What we know about Ransom Note

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To what specifically are you referring when you mention the writer's history? Somehow, I feel that you see PR as the RN author, with which I'd agree.

To what specifically are you referring when you mention the writer's history? Somehow, I feel that you see PR as the RN author, with which I'd agree.

Think about something major that happened with Patsy about three years prior to her daughter's death.

Wouldn't have considered THAT. PR's unconscious mind at work? Interesting connection.
What does Patsy’s cancer treatment have to do with the letter? Pretend I’m stupid (LOL) and explain it to me gently. Thanks.

At the end of the note, there's no period after the big C. Patsy had a total hysterectomy and oophrectomy. She would no longer menstruate.

No period (menstruation) after the big C (cancer).
At the end of the note, there's no period after the big C. Patsy had a total hysterectomy and oophrectomy. She would no longer menstruate.

No period (menstruation) after the big C (cancer).

It may surprise you to know that post-menopausal women do not lose their ability to punctuate. I’ll admit, though, that your theory is imaginative. I love a good play on words.

How clever of you! I never before found an explanation of the 'C' which lacks a period. This makes sense in a Freudian way. The unconscious mind makes no mistakes.
if you ask me, i'll almost certain PR wrote the ransom note.....


the issue of all the movie quotes has been brought up here..... and apparently, one of the key quotes was also very similar to one in a john douglas book on unsolved murders that may (or may not) have been in the house prior to JBR's death

it seems unless PR was some huge movie buff and watched alot of movies (with JR and her kids...... AND with other parents who have different aged children) that all the movie quotes suggest maybe she didn't read the note

i'm aware of the movie quotes from Dirty Harry and the movie itself. i must have seen it 25 times and i'm not a movie person myself. maybe i was when i was much younger... it seems like one of the 10 movies that i'll automatically watch if i see it in TV listing and in channel surfing....

so here are my questions,

1) how much are these quotes identified with the movies? were they styles of talking that existed before the movies? and then the movies made them part of popular culture (Dirty Harry - the character but another of the DH movie set - "go ahead, make my day"... just an example of a quote, it's not in the ransom letter

2) how exact were the quotes?.......... how recent were some of the movies to JBR's death?.... how many different movies? 2 or 3? or more?

3) WS posters suggested it....... but what about JR dictating to PR?

thanks in advance............ maybe these questions are hard to answer without alot of work and interpretation...... but it does plausible that if she didn't have alot of movie knowledge, then at most she dictated the letter
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and plz don't get me wrong, i'd bet every dollar i have that PR wrote the RN. there really is no other plausible explantion and to me it makes near-perfect sense.

I am also interested in solving the questions. Thank you for your inquiry.
"Dirty Harry" (1971)
"Sudden Impact" (1983)
"Ruthless People" (1986)
"Speed" (1994)
"Ransom" (1996)
I understand many believe it was an inside job, and that the ransom letter was written by either of the parents, because of the mention of a ransom of $118,000... the exact amount of John's bonus... and they question who and why would this amount have been mentioned by an outsider... but the Ramsey's are NOT stupid people.. and honestly, to ANYONE it would seem a very, very silly move to implicate yourself by stating a known bonus and basically putting yourself in the headlights of the investigators...no?
I understand many believe it was an inside job, and that the ransom letter was written by either of the parents, because of the mention of a ransom of $118,000... the exact amount of John's bonus... and they question who and why would this amount have been mentioned by an outsider... but the Ramsey's are NOT stupid people.. and honestly, to ANYONE it would seem a very, very silly move to implicate yourself by stating a known bonus and basically putting yourself in the headlights of the investigators...no?

Patsy is considered to be the writer of the ransom note because of handwriting and certain mannerisms in the note.

Your point about the odd ransom demand being similar to John's bonus is a good one. It's one of the things about the ransom note and crime scene that leads me to conclude that the ransom note was devised to point suspicion at John in a not immediately obvious way.
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I understand many believe it was an inside job, and that the ransom letter was written by either of the parents, because of the mention of a ransom of $118,000... the exact amount of John's bonus... and they question who and why would this amount have been mentioned by an outsider... but the Ramsey's are NOT stupid people.. and honestly, to ANYONE it would seem a very, very silly move to implicate yourself by stating a known bonus and basically putting yourself in the headlights of the investigators...no?

It could the Ramsey's revised their plan as to who was going to be prime suspect?

Initially they may have had someone from John's workplace lined up as a potential suspect.

