What was the smirk between CA & ICA at the hearing?

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That, and an admission from CA to KC's friend that he needed to stay away from KC because she was a sociopath. Obviously CA was quite aware of KC's behavior. jmo

I believe that KC is a sociopath, but I do not believe that CA sees KC as a sociopath. I know CA told RP that KC was a sociopath, but I believe she told him that simply because CA is so jealous she can't stand for KC to have any friends except herself, and so was telling RP that so he would no longer be KC's friend, not out of any altruistic feelings she was having toward RP.
I believe that KC is a sociopath, but I do not believe that CA sees KC as a sociopath. I know CA told RP that KC was a sociopath, but I believe she told him that simply because CA is so jealous she can't stand for KC to have any friends except herself, and so was telling RP that so he would no longer be KC's friend, not out of any altruistic feelings she was having toward RP.

So this was a half-truth???? Surprise, surprise.
I interpreted the exchange as an acknowledgment (reluctant though it may be) that the situation is now out of their hands and the testimony that CA gave was literally forced from her mouth.........they both know its not their game anymore...........
I interpreted the exchange as an acknowledgment (reluctant though it may be) that the situation is now out of their hands and the testimony that CA gave was literally forced from her mouth.........they both know its not their game anymore...........

And that my fellow members is why we are all here. To read all the different opinions, evidence and testimony. The reason why we have trial by jury in this Great USA. Hopefully this year it will be in their hands and Caylee will have justice.
I can't figure out why that workbag statement stood out like there was another reason CA threw that in. Was it a slight dig at Casey? Mentioning it as a workbag seems a bad idea because it reminds us Casey had no real job.

Yeah but it reminds Casey that Mommy believes her lies.
Should've waited until after the trial if she really did get a face lift. She has to go for "the beaten down and on medication look" for trial, doesn't she? It helps when you have to mix up the truth and memories.

IMO she nailed this look in these hearings - she looks exhausted, beaten down and 10 years older then she did in 09 thru 10/2008.

Look at her eyes towards the end of the OP video - it appears she is having trouble focusing and keeping them open.

No sympathy for her, she has brought this on herself.
We also got a preview of Ashton questioning Cindy after she obviiously lied on the stand when he said you smelled the UNIMAGINABLE STENCH in the car and he got her to admit it was the worst thing she ever smelled.

I think the state is going to present their case and leave nothing unturned and they are going to hold Cindy and George and Lee to the truth and their previous statements. It seems when they are called on it, they admit it although Cindy tries to change as she did with the dryer sheets. But George backs down when he is shown his prior testimony. Lee seems to have mellowed a bit and is leaning more toward just tell the truth.
Yeah but it reminds Casey that Mommy believes her lies.

Exactly. And in giving Cindy the benefit, it was used as a "work" bag even though there was no "work". So it would coincide with her deposition testimony. Although I don't think Cindy thought that far.
CA had to remove betrayal from beside her name..now that she is misrepresenting the facts as she tries to recreate history, I believe will do ICA more harm than good with a jury of ICA's peers...Folk who sit on juries have one thing in common...to get justice and to send the one responsible for the act of murder to prison...they will not convict an innocent person and all that ICA did/didn't do, will seal her fate....doesn't matter how many lies CA/GA state..the State of Florida will bring the jury to tears with their 3D presentation of where Caylee was found, how Caylee was found and how Caylee came to be in the swamp at Suburban...The State must also inform the jury the swamp where Caylee's remains were ultimately found was not a coincidence...and on with the story or KioMarie, the hangout and the 'pet' cemetery...Caylee's justice will be front and center and NO, it's not ICA's tragedy for she instigated this tragedy for doing the unthinkable...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Maybe I'm part of the minority here, but I just didn't see the look/smirk/whatever as Casey rewarding CA. It seemed more resigned to me. Like "Thanks for throwing me under the bus, mom, but I know you were trying to help." and CA saying "I know I threw you under the bus, KC, but I was trying to help."

