What would you tell the state?

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Caylee was a victim because she was a helpless, vulnerable toddler. We all love the adorable pictures of her. The jury will be shocked and appalled by her manner of death and her remains. But I hope the prosecution can extrapolate for the jurors a picture of Caylee as a young adult, and show for them how Casey robbed her of doing all the growing up things she could have and should have had a chance to experience. I want the prosecution to help the jury see it is an entire lifetime that is gone, not just a sweet little baby. And I want them to be able to defend her right to justice as if she were an equal in that family and not the cartoon character pet they have turned her into for sympathy for themselves. Everyone in that family had an obligation to protect her rights and they all failed miserably.

They need to make the jury fall in love with Caylee and then take her from them.
Keep it simple. The theory (research, fight, crime, disposal, coverup). The facts (caylee was in her care, no nanny, no job, the car was in her possession, she returned to the house in the days after the crime with suspicious behavior, the disposal site was known to her). Tie it all together. Too many details that aren't completely necessary will drag the trial out, aggravate the jury and possibly be challenged by the DT causing confusion to the jury.
I would tell the State to keep emphasizing the totality of the evidence and that it only points to Casey. Don’t let the Defense confuse the jury by picking apart every little piece of evidence and try to show it could have been done by someone else, (therefore reasonable doubt). The State needs to stress over and over that Casey is the only common denominator to all the evidence and if you look at all the evidence in its entirety, only Casey could have done the crime.
Destroy Lee on the stand. He was a part of the cover up from the very start with the car. He lied in his deposition about the windows in the car being down and the garage stinking. He lied about the closing and opening of the garage door when he first got there.

The hunt for Casey on the 3rd was downplayed by Lee. He knows what instigated Cindy's panic on that day to find Casey and I suspect it was George getting a whiff of Casey's car . Lee knows the reason that frantic search was called off by Cindy the next day and I suspect Casey threatened harm to Caylee if Cindy did not back off.

Get Lee on the stand, show what an unconcerned brother/uncle/son he was most of the time running to his room at the first sign of trouble and not wanting any confrontation and then go after him for the lies causing the jury to doubt George and Cindy's testimony to the same things and not having to destroy them and risk the jury sympathizing with them.
I'm answering my old thread. =-) It's been a long time since and now trial is starting. Make sure the jury "sees" Caylee. Don't let them forget for a minute this little girl was here and is now gone. Keep things clear and simple, I worry about some of the jury members being overwhelmed. Keep your temper in check, I fight for mine all the time listening to the defense too. When things make you want to run screaming think of a Caylee and the caring folks who support you and her. Be our voice because her Mom and family have thrown her away. The caring folks can only hope and send good wishes. Don't forget...make them see Caylee.

About the FUSION bar tab and CASEY" babbling" about being a singer.
Was she saying CAYLEE sang good and COULD have been a singer?

I think all witnesses at the bar when she was saying that may have heard that
"CAYLEE" could sing well, and wanted to be a singer?

If the words are in the past tense...
well :twocents:

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