What was the smirk between CA & ICA at the hearing?

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I was away the day of the hearing and this is the first clip I saw after putting my little one to bed.

So we're supposed to believe that GA remembers the exact CLOTHING ICA and Caylee had on the last time he saw them (an event that was insignificant AT THE TIME because he didn't know this was the last time he would see them). NO WAY! Now, we're supposed to believe that CA forgot that she put several dryer sheets in the car and sprayed it down with a whole bottle of Febreze? This event was very SIGNIFICANT! NO WAY she would have forgotten this! Something is very FISHY here!

This is the FIRST time (imo) I really saw ICA acknowledge CA with a smile, smirk, thank you, me too, or whatever... CA is lying and this benefits ICA - that's what this is all about!
I watched the video a few times and thought ICA mouthed "Love you too" back at CA - as though CA had mouthed "Love you" to ICA on her way off the stand. At first I thought she said "Thank you" but now I'm not sure. I could be wrong! JMO

I have watched this several times on a 55 inch tv and it is a clear Thank You from ICA.
It was just a harmless little friendly greeting from one pathological liar to another ...:innocent:
ICA and Baez made money for their library of photos/vids of precious Caylee..What mom and pop made is anyone's guess for who in that family is prone to the truth...either way, it's off color..I don't think it was ever really delved into as much as I'd like to see. I never did see the actual accounting from Baez, nor do I know if he did an actual accounting of how much he did make to the court..but $275,000 seems to be the magic number for the defense...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Right, but what Baez gets is not what Cindy and George get and it is clear from their interviews with the prosecutors who leave no stone unturned when they are asking them what they received in compensation and what they plan to receive. The answer was $20,000 from 48 hours. I don't think there was much more they could sell, since Baez took care of the pictures almost immediately.

But if it turns out they are doing a book (which will not sell if it is on how to help victims and their families of kidnappings - which is what George said in his interview and that was not set), Linda DB will find out.

I am going to say after the trial that Cindy Anthony and George will do a book. I mean George will go for something that will make him money because he simply has none and no job, etc.

The only person working as of now appears to be Lee. It probably is hard for George to get a job because of the notariety - right now. He is not above taking money, as he did from the woman who tried suicide after her story came out - she gave him about $5,000.
I have watched this several times on a 55 inch tv and it is a clear Thank You from ICA.
I played it over and over and tried to hear "me to" and "thank you" as she said it. It appears to be 'thank you" to me too.
The reason I think ICA said "Thank You" is for the LIE....and it struck me as soon as I heard CA say it...Fabreeze comes in a BOTTLE, not a can.
The reason I think ICA said "Thank You" is for the LIE....and it struck me as soon as I heard CA say it...Fabreeze comes in a BOTTLE, not a can.
Febreeze does come in cans now as well as plastic bottles, but it seems like the can version has come out more recently than 2008. Not sure, but it does seem like this is fairly new in the last year or two. She may have just accidentally said can too. (Unless aerosol is important to their scheme, then she did mean can :)) Hard to say. It doesn't matter, they will not convince anyone that it caused high levels of Chloroform or any at all in the trunk, even in combination with others compounds that were found in the trunk.
The fabric freshener comes in a bottle. The can is for air freshening. Febreeze Air Effects I think it's called.
I think during the Cindy, Lippman, Baez meeting, the one with no George, Cindy made her own ultimatum. I think when Mr Baez was outlining what he needed her to say/lie about, Cindy said she'd only play nice if he made Casey stop giving her the cold shoulder. I think Cindy and Casey are all about giving each other ultimatums and even Caylee's death hasn't changed that. I can hear Cindy saying something like this "You know Jose, I see no reason to put myself out there if Casey won't even reach out to me. You tell little miss snippy pants that if she wants me to do something for her she better drop her little act and remember who's really on her side before she has no one to speak up for her."

I kind of agree, but I think it might have been the opposite. I think Baez and ICA were told, probably by George, that George is off the team and not going to be bus fodder for them (even though they might still try it anyway). Or, he agreed to be a red herring only and let attention be on him as someone who might try something desperate even though he doesn't ever plan to. Lee is obviously off of the team, and I think Casey refuses to completely throw him under the bus, so the only one left to help at all is CA. I think Baez came to the realization that if they were going to get Cindy to help, ICA has to start acknowledging her in court. And he may have even offered that up to Cindy - you do what we need you do to do and Casey will make eye contact and speak to you. I really think this is how they are keeping Cindy on the team.

