What was Casey's plan?

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Her plan also may have been to punish her parents who now were trying to put some changes into place as far as what they would accept, putting limits onto her. What better way to punish them than by taking away the thing they loved the most! imo she is getting a certain type of thrill by seeing the pain she has brought to them. Why else would she have filled them with hope that Caylee was going to be back for her birthday when she knew damn well she would not!! That is a special kind of evil right there.


Yes. And, a very intense love-hate dynamic between CE and KC.
(snip) Based on everything I have read, she seemed EXTREMELY desperate for men's attention which again, strikes me odd as her father was in her life, not like Susan Smith whose father figure was missing.. She is one VERY, VERY, odd, strange, I cant even think of words to describe my thoughts as to the kind of human she is...

Perhaps her father is emotionally unavailable. Or, her mother came between them. That might explain some of the animosity between the two women - competing for George's attention. I also think that same dynamic might have come between Casey and Caylee somehow. I think perhaps Casey saw Caylee as another female in that mix (subconsciously) and that made her more resentful of her. I don't know, I'm just up with some insomnia.

Now I'm going to try to go back to sleep. :bedtime:
you know...I don't think she is the smartest tool in the shed but she could not be this stupid. again she lied to parents and friends for years about her job at Universal. When you work at universal, friends want to come an see you and have you get them in. so she is pretty good at this stuff. I think the plan was too run at some point but cindy caught her too soon.
Or actually, maybe tell cindy she had moved far away even if she was still in orlando?????

Well, she told CE she was in Jacksonville, for two weeks. Why not?

But, again, I don't think her run would have succeeded. Women running from, say, and abusive spouse can just disappear. They can get on a bus or a plane, get off somewhere, and get a job as a waitress, or something, until they re-establish themselves.

I don't think that KC would have taken a low-level job, to survive. I also think she would have run through her resources too quickly. She would have gone broke quickly, or stolen and got caught.

I agree with the above theory.

I think Casey wanted TonE. Cindy and George were most likely hassling her about not fulfilling her responsibilities as a mother. She was out all night and probably hung over and not too diligent during the days after George and Cindy went to work. I think going to her parent's house and getting Caylee was the day job the DJ saw Casey going off to.

It sounds like things came to a head on Father's day. Maybe Casey lost her temper with Caylee, too. Or maybe Casey was was fuming because her parents were so mean and passively/aggressively negligent with Caylee (all the gp's cared about in Casey's mind).

After the tragedy, I think Casey was living day to day pretending the whole thing never happened and making up stories when confronted. I think she put the messy evidence where she wouldn't have to deal with it.

Eventually she probably intended to come up with a plan. But in the meantime it was more fun being TonE's ideal girlfriend.

Cindy found Casey before Casey got around to any real plan. The police ratted Casey out to TonE before she could "explain".

Up to Caylee's disappearance, Casey's life was pretty much winging it day by day. I think that was and is still Casey's MO.

I agree.

BTW-- I thought I read that the fight on the 15th was about KC stealing from her grandfather? I thought her grandma confronted CE, on Ftaher's Day, and CE confronted KC.
I wonder if there are any credit cards that Casey took out in Cindy or Amy's names. Casey could have been waiting to get approved. She had plenty of time to rifle through Amy's things getting all her information. I also think she has some money socked away or even buried. Casey didn't want car theft pinned on her by Cindy, so that must be why she didn't take off in the car. The big mistake was how she caused the car to smell and the way she ditched it though.

Well, anyone with a modicum of intelligence and common sense would know how quickly decomp will set in in FL in hgih summer.

KC can't plan. She's never set a goal and then planned to achieve it, so she doesn't know how to plan.
...and if George was coming by to get the car (that was "broken"), how was he going to get to the repair shop...does he have a tow truck? And why wouldn't George just pick Casey up if the story were legit? OR why didn't George have Casey call AAA or a tow company, or do it on her behalf?

If my daughter had called me saying her car broke down, I'd have called a tow company and picked her up myself.

I've wondered about Tony's role in all of this too!

Obviously Casey learned to bat her eyelashes quite effectively, if NO ONE will demand a simple answer to a simple question!!! Funny, I think of the snake in the Jungle Book when I picture Casey spinning her tales! :snake:

I don't think Tony was involved. Reportedly, she was more into him than he was into her. He said, during an interveiw, that she had started coming over five times a week, and he was starting to feel pressured.
But why???
Why would she hurt her or not help her?
How could she do that to her sweet little girl?
What happened?
Did she snap?
Do you think she looked happy in the pics and videos of her w/ caylee?
Do you think she was really good at faking and painting on her smile?
Could she hurt just any child or only hers cuz she so badly didn't want her?
How could she hurt the precious baby she carried and gave birth to?
And why.....
I can't understand it.....

Sociopaths can't really love. It's all about THEM.