I think Casey is a narcissist and self-entitled and probably a sociopath, but I do think she's probably a realist. This works to her advantage and against her. She acknowledges that this case is going badly for her and might very well have adopted a "Blue M&M, green M&M, it's all the same color in the end" attitude. Does she believe she'll be convicted? Maybe, maybe not. Do I think she really cares? I don't know. Maybe not right now. I think being a cause celebre might be an interesting thing for her. She probably feels like she's walking a catwalk whenever she walks through the holding room door. I think she'll lose that feeling fast once she's convicted and she's no longer getting her lawyer visits and the frequent excursions to court.

I think KC is heinous, but not an idiot. She has to realize this is going abysmally for her counsel, and for her. Maybe she lives on the hope provided by her circle, but there has to be doubt there.

I think she's being civil to CA not because she's kind, but because she knows it ultimately doesn't matter. Kill them with her brand of kindness so they live a life of guilt after the trial is over and she's convicted. She's won. She took their beloved Caylee from them and it's now ALL about her. Mission accomplished. The fact that she doesn't have freedom right now is inconsequential. It may become real later, but now she probably feels pretty good about herself. "Sure, mom. I love you. You're an awesome marionette."
Maybe I'm part of the minority here, but I just didn't see the look/smirk/whatever as Casey rewarding CA. It seemed more resigned to me. Like "Thanks for throwing me under the bus, mom, but I know you were trying to help." and CA saying "I know I threw you under the bus, KC, but I was trying to help."

I think Casey is a narcissist and self-entitled and probably a sociopath, but I do think she's probably a realist. This works to her advantage and against her. She acknowledges that this case is going badly for her and might very well have adopted a "Blue M&M, green M&M, it's all the same color in the end" attitude. Does she believe she'll be convicted? Maybe, maybe not. Do I think she really cares? I don't know. Maybe not right now. I think being a cause celebre might be an interesting thing for her. She probably feels like she's walking a catwalk whenever she walks through the holding room door. I think she'll lose that feeling fast once she's convicted and she's no longer getting her lawyer visits and the frequent excursions to court.

I think KC is heinous, but not an idiot. She has to realize this is going abysmally for her counsel, and for her. Maybe she lives on the hope provided by her circle, but there has to be doubt there.

I think she's being civil to CA not because she's kind, but because she knows it ultimately doesn't matter. Kill them with her brand of kindness so they live a life of guilt after the trial is over and she's convicted. She's won. She took their beloved Caylee from them and it's now ALL about her. Mission accomplished. The fact that she doesn't have freedom right now is inconsequential. It may become real later, but now she probably feels pretty good about herself. "Sure, mom. I love you. You're an awesome marionette."

I actually think your idea is spot on. In retrospect, watching that day all over again, you have some really insightful perceptions here.
I think you have ICA pretty well roughed out. She's all the bad stuff, but underneath, like you say, she's a realist, too. She has to know that this is not looking good for her future. As much as the team may be blowing smoke up her gazoo, they also tell her that it will be a very steep hill to climb.

I see her in so many of the same cloth. This trial time is not the best judge of how she really is. Lot's of difference faces going on here.
First let me say that I despise CA and everything that she has tried to do to get ICA off. That being said, it looks to me like the look meant, "Sorry kid, but it's the truth" and ICA's look meant "I know". CA had just said it was the worst smell she had ever smelled up until that time.

I agree! That's my opinion also!
I agree! That's my opinion also!

Interesting, but don't you think that KC knows her mother was lying for her when Cindy said she put dryer sheets all over the trunk? KC KNOWS she (KC) put the dryer sheets in the trunk.
Maybe I'm part of the minority here, but I just didn't see the look/smirk/whatever as Casey rewarding CA. It seemed more resigned to me. Like "Thanks for throwing me under the bus, mom, but I know you were trying to help." and CA saying "I know I threw you under the bus, KC, but I was trying to help."

