What Will KC's Reaction Be When She Sees TL at Trial

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KC has actually done better than I anticipated with the change to HHJP. JB may be keeping her occupied with his cell or IPAD but she is controlling herself better than I anticipated she would - particularly as she is hearing 'death' almost every other word.

The reason I bring this up is because I really don't know how much of an impact seeing anyone from 'before' will impact her. I have dealt with people similar to KC and basically they make up their own reality so in her reality TL will just be 'getting back at her' and she is the fairy princess being rescued by JB in all of this.

I realize her reality is also going back to a jail cell but to her that is because everyone else is wrong and simply will not live in her reality for whatever reason. While these individuals aren't mentally unstable - dealing with them and trying to reason with them is impossible for a normal person. She will continue to make up stories that are her reality and no matter what anyone says on the stand it will pretty much just 'go in one ear and out the other' UNLESS they say she has poorly fitting pants or looks like she hasn't been doing enough stairs....

I do think that NOT having her freedom is upsetting to her and living in this 'forced' reality is overwhelming her at times but unless she thinks about it she doesn't emote. The emotions may come closer to the surface while ALyon is there for whatever reason but I don't think she will show much different 'face' for TL on the stand than she shows for AH - there simply will be a 'disconnect' as there was for GA.

According to what she shares with "Cookie," Casey knows what to expect from the majority of her friends:

"One of my friends, one of the few that has stuck around, was generous enough to write me first to tell me that she still loves me, and I'm her favorite “crazy bit*h” (so nice right?), but that I really need to get my skinny *advertiser censored* home, because Blue is so not my color”."

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5053284&postcount=31"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Reference: Typed Letters List ONLY[/ame] (Thank you, butwhatif?)

Think we'll be seeing her tight-jawed expression when they testify ~ No tears.
I think she is going to livid at seening him, jaw will be a clenchin' at first, but then she will do that cold rage thing where she tries to act like he's no big deal. I'm sure she'll cozy up to Baez to tell Tony, See, I have a new man who loves me! She has to be one up on everyone, better than everyone. Gee, I wonder where she got that from...

I've also read on a post over at Hinky Meter (not Val, but a comment on the post entitled Relevant Photos, which everyone should go read, btw) that Tony is now in a long term relationship with a woman who has a daughter! I have no way of knowing if that is true, and forgive me if it's not, but if it is true. Casey will totally lose it when she sees him if she knows about that! I mean, her motive was to get rid of Caylee because Tony said he didn't want a girl!

Y'know, I read that comment about Tony and wanting male children - and basically Tony is still a kid - a young single guy out there on the make - at least when ICA knew him - just wanting to have a good time and not get serious about anyone yet.

So along comes this little chick who's all goo-goo at him, and all mushy face with the "oh we're so good together". But Tony wants to have his good time, so he doesn't say - bug off - he says the one thing in an offhand joking kind of way - the one thing as a message to ICA not to get serious because he isn't. He comes up with the one thing ICA can't change to get his message across - hey I only want male children. I think it was said it fun - to let her know it was a good time not a long time - but I really doubt he said it in complete seriousness. Little did the poor guy suspect that ICA could change the one thing standing in "their" way to love everlasting....
Y'know, I read that comment about Tony and wanting male children - and basically Tony is still a kid - a young single guy out there on the make - at least when ICA knew him - just wanting to have a good time and not get serious about anyone yet.

I hope when TL comes to court he comes in really looking good,and with a
gorgeous girl on his arm for all to see.

I really think by the time it gets to TL,(after her mother,father) she may
very well be shell shock.:woohoo:
I just hope she wears something that will not need to be continually tugged at, like these blouses she fiddles with constantly. I couldn't watch a whole day of her pulling on the front, then pulling on the back- repeat.....
Y'know, I read that comment about Tony and wanting male children - and basically Tony is still a kid - a young single guy out there on the make - at least when ICA knew him - just wanting to have a good time and not get serious about anyone yet.

So along comes this little chick who's all goo-goo at him, and all mushy face with the "oh we're so good together". But Tony wants to have his good time, so he doesn't say - bug off - he says the one thing in an offhand joking kind of way - the one thing as a message to ICA not to get serious because he isn't. He comes up with the one thing ICA can't change to get his message across - hey I only want male children. I think it was said it fun - to let her know it was a good time not a long time - but I really doubt he said it in complete seriousness. Little did the poor guy suspect that ICA could change the one thing standing in "their" way to love everlasting....

