What Will KC's Reaction Be When She Sees TL at Trial

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This week at the hearing when they were talking about her being at Fusion dressed in a minidress, looking for Caylee she got mad, grabbed JB and started whispering in his hear. IMHO when the trial actually starts and TL, Jesse and others are up on the stand stating bad things about her it is going to be really hard for the defense to keep her quiet, make her sit still and stare into space, I beleive even with drugs she would not be able to contain herself. If you noticed when they went to sidebar this week JB could not even leave her sitting alone he had to get someone to sit beside her and babysit her while he was up at the sidebar. I believe she is a loose cannon just waiting to go off.
I'd like to add that I sure hope and pray for him. That he has moved on without too much psychological damage. Can you even fathom having a boyfriend/girlfriend that has murdered their child right under your nose and you not even know that something was going on? wow!

Kew17 I have often wondered after hearing his lawyer speak if he'd gotten some counseling or something. This had to be so utterly traumatizing for him. Imagine even trying to become close and intimate with another woman in a relationship after this experience.

ITA Prayers for AL!

I also agree that Casey will have a difficult time in shielding her anger from the jury as well as others once the SA gets really going with certain types of witnesses.
PLUS, wasn't she stringing another dude or two along during her time with TL?:waitasec:

Picture a long ,wide corridor outside the courtroom.It's lined with KC's past. Christina,Grandma Shirley,Ricardo ,Amy ,headed up by TL.KC has to walk through this silent group,ankle hardware clanking,as she shuffles into court. They are all there to testify against her and she knows it.I would pay good money to see that.
ETA. 4th of July Will.Can't forget him
I don't think KC will have any reaction. She will be strongly advised by her defense team not to. They don't want the jury to get the idea that KC's relationship with TL might be one of the reasons Caylee is no longer alive.
TL wanted a boy if he were going to have a child. Also, he was getting a little more than annoyed when she couldn't hook up with him because she didn't have a babysitter. Also remember that he was the person she chose to spend the "caylee free" month with so apprently getting rid of Caylee equaled getting Tony. So, in her mind, she may just think he is responsible for her situation. I think there will be anger toward him.

Excellent point and post. How do you face your motive....?
I don't think KC will have any reaction. She will be strongly advised by her defense team not to. They don't want the jury to get the idea that KC's relationship with TL might be one of the reasons Caylee is no longer alive.

bbm: This will be interesting to see how well the defense does at accomplishing this!
OH! I really hope she does doodle KCL as that's one of the "wonderful" chemicals that will assist in terminating her existence!:angel:

KCL= potassium chloride, the last step in the 3 part lethal injection that stops the heart!

LOL oh the irony is RICH
KC is manipulative..........I think she will want to look her best and sexy.
I almost think in a warped way she may try to flirt with TL and throw him off.
Making him nervous to testify against her.
When it does not work, she will put on her evil "I hate you face"
While I agree, on one hand..it does kind of seem like TL was a jerk to her. I am by no means whatsoever on KC"s side regarding ANYTHING..but having dated a few JERKS in my time, I think TL was a bit of a jerk. He was stringing her along for sex (and while she may have been using him for just the same) when he was smart enough to know she was a mother and should have been tending to her motherly duties instead of spending every moment either texting him or being with him or what have you. He played with her mind/heart by saying she couldn't come to New York (he probably also had a girl up there, maybe..just speculating) and that he wouldn't want a girl if he had a baby..KNOWING what kind of an effect that could possibly have on her. I'm sure he didn't know the extent of how "crazy" she is or what she may have possibly done, but surely he'd had to know that any girl - crazy or not - would get their feelings hurt hearing those things. And knowing how much KC was doing to try and please HIM - he didn't mind taking advantage of that kindness and the opportunity that she presented to him..didn't mind helping her steal gas cans from her family..didn't mind her leaving Caylee alone or whatever she did with Caylee to go see her..(the last JERK I dated, at the very least I can say he always asked where my DD was and who was watching her every time I went to see him, and that's the best thing I can say for him..) He didn't question anything though surely it must have seemed a little off, he didn't mind because it suited him just fine to have someone cook and clean for him and his buddies, provide for him (with stolen money/goods of course) and be there on a whim to fulfill his sexual desires, despite him obviously thinking she was "crazy" (though probably not knowing to what extent.)

JMO! I feel bad for him yes, but he doesn't sound like a "great guy" either. Sounds like a player and an opportunist. Of course, what guy at that age isn't?