I think Casey is a narcissist and self-entitled and probably a sociopath, but I do think she's probably a realist. This works to her advantage and against her. She acknowledges that this case is going badly for her and might very well have adopted a "Blue M&M, green M&M, it's all the same color in the end" attitude. Does she believe she'll be convicted? Maybe, maybe not. Do I think she really cares? I don't know. Maybe not right now. I think being a cause celebre might be an interesting thing for her. She probably feels like she's walking a catwalk whenever she walks through the holding room door. I think she'll lose that feeling fast once she's convicted and she's no longer getting her lawyer visits and the frequent excursions to court.

I think KC is heinous, but not an idiot. She has to realize this is going abysmally for her counsel, and for her. Maybe she lives on the hope provided by her circle, but there has to be doubt there.

I think she's being civil to CA not because she's kind, but because she knows it ultimately doesn't matter. Kill them with her brand of kindness so they live a life of guilt after the trial is over and she's convicted. She's won. She took their beloved Caylee from them and it's now ALL about her. Mission accomplished. The fact that she doesn't have freedom right now is inconsequential. It may become real later, but now she probably feels pretty good about herself. "Sure, mom. I love you. You're an awesome marionette."

KC is a sociopath. She would most definitely like to be out of jail. She is in a room 23 hours a day the size of a bathroom and she is no longer writing letters which took up a good part of her day. I don't know of any human being that finds 23 hours a day in a 6 by 10 foot cell as being inconsequential. This is also not the brightest family in the world from George on down to his daughter.

The beyond stupid decisions KC made show that. She all but made up a map saying I did it.

This is how I see it anyway.
KC is a sociopath. She would most definitely like to be out of jail. She is in a room 23 hours a day the size of a bathroom and she is no longer writing letters which took up a good part of her day. I don't know of any human being that finds 23 hours a day in a 6 by 10 foot cell as being inconsequential. This is also not the brightest family in the world from George on down to his daughter.

The beyond stupid decisions KC made show that. She all but made up a map saying I did it.

This is how I see it anyway.

I think it's easy to write off KC as a sociopath and as stupid. It can make us rationalize her existence better. I just don't think everything is as cut-and-dried as it appears. I think KC is absolutely narcissistic and probably sociopathic, but one doesn't have to be a sociopath if they're a narcissist.

I want to think KC hates jail. I really do. I'm just not sure that in the here and now she does. She doesn't spend 23 hours in her cell. She has attorney visitation and these hearings and can busy herself working on her defense like the good little legal aid. She probably reads her mail and makes her appearances like she's a star. This will all fade and that's when reality will set in, IMO. All the little things will add up. No trips to Target, no theme park outings, yadda.

But if she IS a sociopath, then she'll make her own life in jail. Sociopaths traditionally do very well in prison. It's one reason I hope she's just a spoiled, entitled princess and not clinical.

I still don't think she's stupid. I think she's impetuous and narcissistic enough to think everyone would believe her story. I think GA came very close to discovering Caylee's body and she dumped her in the first place she could think of. She made a ton of mistakes, but that doesn't mean she's not intelligent or perceptive or capable of realizing she's screwed.
I think it's easy to write off KC as a sociopath and as stupid. It can make us rationalize her existence better. I just don't think everything is as cut-and-dried as it appears. I think KC is absolutely narcissistic and probably sociopathic, but one doesn't have to be a sociopath if they're a narcissist.

I want to think KC hates jail. I really do. I'm just not sure that in the here and now she does. She doesn't spend 23 hours in her cell. She has attorney visitation and these hearings and can busy herself working on her defense like the good little legal aid. She probably reads her mail and makes her appearances like she's a star. This will all fade and that's when reality will set in, IMO. All the little things will add up. No trips to Target, no theme park outings, yadda.

