
4:00-11:00 pm no activity on desktop (GA at work from 3:00 to 11:00 pm)

From ping map produced by Websleuths here for KC’s cell phone activity on 06/17/08, KC appears to have stayed at TL’s apartment until around 2:20 pm (Pings 1-3). She then is in the Anthony home/LA home/location where remains would be found area until as late as 4:30 pm (Pings 4-9). She is then very near AR’s home and Jay Blanchard Park area from 4:36 pm (Ping 9A, 10) to at least 6:31 pm (Hess gas station receipt provided by TL). There are no cell phone pings from 5:23 pm to 8:23 pm. This is the most likely time KC visited CS. From 8:23 pm on she is at TL’s apartment (Pings 11-12).
KC was driving TL's jeep even filled it up with gas.
2:15 pm KC calls AH, 23 minute duration.
**2:48 pm KC attempts to call Gentiva.error this is George!
2:49 pm KC attempts to call CA’s cell
2:49 pm KC attempts to call CA’s cell (25 seconds after last call)
2:49 pm KC attempts to call CA’s cell (16 seconds after last call)
2:50 pm KC calls CA’s cell, 1 minute duration
2:55 pm KC attempts to call TL
2:59 pm KC calls AH, 13 minute duration
3:12 pm KC calls JG, 2 minute durati
KC adds 6 photos of her at Fusion to her myspace page.

If KC was AT THE HOUSE from 2:42-2:55 and had this GAS CAN DRAMA Why was she calling her dad at WORK if she was standing there talking to him? How did they have the gas can baby sitter I gotta go to work chucks to rotate moms tires conversation? She called ON THE PHONE!(maybe a butt dial?)
June 24, 2008 (Tues)
Casey Anthony Calls:
06/24/2008 Phone Log
Casey called Lexus
(George's Work)
@ 407-671-0000
06/24/08 02:48pm 0min

From ping map produced by Websleuths here for KC’s cell phone activity on 06/24/08, KC appears to have stayed at TL’s apartment until about 2:15 pm (Pings 1-5). She is then in the area of the Antony home/LA home/location where remains would be found from around 2:42 to 2:55 pm (Pings 6-8). She then appears to have spent the rest of the day at TL’s apartment (Pings 9-22).
Imo KC picked her car up from the Anthony home and THE SMELL
KC has phone call with AH and talks about horrible smell in her car. Talks about smell more than one day. Says she doesn’t know what it is but speculates her dad may have ran over something when he borrowed it. Says “it smells like something died in my car”. Says the engine is the source of the smell
Week of 23-27: GA claims he sees KC leaving the Anthony house in his wife’s vehicle GA admits KC didn't have that car!!!and chases her down the 408. GA also states this could have been the week of the 16th.
GA lied about this too no Epass AT all says must have happened in April?
http://www.examiner.com/crime-in-na...rge-anthony-s-prosecution-deposition-august-5 pg 192
Gas cans stolen and reported... duct tape added to cans body in trunk KC was not in possesion of the car IMO. At 2:43 she stopped by to pick it up and called dad at work at 2:48 to ask WTH that smell was.

MOO- and I'm sticking to it.

WAY too hinky for me. This sounds like a set up through and through.
Add then he poured that concrete patio poured the same day as
Cindy wrote "MY Caylee is missing"!!! July 3
not -guilty IMO

I respect everyone who finds her guilty.
I am only answering how Caylee got in the woods.
The night of the 23rd by GA or CA. after Casey ran out of gas and broke in the shed.
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