Before I'd characterize him as a jerk, I like to remember that she pretty much threw herself at him and sort of "moved in" after less than a month of "dating". He had to remind her that it was not appropriate to bring her daughter there for overnight stays, as there was pot smoking and a kid living on the sofa. This was an apartment of college kids and she came flying in like she was some domestic goddess/sex slave. That's too fast for anyone's comfort, and I don't blame him for kind of putting on the brakes. No hormonal male is going to turn down free sex and housework from someone who obviously has enough time to fit it in her schedule, especially if they are convincing and pushy. If I'd been in his place, I'd have been getting creepy "single white female" vibes from her from day one. It's not easy for some guys to say no at that age. And what chick would be practicing some new "married name" in a notebook like some silly high school girl after being involved in a relationship that was basically a month old? Ewwww! If I'd been a guy, I'd have gotten icky Black Widow vibes and probably dumped her much quicker. And let's not forget that during all of this she is catting around with all kinds of other dudes - who can treat someone like that seriously?? I'm surprised Jesse acted like such a gentleman given what she was doing to him during the same time period. If KC had been acting the way a nice, normal, unmarried mother of a toddler should be acting instead of a desperate, manipulative party girl, AL might have behaved differently. But I don't think she sent any "serious" relationship vibes his way that would garner any kind of reciprocal respect, imo.
I think she is going to livid at seening him, jaw will be a clenchin' at first, but then she will do that cold rage thing where she tries to act like he's no big deal. I'm sure she'll cozy up to Baez to tell Tony, See, I have a new man who loves me! She has to be one up on everyone, better than everyone. Gee, I wonder where she got that from...

I've also read on a post over at Hinky Meter (not Val, but a comment on the post entitled Relevant Photos, which everyone should go read, btw) that Tony is now in a long term relationship with a woman who has a daughter! I have no way of knowing if that is true, and forgive me if it's not, but if it is true. Casey will totally lose it when she sees him if she knows about that! I mean, her motive was to get rid of Caylee because Tony said he didn't want a girl!
In my opinion, many of you have already touched on what I believe her reaction to Tony will be.

She will act like it doesn't faze her in the least. Casey believes she is better than every last one of them, men and women alike, and she will act like whatever TL has to say up there on the stand has not one ounce of effect on her. I would bet that if anything she would want Baez next to her during his testimony and she'll be scribbling notes to him but she will try very hard to put a look on her face like TL is absolutely insignificant to her.

Inside though, it will be very different. She'll feel incredibly insecure.
OH! I really hope she does doodle KCL as that's one of the "wonderful" chemicals that will assist in terminating her existence!:angel:

KCL= potassium chloride, the last step in the 3 part lethal injection that stops the heart!

Am I just rotten to admit that this is one of all-time my favorite postings??:blushing:

Nah....probably just tired cuz I spent all night trying to help console an actual crime VICTIM (the opposite of KC) who is devastated to have to face an upcoming jury trial here and face her accused rapist. :( :furious:
I think she is going to livid at seening him, jaw will be a clenchin' at first, but then she will do that cold rage thing where she tries to act like he's no big deal. I'm sure she'll cozy up to Baez to tell Tony, See, I have a new man who loves me! She has to be one up on everyone, better than everyone. Gee, I wonder where she got that from...
I've also read on a post over at Hinky Meter (not Val, but a comment on the post entitled Relevant Photos, which everyone should go read, btw) that Tony is now in a long term relationship with a woman who has a daughter! I have no way of knowing if that is true, and forgive me if it's not, but if it is true. Casey will totally lose it when she sees him if she knows about that! I mean, her motive was to get rid of Caylee because Tony said he didn't want a girl!

bold #1: So true! That whole Apple Dumplin' Gang parenting is wack.
bold #2: A MUST READ!!! ITA!
bold #3: The irony is so, so, so, so very rich.

I appreciate everyone's responses on this thread. Very interesting!
This week at the hearing when they were talking about her being at Fusion dressed in a minidress, looking for Caylee she got mad, grabbed JB and started whispering in his hear. IMHO when the trial actually starts and TL, Jesse and others are up on the stand stating bad things about her it is going to be really hard for the defense to keep her quiet, make her sit still and stare into space, I beleive even with drugs she would not be able to contain herself. If you noticed when they went to sidebar this week JB could not even leave her sitting alone he had to get someone to sit beside her and babysit her while he was up at the sidebar. I believe she is a loose cannon just waiting to go off.

I noticed that and can you imagine what the jurors will think of her, and her behavior? The defense has to know that not only will the jury be watching and listening to witnesses & testimony but also keeping an eye on the defendant.

The stern looks, clenching jaw, and tears for herself, they'll catch it all IMHO.
It's possible Casey really is thinking..."yeah, so I killed the brat, ended up in this mess, but you know TonE still wants me."

