What's in this cellar room photo?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Or would the Ramsey attorneys claim the intruder dressed her?

By the way, when the Ramseys DID find the remaining size 12s, did they ever disclose where/how they found them? And why did they find them, what was the logic/strategy behind disclosing them?

The Rs claimed they found the remaining size 12s in a moving carton that had not yet been unpacked. I can only surmise that they felt by turning them in, they would be seen to be cooperating. They had nothing to lose- Patsy had already admitted that she bought them, so the panties on JB were known to belong to the house (as opposed to having been brought into the house by an intruder).
Of course, what LE did NOT address was the fact that these panties, still in the plastic package, PROVED that Patsy was lying when she told police she had put them in JB's drawer.
The Rs claimed they found the remaining size 12s in a moving carton that had not yet been unpacked. I can only surmise that they felt by turning them in, they would be seen to be cooperating. They had nothing to lose- Patsy had already admitted that she bought them, so the panties on JB were known to belong to the house (as opposed to having been brought into the house by an intruder).
Of course, what LE did NOT address was the fact that these panties, still in the plastic package, PROVED that Patsy was lying when she told police she had put them in JB's drawer.

It looks that way, but in court a good lawyer would cast doubt on this assumption by asking Patsy and John separately Did you remove the size-12 underwear?, obviously they will answer No. Then said lawyer will suggest it must have been JonBenet, she redressed herself for whatever reason then hid or placed the remaining pairs somewhere other than her underwear drawer?

The other option which the R's closed off, was that the intruder removed the remaining size-12's.

Which if you think about it is curious since you might want to blame the intruder for redressing JonBenet in the size-12's, and then removing the remaining size-12's, problem solved.

Now the R's had a long time frame in which to fabricate some story about the size-12's, so if they exclude the intruder, then it must by default include themselves.

This will explain why Patsy and John could not remember what underwear JonBenet was wearing on returning from the White's. Only that if she had not been wearing any they would have noticed. Similar applies to dressing and bathing JonBenet for the White's party, her underwear was not noticed. Only the white gap top by Patsy!

The R's know nobody can prove or disprove who dressed JonBenet in the size-12's then removed the remaining pairs. So logically by implication they are blaming JonBenet?

So along with the pineapple snack, her hair-ties and the size-12's the R's would forced at trial to agree that JonBenet was awake at some point after arriving home, when the R's said they all thought she was sleeping soundly in her bed.

But hell no, she was up carrying on the White's celebrations, changing into the size-12's, putting her hair up in ponytails, using the hair-ties, and snacking big time on the pineapple.

The latter is the R's position, since they deny knowing anything about it!

The Rs claimed they found the remaining size 12s in a moving carton that had not yet been unpacked. I can only surmise that they felt by turning them in, they would be seen to be cooperating. They had nothing to lose- Patsy had already admitted that she bought them, so the panties on JB were known to belong to the house (as opposed to having been brought into the house by an intruder).
Of course, what LE did NOT address was the fact that these panties, still in the plastic package, PROVED that Patsy was lying when she told police she had put them in JB's drawer.

No, it doesn't PROVE PR was lying.

It's possible PR did put the package in JBR's drawer. (The reason for this would be questionable, but leave that aside for the moment) It's also possible the package was removed w/o PR knowing about it.

This would explain why she'd tell the police something that she knew (or should have known) could be verified/denied.
IOWs it would be very odd for PR to tell the police she put the 12s in the drawer if she already knew they were never in the drawer, and therefore knew that the police didn't find them, (and could not have found them) in the drawer.

She could have said she didn't know anything about the 12s being anywhere but in the packages in the basement. Instead she tells the police that she put them in the drawer. So this is either a story cooked up between her and a co-conspirator who was to put them in the drawer (or who removed them w/o PR's knowledge) or she really did put them in the drawer.
Well I respect everyone who has stayed on this case for JB and I am not even close to being up to speed on the facts in this case however, my personal belief is that if it was any person other then family then there would have been more direct evidence somewhere no matter if the cops botched it or not at the begining. DNA, fingerprints, after all that was a long note...someone in that family killed JB!
No, it doesn't PROVE PR was lying.

It's possible PR did put the package in JBR's drawer. (The reason for this would be questionable, but leave that aside for the moment) It's also possible the package was removed w/o PR knowing about it.

