What will be the sentence for ICA?

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What do you think the sentince will be

  • ICA will walk out a free person

    Votes: 3 0.4%
  • ICA will receive the ultimate sanction

    Votes: 114 14.1%
  • ICA will receive LWOP

    Votes: 498 61.4%
  • ICA will receive 40 years or less

    Votes: 52 6.4%
  • ICA will receive 30 years or less

    Votes: 102 12.6%
  • ICA will receive 20 years or less

    Votes: 32 3.9%
  • ICA will receive 10 years or less

    Votes: 14 1.7%
  • ICA will receive time served

    Votes: 8 1.0%
  • CA/GA/LA or some other witness will face criminal procedings

    Votes: 65 8.0%
  • Hung Jury and a Mis-trial

    Votes: 18 2.2%
  • Mister Baez will have sanctions and a bar report.

    Votes: 56 6.9%

  • Total voters
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Oh Casey thinks she could fool anyone. I bet she's already planning a welcome back party. smh

But I have faith, our selected jurors will not fall for it.
After the pet cemetery testimony, I think she will get the DP.
Hopefully the DP, But Casey thinks she will be found not guilty.
I voted LWOP no DP because she is an attractive young woman. If she were a man she would be dead meat.

I don't think Judge Perry cares what she is. He's watched the execution of a woman he sentenced to die before, IIRC.
In your opinion, do you think Casey believes the jury will not convict her? I feel that she definitely felt this pre-trial and possibly, a good part of the trial, that's why I feel she wouldn't take a plea deal or ask for one.

What say you, the fine people of WS?

I absolutely think that Casey thought she was going to get away with it.

And let's not forget she picked her attorney and I believe her parents ebven questioned her on his experience but Casey got what Casey wanted. I see no reason for her to be re-tried because her council was not up to par so to say.

I swear this case brings out the worse in me.
I voted 30 years, just trying to be realistic.

I don't think the jury will vote for death and I am not sure it is appropriate, even if I was a proponent, because I still don't know what happened to Caylee. I understand about Scott P. and others that have received it in spite of no cause of death, etc...I just don't think it will happen in this case. In Scott P.'s case I think part of the reason Lacy was killed, if not all, was because she was about to give birth, and he did not want to be a husband and father. Also he was killing two people. We don't REALLY know why Caylee was killed, how, where, when. At least I don't, I should say.
I thought she might get less than 20 yrs. but hope the majority is right and she gets LWOP. That would be real good!
I thought she might get less than 20 yrs. but hope the majority is right and she gets LWOP. That would be real good!

Casey will be thriving in Prison with LWOP. I, Personally would like for her to get the DP.
Hello everyone! This is my first post and after looking around this site I think I am going to REALLY like it here!

I voted for this like I do for the Oscars/Emmys...

I voted LWOP but hope for the ultimate...I was mighty impressed with the entire Prosecutions case and totally entertained by the Defense...That Mr. Baez sure is a funny one...not

Just wanted to jump in with both feet and say Hi!


I like your style! I'm hoping for the DP but I will be happy with her having to live in prison LWOP!
I don't believe in the death penalty, but if I agreed to be on this jury and agreed to consider the DP then she meets the criteria for receiving it. She killed her child. Deliberately and with premeditation. DP.
I voted 30 years, just trying to be realistic.

I don't think the jury will vote for death and I am not sure it is appropriate, even if I was a proponent, because I still don't know what happened to Caylee. I understand about Scott P. and others that have received it in spite of no cause of death, etc...I just don't think it will happen in this case. In Scott P.'s case I think part of the reason Lacy was killed, if not all, was because she was about to give birth, and he did not want to be a husband and father. Also he was killing two people. We don't REALLY know why Caylee was killed, how, where, when. At least I don't, I should say.

Caylee was most likely killed because Casey did NOT want to be a responsible "Parent" with a 2 year old girl tagging along everywhere.

She did not want to provide Caylee with support & love & protection.

Caylee (IMO, was George's & Cindy's Adopted "Daughter" because they were the ones who put a roof over Caylee's head, food in her stomach, etc. ).

Caylee was a burden to Casey and Casey had to get rid of her somehow.

She killed Caylee because she did not want to be tied down with a child while other people her age were out having a life of their own.

IMO, Casey though she was stuck in a rut and the only way out (In her demented mind) was to kill her own offspring so she could be free to go out and do whatever she darn well pleased.
Yes, this is what I want. I don't care if she does not get executed. I just want this jury to give her the DP.

I would like to read about how her life is on the Row.


I would too, iluvmua! There is no air conditioning and it does get very hot. Also, the jail garb does not always fit and I am certain she would not get to tie any knots in it to make it fit better.

ICA is going to have a very hard time in prison regardless of whether it is on Death Row or in General Population. County Jail is a tea party compared to prison. She will be leaving her little cocoon and security of her home of 3 years. She has has been too comfortable there, IMO.

Plus, she will experience separation anxiety not getting to see 'her boys' every day. (Baez & CM)

Okay; I will stop now!
After the pet cemetery testimony, I think she will get the DP.

After everything else, I still can't believe JB did this. Completely my Ah-ha moment. He won't do it, but in his place I would voluntarily hand in my license.
I voted 30 years or less, middle of the road. Since there's no definitive cause of death and no DNA directly linking Casey I doubt she would get the death penalty. Also, so many people claimed what a great mother she was, the jury may think she snapped and acted in a moment of passion. We know she only "acted" like a good mother when she was being observed, that's the problem here, the jury doesn't even know one tenth of the stuff we know about her. I am sure if the jury had read every document, and seen every interview they would give her the death penalty.
In your opinion, do you think Casey believes the jury will not convict her? I feel that she definitely felt this pre-trial and possibly, a good part of the trial, that's why I feel she wouldn't take a plea deal or ask for one.

What say you, the fine people of WS?

I think she did think that right up until today when court ended.
Cheney Mason did his best to argue for an acquittal and it was denied.
I never saw Casey's face look the way it did at that moment, it was sheer fear and anger at her attorneys for letting her down. She had a heavy dose of reality and wasn't liking it. The jury will convict her.
Casey will be thriving in Prison with LWOP. I, Personally would like for her to get the DP.

Exactly or otherwise we're going to have to hear about her all the time. She'll get married behind bars etc... DP would be best.
I voted LWOP but I want to add it has to be served out in general population. No more special treatment.
I just want to hear she is convicted and will spend the rest of her life incarcerated. No longer able to affect anyone's life with her sociopathic ways.

Knowing she will no longer have her posse embracing her until Big Bertha shows up to take their place.
I think she did think that right up until today when court ended.
Cheney Mason did his best to argue for an acquittal and it was denied.
I never saw Casey's face look the way it did at that moment, it was sheer fear and anger at her attorneys for letting her down. She had a heavy dose of reality and wasn't liking it. The jury will convict her.

You are absolutely right whiteangora.....I saw it too. She is shaking tonight because she is once again "at the end of the very hallway that she created for herself". She was in total fear before she left the courtroom today. She was stalling the guard standing in back of her and didn't want to go...again. It's now nailbiting time and I hope she's very scared. For crying out loud, if she had nothing to hide.......all she had to do was tell the truth.

I've always wanted to err on the side of caution and had pretty much decided I could never sentence anyone to death but, I have found out with this case, I'd have to think about that extra hard before I made that decision.
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