What's in the Minds of Her Mother, Father, Brother Right Now?

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Gotta make money somehow huh!
Anyway, from legal pov does this make sense?

By Adam Longo, Reporter Last Updated: Thursday, July 21, 2011 7:45 PM

It's her legal right, but they still have these other civil lawsuits, the ZFG, Leonard.P., Tim Miller, I really think they will be sick of courtrooms after all that is over with. I know every time I walk into a courtroom I start to shake and that was my job.
Lippman wants to sue the State? Oh dear Lord, I don't think I can take very much more of the Anthony Antics. She commits perjury and has lied throughout the entire three years and now wants her attorney to sue them?

She, cindy, is as bad as her daughter. All of them are sick! I told you it is all about the money. Have you heard any of them get their fur up about being accused of rape? NOPE! That didn't bother them...very interesting. I guess there was no money in that for them. These people need to go away .... far away. Maybe they can move to Pinellas County where they would be welcomed with open arms. :banghead::banghead:
Cindy, Cindy, Cindy! Cindy lied pre-trial, during the trial, and post trial, but has the unmitigated gall to entertain suing John Bradley. No one lied on the stand more than Cindy. If CFCA is the most documented liar in courtroom history, Cindy must be a close 2nd...

Lippman is also talking to them about a potential lawsuit against John Bradley, the software engineer who testified that someone had search for chloroform 84 times on the Anthony home computer.
"He should have vetted the evidence and corrected it before he ever submitted it," Lippman said.
Like Cindy should have vetted her timesheets? :rolleyes:
Lippman wants to sue the State? Oh dear Lord, I don't think I can take very much more of the Anthony Antics. She commits perjury and has lied throughout the entire three years and now wants her attorney to sue them?

She, cindy, is as bad as her daughter. All of them are sick! I told you it is all about the money. Have you heard any of them get their fur up about being accused of rape? NOPE! That didn't bother them...very interesting. I guess there was no money in that for them. These people need to go away .... far away. Maybe they can move to Pinellas County where they would be welcomed with open arms. :banghead::banghead:
Not a word! The silence tells a story to me. JB has an ace up his sleeve IMO or they wouldn't stay quiet. I know KC saw a therapist when she was 18 maybe there? Maybe that's why they want the psych records so they can read them?
Don't you find it ironic that they are suing the Software Engineer for making a mistake. Well Cindy if is was once or 84 times, does that negate your perjury? You lied and said you were home. OMG!, FGS!

"Oh, the irony is rich indeed" to quote a judge who knows them.
Well, the new foundation website is online, at least one page of it.
Very odd too, there is no mention of the Anthony's owning it. They must know how toxic they are...Finally! Oh, and the best part, (LOL) it is a FREE website from Yahoo. I wonder how much expenses they will be claiming for online presence? http://cayleesfund.com/

Why does it say New York N.Y. Maybe it's not the Anthony's site.
What about that boat they bought for missing children? Maybe the new SUV was also purchased to help find the missing? Fact is they are scamming again. They want an income. Why can't any of them work? I say it is because they found a way to get income where it doesn't require them to leave thier house. I say they all have made lots of mney from Caylee's Foundation as they all have personal attorneys. There is no reason for them to start this up with the exception of MORE money for them.

Appareantly there are many people who open their hearts and wallets to give them a great lifestyle. They may be getting funding for this too. There ought to be a law against people benefitting from their loss of their children and other relatives. How many thousands are doing this? Is the Government funding these tax free money makers?

Have the Anthonys and their Foundation ever done any work to find missing children? :waitasec: Caylee was never missing. She was murdered. I also think they always knew that but chose to be a victim in the public's eye which communicated "Please help us".

Once the chlidren are deceased, the well dries up. It has been three months since CA accepted her death and, guess what?, they have another non-profit. coincidence? I think not..

And it gets worse, http://www.cfnews13.com/article/news/2011/july/283237/?cmpid=caseytwitter

Lippman also said the couple was looking at going on a trip, with the help of supporters. The tip was not paid for by any media organization. They will also stay in Orlando.

Lippman is also talking to them about a potential lawsuit against John Bradley, the software engineer who testified that someone had search for chloroform 84 times on the Anthony home computer.

The Anthony's cannot work but they can run is it, 2 or 3 foundations now?,
And expect complete strangers money to fund a vacation ? Are they for real ? It boggles my mind that these people are completely shameless !:maddening:
I think I might be able to scrape together some real compassion for the Anthonys if they were to sincerely apologize for their horrendous behavior and attempt to make amends to all the people they have lied to, hurt, and slandered -- if they were to show genuine restraint and dignity. And if they would admit that they have behaved abominably and not in the interest of the victim in this case, their beautiful granddaughter Caylee, nor of finding the truth, nor of justice.

IMO it is in very poor taste (and sadly therefore not too surprising) for them to continue to attempt to stir the pot, stay in the game, squeeze more attention and money from the public they still affect to sneer at, with this new foundation-thingy, demanding possession of the physical evidence in the case, and threatening to file lawsuits -- not to mention continuing to behave in a bullish and abusive manner toward the media.