This would explain why she'd tell the police something that she knew (or should have known) could be verified/denied.
IOWs it would be very odd for PR to tell the police she put the 12s in the drawer if she already knew they were never in the drawer, and therefore knew that the police didn't find them, (and could not have found them) in the drawer.

She could have said she didn't know anything about the 12s being anywhere but in the packages in the basement. Instead she tells the police that she put them in the drawer. So this is either a story cooked up between her and a co-conspirator who was to put them in the drawer (or who removed them w/o PR's knowledge) or she really did put them in the drawer.

Your kidding right? Once you start lying about stuff you don't know where you started and when to stop. There were no Bloomies in the drawer. Patsy of all people knew this. They belonged to Jenny not JB. They were part of the staging. If Patsy admitted that they were in the basement ... well that's a different story. That could have placed PR in the basement, no?

PR admitted to wrapping presents down there on the 25th before going to the White's party. She probably deposited the remainder of them in one of the golf bag's JR so desperately wanted and was never retrieved by LE.
Your kidding right? Once you start lying about stuff you don't know where you started and when to stop. There were no Bloomies in the drawer. Patsy of all people knew this. They belonged to Jenny not JB. They were part of the staging. If Patsy admitted that they were in the basement ... well that's a different story. That could have placed PR in the basement, no?

PR admitted to wrapping presents down there on the 25th before going to the White's party. She probably deposited the remainder of them in one of the golf bag's JR so desperately wanted and was never retrieved by LE.

With Patsy you have to be careful what you believe. Nobody has demonstrated that the size-12's were in the basement, gift-wrapped, ready for giving.

Nobody has demonstrated that when Patsy stated she purchased the size-12 Bloomingdales for Jenny, that this was a truthful statement.

What she did say was that the size-12's were intended as a Christmas gift for her niece Jenny Davis. Yet, by her own admission, she failed to mail them to Jenny Davis in time for Christmas.

DeeDee249 has suggested that the size-12's were included along with the Barbie Doll, found lying on the floor, inside one of the partially wrapped gifts?

This is possible, but was the barbie doll brand new, or something JonBenet had already recieved? In staging terms the inclusion of a barbie doll close to a barbie nightgown might be a more significant pairing that that of a gift?

I think Jenny Davis was 12 at the time, how appropriate might underwear and a doll be as a Christmas gift?

PR admitted to wrapping presents down there on the 25th before going to the White's party. She probably deposited the remainder of them in one of the golf bag's JR so desperately wanted and was never retrieved by LE.
I am inclined to accept this, but with all the above caveats. Wherever the size-12's were sourced from it seems it is consistent to assume Patsy redressed JonBenet in them, despite her contradictory statements about placing them into JonBenet's underwear drawer!

With Patsy you have to be careful what you believe. Nobody has demonstrated that the size-12's were in the basement, gift-wrapped, ready for giving.

Nobody has demonstrated that when Patsy stated she purchased the size-12 Bloomingdales for Jenny, that this was a truthful statement.

What she did say was that the size-12's were intended as a Christmas gift for her niece Jenny Davis. Yet, by her own admission, she failed to mail them to Jenny Davis in time for Christmas.

DeeDee249 has suggested that the size-12's were included along with the Barbie Doll, found lying on the floor, inside one of the partially wrapped gifts?

This is possible, but was the barbie doll brand new, or something JonBenet had already recieved? In staging terms the inclusion of a barbie doll close to a barbie nightgown might be a more significant pairing that that of a gift?

I think Jenny Davis was 12 at the time, how appropriate might underwear and a doll be as a Christmas gift?

I am inclined to accept this, but with all the above caveats. Wherever the size-12's were sourced from it seems it is consistent to assume Patsy redressed JonBenet in them, despite her contradictory statements about placing them into JonBenet's underwear drawer!


Nobody has demonstrated that when Patsy stated she purchased the size-12 Bloomingdales for Jenny, that this was a truthful statement.
I think Jenny Davis was 12 at the time, how appropriate might underwear and a doll be as a Christmas gift?

Isn't the above statement sort of a contridiction in terms?

DeeDee249 has suggested that the size-12's were included along with the Barbie Doll, found lying on the floor, inside one of the partially wrapped gifts?

