What will Casey's reaction be when the verdict comes in?

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Stone cold shooting daggers at the jury and her parents. Under it all though she will be seething with rage.
Once she is convicted, I expect a pity party of epic proportions complete with full meltdown in the courtroom. My opinion is based on the belief that ICA is a narcissitic sociopath who only shows emotion when it concerns her.

I suspect that once her imaginary bubble of innocence is busted that she will go ballistic! She will have the mindset of ' I'll show them, they'll see...they MUST see it my way! I will MAKE them see!'

ICA will appeal and appeal and appeal in an attempt to wear the system down in an attempt that someone will eventually believe her nonsensical story.

This is what narcissitic sociopaths do, they keep on...... and on....... and on...... and on.... and on.... about a subject until one is so worn down and exhausted that the victim cries UNCLE!

That's what they do...I was married to one for 20 years. this is MOO

I have been watching her looks of contempt and pure hate over the last several days. And since it's the last hoorah *figure of speech* for her in front of the camera's? The last time to be out amongst "the people"? The last time I think for a lot of things? I see seething in her eyes at this point between her and JB even. She won't cry. She will do something hateful. I see absolutely no remorse in her demeanor which is how I come to my conclusion/observation.

Remember one thing:

It's always been about ICA. And will continue to be.

First person you'll see her take it out on? JB.

ICA is not stupid by any means. She has had a lot of time to glean the "audience" and she also is aware that more than that has a view from the outside with the camera's *covering her mouth when she talks*.

I can't predict what she will do or how she will react to a verdict.

But if it's NOT the verdict she was setting her sights on *innocent*?

We're all going to be surprised.

She's done her homework, had plenty of time to think about it......
I am trying to remember what Diane Downs and Ted Bundy did when their verdicts were read. I mean, they are cut from the same cloth you know. I think she will be stone faced and possibly shake her head "no" a bit, but I doubt she will react otherwise. Who knows with her.
I think she will start with a shaking of the head no and then by the end of it, when the judge says his final words, she will have a meltdown.
I see a "near faint" and lots of tears for HERSELF
I think it'll be one extreme or the other- her usual stone-faced expression or a huge explosion of pent-up rage.
She'll cry and shake her head no.
Very dramatically.
She will place sticky tapes on JB's face saying bad boy!
If that was me and they said not guilty. I would tip that table over and do my george jefferson walk straight out the front door. Let 'em try to stop me.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhtLTDK9yWA"]YouTube - ‪Jeffersons Nick at Nite Promo - Walk Like George‬‏[/ame]
If that was me and they said not guilty. I would tip that table over and do my george jefferson walk straight out the front door. Let 'em try to stop me.

LOL, good one!

ETA: You're a guy weedemout, right?
Panic attack. Doubles over. Feeling that she cannot breathe. Shock.

Followed by quick recovery, smile and .... Total defiance. The appeal fight is on.
Doesn't Casey have a seizure disorder? Wouldn't that be dramatic if the verdict illicited a seizure? I almost thought she was going to have one today when she stood there with her head down, before being taken back to jail.
KC's only seizure disorder is red bull induced..when she drank 6 redbulls ..she had a seizure. I think she will continue to act like a legal aide..looking at papers..straightening up legal papers..BUT then when the deputy goes to take her back I think she will implode..then explode. imo
IF she's convicted, I expect something like the outburst after Cindy testified the first time. If for some reason she's acquitted, I expect a slight faint, a huge sigh and then the hugging and crying in Jose Baez' arms. Oh yeah, and asking the cute intern if he's looking for a roomate.
If she's acquitted, I might have an out burst! :banghead:
I predict the same reaction that she had when they discovered Caylee's remains on Suburban Drive.

I think that there will be less theatrics than those that we saw when she got "sick" that day that court was ended early.

I hope that she falls to the ground and hits her head...it will serve her right.

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