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Like I said, I have no clue WHY it was broken, but I do feel it was CHOSEN because it was right there. To get a tool or kitchen utensil required going to the garage or kitchen, something that would have been inopportune at the moment. We've all seen (or should have) the photos of the R basement. Especially the train room and hallway. They are CRAMMED with stuff. But the paint tote was right there- right next to where I believe KB was garroted and died. On a carpeted area just outside the WC where urine saints were found on the carpet.

I'd say if they can write a staged ransom note from kitchen pen and paper then they can darned well grab a kitchen utensil or garage tool for the other staging. Unless you think the garrote was for real?
I'd say if they can write a staged ransom note from kitchen pen and paper then they can darned well grab a kitchen utensil or garage tool for the other staging. Unless you think the garrote was for real?

The RN was written after she was dead. No need to get out of the house, as they already lived there. Could they have gone to the kitchen and gotten something else? Sure- I guess so, but again, why would they when they had the paint tote full of brushes right there. To me, the brush was used because it was there, not because in and of itself it was important.
Well, it wasn't a real garrote. A real garrote has no knots and is not wound around the neck with a "handle". A real garrote is a length of cord or something similar pulled by the ends with both hands.
Was the garrote real? That is a different matter. We all agree she was alive when it was used. Whether the perp knew she was alive or was actually intending to kill her (rather than stage the crime to look like she was strangled) is something that can't be proven. Some RDI speculate it was staging and they didn't know she was alive. Many IDI believe she was strangled to be killed. Some believe (even some RDI) that the garrote was part of sex play.
I believe that she was bashed on the head first and collapsed instantly. She went into severe shock or coma, which would have lowered her breathing, pulse and body temperature to the point where an untrained person would have thought she was dead. The skull fracture wasn't seen until she was autopsied, and I don't believe the perp knew that huge crack and hole was there. But they DID know they had a dead child to explain. So they had to devise this elaborate kidnapping/murder because they couldn't call 911 and say she was bashed on the head.
The RN was written after she was dead. No need to get out of the house, as they already lived there. Could they have gone to the kitchen and gotten something else? Sure- I guess so, but again, why would they when they had the paint tote full of brushes right there. To me, the brush was used because it was there, not because in and of itself it was important.
Well, it wasn't a real garrote. A real garrote has no knots and is not wound around the neck with a "handle". A real garrote is a length of cord or something similar pulled by the ends with both hands.
Was the garrote real? That is a different matter. We all agree she was alive when it was used. Whether the perp knew she was alive or was actually intending to kill her (rather than stage the crime to look like she was strangled) is something that can't be proven. Some RDI speculate it was staging and they didn't know she was alive. Many IDI believe she was strangled to be killed. Some believe (even some RDI) that the garrote was part of sex play.
I believe that she was bashed on the head first and collapsed instantly. She went into severe shock or coma, which would have lowered her breathing, pulse and body temperature to the point where an untrained person would have thought she was dead. The skull fracture wasn't seen until she was autopsied, and I don't believe the perp knew that huge crack and hole was there. But they DID know they had a dead child to explain. So they had to devise this elaborate kidnapping/murder because they couldn't call 911 and say she was bashed on the head.

Well you yourself said that you dont' know why the paintbrush was broken, and I'm saying breaking a one half inch paintbrush isnt exactly silent once let alone twice. I'm also saying there are many other better objects besides an excessively long paintbrush to use to stage a strangulation. Interesting that most strangulations don't use a handle at all, so RDI is staging an uncommon strangulation with uncommon ransom note?

Its truly a phenomenon, the selection of the oversize paintbrush over more readily available objects.

Now then if the paintbrush had some intrinsic value to the perp then it would be worth it to him to not only select it over other objects, but to go thru the extra steps of breaking it twice.
Well you yourself said that you dont' know why the paintbrush was broken, and I'm saying breaking a one half inch paintbrush isnt exactly silent once let alone twice. I'm also saying there are many other better objects besides an excessively long paintbrush to use to stage a strangulation. Interesting that most strangulations don't use a handle at all, so RDI is staging an uncommon strangulation with uncommon ransom note?

Its truly a phenomenon, the selection of the oversize paintbrush over more readily available objects.

Now then if the paintbrush had some intrinsic value to the perp then it would be worth it to him to not only select it over other objects, but to go thru the extra steps of breaking it twice.

A paintbrush snapping in another room 2 or 3 floors below you behind a basement door would not be the bunker bustin' sound you are imagining. It would sound like the house settling as they creak and pop all the time.
The paintbrush may have seemed a better choice to the perp.

It isn't what you or others might choose but it is what he/she chose.