Did DeeDee249 state whether or not the partially wrapped or opened gifts were found in the basement?
I found this several days ago on a candyrose. It never meant anything to me until now.
1999 October 30 Pam Paugh Q & A
Question from KathyK: "I also would like to know anything she can tell us about the Santa Bear. Does she definately remember seeing the bear when she went to get stuff from the house, or does she just sort of think she remembers seeing it. Did the cops ever take it into evidence? Is it really missing? - how hard did the Ramseys look for it - could it just be in boxes that were packed up. Do they have the other things that were in the cops picture - like that fancy barbie doll?"

Nobody has demonstrated that when Patsy stated she purchased the size-12 Bloomingdales for Jenny, that this was a truthful statement.
I think Jenny Davis was 12 at the time, how appropriate might underwear and a doll be as a Christmas gift?

Isn't the above statement sort of a contridiction in terms?

DeeDee249 has suggested that the size-12's were included along with the Barbie Doll, found lying on the floor, inside one of the partially wrapped gifts?

Did DeeDee249 state whether or not the partially wrapped or opened gifts were found in the basement?

I didn't have to state it. There WERE partially wrapped gifts found in the basement and they are listed by LE along with the other things in the wineceller. The Barbie doll had to be new- it was that year's (1996) Holiday Barbie. These dolls are only sold for the specific year they are designed for. A new design is made every year. If you want to buy them for other years, you have to buy them in aftermarket venues, like garage sales, eBay, etc.
It is indeed VERY possible that Patsy bought a 1996 Holiday Barbie for Jenny. Those dolls are considered "Collector's Dolls" and are bought for girls and women of all ages. They are not intended to be played with (though they certainly can be) and retain some value only if never removed from the box. Most collectors display them still in their boxes.
I can totally see Patsy gifting JB with one of these Holiday Barbes as well. They are appropriate for JB at age 6 and also for Jenny age 12.
What we need to know is whether there was ALSO ANOTHER Holiday Barbie upstairs under the family Christmas Tree. If there was, then we would KNOW that the doll in the basement was intended for someone else and possibly was in a wrapped box that had been unwrapped to look for the panties.
One thing we have never seen is a list of gifts that were under the tree. I doubt one was made, as LE would not have felt that important to the investigation. As we study the case in hindsight, we see that it IS important. There is a "line of reasoning" that goes like this:
Patsy buys size 12 panty gift set and 1996 Holiday Barbie for Jenny or JB or both. Jenny's gifts are wrapped and the boxes are in the basement, ready for Patsy to mail out after she returns from the trip. If there is ANOTHER 1996 Holiday Barbie upstairs under the tree, then we KNOW the doll in the WC near the body was for someone else. If it was for someone else, that is the reason it was on the floor in the basement- because it had been unwrapped. It was unwrapped to look for the panties.
That is how I follow that line of reasoning. So when you look at it that way, a list of gifts for JB that were under the tree that day becomes important. And the absence of such a list makes it impossible to prove whose doll it was.
Because I feel JB may have been unconscious in the basement the whole time, it makes the presence of the doll, if it is HERS, suspicious, as her doll should have been upstairs. If it is HER doll, its presence in the wineceller is artifact- something placed there by someone else for a reason. It makes a difference whose doll it is because if it is HERS, its presence there is staging. If it was Jenny's, its presence there is indicative of the gifts being unwrapped to look for the panties that Patsy KNEW were there in one of the boxes.
I can think of NO other reason to unwrap the gifts.
I didn't have to state it. There WERE partially wrapped gifts found in the basement and they are listed by LE along with the other things in the wineceller. The Barbie doll had to be new- it was that year's (1996) Holiday Barbie. These dolls are only sold for the specific year they are designed for. A new design is made every year. If you want to buy them for other years, you have to buy them in aftermarket venues, like garage sales, eBay, etc.
It is indeed VERY possible that Patsy bought a 1996 Holiday Barbie for Jenny. Those dolls are considered "Collector's Dolls" and are bought for girls and women of all ages. They are not intended to be played with (though they certainly can be) and retain some value only if never removed from the box. Most collectors display them still in their boxes.
I can totally see Patsy gifting JB with one of these Holiday Barbes as well. They are appropriate for JB at age 6 and also for Jenny age 12.
What we need to know is whether there was ALSO ANOTHER Holiday Barbie upstairs under the family Christmas Tree. If there was, then we would KNOW that the doll in the basement was intended for someone else and possibly was in a wrapped box that had been unwrapped to look for the panties.
One thing we have never seen is a list of gifts that were under the tree. I doubt one was made, as LE would not have felt that important to the investigation. As we study the case in hindsight, we see that it IS important. There is a "line of reasoning" that goes like this:
Patsy buys size 12 panty gift set and 1996 Holiday Barbie for Jenny or JB or both. Jenny's gifts are wrapped and the boxes are in the basement, ready for Patsy to mail out after she returns from the trip. If there is ANOTHER 1996 Holiday Barbie upstairs under the tree, then we KNOW the doll in the WC near the body was for someone else. If it was for someone else, that is the reason it was on the floor in the basement- because it had been unwrapped. It was unwrapped to look for the panties.
That is how I follow that line of reasoning. So when you look at it that way, a list of gifts for JB that were under the tree that day becomes important. And the absence of such a list makes it impossible to prove whose doll it was.
Because I feel JB may have been unconscious in the basement the whole time, it makes the presence of the doll, if it is HERS, suspicious, as her doll should have been upstairs. If it is HER doll, its presence in the wineceller is artifact- something placed there by someone else for a reason. It makes a difference whose doll it is because if it is HERS, its presence there is staging. If it was Jenny's, its presence there is indicative of the gifts being unwrapped to look for the panties that Patsy KNEW were there in one of the boxes.
I can think of NO other reason to unwrap the gifts.

