What would you tell the state?

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Please send the message loud and clear...it is NOT OKAY to kill a child. Our children are a precious commodity that need to be protected at all costs. The insanity has to stop.
I would like to tell the state how much I appreciate their dedication to finding justice for Caylee.

I would like to tell the state how much I admire their professionalism, given what they have to deal with.

I would like to tell the state that their knowledge of the law is extraordinary.

I would like to warn the state that there are a bunch of :crazy: ladies over at WS who are willing to :bigfight: over them. Please take cover! :giggle:

Lastly, I would like to tell the state - :yourock: and a big :tyou: for everything you do, and continue to do!

Please, please explain over and over again the meaning of "Reasonable Doubt". Depending on level of education/life experinces, etc, many jurors don't get it. They still think it means beyond the "Shadow of a Doubt. Many jurors won't convict because of this misunderstanding and many won't ask questions about the definition/explanation of the term.

Agreed! AGREED! :banghead:

I would first like to say to the state - I am positively floored with your professional capabilities, all three of you, so far. I can't fathom meeting you all in person as you are so very bright, articulate - and I believe you will be able to bring the understanding of the complexities down to a much lower level for the jurors for their understanding.

Speaking of....... most folks don't truly understand circumstantial evidence IMHO, being merely strands in a rope. (I'm sure they have a better analogy) It makes it thicker and thicker with each! They aren't to be taken (or tried to be discounted by someone else like the defense team or in the jurors mind) by themselves as an *each*. Please take painstaking efforts to show that all the threads that are on KC's rope.
I would echo what Jenny said, use Caylee's name at every chance. Let's not forget at the heart of this mess is a little girl. Well loved by God and strangers, if not her own family. A little girl who, right now, should be looking forward to a summer of swimming, cookouts, fireworks, and getting ready to be a first grader. Not a summer of the trial that will certainly convict her killer.
I've never started a thread, so if I don't do this right please delete, change or whatever needs to be done.

Your doing a good job. =-)

Not much I could tell them - but I would suggest to JA to get a bottle of lavender essential oil and keep it in his pocket. Carry a couple of cotton balls and put some lavender oil on the cotton balls on breaks. It will help keep him calm.

Oh, and to keep breathing deeply.
Don't overtry this case..

Keep it simple, to the point and use Caylee's name every chance you get...


Justice for Caylee
On Friday, June 24th, I hope the state will bring it to the attention of the jury that it will have been 31 long days since they heard the opening statements. 31 days. A long time; the same amount of time that it took for anyone to report that Caylee was missing.
On Friday, June 24th, I hope the state will bring it to the attention of the jury that it will have been 31 long days since they heard the opening statements. 31 days. A long time; the same amount of time that it took for anyone to report that Caylee was missing.

What a seriously great idea!! I think the length of time speaks volumes
And will to the jury as well.
Great thread and some terrific words-of-wisdom to the DT! My :twocents: Stay with and present the facts - they'll speak for themselves. The DT will try to portray the PT as demonizing their client but the DT's attempt to do so won't work as long as the PT simply sticks with the facts of the case. The DT will look worse for pulling the "poor Casey, everybody hates her" card.
I'm showing my geek here...but here goes.

In Lord of the Rings Boromir has a scene where he's talking to his troops. At the end he yells "FOR GONDOR".

In my mind I see all of you and I hear "FOR CAYLEE"! (I cannot even imagine how much behind the scenes stuff goes on in your office, so this is for them too.)

Mr. Ashton...control that temper and frustration...Baez and Co. aren't worth it. Mrs. Burdick I click my pen at you...so there. ;)

You'll win this. You've got 31 days +
On Friday, June 24th, I hope the state will bring it to the attention of the jury that it will have been 31 long days since they heard the opening statements. 31 days. A long time; the same amount of time that it took for anyone to report that Caylee was missing.

Brilliant idea!!
Can someone get this thread to the SA?
Seriously, any ideas how we could get these suggestions to them to use?
On Friday, June 24th, I hope the state will bring it to the attention of the jury that it will have been 31 long days since they heard the opening statements. 31 days. A long time; the same amount of time that it took for anyone to report that Caylee was missing.

Can they do that? Or would it be deemed theatrics? Maybe they could sneak it in during questioning.
Just the facts.........

proof of facts.....
calm delivery of those facts......
if I were a juror
I would like to see all paper trails and of course electronic trails...
timeline spelled out for those 31 days on a chart....
with [ sub charts] and actual facts supporting those charts...
that is truth,
The nanny?
Show prroof[ defense]
where are pictures of Caylee with this ZANNY THE NANNY?
proof of payment to her ever?
Phone calls to and from her?
We will not see proof there was/is a babysitter.Nanny
because as the STATE will prove
never was one ever.....
After much thought of what the jury may consider a possibilty is the DT bringing forward an accident/cover-up/ugly coping. What would really assist in clarity is addressing 'how long after Caylee was dead' could the duct tape be applied to adhere as it did. There is always the possibility of an accident and that Casey did not have the ability to deal with it appropriately. She really does appear to have challenges coping with reality although not enough to claim a mental health case. The Jury just might buy that theory or may have reasonable doubt that it was premeditation.