For some reason they changed their mind and named the housekeeper as a likely suspect.

Many of the items and evidence left in the basement appear to be remnants from a prior staging, e.g. consider John and the broken window.

So whilst the Ramsey's might not be stupid people, they are certainly not schooled in staging crime-scenes, hence they made a complete mess fabricating JonBenet's.

....Initially they may have had someone from John's workplace lined up as a potential suspect....

That's actually a not-crazy suggestion if you take out the "they." John was asleep upstairs.

There's one piece of physical evidence/staging that points to a (former, I think) colleague of John's.

(And, of course, John might have discussed his bonus with any number of people. The amount of his bonus would not be widely known in the company.)
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That's actually a not-crazy suggestion if you take out the "they." John was asleep upstairs.

There's one piece of physical evidence/staging that points to a (former, I think) colleague of John's.

(And, of course, John might have discussed his bonus with any number of people. The amount of his bonus would not be widely known in the company.)

fr brown,
Sure, some think it points to Patsy rather than an Access employee, since she can read John's papers and statements whenever it suits her, and might have been aware of John's exact bonus figure.

The thing about John being asleep upstairs, that's fine and dandy, so why does John want to leave Boulder as soon as possible, using his private plane to flee interstate on the grounds he has an important business appointment?

Leaving JonBenet behind?

thanks for all the feedback... i appreciate it.

as per some comments,

i don't know all the movie quotes. i think someone said "well, you knew all the quotes".... i've just read there were a bunch. i know DH quotes but not the other 3-4 movies.

the movies were either very contemporary or DH ones from 20 years earlier. the DH quotes are known to most men of a certain age, but most women??... people rented alot of movies back then so very plausible PR knows all those quotes or JR/PR know them all......... if she isn't movie buff, well then she didn't write note or JR dictated......

as per "why would the R's put $118 bonus figure in the ransom letter?"... well "why would someone who broke in put that in a ransom note?". and lots of IDI is sex offender. they wouldn't know the figure............ there are so many "this is hard to explain...... " elements of this case that it'll drive you nuts...... RDI and IDI are both pretty incredible IMO........... was going to write something else but lost my train of thought. that RN basically is extraordinary

what evidence is there that JR slept through the night and only got involved with PR's "discovery - real or not - of the note"?... i know that many BPD detectives, who are no friends of JR, do think this. so my guess is it's true.

as per "why this?", "why that?", it seems like we wouldn't be talking about this case today without the RN........ do people think the RN saved the R's? or implicated them?.. what would have happened if JBR was just found in basement with no explanation at all?. does anyone know?
JR being asleep upstairs and then wanting to flee...... lots of explanations, some implicate him ....... but he certainly could have slept through the night and then learnt of what happened - explicitly 0r implicitly - or even figured what happened...... basically protect PR or BR....... i do think he'd want some accounting from PR/BR as to what happened though
I don't believe the 'cover-up' theory... or that Patsy wrote the note.... if your daughter had just been killed... by accident or whatever, even if you were not the most maternal person in the world, you're not going to be in a state to write such a long, detailed ransom letter... leaving your handwriting open to professional analysis, when "WE HAVE YOUR DAUGHTER" would have done the same job. The less writing, the less to question...
I don't believe the 'cover-up' theory... or that Patsy wrote the note.... if your daughter had just been killed... by accident or whatever, even if you were not the most maternal person in the world, you're not going to be in a state to write such a long, detailed ransom letter... leaving your handwriting open to professional analysis, when "WE HAVE YOUR DAUGHTER" would have done the same job. The less writing, the less to question...

you are 100% correct...... here are some questions i have,

but why would intruders break-in, write a note on R's pad with R's pen and put the pen back? there has to be some sort of assumption they don't want to get caught and that behaviour is completely at odds with that.

that's a very impressive note..... could most of the IDI suspects put forward have done it? i doubt it... but a journalism major could have

now, you have the whole idea that the R's were the victim of an elaborate frame. perhaps, but that's true of millions of people convicted on circumstantial evidence........ seems unlikely, but who knows?

what evidence is there of IDI at all? THIS IS THE BIGGEST THING TO ME.... i'd say there is close to none

there are theories that tie most of the info together coherently... but those are generally very negative towards PR.

as i said, RDI and IDI are both incredible and require pretty big leaps of faith.... it is very easy to pick holes in either theory........

reminds me of oswald/JFK. that whole specter is extraordinary, no matter what happened.

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