What's in the Minds of Her Mother, Father, Brother Right Now?

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I thought CA refused because she refused to believe Caylee was dead right?

Not to obstruct the investigation.


....typical cindy. She had a memorial of which thousands of dollars were donated to have it. The anthonys contributed nothing but their appearance.

...cindy had the child cremated. You will never convince me that she did it out of any other reason than that she had to make sure the State would never get any evidence... in case a new scientific method developed.

...Shortly after cremation, she started saying Caylee is alive. Who the heck did she cremate then? It was all for sympathy of her mental status, thus requiring more money to be generated.

....cindy obstructed in investigation starting about x15 minutes post the 911 call. This is the "Family of the Lie"..
It sounds like they are going to use this new 'foundation' to put all of the $$$$ they are going to make on movie and book deals. Nice way to avoid paying taxes. This was from My Fox Orlando:
"They want to get back into giving back to the community," said Lippman. "It's time for them to heal, and part of the healing process is moving forward, and part of that is the fund."
The Anthonys stand to make some big money on book deals, interviews and even speaking engagements. The money they make will be given placed in the fund.

That article makes no sense, since Mr Lippman stated in another article that the Anthonys would be paid a (fat?) salary from that foundation. The foundation is IMO a clearing house to avoid less tax liability. It would allow for many legal write offs on monies directly going into the foundation and spent on , like trips/cruises, hotel expenses etc etc, all declared as fundraising/administrative expenses. I hope the IRS is keeping their eyes on this but sadly most of that stuff is perfectly legal. And the Anthonys really would not be that unique in such a spiel.
They don't have to declare the income. It is all tax free. They have been living off Caylee's Fondatin for almost three years.

...time to start a new one. They readily admit they need the money because they are unable to work. Hey for all those who bought the other reasons, they may as well tell the truth to the people that work and are giving it to them so the can buy new cars, have weddings, take cruises, etc.

...many times, people that give are those that can least afford it. Shame on the Anthonys!
I hope none of us ever have to really walk in the Anthonys shoes and know what they are feeling.
The fund would do three things:
Help grandparents establish more rights when it comes to their grandchildre
Help with missing and exploited children
Help support "Caylee's Law," in whatever form the law eventually takes
The Anthony's attorney said George and Cindy will not benefit financially from the fund. "I never want anyone to speculate that they are going to profit off of Caylee's death. They won't be paid from the foundation."

Read more: http://www.myfoxorlando.com/dpp/new...establish-non-profit-foundation#ixzz1Sn1eWE00
They will not get a PENNY from me!!!
but I have to say I have learned a lot about the Anthonys on this board tonight and all I can say is WOW-they should be ashamed of themselves
I do believe they knew CFCA was capable of killing anyone or anything that got in her way.

Let's just start to count the ways they abused Caylee even after death.
1.They abused Caylee the very first time they smelled that car and had the nerve to drive it home instead of calling LE.
2. Abuse of Caylee when they took it upon themselves to clean the car instead of calling LE.
3. Abuse of Caylee when CA was calling LE to try to scare CFCA into taking her to Caylee. Who does that? ((Yeah, you can bet they used Caylee as a bargaining tool often.))
4. Abuse of Caylee each and every time they showed there faces on tv spewing their lies. ((Yeah, Caylee smelled like a rotting pizza))
5. Abuse of Caylee when they accepted $20,000.00 in blood money. ((Yeah, they will accept any and all blood money that is offered.))
6. Abuse of Caylee with CA's smile caught on camera when the verdicts were read.

Anyone care to add?

Caylees remains were in the woods so how did they abuse her? These two grandparents were looking day and night for Casey and Caylee, once they found Casey and realized she was full of lies, they did what they could to find Caylee and that takes money. Anyone who has a missing child needs financial help. They are accusing Beth Holloway of getting plastic surgery with the money from Natalie. Not one of those examples you used is a legal definition of abuse:

They don't have to declare the income. It is all tax free. They have been living off Caylee's Fondatin for almost three years.

