What was the smirk between CA & ICA at the hearing?

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No love from me for CA and certainly not for ICA, but that "smirk' looked to me like a pressed together, lips turned in to me - to be one of regret and a "sort of "sorry", which ICA returned - like another poster said - a look of "I had to say what happened - what else could I do" kind of look. ICA returned that same look to her.

To me it didn't look to be a "loving mother/daughter moment". When you watch Cindy walking up to the stand to testify, she looks down and pressed her lips together in the same manner. Again not loving but regretful.

I noticed at the moment ICA gave that " sorry" type look at CA, she started to shrug her shoulder, but caught herself. I also noticed JB looking at ICA with a smile/smirk. I read it as an acknowledgment from ICA to her mother that yeah, sorry the car stink and you had to say it, but thanks for trying to covet for me. Something happened in CA's meeting with JB. It is too much a coincidence that the mother and daughter suddenly are signaling in that intimate way after all this time. I also wanted to mention CA's "look" has gone from celebrity make up, clothes, jewelry and demeanor, to a more " older, motherly" look and affect.
I think it is really comical that KC has totally ignored CA for all these YEARS (essentially KC has told CA and the entire world via her "cold shoulder" that she despises CA) but NOW suddenly KC "me toos" a profession of LUUVVV. Incongruence to say the least!

Here's a question about all this. CA reported in her deposition that she did not put dryer sheets in the car....why DID she lie about that in the deposition? Was the reason because she knows it was a wrong thing to do? Did she want it to seem that the dryer sheets were already in the car? Why?

I think knowing that TL had dryer sheets in his car as well it is more likely that KC placed the sheets in both cars to begin with.That is probably lazy's KC solution to freshen up a car.So I don't think CA lied about that in the depo I think she lied about it now.
Maybe they're trying to go with the old "someone at the towyard could have stashed a dead body in the trunk,it was not Caylee" so Casey wouldn't have had a reason to put the dryer sheets there since it did not smell when she was driving the car.
That can't work though because it's proven by Casey's squirrel statements that the smell was already in the car.
I think it is really comical that KC has totally ignored CA for all these YEARS (essentially KC has told CA and the entire world via her "cold shoulder" that she despises CA) but NOW suddenly KC "me toos" a profession of LUUVVV. Incongruence to say the least!

Here's a question about all this. CA reported in her deposition that she did not put dryer sheets in the car....why DID she lie about that in the deposition? Was the reason because she knows it was a wrong thing to do? Did she want it to seem that the dryer sheets were already in the car?

I think that acknowledgment came about simply because ICA needs CA's help. Right now she is of some use to her. CA is saying she didn't remember putting the ds in the car when she was deposed but now she does. Blaming it on medication and trauma. She wasn't lying just forgot. JA read off the pertinent statements in court and you know CA and her over explaing everything. Clearly a mistake since everything shown one must conclude she is a liar. CA doesn't answer just yes, no or I don't recall. She said no, why would I do that? Gives some more follow up I can't remember off of the top of my head that indicates to me she is blatantly lying to try and help Casey. No real surprise since she tried to claim she herself did internet searches for chlorophyll (sp). I can't remember if she said she might have spelled it wrong. No matter how unlikely it may sound CA always has an excuse for anything that indicates ICA is guilty. I think the prosecution can get an expert to testify that a bottle of fabreze and two ds did not cause such a high level of chloroform. The defense may have an expert that will verify the chemical content but what I'm betting he won't say is how much would need to be present for the same results.
In addition to the smirks between the Anthony women did anyone else notice how the court reporter kept smiling at the defense team but when she turned toward JA during his examination this womans smile was replaced with an expression of dislike? I was about ready to pick up my bat phone and call Judge Perry.:phone:

Novice Seeker
I thought it looked like Casey said 'you too', as in "... I love .... you too", but if it was "me too", so be it.

