What was Casey's plan?

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DNA Solves
I think she had murderous thoughts and ideas toward Caylee and possibly even toward her parents for a long time.

It is apparent that she has a huge ego and had a grandiose sense that she could get away with anything.

I think she acted on her ideas--and I think her ideas were twisted and chaotic and far from an organized plan, but were premeditated and intentional nonetheless.
Yes. I agree 100%.
Did Bundy have a plan, or Gacey or any of the other psycho killers who we have unfortunately become familiar with? No. KC had no long-term, forward-thinking plan. She thought about getting rid of Caylee, did it and went on about her business without any plan other than to keep lying about Caylee's location. Once the seed of murder was planted in her evil mind, it nagged at her until she accomplished the killing.

We can try to discern her reasoning, but it is as futile. She is a sick and twisted person. What did LP say? "She has an evil little mind." He knows what he is talking about.
She has been caught because her thinking is abnormal disorganized and
doesnt work on the linear line of logic and reason. She resides in la la land.

No one was more surprised by the focus and attention on this than KC . She hardly gave Caylee a thought . In her fanasty a few days and
the focus would have been on other things .

There was no plan - she acted and reacted to the circumstances at hand
all based on her needs and wants at any given time.
Did Bundy have a plan, or Gacey or any of the other psycho killers who we have unfortunately become familiar with? No. KC had no long-term, forward-thinking plan. She thought about getting rid of Caylee, did it and went on about her business without any plan other than to keep lying about Caylee's location. Once the seed of murder was planted in her evil mind, it nagged at her until she accomplished the killing.

We can try to discern her reasoning, but it is as futile. She is a sick and twisted person. What did LP say? "She has an evil little mind." He knows what he is talking about.

But the difference between Casey and other psycho serial killers is that this wasn't a random person that she killed and had no connection with, this was her child and she wouldn't be able to go on pretending nothing happened. She would have to eventually answer to where Caylee was.
I think she had murderous thoughts and ideas toward Caylee and possibly even toward her parents for a long time.

It is apparent that she has a huge ego and had a grandiose sense that she could get away with anything.

I think she acted on her ideas--and I think her ideas were twisted and chaotic and far from an organized plan, but were premeditated and intentional nonetheless.

Great post. I think it sums it up perfectly.
I think she had murderous thoughts and ideas toward Caylee and possibly even toward her parents for a long time.

It is apparent that she has a huge ego and had a grandiose sense that she could get away with anything.

I think she acted on her ideas--and I think her ideas were twisted and chaotic and far from an organized plan, but were premeditated and intentional nonetheless.

I think you wrapped it up perfectly!
Another conspiracy type theory here - what did Casey plan? Heck she didn't plan her pregnancy - and when she saw that this baby requires responsiblity, I think she thought it was a game at first - a girl with her doll to dress up - THEN she saw that this little doll pooped, pee'd, screamed and cried - at least someone needed her - so she did really well at first - THEN the child needed more, she was walking and getting into everything - AND there was a a new party life out there - Mom was doing more but not enough

NOW this little doll was talking, most likely saying things that shoudn't have been said

So nothing planned - Casey didn't want the responsibility - she couldn't hold a job, she wasn't going to school because it took responsibility - heck she didn't even own her own car and still lived at home

To Casey Anger allowed and justified her to kill Caylee

Only problem for Casey - she had nowhere to go - she had no money, she had no house, she had no food - she couldn't survive - so she stole money, she slept at friends houses, she drove their cars - and when her parents weren't home thats when Casey would go to their house ad take her things out, take food, take money and anything else she could take - I'm surprised that the A's haven't said that their jewels were sold

Regardless - Casey had no plan at all - THAT was her problem
I think she did plan it out but it wasn't supposed to originally go down June 16. I think at that point the killing was compulsive and what made her snap was the argument she had gotten into with Cindy. But I can't agree that it was a completely "in-the-heat-of-the-moment" act. If that was all it had been, we wouldn't see the complete lack of emotion or the elation KC is in after her daughter has been killed! I think it was only a matter of time, but the act of the moment was not planned out to the fullest extent. Additionally, I can't help but feel that she thought she was going to get away with it, so hence, no need for a plan. She managed to fool a whole heck of a lot of people with lies that could have easily been checked out, i.e. her employment with universal, her dad having a stroke, etc. So many people believed the things she made up at the spur of the moment I'm sure she felt pretty confident no one would suspect her lies weren't true. Unfortunately for her, LE are not her friends or family, they don't have to believe her, there is nothing at stake emotionally for them. In the meantime, she can still hold her family's emotions for ransom, which is sad.
I have the same question. Why say 31 days? Why not say it just happened? "I dropped her off this morning and I cant find her?" She had to have known that her story of 31 days was going to be questionable.