Cindy better watch herself because I believe she will find herself under those bus wheels. I mean, who else do they have to throw under it to possibly get Casey a lesser sentence? Or maybe Cindy agreed to be bus fodder if Casey would only look at her and speak to her? I can also see her that desperate to get any contact from Casey. If you think about it, the lawyer never said Cindy wouldn't go under the bus, only that George wouldn't. I think George was a red herring, possibly, to take attention to whatever the DT and Cindy are planning to save Casey. Also, if she wanted to demand eye contact and speaking, why wait all the way until NOW to do it? Something is brewing behind the scenes with Cindy and the DT, I just know it.

And Cindy is so desperate for any contact that she is buying it. I bet she goes home in heaven that her daughter made eye contact with her and spoke to her while Casey goes to jail and wonders what the next meal will be.
I felt it was like ICA was saying a thanks to her mom for admitting Caylee was garbage. CA knows it was decomp, she KNOWS this and stated as much in her 911 call. With CA standing behind ICA and calling the odor garbage I think in ICA's twisted mind she's thinking "yep, I'm more important than Caylee, Caylee was garbage and a bother, now you can focus on ME ME ME! You still have ME and we don't have to worry about Caylee getting between us again.

CA, nightmare and going to cause more damage than help in the long run when the SA's office can prove she changed her story so many times.


ICA saying a thanks?:floorlaugh: What we're seeing with Cindy is her continuing enabling of a narcistic individual who murdered a child because she saw that child as her competition, who was hindering ICA from enjoying the lifestyle she felt so entitled to.

Novice Seeker
That's what I don't get. It was like she was insinuating that she's smelled worse since then. Why say "up until that time"??

Almost like - gosh, you should smell my bathroom on the worst of days.



The point is to try to minimize the smell. By saying "up until that time", is to say she has smelled worse since then. In other words, yeah, it stunk, but it wasn't really that bad. It fits with the tactic that it was just rotting trash in the trunk, not a dead body. It also fits with the whole squirrel tactic, especially now that Dr. Vass testified that the smell wasn't that bad of the rotting squirrel that he did experiments with.

What I don't think CA (or apparently JB) recognizes is that when you are constantly changing your story to fit a new scenario, it's a dead giveaway. That is the problem with people who try to lie their way out of stuff. Not only do they think that no one is paying attention to anything except what they just said, but they are also deluded (delusions of grandeur?) into thinking that they are getting one over one everyone. If JA does what he did Friday in front of a jury, they will see right through her lies, regardless of her myriad of excuses.

The Anthony's are a toxic family, they manage by manipulation. They may have been able to get away with it amongst themselves, but here, when everything is on record and well documented, they don't have a chance. My Dad used to tell me, character is who you are when no one is looking. The Anthony's are folks who have no character and rather than face up to things, they have spun very large and integrated webs of deceit and manipulation. Their SOP is lying and manipulation. As such, I'm not surprised by their behavior in the least. What I take solace in is that there is now external eyes and light on the situation and when the case is done, it will be clear as day. The humorous (and I use that term lightly) thing about it is, the harder they try to lie and manipulate, the more clear it becomes and the easier it will be to point it out.
This is one of those times where we "hear" Cindy and Casey exchanging words. Casey obviously lied and said she put dryer sheets "all over" the trunk. In reality, there were I believe a couple of them (could be wrong) but I think she pointed out one in her depo with LDB and said she did not do it and does not know why it would be there.

ICA said an obvious "thank you" to her mother. Thanks Mom for the lie. It is one of the things we wish for in this case and we got it on Friday.

There is nothing Cindy will not do at this trial to "help" her daughter.

And here is another reason why they have her writing everything down - to keep her busy. But obviously the defense cannot control everything. "Quite frankly", Baez had a perennial smirk through the entire proceeding, which I would think he would get under control also. Noone wants to see that in a trial of this magnitude where an innocent is murdered.

But imo, Casey was saying thank you to Cindy for the obvious lie.


