What's in the Minds of Her Mother, Father, Brother Right Now?

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Hey guys... to all you nightbirds. Thank you for such a nice discussion tonight. Time for bed. Wishing all of you good thoughts and that you and your families are always, always safe.
I just checked sunbiz again and the complete name that Lippman has registered is caylee'sfund foundation inc

This Yahoo website appears to be a spoof.

domain search for cayleesfund.org shows
Created On:15-Jul-2011 22:04:14 UTC
Last Updated On:15-Jul-2011 22:04:16 UTC
Expiration Date:15-Jul-2013 22:04:14 UTC

I think Lippman meant it was called "cayleesfund" (a foundation)
there is nothing listed for cayleesfundfoundation for a domain name for a website
also there is a new, as of Created on: 06-Jul-11 for cynthiamarieanthony.com
I do not know if it is a hoax since the owner paid the extra per month to keep their name unlisted.

Help Casey Marie Rebuild her life
This site was designed to HELP Casey Marie rebuild her life. She must now find the strength to go on without Caylee Marie.

Casey misses Caylee Marie terribly! Please send Casey POSITIVE thoughts and energy ONLY. Send prayers so she can find the strength to live a peacful life.

If you would like to send Casey your prayers I will send them along to her. Please refrain from negative feelings.

God bless
I don't know how it will be tracked. It isn't even completely up yet. I suppose donations will roll in when the anthonys start their media bliss.

Concerning Caylee is missing, I have no idea. I am attempting to see if there was funding.

Non-profits do not have to report income to public...many don't.

Caylee Marie Anthony Foundation, Inc., Orlando, FL
Registration Number :CH29385 Expiration Date : 4/23/2011
Revenue Source : DCS Statement of Support/Revenue (12/31/2009)
Total Revenue : $2,580.72 Program Services Expenses : $630.25 20%
Total Expenses : $3,107.49
Administrative Expenses : $2,477.24 80%
Surplus/Deficit : -$526.77 Fund-Raising Expenses : $.00 0%
SOURCE: FLORIDA DEPT. OF CONSUMER SERVICES http://csapp.800helpfla.com/cspublicapp/giftgiversquery/giftgiversquery.aspx
IMO, after all their performances on the witness stand the A.'s are not the people who need to be spokespeople for Caylee's law. I used to feel that they are victims and felt bad for Cindy until the day they were overheard saying how beautiful Casey looked, and how her hair had grown. They created confusion and drama while Caylee was missing, after her body was found, and during the trial. I read that they are also going to fight for Grandparent's rights, but they don't even relate to that. The easiest way to get custody of a grandkid is if the parent is in prison, and they didn't do that either. Casey stole from several people and a lot from them and they did nothing. I'm a grandma raising grandkids, and I sure don't want them fighting for any of my rights, because I would never take up for one of my daughters if they even did half of what Casey did.
Please don't remind me of that garish memorial with the "DIS-INVITE" list.
What kind of people BAN others from attending a memorial that they are not even paying for? The Anthonys, that's who.

Actually I have heard it happening a lot my roommate used to be a limo driver and every once in a while he would do funerals and he said about 10 minutes in they would either start talking money or so and so better not show up.
So far it looks like the poor Anthonys, according to reports, spent more than they ever took in. Their expenses and administrative costs far exceeded donations...

And because they lost a lot of money in one Foundation, they want to start up another one, proving how much they're willing to sacrifice. My heart is all warm and fuzzy thinking of their contributions and time to locate the missing.

How's that boat working out for ya? How's the new car working out for ya? Not to mention retaining a family attorney that cost more than the boat and the car together.
6. Abuse of Caylee with CA's smile caught on camera when the verdicts were read.

Thanks wonders for the refresher of this detail need any one of us forget.. This IMO was one if the most shocking details of tge entire case and trial.. Not to mention the most telling..

It fillEd me with anger, sadness and disbelief!!!!

Again thanks wonders!!!
I wonder when their deals were made? I think all of this had 3 years advance notice to emerge especially since Casey mentioned the molestation in what Feb. 2010?..I think this whole story better come to fruit or it's lost because it's a Geraldo plot to thicken things grrr...oh my sad. I still feel the A's had their parts in the trial but Cindy took the dive? Geo, well he's not a person to believe if you are a woman. lol. Wrong Geraldo, wrong JB. Shaking my head now...

Caylee will be the focus again by all xoxox Just don't watch them or buy their books. Wait for the 2nd had version or free online one! Shouldn't take that long.

As Countess LuAnn sung in autotune...Money Can't Buy You Class. (Now that is stuck in my head).
So far it looks like the poor Anthonys, according to reports, spent more than they ever took in. Their expenses and administrative costs far exceeded donations...