Because no one ever saw Caylee after 6/16 and if she told CA that she had just dropped Caylee off "yesterday" she knows CA would be able to disprove it easily by asking TonE or any of her other friends about Caylee. She figured if she went with the ZFG story, everyone would believe her and she would get sympathy from everyone. I guess she didn't realize that anyone with an IQ higher than a rock would be able to see right through her story.

Casey plans her life from commercial break to commercial break. What excuses or lies to I have to tell to get me through the next 10 minutes or past this hurdle that's right in front of me? If she had any more brains than a piss ant she could have covered this up for a long long time. I mean you pretty much have to be "brain stem" to figure out that "if my car smells like a dead body, I probably shouldn't leave it in a parking lot where it will get towed". If she would have at least torched the car I would have given her partial credit for trying. (Thank god she didn't, cause the car was the trigger tripper for CA and GA).
Because no one ever saw Caylee after 6/16 and if she told CA that she had just dropped Caylee off "yesterday" she knows CA would be able to disprove it easily by asking TonE or any of her other friends about Caylee. She figured if she went with the ZFG story, everyone would believe her and she would get sympathy from everyone. I guess she didn't realize that anyone with an IQ higher than a rock would be able to see right through her story.

Casey plans her life from commercial break to commercial break. What excuses or lies to I have to tell to get me through the next 10 minutes or past this hurdle that's right in front of me? If she had any more brains than a piss ant she could have covered this up for a long long time. I mean you pretty much have to be "brain stem" to figure out that "if my car smells like a dead body, I probably shouldn't leave it in a parking lot where it will get towed". If she would have at least torched the car I would have given her partial credit for trying. (Thank god she didn't, cause the car was the trigger tripper for CA and GA).
Funny you say "torched the car"
A bit of guesswork I work into my theory from time to time is that Torching the car, (perhaps as part of kidnap/carjack story) was in KC "mind" after her other ideas to get rid of the body did not work out, and it was plainly too decomposed to fake any sort of other accident. GA interupted that plan on 24th?
I have asked before: does anybody KNOW if the gas cans were full or empty when GA got them back?
To begin with, the 31 days was insurance to make sure that the Baby stayed where she was and decomposed. She was buying time. She lives in dreamland and figured that she will come to the next bridge when she needed to cross it. Cindy crossed paths with her and her plan needed "just one more day."

Casey never finished ANYTHING successfully in her life. There was never any closure to anything she started. Can you imagine going to school all those years and NOT graduating? Having a baby without a father? Having a baby and denying you are even pregnant? Getting let go from you job? She had to lie to make believe she had some kind of life like the people around her. She went through the motions of one and everyone just believed her scene.

Casey lived on daydreams. The old addage about 'the grass is always greener on the other side' permeated her life. When at work, she wished she could be free to just party and when she was partying she wished she had a job to pay her bills and humanize herself. It was nice being a parent and having a daughter that pulled at the heartstrings of everyone but wouldn't be nice to be free and single again. She was thinking of what it would be like to be a parent of a missing child. Everyone would look to you with emotion and sympathy.....hey, maybe even give you money for your grief.....and even it would be a great excuse NOT to be able to work....for awhile. She was fantasizing about this. She could go party BECAUSE she was grieving in her own way. These were her triggers....her fantasy life w/o Caylee.

Although those triggers were pulled in a short amount of time. Cindy throttling her for something BAAAAAD, Tony not wanting kids around, her thoughts of freedom and a party life. The bad checks looming in the corner of the room waiting to be found. She just acted without a thinking and jumping to that life she wanted and partying without regard she did. She flew by the seat of her pants all through life and she wasn't going to stop now. This has always worked for her and she will get herself out of it. LOL.

