What was the smirk between CA & ICA at the hearing?

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Well we know KC is a sociopath. George is a follower of Cindy and Cindy is basically taking care of herself. She has to protect herself - who can admit that they let a sociopath take a 2 year old. Pretty bad!

The Anthony's are not the only family to go through this. We don't hear about other families,beyond quick stories,because few behave as badly as the A's. I just can't agree that it would be typical for parents to delude themselves,lie and cover up for their child that murdered their grandchild. Cindy knows she's covering for a murderer,IMO
The Anthony's are not the only family to go through this. We don't hear about other families,beyond quick stories,because few behave as badly as the A's. I just can't agree that it would be typical for parents to delude themselves,lie and cover up for their child that murdered their grandchild. Cindy knows she's covering for a murderer,IMO

I believe she knows also and that is the reason she is willing to lie for her on the stand. She knows and she knows she dropped the ball and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO she is not going there. She has lost enough and so George will just have to follow and lose his mind while I try to save my (Cindy's) sanity. "He owes me anyway; he has put me through hell the last twenty years" I can see her saying that to herself.
Well we know KC is a sociopath. George is a follower of Cindy and Cindy is basically taking care of herself. She has to protect herself - who can admit that they let a sociopath take a 2 year old. Pretty bad!

No, we don't know she is a sociopath. It's assumed but she has not been diagnosed as such.

Do you know how much they got for her pictures. As I understood it, the only monies they received were for the 48 hours show to the tune of $20,000, part of which went to their lawyer. I don't think they are making money off this situation. Basically, they have lost almost everything.

Well they had enough for the cruise they went on with Lee and Mallory..and to be honest Cindy hasnt looked short of money the past couple of years.

Well they had enough for the cruise they went on with Lee and Mallory..and to be honest Cindy hasnt looked short of money the past couple of years.


No kidding.. and that face lift! :loser:
No, we don't know she is a sociopath. It's assumed but she has not been diagnosed as such.

That, and an admission from CA to KC's friend that he needed to stay away from KC because she was a sociopath. Obviously CA was quite aware of KC's behavior. jmo
WOW---Face lift---no kidding?

HA! funny, that was my reaction, as well. At the risk of being judgmental, CA looks much older now than before. Very 'old maid' sort of look going on......and the scowl which happens to all of us as we age is very pronounced on her. I attributed it to stress. Face lift? Really? Hmmmm, who'd a thunk it!:waitasec:
Should've waited until after the trial if she really did get a face lift. She has to go for "the beaten down and on medication look" for trial, doesn't she? It helps when you have to mix up the truth and memories.
That, and an admission from CA to KC's friend that he needed to stay away from KC because she was a sociopath. Obviously CA was quite aware of KC's behavior. jmo

I'm no expert on Sociopaths but if ICA isn't one, then I'd like to know who is.

I had a boss that was very much a sociopath and had been label that by many in authority. He was by far the scariest person I've ever come in contact with in my entire 48 years of life. The world just isn't big enough to put a comfortable distance between him and the rest of us.

There are many who operate just like ICA. The difference is that until they go and do something this extreme, when you come across one, you just feel something is off and try to avoid them at all cost. Simply put, they are the type of people that repel the rest of us. We've all met them..........they are friends, family, co-workers, ahem- bosses, Corporate Execs, etc............they operate in the gray area. Would steal your last dime, lie to your face, robbed your house when you ask them to house sit and then make up elaborate stories how it was some intruder, etc. They have no idea where their rights end and yours begins. In fact, they don't recognize your rights at all.

They mostly fly under the radar other than with those who have direct contact with them, UNTIL, they do something like what ICA is 'accused' of doing. Then and only then are they exposed. Something that they HATE, by the way.
I'd safely say that ICA is not just a troubled young girl with a lying issue, stealing issue, murdering issue,- I'd say she is a dangerous person who's crimes continued to escalate all the way to murder and she's been honing her skills from early on in life and if let out today, she'd do exactly the same thing only this time would TRY not to get caught. She'd fail, but that's the narcissist in her that believes that the only reason she is where she is today is due to poor planning, not that she didn't have the right to do what she did. Next time, she would bury her daughter so far out that NO ONE would find her. EVER. That is the only hiccup in her master plan. She was very confident until they found the remains.