What strikes me as remarkable about the dryer sheet caper, is whether or not Jose knew it was in her deposition specifically that she said she didn't do it and had prepared Cindy with the medication alibi, or whether he glossed over that entirely and Cindy was caught off guard and had to think on her feet. I'm inclined to say she was prepared for that, because I've seen her trying to think on her feet, and it's pretty ugly.
In addition to the smirks between the Anthony women did anyone else notice how the court reporter kept smiling at the defense team but when she turned toward JA during his examination this womans smile was replaced with an expression of dislike? I was about ready to pick up my bat phone and call Judge Perry.:phone:

Novice Seeker

JA asked the court reporter if she would like a copy of the terms afterwards so they did not have to spell them out for her and she shook her head "yes" and laughed. I thought she was smiling at the bailif who was standing by the doorway. But she could have been smiling at anyone in the courtroom. I'm sure she knows all of the court personnel and attorneys and my guess is one in particular, CM. jmo
I read it a bit differently. What it looked like to me was almost an apology to CA from ICA that she had to clean up the mess ICA had made of the car, and poor Caylee's remains. If not an apology, then at least an acknowledgment that it was another big mess that CA had to clean up, like she's trying to do with this trial.
I think during the Cindy, Lippman, Baez meeting, the one with no George, Cindy made her own ultimatum. I think when Mr Baez was outlining what he needed her to say/lie about, Cindy said she'd only play nice if he made Casey stop giving her the cold shoulder. I think Cindy and Casey are all about giving each other ultimatums and even Caylee's death hasn't changed that. I can hear Cindy saying something like this "You know Jose, I see no reason to put myself out there if Casey won't even reach out to me. You tell little miss snippy pants that if she wants me to do something for her she better drop her little act and remember who's really on her side before she has no one to speak up for her."
To me it looks as if she gives JB a smirk of this is going to work and then she gives her mother a grin and a kind word to appease her. In MOO ICA seemed like a weight was lifted off of her shoulders that day from the time she was brought into the courtroom. I dare say, that this is all part of a integral plan to get ICA acquitted. I don't think it'll happen but Casey being as delusional as she is, probably thinks it will. Like I said MOO.
I thought it looked like Casey said 'you too', as in "... I love .... you too", but if it was "me too", so be it.

What strikes me as remarkable about the dryer sheet caper, is whether or not Jose knew it was in her deposition specifically that she said she didn't do it and had prepared Cindy with the medication alibi, or whether he glossed over that entirely and Cindy was caught off guard and had to think on her feet. I'm inclined to say she was prepared for that, because I've seen her trying to think on her feet, and it's pretty ugly.

It wasn't heartfelt, that's for sure...her head is down by the time she gets the "too" out...

Baez might have prepared her better than that...anyone who's followed this case knows about the 'mistruths', 'half truths' and 'misrepresenting' CA has done from day 32 (I hope the jurors will see it as well)...as BC stated before, they were done with telling tales or so it was thought....but seeing how CA has the ability to swing her statements, I am so thankful for the 911 calls were recorded and logged into evidence...that last one tells the truth as excited utterances are just straight from the heart with no forethoughts. Once CA has time to think, it's true how ugly she can be and get...the voicemails left for TM and YMelich are who CA is, when she is pushed up against the wall and you speak ill of her family...it will come back and haunt her and bite her in the rear...hoping those are also played for the jury...they will get the whole picture and it will be an ugly one...

I also hope the jury gets to hear how they sold Caylee's photos/videos and how much was made...then the jailhouse visit when ICA learns of Caylee' reward and her statement...Wow, that's half my bond...will hit them like a ton of bricks...We all knew CA is in coverup, protect mode but is she really willing to be jailed for perjury...I wonder if Baez informed her of that possibility...CA, her attorney and Baez sat down to go over this testimony..would CA's attorney allowed this, not that he could have stopped her from doing what she wants...it's all part of the game plan...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I felt it was like ICA was saying a thanks to her mom for admitting Caylee was garbage. CA knows it was decomp, she KNOWS this and stated as much in her 911 call. With CA standing behind ICA and calling the odor garbage I think in ICA's twisted mind she's thinking "yep, I'm more important than Caylee, Caylee was garbage and a bother, now you can focus on ME ME ME! You still have ME and we don't have to worry about Caylee getting between us again.

CA, nightmare and going to cause more damage than help in the long run when the SA's office can prove she changed her story so many times.

First let me say that I despise CA and everything that she has tried to do to get ICA off. That being said, it looks to me like the look meant, "Sorry kid, but it's the truth" and ICA's look meant "I know". CA had just said it was the worst smell she had ever smelled up until that time.

