What statements do you think will impact the jury the most?

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DNA Solves
- Oh, my god! Calling you guys? A waste, a huge waste.
- Why are you calling now? Why didn't you call 31 days ago?
- No child should have duct tape on their body.
- She's close. She's very close.
- There must have been a dead animal plastered to the frame of my car.
- They just want Caylee back.
- It smells like there's been a dead body in the back of the damn car.
- Everyone lies. Everyone dies.
They haven't heard this yet, but when they do:

'Please don't take my sunshine away'

is going to impact them dreadfully. Just typing it has made me cry. That darling sunny little girl with her whole life in front of her, taken away.
What statements do I think will impact the jury the most?

The "statements" presented by the jury's daily observation of Casey Anthony's visual image may very well have a lasting impact.


I know this, and other screen captures made by some of our members, speaks loudly to me.

I saw this on live feed. I actually couldnt believe it at the time. To casey this is just one big game and baez is her boyfriend sticking up for her.
And KC on video talking at the police station:

... some detective trying to trick a confession out of me, and that's not going to happen.
For me, that cold heartless conversation with Yuri Melich at the home (no emotion whatsoever). Add to that the Universal Studios conversation, and how she said going there was to find Caylee in a "backwards sort of way".

Both of those tapes were too much for me to take in. I hope the jury feels the same.


Having heard the tapes & seen the videos before the trial have, I suppose, dulled me to some of their impact but clearly the jury will be as stunned as everyone else hearing them for the first time.
The things I didn't know before hand have really stuck with me. There was a moment during Ricardo's testimony that has stuck in my head & speaks to the type of 'parent' this woman was: Caylee slept in the bed with her & her boyfriend. This really hasn't been remarked upon but for me it was a 'whoa !' moment.
Also, the complete meltdown of Dr S on cross accusing the Medical Examiner of staging the photos of Caylee's skull & hair left me speachless. Just such a stunning moment that had to have left the jury disgusted.
The defense showing all the photos of garbage from the crime scene was heartbreaking. How is it possible for the entire team of defense lawyers to be so obtuse as to not realize how disturbing & revolting that was ? Up to that point who knew it was a 'garbage dump' ? How can they be so desensitized to the fact they are talking about a little girl ? My God they even have their experts calling her a "sub adult".
Most impactful was Cindy's testimony. She made Caylee real, made her alive. She was Caylee's voice in the court room & her grief is a real grief of real love for a real little girl. It remains the only time during the trial were I could sense this little girls presence. Caylee is & always will be alive in her loving grandmother's heart & she became alive again when Cindy spoke.
Many for me, most that have been mentioned.

Jesse Grund the fact she dumped him because he loved caylee more than her.
One of her friends quoting casey "OMG I am such a good liar"
The blockbuster CCTV footage of the day caylee died
The fact george saw caylee in her "big trouble T shirt and shorts the same ones she was found in. Also caylees bag in the car, no pull ups touched, no dirty clothes.

Actually, he stated a completely different outfit NOT what she was found in.
I think things have gotten bogged down a bit during the trial. I'm pretty sure that the Pros will sum it up nicely and the things that will impact the jury will be

31 days
dead body in the trunk of a car only ICA used
dumped in a "garbage dump"

But the most compelling testimony will be that of ICA's demeanor during this whole trial. It's just not "right". Her laughing during awful descriptive testimony of bugs and maggots and bones being chewed on and wrapping piggies in a blanket. If that was MY child they were talking about and she was dead by some accident, I would be on the floor in a fetal position moaning from some of the horrific things that were being said about my child.

If it was an accident, where is the guilt, grief, remorse the horror at the indignities her child suffered and the way she is being dehumanized by the DT. I don't see any of that in ICA which can only lead me to believe that she has no guilt, grief or remorse which further leads me to believe that she doesn't mind that Caylee is gone or that she actually wanted her gone which AGAIN leads me to believe that she is the one who made her "gone". GUILTY
What statements do I think will impact the jury the most?

