What would you tell the state?

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I have nothing but good things to say about their work on this case, the State are amazing. The only thing I would say is that JA needs to calm down, though God knows I completely understand why he gets so wound up, it's still something he needs to keep from doing at trial, IMO.
Just one thing to add...[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1OXAozL-W4[/ame]

After hearing Baez on the TruTV phone in, he's asked what is most misrepresented about ICA...paraphrased...that she didn't care about her daughter...

at 5:26....Baez states this was the most loving mother/daughter relationship

the care and love she has for her daughter is most misunderstood and totally wrong...he spent time with ICA, spent time in ICA's/Caylee's room and everyone has it wrong...

He didn't know ICA when Caylee was alive and well...what he sees is what CA will show him (their rooms)...he can't say this as absolute truth for he didn't know them back when...

So the state needs to make mention of this fact...in the first year of Caylee's life, she was a very caring, loving mother but something happened along the way. (psych eval can be brought up here)..she didn't work, so where was she going all day? Her mother, Caylee's grandmother watched her every night while ICA pretended to be an event planner..

CA demanded more from ICA..that she wanted her home more frequently and demanded that ICA put Caylee first...CA didn't ask for any money as a matter of fact it was CA who paid for ICA's/Caylees basic needs, roof over their heads, food in the fridge, medical, clothes,.etc...

CA gave ICA an ultimatum...straighten up and fly right or I will take Caylee away from you...you will loose custody...you have been a neglectful parent..or words to that effect...the state might want to bring up this alleged argument that turned physical, which CA adamantly denies, brought ICA to do harm to Caylee...JMHO

The State needs to counter what the defense will say before they get to say it...the evidence will show it, for it's not just one piece of evidence, it's the totality of that evidence that points to one and only one person...and that be the defendant, Casey Anthony...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Just one thing to add...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1OXAozL-W4

After hearing Baez on the TruTV phone in, he's asked what is most misrepresented about ICA...paraphrased...that she didn't care about her daughter...

at 5:26....Baez states this was the most loving mother/daughter relationship

the care and love she has for her daughter is most misunderstood and totally wrong...he spent time with ICA, spent time in ICA's/Caylee's room and everyone has it wrong...

He didn't know ICA when Caylee was alive and well...what he sees is what CA will show him (their rooms)...he can't say this as absolute truth for he didn't know them back when...

So the state needs to make mention of this fact...in the first year of Caylee's life, she was a very caring, loving mother but something happened along the way. (psych eval can be brought up here)..she didn't work, so where was she going all day? Her mother, Caylee's grandmother watched her every night while ICA pretended to be an event planner..

CA demanded more from ICA..that she wanted her home more frequently and demanded that ICA put Caylee first...CA didn't ask for any money as a matter of fact it was CA who paid for ICA's/Caylees basic needs, roof over their heads, food in the fridge, medical, clothes,.etc...

CA gave ICA an ultimatum...straighten up and fly right or I will take Caylee away from you...you will loose custody...you have been a neglectful parent..or words to that effect...the state might want to bring up this alleged argument that turned physical, which CA adamantly denies, brought ICA to do harm to Caylee...JMHO

The State needs to counter what the defense will say before they get to say it...the evidence will show it, for it's not just one piece of evidence, it's the totality of that evidence that points to one and only one person...and that be the defendant, Casey Anthony...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Great job---ITA...For the most part everyone only saw the ICA that ICA wanted them to see---they didnt get the whole picture---(I'm fairly certain her family did---)--just glimpses---Plus considering the age of them...(Heck if you watch Teen Mom--all of the girls friends think they are the bestest moms ever....& most of the time the teen moms are trying to figure out how to party like a teen without a baby):innocent:)
He is only aware of the ICA that is being portrayed..But I ask---If she is that wonderful--Why not let her talk all this time? Why hold back on the "real reason" for the 31 days?--Why are they looking so hard for scape goats? Why does that bus seem like is is charging, aiming......Why did her friends desert her?

The BIG quesiton? WHY WAS HE IN HER BEDROOM???? You know it would have to be just them otherwise there goes that atty/client privledge? WHY THE BEDROOM ???????
:loveyou:Thank you for working so diligently to find Justice For Caylee Marie:tyou:
I felt JA did a great job today. Wonderful job of keeping things professional, controlled and with a calm "punch". This is the way to do it!

I liked the idea of focusing for 31 minutes on Caylee. I also liked the idea of talking about the history of George and Cindy covering for Casey.

I don't know if you can use the age progression...if not, how about talking about what she didn't get to experience in life. Caylee missed so much...

Please make sure to have GA's time-cards ready to go and maybe line up a witness or two who can verify his work hours on or around the 16th. Also, get his cell phone records, work phone records, etc.

I think this man might be in for the fight of his life, so the State needs to be prepared to debunk this absurdity when it begins in the Casey case.
I think if the State can make the jury fall in love with Caylee in the beginning; really make her come to life for them, then they will have a much better chance of getting the death penalty.

