What was the smirk between CA & ICA at the hearing?

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I think at best she is average intelligence and not much more. She has all the attributes of a sociopath - every single one - even lying to her own detriment. She lies to Appie Wells at the end of the Universal interview after Allen and Melich leave - he asks her about her schooling and she tells him two years of Valencia. There is no reason for this except that she has a need to impress and will lie without thought of her own expense. It is obvious that George and Cindy are also not that bright - although I will give them the fact that stress will detract from intelligence - no doubt about it - still and all - we are not dealing with above average here. No way.

I think her lies were so accepted for so many years by her family that she expected people to accept what she said and for 30 days they did, including her family, who absolutely KNEW that she was in and out of the house taking money and clothes during that time. When you get away with telling your mother, a registered nurse, that you are not pregant at 7 months, you probably feel I can say anything.

For most of the three years, she has been confined to her cell for 23 hours a day - that is true. She may be spending more time with her lawyers but we don't know how much. I think her life right now is awful being in a cell all day long and hearing the other inmates yell at her when she is brought out, which they do.

I hear people say all the time prison is not so bad. They adapt.

Prison is awful. And prison for the next 80 years is an insurmountable depressing thought for anyone, including KC Anthony.

ITA but with the addition that I think jail isn't so bad for her right now. She is getting special treatment there and she is a celebrity inmate. She gets tons of mail from people who want to support her and even the negative mail is attention. She clearly has the capacity to lead a life that relies hugely on her imagination and ignore her reality. She gets to go to court and feel soooooo special that all of this fuss is for her. I think ICA won't really start to be punished until the cameras go away and she is put in a real prison and in general pop. Once she gets treated like everyone else that's when she will face reality. Although I do think she will adapt just fine because she is definitely a sociopath. I expect we will hear in later years about her having sex with prison guards like Susan Smith did or some such thing like that. A leopard doesn't change it's spots just because it's in prison!

As far as the exchange between CA and ICA - I think there was regret in that look but it was regret that CA had no choice but to own up to her statements about that smell. The "I love you" exchange was definitely a reward from ICA to her mom for the lies about the dryer sheets but also I've noticed a thaw if you will in their relationship in general lately. ICA made a point of tearing up visibly when CA got on the stand at the start of these Frye hearings. I've also seen ICA make eye contact and give very small fleeting smiles to CA as she leaves the court room.

Personally I contrast this with how ICA reacts to George. She makes a point of NEVER looking at him, even pointedly turning away as he walks past her. If I recall, he tried to mouth something to her as he left the stand last time but received a VERY cold shoulder. I'm not sure what the defense has in mind but I believe that ICA has thrown GA under the bus in her own mind for sure. She is also enjoying the power she has to divide her family. She is getting CA on her side so that she can isolate George. If she can isolate GA it makes it easier gain CA's co-operation in blaming him - even if they only blame him by implication.

I'm sure in ICA's mind that CA is the valuable member of her family in terms of who has more power. She wants to align herself to "powerful" CA not "weak" GA or "betraying" LA (who she might have to sacrifice later if she has to use the sexual abuse allegations in the penalty phase). Even if ICA is afraid of CA (which I don't doubt) I'm sure she feels like it's better to have CA on her side!
ITA but with the addition that I think jail isn't so bad for her right now. She is getting special treatment there and she is a celebrity inmate. She gets tons of mail from people who want to support her and even the negative mail is attention. She clearly has the capacity to lead a life that relies hugely on her imagination and ignore her reality. She gets to go to court and feel soooooo special that all of this fuss is for her. I think ICA won't really start to be punished until the cameras go away and she is put in a real prison and in general pop. Once she gets treated like everyone else that's when she will face reality. Although I do think she will adapt just fine because she is definitely a sociopath. I expect we will hear in later years about her having sex with prison guards like Susan Smith did or some such thing like that. A leopard doesn't change it's spots just because it's in prison!

As far as the exchange between CA and ICA - I think there was regret in that look but it was regret that CA had no choice but to own up to her statements about that smell. The "I love you" exchange was definitely a reward from ICA to her mom for the lies about the dryer sheets but also I've noticed a thaw if you will in their relationship in general lately. ICA made a point of tearing up visibly when CA got on the stand at the start of these Frye hearings. I've also seen ICA make eye contact and give very small fleeting smiles to CA as she leaves the court room.

Personally I contrast this with how ICA reacts to George. She makes a point of NEVER looking at him, even pointedly turning away as he walks past her. If I recall, he tried to mouth something to her as he left the stand last time but received a VERY cold shoulder. I'm not sure what the defense has in mind but I believe that ICA has thrown GA under the bus in her own mind for sure. She is also enjoying the power she has to divide her family. She is getting CA on her side so that she can isolate George. If she can isolate GA it makes it easier gain CA's co-operation in blaming him - even if they only blame him by implication.

I'm sure in ICA's mind that CA is the valuable member of her family in terms of who has more power. She wants to align herself to "powerful" CA not "weak" GA or "betraying" LA (who she might have to sacrifice later if she has to use the sexual abuse allegations in the penalty phase). Even if ICA is afraid of CA (which I don't doubt) I'm sure she feels like it's better to have CA on her side!

