What statements do you think will impact the jury the most?

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Dr. G-- paraphrasing--
People call 911 when a child drowns.

There is never a reason to duct tape a child.

Children buried in trash bags are murdered.

Cindy A. quoting 911 call.
"It smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car."
Everything everyone else listed as well as Georges testimony about his "role" in sexually abusing his daughter, finding his grand-daughter dead, duct taping her face and dumping her. It was raw and real. He seemed incredibly genuine and it showed just how shocked and hurt he is over the allegations.
I also think the big mistake of the DT letting huntington show blown up photos of a decomposing pig in the trunk of a car. They now have that picture in their heads of Caylee decomposing in the car. Very risky in MO.

Tattoo artist: No she was really upbeat, then she bought us all pizza.
All the testimony from Haskell and the forensic anthropologist about how long the body had been in the woods.
the johnson's wrecker guy about GA's demeanor (worried, not guilty) and the smell in the car.
IMO, the whole first call in jail when all she cared about was getting Tony's number and all her family/friends cared about is Caylee was very telling
The text to Tony that said guess who is going to prison for life...
Gosh, I could go on and on...
This is not a statement, but the fact that ICA does NOT acknowledge her immediate family to me is huge. The fact she ignored CA's "I Love you" is huge too. It shows she hates her family and could have killed Caylee out of spite, just like she did.
GA and CA - they raised $250k to find Caylee, Gee that's half my bail.

And she said it practically before they got that sentence out of their mouths!

Was that the same interview where C and A are tallying their losses and ICA chimes in with I'm still here?
I would have been a horrible juror in this case.As soon as I would have heard that first call home from jail where Casey says to Kristina Chester... "all they care about is Caylee",I would have found her guilty right then and there.

That entire phone call to me proved what an uncaring spiteful "b" she was.100% guilty!The hell with the forensics.

CA really broke down on the stand when she was listening to the "If anything happens to that baby, Casey, I'll die" part. And then ICA's response was so chilling.

ETA: The part about Tony taking the whole day off to spend in bed with ICA I think it was the day after Caylee disappeared? That one makes me talk in tongues, too.
GA and CA - they raised $250k to find Caylee, Gee that's half my bail.

oohhh, I was going to put that on my post, but couldn't remember how it was worded. You know when ICA said to her parents that they had missed an opportunity to bail her out of jail? (that's on the jail tapes, too) -- It makes me wonder if she was trying to say they could have used the money they raised for Caylee to bail her out.
Having heard the tapes & seen the videos before the trial have, I suppose, dulled me to some of their impact but clearly the jury will be as stunned as everyone else hearing them for the first time.
The things I didn't know before hand have really stuck with me. There was a moment during Ricardo's testimony that has stuck in my head & speaks to the type of 'parent' this woman was: Caylee slept in the bed with her & her boyfriend. This really hasn't been remarked upon but for me it was a 'whoa !' moment.
Also, the complete meltdown of Dr S on cross accusing the Medical Examiner of staging the photos of Caylee's skull & hair left me speachless. Just such a stunning moment that had to have left the jury disgusted.
The defense showing all the photos of garbage from the crime scene was heartbreaking. How is it possible for the entire team of defense lawyers to be so obtuse as to not realize how disturbing & revolting that was ? Up to that point who knew it was a 'garbage dump' ? How can they be so desensitized to the fact they are talking about a little girl ? My God they even have their experts calling her a "sub adult".
Most impactful was Cindy's testimony. She made Caylee real, made her alive. She was Caylee's voice in the court room & her grief is a real grief of real love for a real little girl. It remains the only time during the trial were I could sense this little girls presence. Caylee is & always will be alive in her loving grandmother's heart & she became alive again when Cindy spoke.

Excellent post....thank you.
Actually, he stated a completely different outfit NOT what she was found in.

You know, I've been confused about that too. And I wonder....did anyone find the clothes that Gearge last saw her wearing? Remember KC's remark about " ...they haven't even found her clothes yet.."?
oohhh, I was going to put that on my post, but couldn't remember how it was worded. You know when ICA said to her parents that they had missed an opportunity to bail her out of jail? (that's on the jail tapes, too) -- It makes me wonder if she was trying to say they could have used the money they raised for Caylee to bail her out.

I sorta got that feeling also.
Oh, let's not forget driving around for four or five days with your decomposing daughter in the trunk. Horrific and monstrous.

eta: She's so scr*wed.
You know, I've been confused about that too. And I wonder....did anyone find the clothes that Gearge last saw her wearing? Remember KC's remark about " ...they haven't even found her clothes yet.."?

IMO this would be a powerful statement for the jury to hear... but they have not heard this, correct?
Cindy 911 call"Smell like a dead body been in car"

Casey to 911 "my daugther been missing 31 days" dispatcher to Casey "and you just calling now"

Dr. G. testified that Caylee's manner of death was homicide. However, she did not determine a cause of death. She outlined three factors that helped her come to her conclusion of homicide.

First, she explained, Caylee was not reported missing. She added that an accidental death, like a drowning, would have been reported.

Second, the Caylee's body was hidden.

Third, she explained that there was duct tape on Caylee's face.

She said, "There is no child that should have duct tape on its face when it dies. There is no reason to put duct tape on the face after they die. Based on our experience, we've seen this in cases of homicide."
Oh, and another classic ----

" Cuz I was ARRESTED on an effin' whim..."

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