You can't condemn the R's or an IDI based on the fact that you would have done it differently.
How does selecting the paintbrush and then standing on it help staging? If you stand on that paintbrush and break it twice, I'll hear it all over the house!

Its clear just how much thought has gone into RDI. When it comes to breaking the paintbrush, nobody knows WHO, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, or HOW.

Its a lot to not know. Really it is.

When do you suppose it was broken? I mean it looks to be about a half inch stick, breaking twice. Someone could hear it!

Why pick a paintbrush in the first place? Why not a kitchen utensil or a garage tool or just a stick or branch?

So how does this fit your IDI theory? If it would be SO loud to snap the brush, why didn't the Ramseys come running. You seem to be speaking out of both sides of your mouth on this one. As for why your IDI chose a LOUD piece of wood that had to be snapped and make SO much noise, don't you think that might have been a fatal error?

Not too smart for someone who could break into a house for extended hours, bring Jon Benet silently to the basement, take the time to torture and kill her, writing a note that makes absolutely no sense to any of the experts who have studied it and disappeared, NEVER to be seen or heard from again.

Oh sure, that just makes a whole lot of sense. NOT!!!
Among the conflicting signals in the ransom note is this: Lots of things suggest an "inside job" (as JR himself admitted). The author of the note seems to know a lot about JR. Especially his business. And yet, the author does *not* seem to know him personally, because he (she?) mistakenly refers to his "southern charm". Which suggests the author knows OF JR, and has been given information ABOUT JR, and yet doesn't actually know him. I know this has been observed many times before, but it is relevant here. It would fit this being a *corporate/political* type of crime. And it would also match the claim made that the author(s) "represent* someone (a sff). They have been given info about Ramsey but have misconstrued one aspect of it. Of course, the blooper about John's "southern charm" counts against Patsy-wrote-it theories - although there are ways around it.
Among the conflicting signals in the ransom note is this: Lots of things suggest an "inside job" (as JR himself admitted). The author of the note seems to know a lot about JR. Especially his business. And yet, the author does *not* seem to know him personally, because he (she?) mistakenly refers to his "southern charm". Which suggests the author knows OF JR, and has been given information ABOUT JR, and yet doesn't actually know him. I know this has been observed many times before, but it is relevant here. It would fit this being a *corporate/political* type of crime. And it would also match the claim made that the author(s) "represent* someone (a sff). They have been given info about Ramsey but have misconstrued one aspect of it. Of course, the blooper about John's "southern charm" counts against Patsy-wrote-it theories - although there are ways around it.

Unfortunately, or in the case of the killer, Fortunately, there is always 'ways around it.'. That is what keeps us here, posting to bring justice to Jon Benet.

You know though, after so many years and such little effort by the family to find the killer, you would think they would relish the fact that LE is once again gathering information, trying to find the killer. You would think that John would welcome the chance to sit face to face with LE, or to have Burke share any and all information with the possibility of garnering new information.

Hmmm, wonder why that isn't so?
Mornin' Sunnie! I agree. Add to that the fact that I have not seen even one article about how appreciative John Ramsey is that LE is still trying to find the killer of his daughter! Oh yeah, that's right, that's because he knows they are only trying to frame him and Patsy. That's just sad on so many levels....
A paintbrush snapping in another room 2 or 3 floors below you behind a basement door would not be the bunker bustin' sound you are imagining. It would sound like the house settling as they creak and pop all the time.
The paintbrush may have seemed a better choice to the perp.

It isn't what you or others might choose but it is what he/she chose.

You can't condemn the R's or an IDI based on the fact that you would have done it differently.

Do we actually know that this paintbrush WAS from the set that PR bought only a few months previously? The pictures of the stick (supposedly a paintbrush from the 'tote' containing PR's painting equipment) looked very old and weatherbeaten to have been hers. The fact that it was broken BOTH ENDS is curious, especially as the remains of the broken shards from only ONE END were found.

I'd like to suggest that it was more likely an old brush left by the house painter who also left the tins of paint in the winecellar?
Among the conflicting signals in the ransom note is this: Lots of things suggest an "inside job" (as JR himself admitted). The author of the note seems to know a lot about JR. Especially his business. And yet, the author does *not* seem to know him personally, because he (she?) mistakenly refers to his "southern charm". Which suggests the author knows OF JR, and has been given information ABOUT JR, and yet doesn't actually know him. I know this has been observed many times before, but it is relevant here. It would fit this being a *corporate/political* type of crime. And it would also match the claim made that the author(s) "represent* someone (a sff). They have been given info about Ramsey but have misconstrued one aspect of it. Of course, the blooper about John's "southern charm" counts against Patsy-wrote-it theories - although there are ways around it.