That's what I don't get. It was like she was insinuating that she's smelled worse since then. Why say "up until that time"??

Almost like - gosh, you should smell my bathroom on the worst of days.


This is one of those times where we "hear" Cindy and Casey exchanging words. Casey obviously lied and said she put dryer sheets "all over" the trunk. In reality, there were I believe a couple of them (could be wrong) but I think she pointed out one in her depo with LDB and said she did not do it and does not know why it would be there.

ICA said an obvious "thank you" to her mother. Thanks Mom for the lie. It is one of the things we wish for in this case and we got it on Friday.

There is nothing Cindy will not do at this trial to "help" her daughter.

And here is another reason why they have her writing everything down - to keep her busy. But obviously the defense cannot control everything. "Quite frankly", Baez had a perennial smirk through the entire proceeding, which I would think he would get under control also. Noone wants to see that in a trial of this magnitude where an innocent is murdered.

But imo, Casey was saying thank you to Cindy for the obvious lie.
It wasn't heartfelt, that's for sure...her head is down by the time she gets the "too" out...

Baez might have prepared her better than that...anyone who's followed this case knows about the 'mistruths', 'half truths' and 'misrepresenting' CA has done from day 32 (I hope the jurors will see it as well)...as BC stated before, they were done with telling tales or so it was thought....but seeing how CA has the ability to swing her statements, I am so thankful for the 911 calls were recorded and logged into evidence...that last one tells the truth as excited utterances are just straight from the heart with no forethoughts. Once CA has time to think, it's true how ugly she can be and get...the voicemails left for TM and YMelich are who CA is, when she is pushed up against the wall and you speak ill of her family...it will come back and haunt her and bite her in the rear...hoping those are also played for the jury...they will get the whole picture and it will be an ugly one...

I also hope the jury gets to hear how they sold Caylee's photos/videos and how much was made...then the jailhouse visit when ICA learns of Caylee' reward and her statement...Wow, that's half my bond...will hit them like a ton of bricks...We all knew CA is in coverup, protect mode but is she really willing to be jailed for perjury...I wonder if Baez informed her of that possibility...CA, her attorney and Baez sat down to go over this testimony..would CA's attorney allowed this, not that he could have stopped her from doing what she wants...it's all part of the game plan...JMHO

Justice for Caylee


Do you know how much they got for her pictures. As I understood it, the only monies they received were for the 48 hours show to the tune of $20,000, part of which went to their lawyer. I don't think they are making money off this situation. Basically, they have lost almost everything.

Do you know how much they got for her pictures. As I understood it, the only monies they received were for the 48 hours show to the tune of $20,000, part of which went to their lawyer. I don't think they are making money off this situation. Basically, they have lost almost everything.

ICA and Baez made money for their library of photos/vids of precious Caylee..What mom and pop made is anyone's guess for who in that family is prone to the truth...either way, it's off color..I don't think it was ever really delved into as much as I'd like to see. I never did see the actual accounting from Baez, nor do I know if he did an actual accounting of how much he did make to the court..but $275,000 seems to be the magic number for the defense...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I watched the video a few times and thought ICA mouthed "Love you too" back at CA - as though CA had mouthed "Love you" to ICA on her way off the stand. At first I thought she said "Thank you" but now I'm not sure. I could be wrong! JMO
No love from me for CA and certainly not for ICA, but that "smirk' looked to me like a pressed together, lips turned in to me - to be one of regret and a "sort of "sorry", which ICA returned - like another poster said - a look of "I had to say what happened - what else could I do" kind of look. ICA returned that same look to her.

To me it didn't look to be a "loving mother/daughter moment". When you watch Cindy walking up to the stand to testify, she looks down and pressed her lips together in the same manner. Again not loving but regretful.

I agree. I watched it live and I thought CA was expressing pain and regret at having to tell the truth about what she did and what she thought about the smell. It wasn't a smirk in my opinion...it was a grimace.

Poor CA... there are going to be a LOT of grimaces and sick to the stomachs at trial... take a barf bag... I can't believe she hasn't gotten physically ill at the sight of ICA like GA did when he recalled the smell...

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