When you say partially wrapped do you mean that they had been unwrapped?
I have understood since the beginning that the bloomies were in the basement unwrapped. I was unaware of the fact that LE had a list of everything in the basement; yet not under the Christmas tree. But what you say makes sense. I believe that JR said everyone got a new bike that year but were they listed anywhere?

I've studied this for so long I could have been mistaken. My mom and I use to study this case together. It was of great help when she didn't have to work and was on FFJ or WS all day. She lost interest in this case because she says it will never be solved. I can't handle that. I will wait for as long as it takes for justice to be served for little Johnnie B.

And you are absolutely correct in your statement about the doll's being collectables. I still have mine, and a few that are new (Christmas Barbie's) in the box. I also have Midge, lol.
When you say partially wrapped do you mean that they had been unwrapped?
I have understood since the beginning that the bloomies were in the basement unwrapped. I was unaware of the fact that LE had a list of everything in the basement; yet not under the Christmas tree. But what you say makes sense. I believe that JR said everyone got a new bike that year but were they listed anywhere?

I've studied this for so long I could have been mistaken. My mom and I use to study this case together. It was of great help when she didn't have to work and was on FFJ or WS all day. She lost interest in this case because she says it will never be solved. I can't handle that. I will wait for as long as it takes for justice to be served for little Johnnie B.

And you are absolutely correct in your statement about the doll's being collectables. I still have mine, and a few that are new (Christmas Barbie's) in the box. I also have Midge, lol.

Yes, I mean partially UNwrapped. I describe them as "partially wrapped" because that is how the police list them in their report. They had a list of everything in the wineceller, were the body was, not everything in the basement. The only bike I have seen mentioned was the bike that JB got- their neighbor (the late) Joe Barnhill had kept the bike at his house until JR picked it up Christmas Eve. He also had the Ramsey's dog- the dog was going to stay with the Barnhill's while JB and her family were away.
Nobody has demonstrated that when Patsy stated she purchased the size-12 Bloomingdales for Jenny, that this was a truthful statement.
I think Jenny Davis was 12 at the time, how appropriate might underwear and a doll be as a Christmas gift?

Isn't the above statement sort of a contridiction in terms?

DeeDee249 has suggested that the size-12's were included along with the Barbie Doll, found lying on the floor, inside one of the partially wrapped gifts?

Did DeeDee249 state whether or not the partially wrapped or opened gifts were found in the basement?

Isn't the above statement sort of a contridiction in terms?
How so?

Did DeeDee249 state whether or not the partially wrapped or opened gifts were found in the basement?
BPD photographed them lying in the wine-cellar. From memory the wrapping is the same as that on JonBenet's Christmas gifts! A coincidence or not?

There is no evidence to suggest that both the size-12's and the barbie-doll were intended as gifts for Jenny Davis, and were wrapped as Christmas gifts.