The infant Caylee got KC a lot of positive attention. Two-year olds start becoming their own persons-- that's a lot less fun. They are also more trouble. And, toddlers are a big minus on the dating scene.

Caylee had become a liability.

I don' think KC deliberately murdered her. But, once she was dead, I don't think KC cared about anything but protecting herself from punishment.
I agree with the poster about perhaps Casey was thinking about moving in with TonE. I think Casey desperately wanted to get out of the house. And I think she experimented with sleeping on people's couches, at ex-boyfriend's apartments and Tone's apartment. But her frustration about her lack of money must have been growing the last months. The money stealing definitely escalated. Plus her fantasy about Cindy giving her the house to move in with Amy and have all girlie fun was exposed to Amy as lies by Cindy.

She was volunteerting to help TonE find apartments....and do I remember correctly....did they look at an apartment together? Remember what Casey's friend said about her? She does nothing unless there is something in it for her. So being the all perfect girlfriend who was cleaning and cooking for him and his roomate and trying to insert herself in Tony's friends' circles (she was devoted to this new group of people by this Time and her past friends didn't really see much of her during this period), and she tries to insert herself as the SERIOUS GIRLFRIEND when she contacts Tony's sister in NY (probably she never met in person) to tell her how much she misses her brother Tony etc.
Casey was working overtime perhaps to get Tony to invite her to move in with him.

Perhaps she thought it was not happening because of Caylee? Tony is a young guy who is still studying plus they were only going out for a short period of time, but Casey all could think of was that Caylee was the one getting in the middle of that happening? The fact that she was seeing so many men at the same time, even cheating on Tony while she was playing this perfect girlfriend to him, just shows that she wasn't in it just for being in love with the guy but wanted something out of this relationship.

Pressure is put on her after being confronted on the 15th about the stolen money from her grandmother's account.

It will be interesting to know WHEN she looked online for the chloroform and HOW she purchased it and WHEN did she had the chloroform delivered. That will give a good timeline to the LE, and I am sure they already have that. The thing about premeditation....it doesn't have to be one year ahead of time or 1 week ahead of time. As long as you think ''i want to kill this person'' and you take some form of action to do it that is ''planned''. Even if it is 2 minutes before walking in a room and getting a gun.

Another thing I am thinking and this is just theory is whether the chloroform was purchased for someone else, she was fantasizing about eliminating someone else to inherit some money or cover the stealing of money. Eg. her grandmother or parents. But the way things escalated Caylee became her victim in order to materialize her NEEDS. And what Caylee desperately needed was FREEDOM and MONEY. And unfortunately it wasn't just Caylee being in the way of her succeeding in the fulfillment of those desires. Her parents were in the way too. So who knows what her real plans were initially and how things escalated in doing something to Caylee.

Or another thing: Perhaps she was going to use the chloroform on herself? Hence the phonecalls to parents and brother on the 16th? Pretend an intruder went into the Anthony's home, knocked her out with chloroform and abducted Caylee? But nobody answer her phonecalls....And this is what she buried in the back yard? She took the bottle with her in the Anthony's home, put some on a piece of cloth, buried the evidence, and proceeded with the ''intruder'' plan? This is why perhaps she went on the 17th when she borrowed the shovel? To recover the chloroform? I can't think of any reason needing to bury the chloroform there and not dispose in a dumpster or whatever.

So many possibilities with this. When she purchased the chloroform and when it was delivered to her would definitely give a clear picture.
We don't even know if she bought the chloroform of if she stole it from somebody
This is the million dollar question and basically what has kept me riveted to this case. What is going on? Just look at this thread! It sure doesn't seem like she had a plan at all. The first thing that has always been impossible for me to understand is why she would use the June 9th date as the date of the kidnapping - no matter what Cindy said. It seems if she had a plan she would certainly have a date later than a day when others had obviously seen Caylee. Either there is so much here that we are missing, or Casey just doesn't care at all about consequences. What a mystery. The only thing I keep coming back to is that she is trying to confuse everyone to hold out for time - but maybe that's not even true. Possibly she has had a complete mental break and is truly living in a world of her own.
.....As I see it Cindy and Casey and their war of power and control throughout the years pushed the males in the family INTO the background.


Sick? Confusing? Illogical? Dysfunctional? Yup it is all that. But once all the evidence and especially interviews see the light, we will see much more informative details of the relationship between Casey and Cindy and how that war escalated into the disappearance/death? of the innocent child.

Well said GameTheory. :clap:

I too accept Caylee is deceased and look forward to what the prosecution reveals about the family dynamic in the coming months.
If there was a plan it would have been for money - she is all about the money. However, I don't think there was any real plan per se.
This is the million dollar question and basically what has kept me riveted to this case. What is going on? Just look at this thread! It sure doesn't seem like she had a plan at all. The first thing that has always been impossible for me to understand is why she would use the June 9th date as the date of the kidnapping - no matter what Cindy said. It seems if she had a plan she would certainly have a date later than a day when others had obviously seen Caylee. Either there is so much here that we are missing, or Casey just doesn't care at all about consequences. What a mystery. The only thing I keep coming back to is that she is trying to confuse everyone to hold out for time - but maybe that's not even true. Possibly she has had a complete mental break and is truly living in a world of her own.