The "statements" presented by the jury's daily observation of Casey Anthony's visual image may very well have a lasting impact.


I know this, and other screen captures made by some of our members, speaks loudly to me.

This picture makes my blood boil! What the HE77 does she think she is doing, flirting around at her own murder trial in which she's facing death for killing her own child?!? I didn't see this live.. was it Baez she was summoning?
Dr. G - 'there is no child that should have duct tape on it's face when it dies and there's no reason to put duct tape on the face after they die." ..'the circumstances of death didn't fit anything but a homicide."
Gotta add one:

JB (paraphrased): It was early morning, no, early afternoon, no, make it the early morning that Caylee Anthony drowned.

Wasn't that UNBELIEVABLE?!?!? I nearly fell out of my chair when he waffled like that. WTG Jose!
They haven't heard this yet, but when they do:

'Please don't take my sunshine away'

is going to impact them dreadfully. Just typing it has made me cry. That darling sunny little girl with her whole life in front of her, taken away.

I hope the jury sees that video and I hope JA uses it in closing arguments. ICA took Caylee's sunshine away forever.
I would have been a horrible juror in this case.As soon as I would have heard that first call home from jail where Casey says to Kristina Chester... "all they care about is Caylee",I would have found her guilty right then and there.

That entire phone call to me proved what an uncaring spiteful "b" she was.100% guilty!The hell with the forensics.
I agree that Dr G's statements (paraphrasing here) about there being no reason for a child to have duct tape on their face and the statement about 100% of all drownings being reported will have a huge emotional impact.
LDB rocked me in my boots when she said, "TRASH DUMP".:rocker:
Casey on the phone, from jail, with her mother: Cindy essentially begs for whatever Casey knows about where Caylee is, and Caseydoesn't just lie and stonewall--she gets angry. Right beside Cindy is George, who clearly knows no more than Cindy. Once the DT admitted that Caylee was never "missing," that tape sinks them.
Dr. G - 'there is no child that should have duct tape on it's face when it dies and there's no reason to put duct tape on the face after they die." ..'the circumstances of death didn't fit anything but a homicide."
The comments by Dr.G were without a doubt the most damning and memorable, also the first phone call home from jail was unforgettable, the jurors will never forget how *itchy and cold ICA was to her family on that call.
In light of the defense theory that the body was moved somehow (which I think is a weird tactic to take... like she was planning to carefully bury the baby somewhere peaceful and serene but someone else waited until ICA was in jail and then dumped her in this garbage dump?) I think the most compelling testimony for me (as an admitted forensic junkie) was Dr. Shultz' testimony that the body had been scavenged by animals before it was completely decomposed, and that the various sections and limbs were found together. Especially the vertebrae being altogether, which I think would be very difficult for someone to "stage" and the right hand/arm being together and the left hand/arm being together. As I mentioned in another thread, I don't think anyone but a forensic anthropologist would be able to distinguish the right thumb bones from the left thumb bones. And to me it doesn't matter if the skull was left, right, or sideways - if you can't name me someone with a motive and the educational background to put these bones in anatomical groups, then I have to go with the assumption that she was there since mid-June.
In my opinion:
-The 31 days
-Jailhouse tapes (including phone-call home about getting Tony´s number)
-Casey´s demeanor in court
-Dr. Vass´ "We were shocked" - about the strong odor. And what he said twice: "Thank God we don´t get that many children" (at the "Body Farm"), and "Well, fortunately we don´t get a lot of children." a little later.
-Dr. G´s testimony - although I am not convinced about the duct tape having been placed on poor Caylee prior to death.
-The whole dumpster scenario and gory details about decomposition (which the defense has revelled in!)

But I don´t think the prosecution has proven that it was premeditated murder. In my opinion, she cannot be sentenced to death on basis of what they have presented in evidence.

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