The only thing with this is no matter what transpired, no matter what plan she used, we all would eventually have ended up here at the same place. Caylee in the swamp and a mother in jail. Call it what you may. There were so many infinitly many ways she could have gone, so many different sets of lies she could have told but what it all boils down to is that this outcome would have been the same. It would have been quick it or could have taken years to find out the truth. No matter what the truth is, the only real item is that Caylee ended up dead. Like a boomerang, no matter where you throw it, it always comes back to the same place. Casey would still end up being where she needs to be, in jail. There was/is no perfect path that could have led anyone away from the universe's loss of an innocent soul. The law of the universe made sure of this. Evil will NEVER prevail.
Funny you say "torched the car"
A bit of guesswork I work into my theory from time to time is that Torching the car, (perhaps as part of kidnap/carjack story) was in KC "mind" after her other ideas to get rid of the body did not work out, and it was plainly too decomposed to fake any sort of other accident.

Had she stopped to think about it for a minute. Even after she had dumped Caylee on Suburban, she could have torched the car (didn't need to use gasoline, a newspaper and a lighter would suffice. Gas is very unwise accelerent to use, vapors explode, you have to be far away when you light it or you'll end up losing eyebrows. DAMHIKT....oh...alright, I was trying to get a damp brush pile to burn...doh!)

Anyhow, she could have torched the car which would have served two purposes. One, it would have destroyed a lot of the forensic evidence. Two, she could have wove it into a carjacking/abduction story, Caylee was in the back seat, this just happened, please find my baby for me, cue the fake tears. Do a Susan S. type of story, give a very generic description of 2 hispanic males and the police would have still been searching for her. Her only downfall then was dumping the body so close to home where it would be easily found. I'm mean this is Florida, uhhh hello....Everglades????

Like I said before. Good thing that she didn't think this through, there wouldn't have been any chance for justice for Caylee.
Had she stopped to think about it for a minute. Even after she had dumped Caylee on Suburban, she could have torched the car (didn't need to use gasoline, a newspaper and a lighter would suffice. Gas is very unwise accelerent to use, vapors explode, you have to be far away when you light it or you'll end up losing eyebrows. DAMHIKT....oh...alright, I was trying to get a damp brush pile to burn...doh!)

Anyhow, she could have torched the car which would have served two purposes. One, it would have destroyed a lot of the forensic evidence. Two, she could have wove it into a carjacking/abduction story, Caylee was in the back seat, this just happened, please find my baby for me, cue the fake tears. Do a Susan S. type of story, give a very generic description of 2 hispanic males and the police would have still been searching for her. Her only downfall then was dumping the body so close to home where it would be easily found. I'm mean this is Florida, uhhh hello....Everglades????

Like I said before. Good thing that she didn't think this through, there wouldn't have been any chance for justice for Caylee.
I take your point that gas not NEEDED, but we are putting ourselves in KC's mind (Ugh!), and to be fair, the common view might be that the way to torch a car is to tip in a bit of accellerant followed by a match.
I do have to also accept she might have been just bringing the cans back. It was in her interest to keep putting them back so that GA would refill them for her to steal again.
That is why it would be helpfull to know if the cans actually had gas in them. Knowing that would settle the question of whether she was returning them or perhaps planning to use the gas?
I think she had murderous thoughts and ideas toward Caylee and possibly even toward her parents for a long time.

It is apparent that she has a huge ego and had a grandiose sense that she could get away with anything.

I think she acted on her ideas--and I think her ideas were twisted and chaotic and far from an organized plan, but were premeditated and intentional nonetheless.

You may be right, and I know that we are talking about her plan for Caylee here but I think that she probably had many "plans" for many different difficult situations in her life. Probably most never came close to fruition. Like what in the world was her plan when she told Amy that her parents were having trouble and they (Casey and Amy)were going to "get" the house (G&CA's house)??? She HAD to have something in mind then, because Amy actually had her address changed to the A's home. Casey had something in mind , What? She knew that C&G wouldn't just hand over the keys with no question. Was she going to try to run them out in some fashion? Cindy would never have allowed her to do any such thing.. Get rid of them? Surely something had to be in the works. Anyone have any ideas?
My question has always been, though, why tell Cindy "31 days?" she could have done with Cindy what she did with the LE...take her over to sawgrass, knock on the door, freak out, try to call Zani...Why say 31 days?
This alone is what has made her look the most guilty in everyone's eyes. No mother would calmly "look" for a missing child while also living a "normal" life and lying to everyone about where your child is.
Mother's usual reaction opun not finding a child where they are supposed to be is terror and horror, all consuming panic, loss of emotional control and inability to do anything else but search for that child. I've only experienced this for 15 minutes when one of my kids was not where they were supposed to be and I felt like a complete maniac.
So the not reporting Caylee missing for 31 days has always been the single most incriminating piece of evidence against her, IMO.