Great post Nocturnal - really insightful.

I notice also that KC does not acknowledge George. I do think that they intend to use sexual abuse at some point and KC is readying herself for the next stage. She has no problem whatsoever doing this. George is the one who testified for the Grand Jury and remember George said to Baez when he asked "would you have KCs talking to LE if it would save Caylee" and his answer was yes, yes a hundred times.

As far as her adapting to prison, in time she will. But as Maia Derkovich (sp?) said, prison is so much worse. I would give up all visitation rights to be where KC is now, but when KC comes to prison, she is in for a surprise - it is not fun.

I don't know - maybe I am watching a different channel, but from what I see - prison is horrible and the noise alone is horrible and the fact that fights take place daily is horrible and the food is disgusting. I mean come on. It is prison. Anyway. I watched last week one woman say you get beat up just for being good looking and then started crying as she showed her bruises. Doesn't look like fun to me.

This family has just been destroyed. But Cindy knew and so did George KNOW that KC has serious, serious problems and they ignored it. Everything KC did had serious detrimental effects on her own life when she was younger and they ignored it. At the very least, she was going to end up stealing as a way of life and at the very worst, end up killing.

I wouldn't want that weight on me and Cindy, imo, has it.
The smirk was regarding CA addressing LDK after she CA said that during her deposition she was under many different medications, she then started listing them and said that she had told Linda this back then..it was my understanding that LDK shook her head to indicate that CA had not told her that and that is when CINDY - directed her words to LINDa who was not at the podium she said something like "oh yes I did tell you that don't shake your head" or something like that.

The judge then scolded CA and that is when the smirks happened between ICA and CA.

It was just a "mean girls" smirk because ICA thought it was funny that her mother was rude to Linda and it was like a moment shared between then.

MO - that was the smirk.


I think we are referring to the very last shot of KC as Cindy leaves the courtroom when the testimony is over.

I think we are referring to the very last shot of KC as Cindy leaves the courtroom when the testimony is over.

Oh I thought both of these smirks/smiles where about the same thing. The smirk that happened after Cindy address Linda was even more infuriating and annoying than the last one. MO
Oh I thought both of these smirks/smiles where about the same thing. The smirk that happened after Cindy address Linda was even more infuriating and annoying than the last one. MO

There is also a "smirk" by Cindy when she is caught in a lie when being questioned by LDB and she squints and starts to smile and then stutters but I can't remember when it was.

I am sure there will be many of them Mendara.:seeya:
CA's hearing testimony, and the "smirk(s)" we discussed in this thread, have certainly given us a preview to the trial. The dynamic between mother and daughter, father and daughter, brother and sister, will not be lost on the jury. These non-verbal exchanges between family members on the stand and ICA will not be lost on the jury, the judge nor the public.
I'm new here, but I'd just like to say that I am so sick of hearing about this "traumatic time" crap! Of course it is, was. Suck that up and tell the truth!
And where is GA for these hearings? I know he was here for part of it, but where is he now?
As far a the words between ICA & CA. When I saw it the first time, it looks like CA is saying I love you, or I love you too?
Is anyone starting to feel the stress of this up coming trial? I have spent three years (mostly in the background) following this case and the anticipation of the trial is causing me anxiety- I can't begin to imagine how all the players are feeling.
It's clear what it has done to ICA, CA, JB, etc. Their looks have changed, JB is heavier than when this started, ICA hair's longer and an obvious weight gain, same with CA, and so forth. That's just the physical- imagine the mental.

Just wanted to throw it out there. Ugg. I want it to start but at the same time, I know the ups and downs and media headlines are going to have us all on a roller coaster for weeks. Been here before.....
I'm new here, but I'd just like to say that I am so sick of hearing about this "traumatic time" crap! Of course it is, was. Suck that up and tell the truth!
And where is GA for these hearings? I know he was here for part of it, but where is he now?
As far a the words between ICA & CA. When I saw it the first time, it looks like CA is saying I love you, or I love you too?

I interpreted the exchange as an acknowledgment (reluctant though it may be) that the situation is now out of their hands and the testimony that CA gave was literally forced from her mouth.........they both know its not their game anymore...........

I interpreted the smirk as acknowledgment that she was able get away with lying on the stand about how many dryer sheets and how much Fabreeze she used and how it differed with her deposition.
I'm new here, but I'd just like to say that I am so sick of hearing about this "traumatic time" crap! Of course it is, was. Suck that up and tell the truth!
And where is GA for these hearings? I know he was here for part of it, but where is he now?
As far a the words between ICA & CA. When I saw it the first time, it looks like CA is saying I love you, or I love you too?

:welcome: Just in time!!

People on the ground heard CA say ''I love you'' - ICA tossed mama a bone when she replied ''Me too."

CA really likes to toss that victim card around; no sleep, no food, drugs... always something. Know what I know about drugs? The further you get from the event, the less you remember. So if CA was honestly confused in 2008, she'd be just as confused, if not more so in 2011. :liar:

To my understanding those lost details don't keep floating back - unless someone sat with her and pointed out her inconsistencies and the actual facts of the case.

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