Now she is being led by a sense of false security instilled in her by another narcissist (or two). I'm sitting back waiting for the balloon to deflate. But not to worry, ICA's anti-social personality will drive her for the next 20 years with elaborate twists and turns on how to get her self out of this little dilemma al la Diane Downs. We'll see the same ramblings from CA and ICA while they twist their ways through the appeals process.
Again the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. CA must have left that courtroom very satisfied knowing that she had "connected" with ICA. ICA must have thought, YES the bait worked and I can count on my mom again WHEN I need her. Baez is thinking man I'm so smart.
Well IMO their true colors showed with that exchange, but the colors in Caylee's box will be the brightest when this is all done.
I think it is really comical that KC has totally ignored CA for all these YEARS (essentially KC has told CA and the entire world via her "cold shoulder" that she despises CA) but NOW suddenly KC "me toos" a profession of LUUVVV. Incongruence to say the least!

Here's a question about all this. CA reported in her deposition that she did not put dryer sheets in the car....why DID she lie about that in the deposition? Was the reason because she knows it was a wrong thing to do? Did she want it to seem that the dryer sheets were already in the car? Why?

Cindy says I love you ICA says me too meaning ICA loves ICA too :MOO:
That, and an admission from CA to KC's friend that he needed to stay away from KC because she was a sociopath. Obviously CA was quite aware of KC's behavior. jmo

Yeah I don't wanna get all off topic and get in trouble.. sorry I brought it up in this thread.
I'm no expert on Sociopaths but if ICA isn't one, then I'd like to know who is.

I had a boss that was very much a sociopath and had been label that by many in authority. He was by far the scariest person I've ever come in contact with in my entire 48 years of life. The world just isn't big enough to put a comfortable distance between him and the rest of us.

There are many who operate just like ICA. The difference is that until they go and do something this extreme, when you come across one, you just feel something is off and try to avoid them at all cost. Simply put, they are the type of people that repel the rest of us. We've all met them..........they are friends, family, co-workers, ahem- bosses, Corporate Execs, etc............they operate in the gray area. Would steal your last dime, lie to your face, robbed your house when you ask them to house sit and then make up elaborate stories how it was some intruder, etc. They have no idea where their rights end and yours begins. In fact, they don't recognize your rights at all.

They mostly fly under the radar other than with those who have direct contact with them, UNTIL, they do something like what ICA is 'accused' of doing. Then and only then are they exposed. Something that they HATE, by the way.
I'd safely say that ICA is not just a troubled young girl with a lying issue, stealing issue, murdering issue,- I'd say she is a dangerous person who's crimes continued to escalate all the way to murder and she's been honing her skills from early on in life and if let out today, she'd do exactly the same thing only this time would TRY not to get caught. She'd fail, but that's the narcissist in her that believes that the only reason she is where she is today is due to poor planning, not that she didn't have the right to do what she did. Next time, she would bury her daughter so far out that NO ONE would find her. EVER. That is the only hiccup in her master plan. She was very confident until they found the remains.

Now she is being led by a sense of false security instilled in her by another narcissist (or two). I'm sitting back waiting for the balloon to deflate. But not to worry, ICA's anti-social personality will drive her for the next 20 years with elaborate twists and turns on how to get her self out of this little dilemma al la Diane Downs. We'll see the same ramblings from CA and ICA while they twist their ways through the appeals process.

I know what they look like- my step father was a diagnosed ASPD.
Casey thought her Mother would never forgive her, and that she'd never forgive herself, but it looks like things will be cool now that Mom remembers it the way JB does.
maybe to weight gain messed it all up.




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