...time to start a new one. They readily admit they need the money because they are unable to work. Hey for all those who bought the other reasons, they may as well tell the truth to the people that work and are giving it to them so the can buy new cars, have weddings, take cruises, etc.

...many times, people that give are those that can least afford it. Shame on the Anthonys!

Their salaries drawn from the foundation would be fully taxable, however.
But the foundation could also pay for other things, not taxable, like health insurance, 401 K contributions and of course all activities related to fundraising etc. Like they would have an expense account, paid by the foundation in addition to their salary.
It sounds like they are going to use this new 'foundation' to put all of the $$$$ they are going to make on movie and book deals. Nice way to avoid paying taxes. This was from My Fox Orlando:
"They want to get back into giving back to the community," said Lippman. "It's time for them to heal, and part of the healing process is moving forward, and part of that is the fund."
The Anthonys stand to make some big money on book deals, interviews and even speaking engagements. The money they make will be given placed in the fund.

When you get a book or movie deal you usually get an advance. They would have to pay taxes on a book or movie deal, a charity is closely regulated by law and the Anthonys know that. If they did something illegal they know everyone is watching. I'm hoping that they join the Mark Klass, Beth Holloways, or the NCMEC since they can't save their granddaughter maybe they can save someone elses child. From my understanding no one is going to buy anything the Anthonys do, so they won't have any money.
When you get a book or movie deal you usually get an advance. They would have to pay taxes on a book or movie deal, a charity is closely regulated by law and the Anthonys know that. If they did something illegal they know everyone is watching. I'm hoping that they join the Mark Klass, Beth Holloways, or the NCMEC since they can't save their granddaughter maybe they can save someone elses child. From my understanding no one is going to buy anything the Anthonys do, so they won't have any money.

There are always foolish people that want to help. Aside from that, what about Grants and State funding possibly received?

I specifically recall a politicain in 2008 making a request to extend state funding in Orlando to include MORE non-profits regarding children in the city. I did not folow through to get the results but will not be surprised to learn he made it happen.
Their salaries drawn from the foundation would be fully taxable, however.
But the foundation could also pay for other things, not taxable, like health insurance, 401 K contributions and of course all activities related to fundraising etc. Like they would have an expense account, paid by the foundation in addition to their salary.

Expense accts can far exceed a typical salary as I have learned from looking at Pro Bono Attorneys who take on big cases.
....typical cindy. She had a memorial of which thousands of dollars were donated to have it. The anthonys contributed nothing but their appearance.

...cindy had the child cremated. You will never convince me that she did it out of any other reason than that she had to make sure the State would never get any evidence... in case a new scientific method developed. which is why we need a law to prevent cremation in ALL unsolved murder cases.

...Shortly after cremation, she started saying Caylee is alive. Who the heck did she cremate then? It was all for sympathy of her mental status, thus requiring more money to be generated.

....cindy obstructed in investigation starting about x15 minutes post the 911 call. This is the "Family of the Lie"..
& now she wants evidence from OCSO I agree some items
of it was the parents stuff not related to the case.
MOO but how obvious is that? I mean who does that?
she wont sell it on ebay! they'll go buy more cement for the backyard.
They are just reporting the facts, as she stated in her email.
So when Tim Miller reported that CA REFUSED to give him any item of Caylee's clothing to aid in his search for her 'missing' grandchild is he just trying to inflame the situation too?
She obstructed the investigation every step of the way.

Tim isn't LE, she didn't obstruct the investigation by refusing to give him an item of clothing. She gave LE everything they asked for, even volunteered things they didn't ask for or that she could have hidden.
They don't have to declare the income. It is all tax free. They have been living off Caylee's Fondatin for almost three years.

...time to start a new one. They readily admit they need the money because they are unable to work. Hey for all those who bought the other reasons, they may as well tell the truth to the people that work and are giving it to them so the can buy new cars, have weddings, take cruises, etc.