Personally, I can not believe that any mother finding her daughter dead would have come up with making it appear like a kidnapping within the 1st day and then not report it. So I guess addressing the time period that Casey would have 'had' to apply the duct tape is something the Jury might also need in deciding between accident or murder.
This sounds very gruesome, but I want the jury to connect the "remains" to our poor Caylee. I would like to see them find some graphic artist/computer wiz that can present to the jury the autopsy photo of Caylee's skull and the duct tape and then superimpose Caylee's photo over it to show just how the duct tape covered her airways. If they see this graphic, it would help them connect with how this poor child likely died, make her "real"- not just see bones, but a living, breathing innocent child. I know that image would stay in my mind and I think it would in theirs, too, when rendering their verdict. Sorry to be so graphic....JMO
Agreed! AGREED! :banghead:

I would first like to say to the state - I am positively floored with your professional capabilities, all three of you, so far. I can't fathom meeting you all in person as you are so very bright, articulate - and I believe you will be able to bring the understanding of the complexities down to a much lower level for the jurors for their understanding.

Speaking of....... most folks don't truly understand circumstantial evidence IMHO, being merely strands in a rope. (I'm sure they have a better analogy) It makes it thicker and thicker with each! They aren't to be taken (or tried to be discounted by someone else like the defense team or in the jurors mind) by themselves as an *each*. Please take painstaking efforts to show that all the threads that are on KC's rope.

Excellent post. Many times a purely circumstantial case can be every bit as powerful. In this case it is the totality of the evidence that will speak loudly and clearly to the jury!

Great thread!
To the Prosecution: I have faith in you. You have worked long and hard on this case and have in your possession evidence even beyond what we as the general public are aware of.

The Defense has nothing to save their client. If anything, they have to explain away Casey's total lack of remorse, self-absorption, the 31-day wait, the partying after Caylee went missing, the tattoo, elaborate lie after elaborate lie after elaborate-yet-poorly-thought-out lie, the lack of drive to find her daughter or help others who were actively and diligently searching for Caylee, the non-existent nanny. The list goes on and on. What does the Defense have to save their client? Not much. Virtually nothing.

You have so much evidence to work with and you are all so talented, I know you will be able to prove without a shadow of a doubt that Casey Anthony in cold blood killed her two-year-old daughter Caylee Marie Anthony, and should now face a sentence of death at a maximum and a sentence of life without parole at a minimum. She deserves nothing less.

God bless your efforts to find justice in this case and for Caylee. Thank you for all that you do.
If the DT tries to say Caylee died in an accident due to the duct tape being applied, such as "ICA just wanted to keep Caylee quite for awhile", I would like them to point out that if that is the case then the duct tape would have likely been removed in an attempt to see if Caylee was still alive.

Knowing I never would do this, my first instinct would be to removed the duct tape and check the child. They should really drill all aspects of the duct tape at every opportunity.

And the stain...the stain is horrifying and such a heartbreaking visual. They need to use it no matter how upsetting it may be.
I don't think there is much the State needs to be told since they have a 27 out of 30 record for the death penalty verdicts.

I would like to see them bring to the surface the fact that Jesse did acknowledge the fact that he met Tony at the pool - contrary to what Lee has told everyone that he denied - I would also like them to bring to the surface that the family has tried to attach blame to Amy and the rest by slandering them as heroin users, etc.

I just think it is important to show that this family will lie about anything and everything in order to save KC. It is very important.

I cannot believe this is going to be shown on TV on Tuesday. I also cannot believe we have gotten to look at all the evidence and interviews, etc. It is incredible. Also what I find beyond interesting is how the immediate family has agreed to lie to such lengths.
Caylee was a victim because she was a helpless, vulnerable toddler. We all love the adorable pictures of her. The jury will be shocked and appalled by her manner of death and her remains. But I hope the prosecution can extrapolate for the jurors a picture of Caylee as a young adult, and show for them how Casey robbed her of doing all the growing up things she could have and should have had a chance to experience. I want the prosecution to help the jury see it is an entire lifetime that is gone, not just a sweet little baby. And I want them to be able to defend her right to justice as if she were an equal in that family and not the cartoon character pet they have turned her into for sympathy for themselves. Everyone in that family had an obligation to protect her rights and they all failed miserably.

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