And then as much as they make them fall in love with her; they have to make their evidence clear and concise because if they do make her come to life for the jurors, that will mean this child was really a delight and they may feel or want to feel that a mother could not kill her.

So really they need to do both; make the jury fall in love with Caylee and then show the evidence as clear as day that she was in the trunk of the car and KC put her there.

Also means they have to show KCs dislike for her mother and the child - jealously.

Whoa, that will be tough for Cindy to hear.

I don't think there will be any problem with getting LWOP.

Death penalty will be difficult - the defense is going to bring out all the armor for that one.
To Jeff Ashton, have fun shredding Dr. Barry Logan on the stand:

Feb 15, 2008: State crime-lab chief to resign: Barry Logan, the embattled chief of the state Crime Laboratory, will step down in March 2008

Logan’s resignation comes just two weeks after a panel of King County judges ruled that the state toxicology lab — one of the two labs overseen by Logan — engaged in “fraudulent and scientifically unacceptable” practices while preparing and analyzing breath tests used to prosecute suspected drunken drivers. The judges called for the suppression of the tests and laid much of the blame on Logan, finding he bore “a good deal of the responsibility for [the lab's] shortcomings.
In its blistering 29-page ruling, the panel of three King County District Court judges said last month the lab created a "culture of compromise" with so many "ethical lapses, systemic inaccuracy, negligence and violations of scientific principles" that the breath tests should not be used as evidence in pending DUI cases. The judges found that a "multiplicity of errors," including how breath-test results were analyzed and verified at the lab, affected thousands of cases in recent years. The ruling directly affected eight cases currently before King County district courts, and more than 100 that were on hold pending the ruling. It also could affect many others that have already been resolved, because the ruling is expected to open the door for appeals.
Much more at link:

August 11, 2008: Dr. Barry Logan joins NMS Labs as Director of Toxicological Services… Willow Grove, PA

“Dr. Barry Logan joins NMS Labs as Director of Toxicological Services Bringing In His World-Renowned Expertise In Alcohol and Drug Impaired Driving.”
More at link:
http://www.nmslab.com/uploads/PDF/PR 08_11_08 Dr Logan joins.pdf

Did they ever get a person to absolutely say they heard the fight or were they not sure of the day?????
I haven't been posting on WS for a while, but I've been watching the hearings. (Thanks to PattyG).

Linda-Thank you! Keep doing what you're doing and I believe we will finally see justice for Caylee. You are awesome and as professional as they come.

Jeff- For Caylee's sake please, please, please keep your emotions and contempt in check. Don't rise to the bait, and stop sinking to the DT's (im)maturity level.
You're skilled at opening and closing arguments , but you need to work on your interpersonal skills with the DT and witnesses. Don't make everything look like a fight. Bottle up those emotions until recess and then let it all out when the jury isn't around to see it, because it doesn't go over well.

Listen to the judge and follow his directions- Stop repeating the same mistakes that you have been chastised for multiple times.
Quit with the snarkiness- the eyerolls, handflaps the 'shut up's' and 'whatevers'.....you are a professional with a strong case and the courtroom is not the place for this kind of behaviour.
And one last thing- I've noticed several times that you gesture with your finger for members of the DT to come to where you are seated. It's not a huge issue, but it does give off a somewhat arrogant 'I'm superior' tone.

Or the abbreviated version: Chilax dude. This is slam-dunk as long as you keep your cool.:cool: ;)

JMO of course.
JA and LDB are two of the most intelligent attorneys we've seen on a case in a long time.
I think they will do a fabulous job. They've been to lots of rodeos. Jose Baez has not. Cheney Mason has, but I honestly believe he is impaired in some manner at this time in his life and I am not talkiing about the hearing loss.

I do not think Mr. Ashton would be able to change his basic personna any more than Jose will be able to do so. But I do think it is a good idea for him to read through a thread like this one for the info about any gestures that folks could perceive as off-putting.

So, I hope they read this thread.
Nearly three years... and here we are... finally! :great:

I am 100% confident! You are Caylee's voice!

Less than 30 days!! Can you believe it??
If the prosecutors could get an age progression picture of Caylee, they could have a big impact on the life/death of Caylee Marie. Starting out with one of the last known photos of her, the "as she was" before her life was taken away. Next, the age progression photo "could have, should have, would have" showing how little Caylee Marie should now be a happy bright kindergarten child. The final third photo, the Caylee "is now photo" of the stain on the trunk liner - this is the evidence that Caylee left behind as proof of her existence. The final photo could be what was found of Caylee and assembled on the autopsy table ( but that is maybe too much of a jolt for the jurors). Although, for impact this might be exactly what is needed for the SA final statement to the jurors. Surely, the DT already is working on their Final pack of lies portraying ICA as not guilty. PS: by reason of inhumanity, not insanity.

I love your idea of age progression!! Brilliant!!