I, personally, believe a narcissistic person like Casey feels they OWN people. You are always a possession to be picked up or brutally discarded, but then picked up again. They think you are always available if they so chose to use you. You are a hairbrush. Casey's thinking is so twisted that most of us can't fathom how she processes life.

IMO, Casey has Narcissistic Personality Disorder in its maglinant form. She has that split, that False Self. She is insulated by her own condition.

I think Sam Vaknin author of Maglinant Narcissism explains it better.

This is my first time starting a Thread, hope I did it right.

What do you think KC's reaction will be when she sees TL and her other friends for the first time at trial. She has not been face to face with Tony since all this happened.

I think Casey will react indifferent at first. But, I think she'll become angry when TL testifies and says something negative about her.

Narcissistic people see themselves a perfect in every way. They cannot take confrontation of something negative being said about them. They become angry and enraged. The question is.........can Casey maintain her composure or will her rage take over and she'll have an angry outburst in the courtroom?

A good defense attorney, knowing the prosecution's witness list, will prepare the defendant with what each witness is expected to testify to based on their depositions. The defense attorney will go through the depositions with the defendant so they'll know in advance what the witness will say.

JB doesn't impress me as being so thorough as to discuss in detail with Casey what to expect. I think she's been coached to a degree about reacting with tears and woeful looks to what the prosecution attorneys have said in court. But I'm not sure what the depth of preparation has been or will be. Perhaps AL or CM will prepare Casey for trial.

Casey is going to face a long line of former friends and acquaintances who will be saying a lot of negative things about her in their testimony. I think we're going to see at least one angry outburst from Casey.
The defense attorney will go through the depositions with the defendant so they'll know in advance what the witness will say.

JB doesn't impress me as being so thorough as to discuss in detail with Casey what to expect. I think she's been coached to a degree about reacting with tears and woeful looks to what the prosecution attorneys have said in court. But I'm not sure what the depth of preparation has been or will be. Perhaps AL or CM will prepare Casey for trial.

Casey is going to face a long line of former friends and acquaintances who will be saying a lot of negative things about her in their testimony. I think we're going to see at least one angry outburst from Casey.

RS&BBM, Leila.

I am totally unfamiliar with this but who exactly gets to talk to the defendant before court appearances? Will the mitigation specialist who has apparently forged a close relationship with KC, be allowed access to her in those moments before she is led into court? If not, then I would imagine it will be AL guiding & calming her. My :twocents:, CM doesn't have the patience for the task at hand.
Casey will not only have to hear her "friends" testify against her but also her grandmother Shirley and her uncle Rick. Those two in particular are going to tick off Cindy in a big way. If the defense does not handle those two females in the correct way then we may get a double whammy of two courtroom outbursts for the price of one. That is if Cindy and George are allowed in the courtroom when Shirley and Rick are called to the stand.
I think Casey will react indifferent at first. But, I think she'll become angry when TL testifies and says something negative about her.

Narcissistic people see themselves a perfect in every way. They cannot take confrontation of something negative being said about them. They become angry and enraged. The question is.........can Casey maintain her composure or will her rage take over and she'll have an angry outburst in the courtroom?

A good defense attorney, knowing the prosecution's witness list, will prepare the defendant with what each witness is expected to testify to based on their depositions. The defense attorney will go through the depositions with the defendant so they'll know in advance what the witness will say.

JB doesn't impress me as being so thorough as to discuss in detail with Casey what to expect. I think she's been coached to a degree about reacting with tears and woeful looks to what the prosecution attorneys have said in court. But I'm not sure what the depth of preparation has been or will be. Perhaps AL or CM will prepare Casey for trial.

Casey is going to face a long line of former friends and acquaintances who will be saying a lot of negative things about her in their testimony. I think we're going to see at least one angry outburst from Casey.

You'd think they'd be preparing her for every hearing she has to attend, but no. How are they going to play catch up and have her ready for trial? I just don't think any coaching is going to work when they haven't done much to make her look good in the hearings so far. Either that, or they have been, and she's been willfully disregarding what they say. It's possible she thinks the trial is the only place appearances are important.

Even so, she's going to have more than outburst unless they sedate her so much she's practically asleep in her chair. Unfortunately for Casey and fortunately for Caylee, Casey just can't get past her own personality to put on a convincing show that she's innocent and didn't do this horrible crime. That will show clearly in the courtroom and have a great affect on the jurors.

So I hope she does get mad when she sees TL and everyone else that will testify against her. She won't be able to handle hearing so many negative things about herself being aired for the world to hear.
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