What's in this cellar room photo?

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Is Pinker the poster with all the good/interesting doll theories(i.e the string around the older american girl doll necks etc?)
I remember years ago there being some fascinating stuff out there.....

You do have me wondering now where were JBR's dolls?Not in her room it seems.
Do we know if Patsy had a "doll room" for JBR? I know thats common for doll collectors.
I get the feeling JBR's dolls were a 'look but don't touch' type of collection & it appears there was a good amount...where wwere they kept??

It has always bothered me the importance of PP getting some of the dolls(or all...who knows)out of the house ASAP.
And where is/was the My Twinn?
Wasn't it said that Patsy kept it in a chair in GA or was that a different doll?
So many years & so many theories/insights & info......I'm trying to keep it all straight.

O/T but I am praying so hard that maybe,just maybe there will finally be the break we have all waited for!We have all wondered for years if/when will Burke talk.....I hope he is!

Yes, that's Pinker. There's a thread at the topix.com JonBenet Ramsey forum that's been bumped about her doll research.

Good questions. JB's pageant dresses were kept in a guest room that her half-sisters used. Maybe they were kept in there?

Never heard about Patsy keeping the My Twinn in a chair.

If you can keep it all straight, you're a better man/woman than me. :yes:

We can hope.

KK, in the photo of the pineapple above there is something that just jumped out at me and I'm sure if it's already been discussed, you are the person who would know.
The bowl seems to have quite a bit of pineapple still in it after JonBenet had eaten enough to show up at autopsy. I'm thinking if Patsy had fixed this late night snack for her, would she really have put that much pineapple in the bowl? As a mother, I never would have fed my daughter that much fruit at bedtime. To me, it looks like either Burke or JonBenet filled the bowl.
Maybe in all the frenzy that night, the Ramsey's really did not know that the kids had fixed themselves a snack after they were supposedly in bed and that's why they didn't have an explanation for it or whatever happened that night started right here in the kitchen and Patsy simply didn't realize how important this evidence would end up being. Sorry to go off topic, I just needed to ask these questions while they were fresh in my mind.

Oh, that slippery pineapple in the bowl....

There is a photo that actually looks like there is milk in the bowl, as well. But it's argued that it is simply milky residue from the pineapple spoiling because it wasn' t noticed for a while by LE.

The pineapple was in that bowl on the table during the party on the 23rd of Dec., where the children were decorating gingerbread houses. Bowls with lots of stuff in them to do that were on the table, as well. I would think someone put it in the fridge and then someone else took it back out at some point. Since Burke's and Patsy's fingerprints were on the bowl, we can only speculate because they can't be dated.

But that is the same pineapple that JonBenet ate shortly before she died, according to Thomas, who said it matched down to the rhine.

There's a good thread on this at FFJ, with photos screen captured of these items from that documentary. I'll see if I can find it for you.
Oh, that slippery pineapple in the bowl....

There is a photo that actually looks like there is milk in the bowl, as well. But it's argued that it is simply milky residue from the pineapple spoiling because it wasn' t noticed for a while by LE.

The pineapple was in that bowl on the table during the party on the 23rd of Dec., where the children were decorating gingerbread houses. Bowls with lots of stuff in them to do that were on the table, as well. I would think someone put it in the fridge and then someone else took it back out at some point. Since Burke's and Patsy's fingerprints were on the bowl, we can only speculate because they can't be dated.

But that is the same pineapple that JonBenet ate shortly before she died, according to Thomas, who said it matched down to the rhine.

There's a good thread on this at FFJ, with photos screen captured of these items from that documentary. I'll see if I can find it for you.

Thanks, KK. That answers my question. Whoever gave her the pineapple just took the bowl from the fridge. That could have been any one at home that night, including JB herself. But that tea glass just spells Burke to me. I tend to agree with Patsy that a glass with a teabag is not normally what one would do, at least not here in the South. We tend to make iced tea by the gallon and not the glass. I guess it just looks like something my 9 year old grandson would do if he wanted a glass of tea and there was none in the fridge. Patsy may have done the same thing though, who knows.
Looks like a doll...not barbie, with one arm broken off and touching the other arm.

Edited to add that the broken arm is touching the right leg of the doll.
Looks like a broken picture frame...you can see the head and shoulders of a female in the picture. As for the rough edge, it could be burned. Like someone was burning it and got caught type of thing. JMO IMO :cow:
OH! OH! I see it more clearly now...One doll with long blonde hair laying on her belly, and she is halfway on top of a more smaller baby doll.
OH! OH! I see it more clearly now...One doll with long blonde hair laying on her belly, and she is halfway on top of a more smaller baby doll.


