What will you do when this trial is OVER!?

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I am self-employed as a web designer, so sitting at the PC is, unfortunately, too much a part of my day. I would LOVE to say I won't follow the "after verdict" analysis and post-trial antics, but it's juist too easy to open a new tab in the browser and look for stuff. Sigghhhh....I will probably set the timer in the kitchen for 30 mins and TRY NOT to exceed that amount per day.

I do look forward to getting back to my clients in a timely manner, and not having to be angry when they call in the middle of an expert witness's testimony!!

(I hope my question is appropriate for the main page, but whatever the mods decide is fine with me, of course).

It's Sunday and I am hopelessly hooked on the trial and looking forward to tomorrow so I can get up at 5:30 am (west coast) and get back to Casey Anthony trial watching. I haven't gotten up early for anything in years!

I watched the OJ Simpson trial in 1995. I was ailing in those days and self employed so I was able to recline in a lovely leather recliner to watch nearly the entire thing. When the verdict came in I was stunned. I swore off trials all together and I never watched another trial after that (until now).

I happened onto Websleuths long after Casey was arrested. I saw one jailhouse visit tape (the one where she got mad) and I was immediately HOOKED. I had to go backward to try to catch up (and everyone at WS helped me tons).

I love this trial! All my friends and family know it. They always ask me, what will you do when this trial is over? I know when the trial is over I will MISS IT! I believe I can say with a certain authority, however, I won't watch another. I just doubt seriously that there will be anything remotely this interesting come up. Well, perhaps I would watch Casey Anthony's appeal trial, but I'm uncertain. For me, I will probably go back to doing all the things I did before the trial.

What about you? Are you a seasoned trial watcher who will watch other trials for sure, or is this a one shot deal for you?

I am not a seasoned trial watcher but some just capture my heart. After this one, I am taking a break because I have one to attend in REAL TIME, and I am not looking forward to it. :(
I expect my withdrawal from the case to be slow but steady. I think we'll continue to discuss the trial and sentencing for several weeks after it ends. There will be a lot of follow-up commentaries to discuss, and I'm sure that key participants will make the rounds of talk shows that we'll watch and discuss here.

OT: The new TIME magazine has an article about the Anthony case with a full page photo of Casey. I don't know how soon it will be available online, but I'll give you a little tease and say that it's not particularly favorable to the prosecution.

"From a legal perspective, the case against Anthony is astonishingly weak." :maddening:

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2077969,00.html#ixzz1Pkr9J2yN

I will go back to reading....and cleaning house, lol
Get my life back! And I wish I was joking, lol.

I have spent the past three years being so engrossed with this case. I have to stay on to see justice done, no turning back at this point. But I believe that once the trial is over, I will probably scale back on following cases for a bit. This case has just drained me and taken over my life. I will never stop following cases completely, but it will probably be a long while before I am so engrossed in a case again. I mean, I invested in an iPad mostly so I could follow the case more easily, among other reasons (but that one was my top reason).

I just want to see true justice for this poor child and the horrible death she suffered. I don't know why I've been drawn in so much, but here I am, and here I will stay until justice for Caylee is served.
I joined WS earler this year when a local lady went missing, I have however read the boards for over three years ( I remember seeing this case come up - I was interested when it broke)
After the trial ... sad as it is, I will watch Big Brother and the live feeds of said show. I am looking forward to being a voyeur in everything unimportant - playing for a prize - some honestly, others in the most devious ways possible.
I may go back to being a "lurker" but I doubt it lol I have made some lovely online friends here and have always learned alot. I love the differing opinions in cases like this, and watching how we interpret what we hear and see.
I am also a post watcher ... boards like this fascinate me when you see people's reactions. You get the ones that just want to argue, some that like playing "policeman," those that always give reason for their answer, those that just put anything out there and the ones that never take anything just said as the truth and will follow up with links to show someone why it is or isn't so. You have those that have invested so many hours into a topic and those that always like to help the struggler.
People watching, in any environment, fascinates me.
Rest my eyes, catch up on some sleep.

Was thinking I could take a break but have already read about another case that I can see becoming obsessed with, Maleeya Marie Murley.
I am not a seasoned trial watcher but some just capture my heart. After this one, I am taking a break because I have one to attend in REAL TIME, and I am not looking forward to it. :(

I'm so sorry Tulessa. I wish I could offer you some words of support that would help. I've been there, done that, and it's very hard.

Try to take care of yourself while it's going on, get enough rest and eat properly. Stay strong.

Thoughts and prayers for you and your family at this difficult time.
I am not a seasoned trial watcher but some just capture my heart. After this one, I am taking a break because I have one to attend in REAL TIME, and I am not looking forward to it. :(

There is nothing I can say to make this easier for you, but you will be in my thoughts Tulessa. When it gets REALLY hard know that there are at least two virtual arms and a shoulder in Oregon for you.
That's a good question, Affinity! Hopefully exercise more and get busy with more projects in my own life!!!!! I really wish the trial had been during the winter rather than during the sunny summer months when my child is out of school so I could watch it much more closelyand not take any time away from playtime with him (after following all the evidence for so long.)
I know none of us will ever forget this case, it almost feels like we knew Caylee and the people in the case, in a way.

Im glad it didnt start in the Winter because its our nice weather time. I dont watch all of it but have it on. The bug guy really creeped me out and I find myself getting really ANGRY:maddening: at Jose's smirks or when anyonelaughs in that courtroom, this is about a murdered 2 yr old thrown out in the woods and animals gnawed on her! How in the world can they laugh? Oh, and KC she laughed at the guy when he made the pigs in the blanket remark:banghead:
I just cant wait for the day the Jury comes back with their verdict and I hope its the right one.
Like Tuffy, I'm feeling a little down about the end being just around the corner. I can't believe it's almost over and I'm going to feel lost with nothing so "big" to follow.