It could be that the barbie doll is JonBenet's. I reckon it is more probable that it is hers than an intended gift for Jenny Davis.

Here is a question for the USofA sleuthers: did Bloomingdales sell the special 1996 barbie dolls?

We note Patsy never offered or was asked any explanation on the origin of the barbie doll.

The barbie doll is not staging, not unless, it is residue from a prior staging, e.g. by John or Burke.

Instead of PDI by bedwetting it could PDI by JonBenet opening her other Christmas gift too early, intended to be given on her vacation?
OK, I'm new here and don't know how to use to multi quote function:
So I'll try this:

UKGUY stated:
1)Nobody has demonstrated that when Patsy stated she purchased the size-12 Bloomingdales for Jenny, that this was a truthful statement.
2)I think Jenny Davis was 12 at the time, how appropriate might underwear and a doll be as a Christmas gift?

Flatlander asked:
Isn't the above statement sort of a contridiction in terms?

UKGUY asks: How so?
Statement 1) Nobody has demonstrated that this was a truthful statement.
Statement 2) I think the gifts for Jenny are appropriate.

How do you explain a purchase for bloomies size 12. They weren't bought for JB. Yet as you stated they make a perfect fit for Jenny.

I found this listing. Bloomingdales offered the following:
And here is a list of Barbies for 1996:

OK, I'm new here and don't know how to use to multi quote function:
So I'll try this:

UKGUY stated:
1)Nobody has demonstrated that when Patsy stated she purchased the size-12 Bloomingdales for Jenny, that this was a truthful statement.
2)I think Jenny Davis was 12 at the time, how appropriate might underwear and a doll be as a Christmas gift?

Flatlander asked:
Isn't the above statement sort of a contridiction in terms?

UKGUY asks: How so?
Statement 1) Nobody has demonstrated that this was a truthful statement.
Statement 2) I think the gifts for Jenny are appropriate.

How do you explain a purchase for bloomies size 12. They weren't bought for JB. Yet as you stated they make a perfect fit for Jenny.

I found this listing. Bloomingdales offered the following:
And here is a list of Barbies for 1996:


How do you explain a purchase for bloomies size 12. They weren't bought for JB. Yet as you stated they make a perfect fit for Jenny.
Do they fit Jenny? They never reached her. I have not seen anyone saying they were Jenny's size.

We have never been told the make or day of the week of any remaining underwear in JonBenet's drawer, thiis frustrates any attempt to make sense of Patsy's statements, e.g. did Patsy purchase Bloomingdale size-6's for JonBenet?

Did Patsy purchase the barbie-doll from Bloomingdales, or somewhere else? Who else thinks the barbie-doll is out of its box? Why did Patsy not say when asked, that the size-12's were, along with the barbie-doll, intended for Jenny?

Lots of barbie-dolls for 1996 then, will we ever know if Bloomingdales sold the doll in question?


Do they fit Jenny? They never reached her. I have not seen anyone saying they were Jenny's size.

We have never been told the make or day of the week of any remaining underwear in JonBenet's drawer, thiis frustrates any attempt to make sense of Patsy's statements, e.g. did Patsy purchase Bloomingdale size-6's for JonBenet?

Did Patsy purchase the barbie-doll from Bloomingdales, or somewhere else? Who else thinks the barbie-doll is out of its box? Why did Patsy not say when asked, that the size-12's were, along with the barbie-doll, intended for Jenny?

Lots of barbie-dolls for 1996 then, will we ever know if Bloomingdales sold the doll in question?