But if she IS a sociopath, then she'll make her own life in jail. Sociopaths traditionally do very well in prison. It's one reason I hope she's just a spoiled, entitled princess and not clinical.

I still don't think she's stupid. I think she's impetuous and narcissistic enough to think everyone would believe her story. I think GA came very close to discovering Caylee's body and she dumped her in the first place she could think of. She made a ton of mistakes, but that doesn't mean she's not intelligent or perceptive or capable of realizing she's screwed.

I think at best she is average intelligence and not much more. She has all the attributes of a sociopath - every single one - even lying to her own detriment. She lies to Appie Wells at the end of the Universal interview after Allen and Melich leave - he asks her about her schooling and she tells him two years of Valencia. There is no reason for this except that she has a need to impress and will lie without thought of her own expense. It is obvious that George and Cindy are also not that bright - although I will give them the fact that stress will detract from intelligence - no doubt about it - still and all - we are not dealing with above average here. No way.

I think her lies were so accepted for so many years by her family that she expected people to accept what she said and for 30 days they did, including her family, who absolutely KNEW that she was in and out of the house taking money and clothes during that time. When you get away with telling your mother, a registered nurse, that you are not pregant at 7 months, you probably feel I can say anything.

For most of the three years, she has been confined to her cell for 23 hours a day - that is true. She may be spending more time with her lawyers but we don't know how much. I think her life right now is awful being in a cell all day long and hearing the other inmates yell at her when she is brought out, which they do.

I hear people say all the time prison is not so bad. They adapt.

Prison is awful. And prison for the next 80 years is an insurmountable depressing thought for anyone, including KC Anthony.
No, we don't know she is a sociopath. It's assumed but she has not been diagnosed as such.

It's a word we call murderers often,but you're right,we haven't seen anything official .We know she had psychologicals,but do we know what they determined? Seems like that diagnosis would not help ICA one bit.
It's a word we call murderers often,but you're right,we haven't seen anything official .We know she had psychologicals,but do we know what they determined? Seems like that diagnosis would not help ICA one bit.

She has every single attribute of a sociopath and not a psychopath. Psychopaths plan, e.g. Ted Bundy. Sociopaths do not.

I don't think she planned anything beyond 10 minutes time. This does not mean she did not look up killing as she did, it means she had that on her mind and eventually acted on it.

It is considered a disorder and not a disease and does not give her any help at trial or otherwise. She still knows what is right and wrong and that is all the courts care about.

I just happen to feel she is a sociopath and that does not detract from the fact that she will find prison quite distasteful. I think we tend to believe that American prisons are not that bad. They are bad and the confinement is awful. She is told what to do and when to do it. And it will get worse when she is at Lowell, where I believe she will end up. It is beyond depressing. The noise alone is horrendous.

This is not going to be fun for KC. It is not fun for her now. Wait till the trial gets underway and Ashton gets up there and starts talking about what happened to Caylee - that is not going to be easy for her to sit through - sociopath or not - she knows she is hated for this and that is going to be hard to sit through it.

And yes she does want to be the center of attention, but she does not want to be the center of "hate" attention and that is in the future for her and the very near future. She is going to have a very very rough time in prison.
The smirk was regarding CA addressing LDK after she CA said that during her deposition she was under many different medications, she then started listing them and said that she had told Linda this back then..it was my understanding that LDK shook her head to indicate that CA had not told her that and that is when CINDY - directed her words to LINDa who was not at the podium she said something like "oh yes I did tell you that don't shake your head" or something like that.

The judge then scolded CA and that is when the smirks happened between ICA and CA.

It was just a "mean girls" smirk because ICA thought it was funny that her mother was rude to Linda and it was like a moment shared between then.

MO - that was the smirk.
Normal people just do not kill their children, duct tape their mouths and throw them away so they can go on with their lives. Sometimes you just don't need a degree to tell you why people act the way they do. It is often as clear as the nose on your face. jmo

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