KC didn't report Caylee missing at ALL. If CA hadn't twigged, because of the
towing of the car, KC would prolly STILL be lying to CA about Caylee being with the nanny.

She's a sociopath. She only cares about Number One. She can't bond normally.
i couldn't agree with you more, Brini. casey isn't capable of thinking that far ahead.
something about the plan to run off to california bothers me though - someone last week (sorry i can't remember who) posted a link to the myspace page belonging to the military guy she was supposedly running away to ... and he was talking about how he and his wife were looking forward to the arrival of a new baby (it was an old entry i think so baby should be here by now)
how did she think she was going to insert herself into someone elses family .... 'hi, you don't know me but i banged your hubby a few years back and i'm gonna be staying for a while' :waitasec:

Then, there's her incredible stupidity! Blow in her right ear, and it will come whistling out the left.
i couldn't agree with you more, Brini. casey isn't capable of thinking that far ahead.
something about the plan to run off to california bothers me though - someone last week (sorry i can't remember who) posted a link to the myspace page belonging to the military guy she was supposedly running away to ... and he was talking about how he and his wife were looking forward to the arrival of a new baby (it was an old entry i think so baby should be here by now)
how did she think she was going to insert herself into someone elses family .... 'hi, you don't know me but i banged your hubby a few years back and i'm gonna be staying for a while' :waitasec:

The guy Casey was supposedly stringing along and the one who people theorize she was planning to head out to CA to see is Mark H, the Marine. However, Mark H. is not the same one as the guy who speaks about happily awaiting a new baby with his wife. That is one of the guys who people speculate could have been the Caylee's baby daddy. He isn't.
Because no one ever saw Caylee after 6/16 and if she told CA that she had just dropped Caylee off "yesterday" she knows CA would be able to disprove it easily by asking TonE or any of her other friends about Caylee. She figured if she went with the ZFG story, everyone would believe her and she would get sympathy from everyone. I guess she didn't realize that anyone with an IQ higher than a rock would be able to see right through her story.

Casey plans her life from commercial break to commercial break. What excuses or lies to I have to tell to get me through the next 10 minutes or past this hurdle that's right in front of me? If she had any more brains than a piss ant she could have covered this up for a long long time. I mean you pretty much have to be "brain stem" to figure out that "if my car smells like a dead body, I probably shouldn't leave it in a parking lot where it will get towed". If she would have at least torched the car I would have given her partial credit for trying. (Thank god she didn't, cause the car was the trigger tripper for CA and GA).

If she is one of those people who plan her life from commerical break to commerical break, then this wouldn't have premeditated. I see your point of the 31 days, but it's not like anyone saw her for 31 days so the story would be the same. I'm not neccessarly disagreeing with you, I'm just not sure that it was premeditated. Casey is a wiz at fooling people, she's been doing it all her life and has been able to pull it off. Why then would she mess up the biggest lie in her life, one that would cost her everything? Most schemers put alot of thoughts into their plans.

I agree with the above theory.

I think Casey wanted TonE. Cindy and George were most likely hassling her about not fulfilling her responsibilities as a mother. She was out all night and probably hung over and not too diligent during the days after George and Cindy went to work. I think going to her parent's house and getting Caylee was the day job the DJ saw Casey going off to.

It sounds like things came to a head on Father's day. Maybe Casey lost her temper with Caylee, too. Or maybe Casey was was fuming because her parents were so mean and passively/aggressively negligent with Caylee (all the gp's cared about in Casey's mind).

After the tragedy, I think Casey was living day to day pretending the whole thing never happened and making up stories when confronted. I think she put the messy evidence where she wouldn't have to deal with it.

Eventually she probably intended to come up with a plan. But in the meantime it was more fun being TonE's ideal girlfriend.

Cindy found Casey before Casey got around to any real plan. The police ratted Casey out to TonE before she could "explain".

Up to Caylee's disappearance, Casey's life was pretty much winging it day by day. I think that was and is still Casey's MO.



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