...many times, people that give are those that can least afford it. Shame on the Anthonys!

Oh ya they have really been living it up sitting in a courtroom for 2 months listening to how their granddaughter was found, and then before that getting mobbed everywhere they went. Being called child molester and baby killer. Coming home to silence and seeing the room that's stuck in time where their granddaughter use to sleep and play. I know that 48 hrs gave them that cruise, I'm not sure about new cars and weddings, but I know they had to have a memorial for a 2 yr. old granddaughter. I'm sure if they could they would live in a cardboard box to have Caylee back.
& now she wants evidence from OCSO I agree some items
of it was the parents stuff not related to the case.
MOO but how obvious is that? I mean who does that?
she wont sell it on ebay! they'll go buy more cement for the backyard.

They would make nice "gifts" for those wonderful folks making donations to their new foundation.:maddening:
In my world, I do not see any of the Anthonys as benevolent people. They are very self-absorbed, all of them. I see them taking advantage of any opportunity to improve their living conditions. They would not do this if it weren't going to make them money.

No one needs them to pass any law. We have too many laws clogging the books right now. These two parents didn't even have any idea how to run a family and corral their kid. They let her get away with, well, murder. Now they want to push through a law that was already started by someone else and profit while doing it. They want somebody to pay expenses for them to go to WA?

I say they are about to start a media tour, perhaps, promoting this law which wasn't their idea and they put their face on it. I just wish their attorney and them would walk off the fact of the earth.

Where was their righteous indignation when Baez made that vile, malacious remark concerning george and lee?. They just let it roll of their backs and go about another income-promoting adventure? If you want to lobby for something, try lobbying to stop vile defense attorneys from ruining people during a defense and doing it in front of the world....there's a cause worth fighting for.

Instead these two accept what Baez did and frankly are glad he did it. It helped their murderious daughter get out of jail. They are happe and they are very proud. They won! Winning is everything to them. Now Cindy, George and casey can just go on and forget about the past. They have no earmarks of a special human beings who can go about helping or changing the world....quite the opposite!
Tim isn't LE, she didn't obstruct the investigation by refusing to give him an item of clothing. She gave LE everything they asked for, even volunteered things they didn't ask for or that she could have hidden.

Just to add the prosecution would have had a fit if she gave someone potential evidence. Tim is a good man though and he does good work, and I hope this case doesn't make him want to quit. People like him are hard to find.
That article makes no sense, since Mr Lippman stated in another article that the Anthonys would be paid a (fat?) salary from that foundation. The foundation is IMO a clearing house to avoid less tax liability. It would allow for many legal write offs on monies directly going into the foundation and spent on , like trips/cruises, hotel expenses etc etc, all declared as fundraising/administrative expenses. I hope the IRS is keeping their eyes on this but sadly most of that stuff is perfectly legal. And the Anthonys really would not be that unique in such a spiel.

Well, the new foundation website is online, at least one page of it.
Very odd too, there is no mention of the Anthony's owning it. They must know how toxic they are...Finally! Oh, and the best part, (LOL) it is a FREE website from Yahoo. I wonder how much expenses they will be claiming for online presence? http://cayleesfund.com/
Gotta make money somehow huh!
Anyway, from legal pov does this make sense?

By Adam Longo, Reporter Last Updated: Thursday, July 21, 2011 7:45 PM

Lippman wants to sue the State? Oh dear Lord, I don't think I can take very much more of the Anthony Antics. She commits perjury and has lied throughout the entire three years and now wants her attorney to sue them?

She, cindy, is as bad as her daughter. All of them are sick! I told you it is all about the money. Have you heard any of them get their fur up about being accused of rape? NOPE! That didn't bother them...very interesting. I guess there was no money in that for them. These people need to go away .... far away. Maybe they can move to Pinellas County where they would be welcomed with open arms. :banghead::banghead:
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