It's like a bunch of people lying in the grass watching clouds, isn't it? Oh, there's a castle! No, I see a horse! :floorlaugh:
Thanks, KK. That answers my question. Whoever gave her the pineapple just took the bowl from the fridge. That could have been any one at home that night, including JB herself. But that tea glass just spells Burke to me. I tend to agree with Patsy that a glass with a teabag is not normally what one would do, at least not here in the South. We tend to make iced tea by the gallon and not the glass. I guess it just looks like something my 9 year old grandson would do if he wanted a glass of tea and there was none in the fridge. Patsy may have done the same thing though, who knows.

Here is a thread at FFJ that has a photo of the bowls on the table on the 23rd.

Is Pinker the poster with all the good/interesting doll theories(i.e the string around the older american girl doll necks etc?)
I remember years ago there being some fascinating stuff out there.....

You do have me wondering now where were JBR's dolls?Not in her room it seems.
Do we know if Patsy had a "doll room" for JBR? I know thats common for doll collectors.
I get the feeling JBR's dolls were a 'look but don't touch' type of collection & it appears there was a good amount...where wwere they kept??

It has always bothered me the importance of PP getting some of the dolls(or all...who knows)out of the house ASAP.
And where is/was the My Twinn?
Wasn't it said that Patsy kept it in a chair in GA or was that a different doll?
So many years & so many theories/insights & info......I'm trying to keep it all straight.

O/T but I am praying so hard that maybe,just maybe there will finally be the break we have all waited for!We have all wondered for years if/when will Burke talk.....I hope he is!

Here is a thread at topix.com, JBR forum, where Pinker lists a lot of her info on dolls she finds pertinent to the case:


[Thanks, Pinker.]
I'm not so sure that is a doll, but whatever it is, looks like the bottom poofy part is sticking out of a bag there on the floor. It looks like a bag of some sort is right there beside it with a roll of red and white xmas wrap sticking up . Whatever that is, it had to of been deliberately laid caddy corner on top of the white thing.
In the foreground of the photo, is that the box of tissue that Patsy denied owning?
Sorry for off topic but I was always wondering what's in these autopsy photos the R's team have here on the table(stuff we didn't see before) .Maybe you can figure it out,I can't and if I enlarge it ,it becomes blurry.


Any thoughts?

The link to the video:


It looks like the guy has a stun gun in his hand, are they looking at marks that I, for one, think comes from a stun gun?
I have been studying these photos for the last two days on my pc. Today my grandson brings his laptop over so I take a look from there. It's a new laptop so the quality is much better. I firmly believe there are 2 Barbie dolls. One is the one that KK has squared off and the other is laying cross-wise at her feet (face down) with her head toward the bottom of the photo. Both dolls have long blonde hair.
hey joeskidbeck,

I can't distinguish any distinct form.
Even with the reading glasses and mag glass,
More like, could be a doll, or many other things things.

Uhhm, maybe there's a free photoshop program available online to adjust resolution? of photo, or maybe someone here with a good photo program could examine the image further.
hey joeskidbeck,

I can't distinguish any distinct form.
Even with the reading glasses and mag glass,
More like, could be a doll, or many other things things.

Uhhm, maybe there's a free photoshop program available online to adjust resolution? of photo, or maybe someone here with a good photo program could examine the image further.

Tadpole, I couldn't see anything but blurs till I took that look today. It shows up better on the photos she posted of Cherokees. I was astonished when I looked at it. It was obvious. I asked my daughter to take a look (at the photo only), when I asked her what she thought the objects were, she immediately said two Barbie dolls. She does not know anything about the JB case and did not know what the photos were, so I think she was pretty unbiased.
Sorry for off topic but I was always wondering what's in these autopsy photos the R's team have here on the table(stuff we didn't see before) .Maybe you can figure it out,I can't and if I enlarge it ,it becomes blurry.

The top right is the close-up of the mark under JBRs ear (http://crimeshots.com/0jonbenetfaceop.jpeg), top left is similar to the one of her taken where she has her arm bent at the elbow that we are used to seeing but without the ruler (http://crimeshots.com/00jonbenetfaceruler5.jpeg).

Bottom right appears to be similar to the photo I have titled face1 (not sure where I got it), but shows all the face rather than just the bottom half. Bottom left is one I haven't seen before and again shows all the face, but turned to see the mark below her right ear.
Cherokee at FFJ made this to clarify what part of the photo is in question:


And I made these for a better idea of what I'm looking at:


I wonder if the rectagular shape could be a box with tissue paper causing the "ripples" in the image?


I have no idea what this actually is, but with Tricia's recent disclosure of what her source told her about one or more dolls being in that room with JonBenet, I was surprised when this popped out at me. I hope someone who does know will clarify.

In the meantime, any ideas?

Looking at the top photo for a moment. You need to relate what you are seeing to the other objects in the photo. I don't think a Barbie doll and a tissue box would be that large in comparison to the small window screen stacked just behind.
How I wish we had access to all the photos, and that these were clearer. As I look at it again, it does look like a Holiday Barbie-type doll. The red gown with white trim looks very much like the outfits these dolls wore. I'm gonna go over to the eBay doll boards and see if I can find a doll with that dress.

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