Also... is there any way the State could recreate Casey erasing Caylee? She deleted I believe hundreds of pictures of Caylee from the internet... I think that could make a huge impact on the jury. Showing hundreds of pictures of Caylee and deleting them one by one... showing how Casey simply... erased Caylee from her life!
Put up a $ign in the courtroom di$playing the constantly upward co$t to the $tate of Florida for ICA's trial. I've seen the jackpot amounts displayed in casinos, wouldn't that be cool!!

As a Florida taxpayer... I would never put a price on justice. I have been over the money that is being spent on this case for a long time. The whole thing about the courts running out of money is irresponsibility on their part (the government)... it has nothing to do with justice. It's politics. Which of for another section of this forum...

I would never put a price on someone's life... Caylee is more than just a price tag. All victims are more than a price tag. Justice is more than a price tag.
iluvmia said:
Are they going to play Casey's first jailhouse interview where she argues with her mother and asks repeatedly for Tone's number for the jury? (The real jury)
Good suggestion!
I'd make a point to show just exactly what Casey was doing during those 31 days rather than searching- renting videos with her boyfriend, shopping at Target with bad checks, cashing forged checks, getting a tattoo meaning the Good Life, and partying hard at Fusion. Gee, wonder if Caylee was under any barstools???:doh::banghead::banghead::banghead:
Last night I happened to put on HLN...Vinnie Politan, countdown to Casey Anthony trial...I can't find this particular segment online...anyway,

The Legal Heads were talking motive....was it the resentment ICA had towards CA that led to Caylee's demise...not in such kind words I paraphrased...

Many photos depict ICA in loving, touching moments when Caylee was first born...so did the novelty of being a parent wear off? Or was it CA who demanded too much and felt ICA wasn't being a good parent..she told ICA many times how neglectful she was with Caylee...

Vinnie then aired the piece from Uncle Rick's depo where he tells of this huge resentment/hatred ICA carried for CA using the love Caylee had towards CA was not the same with Caylee's love for ICA...or how ICA perceived Caylee's love for her grandmother, CA...

Then the Jesse Grund depo on where this jealousy stemmed from and that was that CA held Caylee right after birth and ICA didn't...how he felt their engagment was broken off due to CA not liking him one bit and that she felt when he and ICA married, she knew ICA and Caylee would move out of the home on Hopespring Drive...and that the excuse given to JG for breaking their engagment was he loved Caylee more than he loved her...which in his mind was nothing more than BS...He feels it was CA doing and she pushed ICA into breaking the engagement...I feel this is when ICA's life started to spiral downward with Caylee and her relationship as Caylee's mother...Caylee became a burden to ICA for CA refused to babysit..Which meant with these newfound friends who had the freedom to come and go as they pleased, ICA was tied down with Caylee...think vacation to PR!

Then on to GGMSP...she wondered if Casey hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee..

So, I believe the State should not use just one theory on motive and say it was a culmination of many events that led to this love/hate relationship between ICA and CA...mostly demanding, condescending, belittled her as a neglectful parent...she couldn't do anything to please CA...

I feel we are on the wrong course when we think the defense will use GA as the scapegoat, I believe it will be CA's behavior towards ICA and Caylee being the pawn in the middle of that love/hate relationship...jealousy, anger the rage had been building up and it just erupted with this alleged argument that turned physical June 15, 2008 and CA adamantly denies this happened...this was the catalyst for Caylee's demise...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
try to keep cool, i know its hard, w/ baez's antics. remember caylee, and remember even her grandparents have forsaken her,(and lied, hindered prosecution) to save her murderer, ica...the blockbuster videos, the shopping spree courtsey of amy h's dime, the dirty dancing bar pictures. not to mention the bella vita tatoo, all done AFTER the SUPPOSED kidnapping... also remember the jailhouse calls, kristinas genuine concern about caylee, and icas impatience, calling you guys/ huge waste, more concerned w/ getting tony L's # than discussing caylee.
remember too, ica will probably be groomed to show emotion, greive..but its a CON! some other poster mention too, look @ ica, and the glares/1000 yard stares.. THAT is the true, ica= cold and evil, trying to lie and bluff her way out of it.
just please remember caylee, mention her name instead of child/ girl / remains.. and remember YOU are her only voice, YOU are her only hope..her own grandparents would rather save her accussed murderer than seek justice for the murder of the granddaugther they obviously loved so much...no matter what the costs are!
thank you, you guys rock, and ill be praying for you guys..you have my support, even if im all the way out in OK> ..god bless.
To have a wonderful weekend with their families.

An aside...

LDB reminds me so much of Georgia Cappleman, a SA in Leon County, FL. She successfully prosecuted Gary Michael Hilton who as it happens was sentenced to death today. Their legal style is so similar, and they are both just beautiful.

gc.PNG click photo to enlarge
Please call her Caylee, all throughout the trial. She was a real living breathing thriving little sweet girl. She has been reduced to "the remains" by her mother. Please refer to her every single time by her name. Let the DT and everyone else remember they aren't there for the circus performance, they are there for a child whose whole future was stolen from her.

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