Well, we know they never reached Jenny because Patsy never mailed them to her. They remained at the house and were allegedly packed up by the movers and sent to Atlanta with the rest of the contents of the house.
They were the correct size for a girl of Jennys age at that date. Size 12 in girls' panties would fit a child aged approx 10-14 depending on her weight.
I am confused by your post. Patsy DID say the panties were originally bought for Jenny. She also told police that she was supposed to have mailed them to her before Christmas but got so busy with the holidays and upcoming trips that she never got around to it. She was never asked about the Barbie doll. You can't really read too much into her not mentioning the doll.
It could have been bought at Bloomingdales- they do sell such dolls, even today, but I would be she bought it at the FAO Schwartz toy store when she was there.
It would have been easy enough to ascertain whether Bloomingdales sold that particular doll- all the police had to do was ask them. Holiday Barbies are sold every year- and at many stores. K-Mart, Walmart, ToysRUs, etc.
Thats the 1996 Holiday Barbie, but I personally dont think its in the box. What I do wonder is what its laying on? No way thats the box.....
Well, we know they never reached Jenny because Patsy never mailed them to her. They remained at the house and were allegedly packed up by the movers and sent to Atlanta with the rest of the contents of the house.
They were the correct size for a girl of Jennys age at that date. Size 12 in girls' panties would fit a child aged approx 10-14 depending on her weight.
I am confused by your post. Patsy DID say the panties were originally bought for Jenny. She also told police that she was supposed to have mailed them to her before Christmas but got so busy with the holidays and upcoming trips that she never got around to it. She was never asked about the Barbie doll. You can't really read too much into her not mentioning the doll.
It could have been bought at Bloomingdales- they do sell such dolls, even today, but I would be she bought it at the FAO Schwartz toy store when she was there.
It would have been easy enough to ascertain whether Bloomingdales sold that particular doll- all the police had to do was ask them. Holiday Barbies are sold every year- and at many stores. K-Mart, Walmart, ToysRUs, etc.

Patsy DID say the panties were originally bought for Jenny.
Sure I read this, but is it truthful?

She also told police that she was supposed to have mailed them to her before Christmas but got so busy with the holidays and upcoming trips that she never got around to it.
What a coincidence, if Patsy was fabricating stuff, this is exactly what I might expect to hear. Especially when she says so I gave them to JonBenet.

At face value Patsy's explanation for the size-12's seems credible, since they seem to fit her niece Jenny, but when I look at the rest of the evidence along with Patsy's words, something does not add up.

It could have been bought at Bloomingdales- they do sell such dolls, even today, but I would be she bought it at the FAO Schwartz toy store when she was there.
It would have been easy enough to ascertain whether Bloomingdales sold that particular doll- all the police had to do was ask them. Holiday Barbies are sold every year- and at many stores. K-Mart, Walmart, ToysRUs, etc.
The barbie-doll appears to me as if it is not boxed, which is what you might expect if it was an intended gift. From memory the wrapping was FAO Schwartz, so would Patsy rewrap, or have them packed together at FAO Schwartz?

Thats the 1996 Holiday Barbie, but I personally dont think its in the box. What I do wonder is what its laying on? No way thats the box.....

Its difficult to tell, but its not in its box, so for me that lessens the suggestion that it was a gift intended for Jenny.

More so when Patsy stated thats a barbie-doll she never said it was Jenny's, e.g. what is Jenny's doll doing there?

There is something else going on here, we are missing stuff.

For me a PDI linking in the barbie-doll seems a better explanation, unless the barbie-doll is residue from a prior staging, which might fit in with the barbie-nightgown? I wish we knew if those pink pajama bottoms were ever found?

Basically the partially opened gifts would not be in the wine-cellar if they had not played some prior role, else why bother putting them in there? Opened or closed who is going to bother what there status is?
Basically the partially opened gifts would not be in the wine-cellar if they had not played some prior role, else why bother putting them in there? Opened or closed who is going to bother what there status is?

Children trying to get a peak at gifts might bother what their status is.

Parents or children trying to hide all related crime evidence might bother what their status is.

If the opening of gifts that are not supposed to be opened yet is the motive for the incident that night, it might be why those gifts are hidden/left in the wine cellar along with JonBenet.
Children trying to get a peak at gifts might bother what their status is.

Parents or children trying to hide all related crime evidence might bother what their status is.

If the opening of gifts that are not supposed to be opened yet is the motive for the incident that night, it might be why those gifts are hidden/left in the wine cellar along with JonBenet.

If the opening of gifts that are not supposed to be opened yet is the motive for the incident that night, it might be why those gifts are hidden/left in the wine cellar along with JonBenet.
This is a distinct possibility. The barbie-doll may not have been a gift, it may have belonged to JonBenet. The R's knew all this stuff would be found eventually. They had expected BPD to find JonBenet long before John did, so their intentions must have been to blame it all on some intruder.

I think the doll is JonBenet's and along with the barbie nightgown they were intended as some prior bedtime staging, to foster the illusion that JonBenet had been kidnapped from her bed, but someone changed this for the longjohns and size-12's!


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