Plenum, I don't think the words "southern charm" appear anywhere in the RN. I think what you might mean is "Use that good southern common sense of yours". You might think I'm being pedantic, but to interpret "southern common sense" as meaning the same as "southern charm" is quite misleading.

Why would someone spend the extra time, make the extra noise, fabricating something where other items were readily available. It makes no sense unless the paintbrush had some INTRINSIC VALUE.

Someone WENT OUT OF THEIR WAY to pick THAT EXACT ITEM when other items that were readily available would work.

There was something peculiar about that paintbrush that attracted the perp. Otherwise another object requiring less work and making less noise would've been chosen.

I agree,this is one of the reasons I believe (if RDI)that someone in that house was a very sick puppy.

Question for RDI: why was the paintbrush broken not once but twice, and how does breaking the paintbrush help staging?

We don't know whether the missing piece was broken and "lost" that night or before the murder with another occasion,no one asked PR about it IIRC.
I personally don't believe she was sexually assaulted with that paintbrush.
Do we actually know that this paintbrush WAS from the set that PR bought only a few months previously? The pictures of the stick (supposedly a paintbrush from the 'tote' containing PR's painting equipment) looked very old and weatherbeaten to have been hers. The fact that it was broken BOTH ENDS is curious, especially as the remains of the broken shards from only ONE END were found.

I'd like to suggest that it was more likely an old brush left by the house painter who also left the tins of paint in the winecellar?


I do not know. I only know what the LE have released as alleged evidence. You may be correct, but what tins of paint are you referring to?

What difference does it make if the paintbrush was actually left there by a house-painter? The person who fashioned the garrote plainly thought its remains belonged in the paint-tote. Or do you reckon someone is trying to frame Patsy. Someone suggested this before e.g. her fibers are in the wine-cellar because someone else wore her jacket?

I find the paintbrush a very odd item of evidence in this crime. It is conceivable, I think, that it was broken twice in order to isolate the word "Korea". Why the remainder of the brush has not been found is very mysterious. But did anyone really look for it?
Sorry going bact to the broken paintbrush, I may have missed something but, could the paintbrush already have been broken before that night? I don't mean specifically for the purpose it was used for that night but just in general. Things get broken.
Sorry going bact to the broken paintbrush, I may have missed something but, could the paintbrush already have been broken before that night? I don't mean specifically for the purpose it was used for that night but just in general. Things get broken.


Yes , but from memory, both ends of the garrote stick display similar ageing wrt to when it may have been broken.

I find the paintbrush a very odd item of evidence in this crime. It is conceivable, I think, that it was broken twice in order to isolate the word "Korea". Why the remainder of the brush has not been found is very mysterious. But did anyone really look for it?

I find the paintbrush a very odd item of evidence in this crime.
This was its intended impact, Lou Smit used it to paint a profile of a sadistic pedophile.

I reckon they did search for the missing piece, but likely after the event. Its a possibility that it was left inside JonBenet, to further the staging effect, and that this has been redacted, just as the color of the duct-tape was.

Otherwise it may have been lost in the confusion and mess of the crime-scene investigation. Occams Razor suggests the latter as the most likely.

Do we actually know that this paintbrush WAS from the set that PR bought only a few months previously? The pictures of the stick (supposedly a paintbrush from the 'tote' containing PR's painting equipment) looked very old and weatherbeaten to have been hers. The fact that it was broken BOTH ENDS is curious, especially as the remains of the broken shards from only ONE END were found.

I'd like to suggest that it was more likely an old brush left by the house painter who also left the tins of paint in the winecellar?

An art brush and a paintbrush used by a professional are very different. Even the small "cut in" brushes used by professional or even week end DIY'ers is very different. The art brush would wear out very very quickly if used for wall painting.
An art brush and a paintbrush used by a professional are very different. Even the small "cut in" brushes used by professional or even week end DIY'ers is very different. The art brush would wear out very very quickly if used for wall painting.

As a former house painter I'd have to agree. I rarely used a "cut in" brush that was less than 2.5 inches wide.

This was its intended impact, Lou Smit used it to paint a profile of a sadistic pedophile.

I reckon they did search for the missing piece, but likely after the event. Its a possibility that it was left inside JonBenet, to further the staging effect, and that this has been redacted, just as the color of the duct-tape was.

Otherwise it may have been lost in the confusion and mess of the crime-scene investigation. Occams Razor suggests the latter as the most likely.


Or, the brush had been broken on one end sometime before the crime (days/weeks/months). If it was used to cause damage to JBR, it may have been selected because it was broken, and would do more damage than an unbroken brush. An already broken brush is likely to leave behind "befringement" material.

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