I agree, logicalgirl. Tony didn't enter into it with any kind of seriousness towards a forever relationship. She globbed on to him so fast, and actually was living with him before he knew what hit him.

Imagine if you had a son going to college like TL, and they met someone like Casey. :tsktsk:
KC has actually done better than I anticipated with the change to HHJP. JB may be keeping her occupied with his cell or IPAD but she is controlling herself better than I anticipated she would - particularly as she is hearing 'death' almost every other word.

The reason I bring this up is because I really don't know how much of an impact seeing anyone from 'before' will impact her. I have dealt with people similar to KC and basically they make up their own reality so in her reality TL will just be 'getting back at her' and she is the fairy princess being rescued by JB in all of this.

I realize her reality is also going back to a jail cell but to her that is because everyone else is wrong and simply will not live in her reality for whatever reason. While these individuals aren't mentally unstable - dealing with them and trying to reason with them is impossible for a normal person. She will continue to make up stories that are her reality and no matter what anyone says on the stand it will pretty much just 'go in one ear and out the other' UNLESS they say she has poorly fitting pants or looks like she hasn't been doing enough stairs....

I do think that NOT having her freedom is upsetting to her and living in this 'forced' reality is overwhelming her at times but unless she thinks about it she doesn't emote. The emotions may come closer to the surface while ALyon is there for whatever reason but I don't think she will show much different 'face' for TL on the stand than she shows for AH - there simply will be a 'disconnect' as there was for GA.MOO


:applause: Good post. I liked how you pointed out the disconnect being used often even with GA her own father. There's been a pattern of disconnects. TL has proved himself useless to Casey now.
I just hope she wears something that will not need to be continually tugged at, like these blouses she fiddles with constantly. I couldn't watch a whole day of her pulling on the front, then pulling on the back- repeat.....


The blouses, oh no, not a whole day or maybe a whole trial of those blouses. The day TL is in court is going to be one of those days you mentioned.

And the hands, and the eye finger movements, clenching, etc.,
You'd think they'd be preparing her for every hearing she has to attend, but no. How are they going to play catch up and have her ready for trial? I just don't think any coaching is going to work when they haven't done much to make her look good in the hearings so far. Either that, or they have been, and she's been willfully disregarding what they say. It's possible she thinks the trial is the only place appearances are important.

Even so, she's going to have more than outburst unless they sedate her so much she's practically asleep in her chair. Unfortunately for Casey and fortunately for Caylee, Casey just can't get past her own personality to put on a convincing show that she's innocent and didn't do this horrible crime. That will show clearly in the courtroom and have a great affect on the jurors.

So I hope she does get mad when she sees TL and everyone else that will testify against her. She won't be able to handle hearing so many negative things about herself being aired for the world to hear.

My impression is that before AL and CM came on board, JB was telling Casey not to worry that she would be found not guilty and be out of jail. Casey has expressed expectations in the jail house letters that she's going to someday be free.

When AL became a member of the defense team, we noted a change in Casey. Her hair was pulled back into a pony tail and she wore tailored blouses. She was no longer stroking her hair every few seconds. When the prosecution attorneys mentioned Caylee she got tears.......fake tears, but tears none the less. I think AL has done some coaching. But we don't know how much coaching has been done and if any of the attorneys have been preparing Casey with what witnesses are expected to testify to.

Casey's reaction to prosecution atty JA describing what may have been Caylee's last moments, was to whisper to JB, "Make him stop." Just based on that reaction, she's not going to be able to handle anything said that's negative about her. The prosecution's opening statement, where they outline the case, will be enough to elicit an angry outburst from Casey.
I think KC will view TL, Jesse and all her friends as partially responsible for her being in jail. She will blame everyone but herself and therefore everytime someone says something negative about her in court JB WILL have a hard time keeping her quiet and havingt her not showing emotion.
Rejection is painful. I think knowing not only that TL dumped her, but also that she gives TL the creepy-crawlies will bother Casey.