I will still be here as I have been since the Scott Peterson days. I will always follow trials and murder cases. They are what fascinate me.

I honestly couldn't live without WS. It's like a little home for me here. I'm sure another case will come along that grabs my attention but it will probably be awhile. There have only been two that captivated me so - this one and Scott Peterson. Others I follow but not nearly as closely.

For those of you who say you won't follow another trial and will probably fade away - don't!! Stay and play! :)
I expect my withdrawal from the case to be slow but steady. I think we'll continue to discuss the trial and sentencing for several weeks after it ends. There will be a lot of follow-up commentaries to discuss, and I'm sure that key participants will make the rounds of talk shows that we'll watch and discuss here.

OT: The new TIME magazine has an article about the Anthony case with a full page photo of Casey. I don't know how soon it will be available online, but I'll give you a little tease and say that it's not particularly favorable to the prosecution.

That article says she began lying after Caylee was born - :maddening:
I have been thinking about the end of this trial for a while now and what I will do.
I'm a painter and my work has really suffered over the last 3 years. I decided to throw in the towel a few weeks ago and just give in and watch the trial to the end.
I'm looking forward to full days painting without this trial or case tempting me away from the studio.
This is the first trial/case I have ever followed and I will not follow another one again. There is something so bizarre and addicting with this case to be able to pull in people like me as a once in a life time thing and for 3 years. The only thing that worries me after this trial is over is any appeal that might come up or a retrial. I don't know if I can do it again, I think not.
What I will miss is the community feeling I get while on this forum.
I love following along with the trial thread as the trial happens, it is great to know there is a group who feels the outrage & disgust I feel. I think that is the thing I will miss the most - the people here.
Its the best forum out there and I love being a part of it.

I can't imagine what an interpretive artist/painter would create using the KC Anthony trial as a their subject. :eek:
Rest my eyes, catch up on some sleep.

Was thinking I could take a break but have already read about another case that I can see becoming obsessed with, Maleeya Marie Murley.

Just Googled that after I read your post. What unspeakable evil. More power to you, I don't think I can follow that one now. What's happening or not happening in society to turn out monsters? I've been against the death penalty all of my life but I think I'm probably going to have to add qualifications.
I stumbled on WS when I first heard of this case, intrigued and in disbelief regarding the 31 days. I googled Casey's name and WS came up first on the list! I am SO glad I found you guys...I have learned so much here. I followed the OJ case and had great interest in the JBR and Lacy Peterson cases. But this one has just reeled me in and I have not been able to turn my head or take my eyes off of it. I just want to see justice for precious little Caylee. I guess when this is over, I will get back to my real life...and maybe I'll give this house a good cleaning!
I think the State has already mapped out a path for the Jury. I believe the Defense will continue to bumble & make foolish mistakes until Perry puts a stop to it. I think KCs days are numbered.

Don't care about the penalty (yet) - just want Justice for Caylee right now . . .

Then I will focus on weeding all these gardens!
I will stop following highly publicized trials. I got sucked into Scott Petersons trial because I was so captivated by Laci's story... and her disappearance. And then along came another disappearance , again of a captivating Miss Caylee Marie. If you look into the eyes of each of these victims you can see a similar light...

and after this is over, I will try very hard to avoid being caught up again... I will spend more time outside with my dog, planting things, watching the birds at the feeders outside my windows, and spend more time NOT at the computer, waiting for hand of fate to deliver justice for the savaged innocents taken by the desires of soul-less monsters.

I cant do this anymore.... but I want to see the same justice delivered in Cayless' name, as was delivered in Laci and Connors name.... when its done, I will wean myself away from news updates and endeavor to stay away from this sort of thing in the future....
After this trial, I will continue to keep up to date on all missing/murdered children/people. This website has opened my eyes to so much that is going on in this world especially with our littlest ones. Unspeakable things being done to them by the very people who are supposed to love and protect them. Unfortunately, I do not think it will end any time soon.

Although there will never be another Caylee Marie... there will be other children who suffer the same fate because unfortunately, there will be other Casey Anthony's.

I may not spend as much time as I have on this case... on others. But my heart will break for all of these victims.
My husband says I'll just find another mini-obsession. Between doc-dumps, I still read the message boards, though not as regularly. I got involved in a local situation that was not trial related. I write as a hobby, and maybe I'll get back to that. My subjects are rather dark in nature, and I have a character that was inspired by Casey. Not quite sure what to do with her yet.

I remember listening to the OJ trial when I was at work years ago. People would stick their heads in to my office to listen for a while. When the Scott Peterson verdict was going to be read, nurses and patients both gathered around a TV and cheered when it was guilty. (I joined this board during that trial.)

If Casey is found not guilty, I will have some kind of private melt-down. My husband thinks I'm nuts so I won't be able to confide in him!

If Casey is found guilty, I don't think I will feel much better for a while. Caylee will still be gone, and this will still be a tragedy.

I think I have PTSD. Really.
I will stop following highly publicized trials. I got sucked into Scott Petersons trial because I was so captivated by Laci's story... and her disappearance. And then along came another disappearance , again of a captivating Miss Caylee Marie. If you look into the eyes of each of these victims you can see a similar light...

and after this is over, I will try very hard to avoid being caught up again... I will spend more time outside with my dog, planting things, watching the birds at the feeders outside my windows, and spend more time NOT at the computer, waiting for hand of fate to deliver justice for the savaged innocents taken by the desires of soul-less monsters.

I cant do this anymore.... but I want to see the same justice delivered in Cayless' name, as was delivered in Laci and Connors name.... when its done, I will wean myself away from news updates and endeavor to stay away from this sort of thing in the future....

I'm in your camp, LawRig

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