Hi- I hate to bring up Peterson, again, but his attorney, Geragos was EXACTLY the same way. It's a fake out.......sort of like giving off a "I have more up my sleeve" kinda look. It doesn't work mind you, but I think it's a common tactic. Geragos also made "jokes" like Baez does. So inappropriate but it's to give the impression that they got this all under control.
Another one who did this was David Westerfield's attorney. Maybe it's part of the training.
And you're right. Very off putting and has the complete opposite effect as to what the DT is after.
The point is to try to minimize the smell. By saying "up until that time", is to say she has smelled worse since then. In other words, yeah, it stunk, but it wasn't really that bad. It fits with the tactic that it was just rotting trash in the trunk, not a dead body. It also fits with the whole squirrel tactic, especially now that Dr. Vass testified that the smell wasn't that bad of the rotting squirrel that he did experiments with.

What I don't think CA (or apparently JB) recognizes is that when you are constantly changing your story to fit a new scenario, it's a dead giveaway. That is the problem with people who try to lie their way out of stuff. Not only do they think that no one is paying attention to anything except what they just said, but they are also deluded (delusions of grandeur?) into thinking that they are getting one over one everyone. If JA does what he did Friday in front of a jury, they will see right through her lies, regardless of her myriad of excuses.

The Anthony's are a toxic family, they manage by manipulation. They may have been able to get away with it amongst themselves, but here, when everything is on record and well documented, they don't have a chance. My Dad used to tell me, character is who you are when no one is looking. The Anthony's are folks who have no character and rather than face up to things, they have spun very large and integrated webs of deceit and manipulation. Their SOP is lying and manipulation. As such, I'm not surprised by their behavior, in the least. What I take solace in is that there is now external eyes and light on the situation and when the case is done, it will be clear as day. The humorous (and I use that term lightly) thing about it is, the harder they try to lie and manipulate, the more clear it becomes and the easier it will be to point it out.

What I find interesting about the Anthony's is what terrible liars they all are: When Cindy lies on the stand this past hearing, she says she put them (dryer sheets or whateer they are called) all over the trunk. I don't believe they were found all over - I think it was one or two. So she embellishes even more than is necessary. They are just awful liars.

When George is on the stand, he says Yuri called him and said "you're NEVER gonna see her again". It is an obvious lie. George went and thanked them six days later and did it on the sly so Cindy would not know and said he was trying to control Cindy but could not.

When he is confronted by LDB, he says it could have been "might" not be coming back, but it was a while ago.

These people do not realize that they do more damage when they lie to this degree - a jury will see it - and people hate to be lied to - it insults them.
The reason I think ICA said "Thank You" is for the LIE....and it struck me as soon as I heard CA say it...Fabreeze comes in a BOTTLE, not a can.

I have a can of it. It's skinny..........

Edit- sorry, that sounded kinda snotty on my part. They are smaller than the big bottles and have special scents
I thought George said in court, that he would do anything for his daughter even if it meant " not coming to court". I don't see how that helps her.
ICA saying a thanks?:floorlaugh: What we're seeing with Cindy is her continuing enabling of a narcistic individual who murdered a child because she saw that child as her competition, who was hindering ICA from enjoying the lifestyle she felt so entitled to.

Novice Seeker

That's why I have such a hard time with this little exchange between CA and ICA. Up until now, ICA hasn't even acknowledged her parents, now what changed? Silly to try and figure out, I guess, b/c ICA plays by her rules, not the rest of the world's rules.

So, Casey tossed her mother a little smile/smirk. No doubt Cindy is overjoyed, and now feels loved again by her narcissistic daughter.......creepy.
In watching the recording of the hearing, CA is giving testimony about the car and dryer sheets. At the 10:09 mark, toward the end of the video, CA gives a kind of smirk, and the camera then goes to ICA, who appears to smirk back. Considering, ICA and CA have had almost no eye contact in the courtroom, up until this point, is this significant? ICA appears to mouth something to CA as she is coming off the stand, also. Is there anything significant about CA's testimony, that caused ICA to acknowledge CA at this time?

YouTube - Sierra1947's Channel

(thanks Patti for the recording)

edited to add: 10:09 & 10:27

The moment I find most interesting in this clip is at 2:10 to 2:15 when Cindy states that she "removed Casey's workbag" from the trunk (paraphrasing) and the look that Dorothy Simms gave ICA at that moment spoke volumes to me. Even her own atty knows they are lying,ICA "worked" no where,why is Cindy perpetrating this "LIE". IMHO This is another of the reasons I do not like CA and why I have no sympathy for her. :waitasec:

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