I think Casey is extremely immature. The page filled with Mrs. Lazzaros and the letters to Robyn could have been written by a 12-year-old. Peer assessment matters more to 12-year-olds than just about anything else in the world and Casey tried harder than most to impress the people she was around. She couldn't flip burgers to contribute to the family income. Instead Casey hid out at her parent's house and told her friends she was an event coordinator. She made up going to college so it would look like she had a future. She told her friends she had $15K in the bank. She told people she was buying new cars, putting money aside for Caylee's future and getting her own place.

Narcissists and sociopaths also overly value how other's view them. That is how they can justify killing. They don't want people thinking badly of them because they got divorced or gave a baby away. It is better to take care of the problem secretly so the public face can be preserved.

Anyway, even if Casey's lawyers can keep Casey under control during the trial, there is no way hearing TL's and her other former friend's won't bother Casey.
Do you remember in the Diane Downs trial...when she beat time to the song that was playing when the children were shot....just that carefree...love that song...attitude....I think that is the response we will see...that flirtatious...coy...

Yes, I know he betrayed her...but do you think she fully understands...fully gets that...I am not sure she does/will...she is so self focused...
Like Betty White on SNL, Casey will be thinking about her dusty muffin!
KC hasn't had to see any of these old friends/lovers/family in a very long time. No jailhouse visits and I think she wants it that way so she doesn't have to deal with it. I don't think KC even knows herself how she will react. Just seeing her parents for a brief time in the courtroom brings her to tears. I don't think she's going to be able to handle seeing any of her old friends or lovers without crying. IMO when she cries it's cause she feels like crap and guilty. As long as she doesn't have to see any of these people she can imagine they don't exist and nothing bad ever happened. But who knows? I can't wait to find out....:crazy:
I hope he borrows a wedding band before he comes to court. Jesse too. All of her boys moving on to normal happy lives and other women will make her angry and I want the jury to see a glimpse of that, rather than imagine her as the frail, quiet, frightened young lady with the ruffled Ralph Lauren look blouse.
Before I'd characterize him as a jerk, I like to remember that she pretty much threw herself at him and sort of "moved in" after less than a month of "dating". He had to remind her that it was not appropriate to bring her daughter there for overnight stays, as there was pot smoking and a kid living on the sofa. This was an apartment of college kids and she came flying in like she was some domestic goddess/sex slave. That's too fast for anyone's comfort, and I don't blame him for kind of putting on the brakes. No hormonal male is going to turn down free sex and housework from someone who obviously has enough time to fit it in her schedule, especially if they are convincing and pushy. If I'd been in his place, I'd have been getting creepy "single white female" vibes from her from day one. It's not easy for some guys to say no at that age. And what chick would be practicing some new "married name" in a notebook like some silly high school girl after being involved in a relationship that was basically a month old? Ewwww! If I'd been a guy, I'd have gotten icky Black Widow vibes and probably dumped her much quicker. And let's not forget that during all of this she is catting around with all kinds of other dudes - who can treat someone like that seriously?? I'm surprised Jesse acted like such a gentleman given what she was doing to him during the same time period. If KC had been acting the way a nice, normal, unmarried mother of a toddler should be acting instead of a desperate, manipulative party girl, AL might have behaved differently. But I don't think she sent any "serious" relationship vibes his way that would garner any kind of reciprocal respect, imo.

I totally agree. I don't think Tony led her on in any way. He says that he yelled and yelled at her when he learned she had been putting her drinks on his tab all night. Big clue...

He didn't trust her to have a key or be in the apartment if all the boys were gone. Even bigger clue...

He says he told her , often, that he was just there for school and then he was out of there. ... Bricks falling on her head.

He may as well have a tattoo on his forehead that said, I am not looking for Mrs. Right, I am looking for Ms. Right Now!!!

Casey was not in love with him, she was juggling boys and likely wanting to move out of state with someone. I think she will sit there in her seat and have a flat affect. What would provoke a response from her is if the testimony is such that would make it clear they were just hooking up, no relationship, no potential future..just sex, no strings, she wasn't his type to marry. If he hurts her PRIDE...then we will see a reaction. What we wont see is tears out of hurt from losing a good guy.
If she valued a good man she would have treated Jesse like a hero for agreeing to adopt the baby and raise her as his own. She tosses the boys to the side like yesterday's stripper boots once new ones catch her eye.
I don't think she will have any reaction. All people are disposable to her, once they have served their purpose.
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