They had their chance to stand up for Caylee, and they failed IMO. Stupendously, astonishingly, inexplicably, time and time again, for over three years, they have failed Caylee and her memory. I just don't see these new moves as in any way the path toward rehabilitating themselves as 'grieving grandparents' in the public eye.

:twocents: Sorry. To me it screams "Offensive Anthony Greed, Vindictiveness, Brazenness and Insensitivity." Nothing more than further exploitation of their own murdered granddaughter they failed to protect from a daughter they knew to be a monster. Caylee, for whom many still weep and grieve, was tragically murdered, tragically denied justice, and her murderer was set free. Her "CeCe" and "JoJo," who should have been the very souls to protect her and fight hardest for justice in her name and for her sake, have utterly destroyed the bulk of the respect and compassion that ought to have been their due as her grandparents.

Just My Opinion.
Oh ya they have really been living it up sitting in a courtroom for 2 months listening to how their granddaughter was found, and then before that getting mobbed everywhere they went. Being called child molester and baby killer. Coming home to silence and seeing the room that's stuck in time where their granddaughter use to sleep and play. I know that 48 hrs gave them that cruise, I'm not sure about new cars and weddings, but I know they had to have a memorial for a 2 yr. old granddaughter. I'm sure if they could they would live in a cardboard box to have Caylee back.

I don't beleive they would live in a cardboard box for anyone. I think there is a shrine for Caylee at the house, sure do. But funny how cindy ask, in a pitiful voice, for the judge to please remove Caylee's PIC fromt the screen in front of her. Puhlease! She has Caylee's PIC all over her house. She is a Drama Queen in every sense of the word and plays to the public for sympathy and dollars. They didn't pay for that memorial. The church and donations did. That memorial was a podium for them to "reach out" to their daughter casey.

Very soon after the memorial, cindy went on air stating "Caylee is alive"! No one asked her who the heck did she just cremate? Enough of her already!
In my world, I do not see any of the Anthonys as benevolent people. They are very self-absorbed, all of them. I see them taking advantage of any opportunity to improve their living conditions. They would not do this if it weren't going to make them money.

No one needs them to pass any law. We have too many laws clogging the books right now. These two parents didn't even have any idea how to run a family and corral their kid. They let her get away with, well, murder. Now they want to push through a law that was already started by someone else and profit while doing it. They want somebody to pay expenses for them to go to WA?

I say they are about to start a media tour, perhaps, promoting this law which wasn't their idea and they put their face on it. I just wish their attorney and them would walk off the fact of the earth.

Where was their righteous indignation when Baez made that vile, malacious remark concerning george and lee?. They just let it roll of their backs and go about another income-promoting adventure? If you want to lobby for something, try lobbying to stop vile defense attorneys from ruining people during a defense and doing it in front of the world....there's a cause worth fighting for.

Instead these two accept what Baez did and frankly are glad he did it. It helped their murderious daughter get out of jail. They are happe and they are very proud. They won! Winning is everything to them. Now Cindy, George and casey can just go on and forget about the past. They have no earmarks of a special human beings who can go about helping or changing the world....quite the opposite!

I don't believe that for a minute. Of course they were wrong to believe her in the first place. But, to say that they won is just wrong.
No one won here.

Lippman probably is building the site for them since they don't know how.
Their other foundation has not been updated in 3 years!
I just find it odd that you do not see Cindy or George's name on the front page of the website. It mentions Caylee as if she is a stranger, not a granddaughter.
Regardless this is definitely the new fund Lippman has been blabbing about all over town,
Tim isn't LE, she didn't obstruct the investigation by refusing to give him an item of clothing. She gave LE everything they asked for, even volunteered things they didn't ask for or that she could have hidden.

Tim was there with many hundreds of volunteers, all willing to work in the heat and humidity, in hazardous surroundings, to find her 'missing' grandchild. CA would not supply him with ONE article of Caylee's clothing for him to use in that search...
TM was part of the investigation, he was asked to stay on by OCSheriff, even after he got disgusted with the A's behavior and threatened to leave to help families who were genuinely in need.
LE call him in frequently to use his vast resources and experience in finding missing persons.

CA knew she was dead and did everything she could to thwart
this investigation.
I was shocked to read that the Lunsford fund recieved over $203,000 in a few short years. I wonder what the Anthonys have received...

This is their second fund and will be operated by their attorney. The first one had five on the board of directors, none being an attorney.
Why does it say New York N.Y. Maybe it's not the Anthony's site.

Where do you see NY, NY? Under Web hosting? That is where YAHOO webspace is located. It is a freebie website.
I don't believe that for a minute. Of course they were wrong to believe her in the first place. But, to say that they won is just wrong.
No one won here.

I believe Baez AND the anthonys certainly did win. Baez makes money off of this also. If she wasn't acquited, the Anthony fund would not be happening. They waited till after the verdict to proceed. Lippman is making money. George and cindy are making money and lastly people think the murderer, casey will make money. If not, she gets to live outside smirking that she beat the system.

To see how much money these foundations make, research it. You would be VERY surprised if you have no idea.
I hope no one sends a penny to the Anthony foundation. Ick.

And Lippman wants to sue Bradley who made a mistake on the stand and corrected it as soon as he could? CA PERJURED herself and she has the audacity to want to go after someone who testified falsely but innocently? DESPICABLE.
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