Is it possible that she forgot? I don't give much attention to Cindy and George thinking it was on the 9th, cause on the hurry to call 911 and all the confusion, Casey gave them the date of the 9th, it sounded yeah a month ago, and they went with that. When they were confronted with the pictures about the visit to Cindy's father they realised it was the same day but a week later that Caylee was last seen by them.

Did Casey forgot the date she saw her child for the last time? :bang: Did she do it on purpose to confuse the authorities, forgetting THOUGH that her parents actually saw Caylee on the 15th? :bang: It will be interesting to see what she was doing on the week of the 9th-15th? Did she initially had another ''scenario'' in her head to tell police about the disapperance of the child? Like the murder of a jogger at the park on the 9th? :bang: Or perhaps she wanted to cover her activities in the week after the 9th as irrelevant to Caylee's disappearance. ....like the shovel borrowing, or perhaps looking for/purchasing chloroform and her trips to the airport area, etc. hm.. :bang:

I feel sorry for the detectives....It must be very frustrating for them to try to find some light into Ms. Casey's foggy mind.
I think she had been pulling off lies to her mom for so long that she actually believed she was good at it. I only say mom because I think GA gave up on trying to get CA to see thru casey's lies a long tie ago b/c he just couldn't win. I am sure that CA always stuck up for KC and GA was always the bad guy to KC, just b/c he was hip to her crap. on with her plan....she thought she was an excellent and witty liar (oh boy I sure fooled mom with those fake emails from my job!!) but she didn't realize CA only believed her b/c it's easier for CA to live in denial than to deal with the truth.( I know soooo many people like this, it's a complete lack of a coping mechanism)

So casey thinks she is an expert liar. I think whatever happened was 1/2 accident, 1/2 premeditated. I think deep down she wanted to be rid of her. I think Caylee was hurt very badly by her mom, and could have been saved, but casey knew she would be in big trouble for causing such harm to her. I think casey let her die and made no attempt to save her. Her plan after that was to just wait til the heat was on. She didn't seem to think there was much urgency in coming up with a solid plan after all she could snowball her mom for years! I think she put caylee in the dumpster at sawgrass, wrote down some random license plate #s to look up later and decide on a name, just in case she was discovered. Ultimately, I think she planned to move out to Cali, keep telling her parents caylee was with her, tell the guy in Cali that Caylee was his and that she let someone adopt her. Basically keep up the charade 3000 miles away. She in no way ever dreamed that amy would bring her mom to tony's. man I would love to see a polaroid of her face when CA walked in.

I completely agree. I really think she had been getting away with lying for so long and is so narscistic, that she really believed she could move far away and keep the lie going as long as she wanted.

She may have even planned to change her name and start a new life and blow off her family forever. Sociopaths don't love anyone.
I don't know if someone mentioned this or not, but I believe she had a plan and that plan included moving to California and severing contacts with her familly.
People that see the pictures of Casey and Caylee and think that this loving mother couldn't harm her little girl need to remember Casey loved on her grandparents too. Then she robbed them while one was in a nursing home bed.

I think the chloroform was looked up before Caylee went missing because of Dr. Baden's theory that Caylee was overdosed. That sounds like Dr. Baden's information is that Casey had the chloroform BEFORE.

I don't think it was an accident though. There are too many available over-the-counter meds like benedryl to get kids to sleep. The only reason I can come up with for something more powerful (and expensive) is to put Caylee permanently asleep, humanely.

But why???
Why would she hurt her or not help her?
How could she do that to her sweet little girl?
What happened?
Did she snap?
Do you think she looked happy in the pics and videos of her w/ caylee?
Do you think she was really good at faking and painting on her smile?
Could she hurt just any child or only hers cuz she so badly didn't want her?
How could she hurt the precious baby she carried and gave birth to?
And why.....
I can't understand it.....

I think she snapped and didnt help her because of fear of getting in trouble. cold hearted. some things you just can't understand. people do evil things every day.
I agree.

BTW-- I thought I read that the fight on the 15th was about KC stealing from her grandfather? I thought her grandma confronted CE, on Ftaher's Day, and CE confronted KC.

I thought I read that somewhere, but I can't be certain. My DH erased the documents I had downloaded. :mad:
And, if she had a normal work ethic, and a modicum of emotional maturity, she could easily have accomplished the very things she felt so compelled to lie about. The planning certificate, the job, the home.....

yes, that's what I never understood. if these were all things she wanted to do, why didn't she just do them? she could have gotten a GED, then gone to community college, then the planning certificate, etc. it seems it took more energy to lie and keep up appearances than to actually do what she said she was doing!

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