And because they lost a lot of money in one Foundation, they want to start up another one, proving how much they're willing to sacrifice. My heart is all warm and fuzzy thinking of their contributions and time to locate the missing.

How's that boat working out for ya? How's the new car working out for ya? Not to mention retaining a family attorney that cost more than the boat and the car together. Disability must really pay..[B][/B]


DAMN - you're the best!!! We need to vote you in as our "voice."
hows that commiting perjury to get your daughter off of a serious charge, you have to know in your heart is true, and then oh snap, she cut off comminucation w/you, refused your visit...bet you could do things different NOW, dontcha? and now going to sue that guy over the 84 chloroform searchs YOU said YOU did??? wow....i am totally stunned...tell how that works for you too...do you get sleep at night?
Caylee Marie Anthony Foundation, Inc., Orlando, FL
Registration Number :CH29385 Expiration Date : 4/23/2011
Revenue Source : DCS Statement of Support/Revenue (12/31/2009)
Total Revenue : $2,580.72 Program Services Expenses : $630.25 20%
Total Expenses : $3,107.49
Administrative Expenses : $2,477.24 80%
Surplus/Deficit : -$526.77 Fund-Raising Expenses : $.00 0%
SOURCE: FLORIDA DEPT. OF CONSUMER SERVICES http://csapp.800helpfla.com/cspublicapp/giftgiversquery/giftgiversquery.aspx

(Bolded red, mine).

Interesting to note that the amount by which their foundation is in the hole is eerily similar to the amount that Ms. Anthony took with her upon her release from jail last Sunday. Wonder if she'd consider donating her jail money to the foundation that bear's her daughter's name in order to make them 'whole'.

Nah, probably not. :floorlaugh: ;)
So far it looks like the poor Anthonys, according to reports, spent more than they ever took in. Their expenses and administrative costs far exceeded donations...

And because they lost a lot of money in one Foundation, they want to start up another one, proving how much they're willing to sacrifice. My heart is all warm and fuzzy thinking of their contributions and time to locate the missing.

How's that boat working out for ya? How's the new car working out for ya? Not to mention retaining a family attorney that cost more than the boat and the car together.

I am curious about this. By all accounts, the Anthonys have no income and nothing in reserve (savings), which begs the question......how are the Anthonys paying their attorney?

Does anyone know?
I am curious about this. By all accounts, the Anthonys have no income and nothing in reserve (savings), which begs the question......how are the Anthonys paying their attorney?

Does anyone know?

Lippman is pimping himself in the media in payment. imho. :loser:
Lippman is pimping himself in the media in payment. imho. :loser:

Yes, and I notice that he never says anything new. He is so tight-lipped that I wonder why they even ask him to come on these shows.
I am curious about this. By all accounts, the Anthonys have no income and nothing in reserve (savings), which begs the question......how are the Anthonys paying their attorney?

Does anyone know?

What does Lippman actually do for the Anthony's. Everything is always "privileged". Seems like a waste to me.
I am curious about this. By all accounts, the Anthonys have no income and nothing in reserve (savings), which begs the question......how are the Anthonys paying their attorney?

Does anyone know?

It would cost him a small fortune to get advertising on NG -this way it's free.
I think I might be able to scrape together some real compassion for the Anthonys if they were to sincerely apologize for their horrendous behavior and attempt to make amends to all the people they have lied to, hurt, and slandered -- if they were to show genuine restraint and dignity. And if they would admit that they have behaved abominably and not in the interest of the victim in this case, their beautiful granddaughter Caylee, nor of finding the truth, nor of justice.

IMO it is in very poor taste (and sadly therefore not too surprising) for them to continue to attempt to stir the pot, stay in the game, squeeze more attention and money from the public they still affect to sneer at, with this new foundation-thingy, demanding possession of the physical evidence in the case, and threatening to file lawsuits -- not to mention continuing to behave in a bullish and abusive manner toward the media.

They had their chance to stand up for Caylee, and they failed IMO. Stupendously, astonishingly, inexplicably, time and time again, for over three years, they have failed Caylee and her memory. I just don't see these new moves as in any way the path toward rehabilitating themselves as 'grieving grandparents' in the public eye.

:twocents: Sorry. To me it screams "Offensive Anthony Greed, Vindictiveness, Brazenness and Insensitivity." Nothing more than further exploitation of their own murdered granddaughter they failed to protect from a daughter they knew to be a monster. Caylee, for whom many still weep and grieve, was tragically murdered, tragically denied justice, and her murderer was set free. Her "CeCe" and "JoJo," who should have been the very souls to protect her and fight hardest for justice in her name and for her sake, have utterly destroyed the bulk of the respect and compassion that ought to have been their due as her grandparents.

Just My Opinion.

Great Post ... I agree with you 1000% .You hit the nail on the head .
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