What statements do you think will impact the jury the most?

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I agree with many of the statements, but if I were on the jury, what I would remember most is the look on Detective Yuri Melich's face and the look on her face when he took the stand. If I were guilty of anything, I would not want to come up against him. I am pretty sure that batting eyelashes won't work.
I think the biggest thing for me is the 31 days. I've stated before, my father was a defense attorney, I can find holes in everything! The one thing I can't get over or poke any holes in is the 31 days. That is admission of guilt in my books. At a minimum, it is admission of an accident that was covered up, at maximum it was premeditated murder. Nobody waits 31 days to report a child missing, nobody! Unless they are hiding something...
The lies + 31 days. I hope the state hammers that over and over in rebuttal and closing statements. Why should the jury believe the story the defense is selling when the defendant has been proven a liar. She was lying then and she's lying now. Nothing originating with the defendant is believable. Friends and family have testified she is nothing but a liar. LIES, LIES, LIES, LIES, LIES, LIES.

I hope the State reminds the the jury to connect the dots, follow the timeline, the evidence and witness testimony to reach their verdict of guilty.
after sitting back and putting it all together. The defense has to have their day.. and in fact when I look back it is nothing but a change of story for the most part.. ok so the just is listening and taking notes.. they were waiting for this.
Logic says that accidental drowning makes no sence.
The forensics I feel out weigh the defense experts.
The 911 call, ICA actions after the fact of child missing.
Police interogation with lie after lie.

but in the end..logic.. the Anthony's may in fact make the jury clearly see that mommy and brother simply want to minipulate facts. So the lone juror we may see this as reasonable doubt.. lets hope the others show her the way of evisence, logic and what makes sence.

Let the defense call crunk and river cruz... to me not real issue in this... whom else can they call that will admitt abuse.. and IF even so.. what about therapy reports and diag. of post tramatic stress disorder or any disorder.. if they had that.. would opening statements would be mentioned.

The more i think about it...let JB run his circus.. the conviction will come.. I do not care what charges she is convicted on .. as long as life behind bars untill she naturally passes away in old age would be justice for me.
The 31 days, the dozens of lies, the video at Blockbuster on the same day her daughter allegedly drowned, the partying including pictures, the first jailhouse phone call, the jailhouse videos, the wild goose chase she took LE on to Sawgrass apartments and Universal, the interrogation tapes, and the duct tape, garbage bags and laundry bag from her own house.

I just don't see how the jury can acquit her if they consider all of the above. Even with the ridiculous OS Baez gave, CA's lies and LA's bizarre behavior on the stand, that doesn't change those things.

forget what i said above in post 110. i didn't realize the extent to which lee had been left out of pregnancy news!!! he confronted her/cindy over and over again and continually was told to butt out, wasn't told about the pregnancy until casey was giving birth, and just generally left out of the biggest news in the household. if they didn't want him at the birth that's one thing. but to not even keep him in the loop? so not cool!!!
forget what i said above in post 110. i didn't realize the extent to which lee had been left out of pregnancy news!!! he confronted her/cindy over and over again and continually was told to butt out, wasn't told about the pregnancy until casey was giving birth, and just generally left out of the biggest news in the household. if they didn't want him at the birth that's one thing. but to not even keep him in the loop? so not cool!!!

That's o.k. ladylurker, I felt really bad for Lee. I don't understand how keeping him away from his first niece was beneficial to the family. I wonder what's going to happen when he has his first child? I don't think he will treat his parents the same way he was treated, but his wife may be a different story.
There should never be duck tape across a child's mouth per ME.

They will remember what was said about the molestation of Casey, but there has been no proof of that and besides, what's that got to do with this case???

It smells like there has been a dead body in the damn car.

Dr. Vass - about the cloroform (sp) and the smell of decomposition.

Plus all the lies and then the party for 31 days.
As many others have said, without a doubt, Cindy's 911 call and statement "it smells like there's been a dead body in the back of the damn car."

Three years later, that is what I hear over and over and over again in my head.

The secondest biggest statement for me would be Baez's graphic claim of what GA allegedly did to ICA. Once they get past the '#!?#!#!!' of that all and realize it doesn't have anything to do w/ the case before them, if they can get past it and separate that, the first one will overwhelm them.
I think what will impact the jury the most is that Beaz didn't prove anything he said he would in the opening statements. and I think that will get her life in prison.
i think the state's opening statement will have the most impact, which has been supported by a lot of testimony. "day 1, casey... where was caylee? day 2, casey... where was caylee? day 31, casey... where was caylee?" just a great, well laid out opening pitch that was a death blow to the defense.

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