When will Casey be Arrested?

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When will Casey be arrested on charges for Caylee's death ?

  • Tue. Oct. 14th

    Votes: 53 20.5%
  • Wed. Oct. 15th

    Votes: 85 32.9%
  • Thurs. Oct. 16th

    Votes: 40 15.5%
  • Fri. Oct. 17th

    Votes: 37 14.3%
  • Following Week or longer

    Votes: 43 16.7%

  • Total voters
My thoughts exactly. I also don't believe that the GJ will hear everything in one day and an extension will be requested.

Sure wish I were a fly on the GJ wall! There are SO many pieces of this puzzle missing. I sure hope LE has the majority of those missing pieces.

i am the fly on the wall just not on that wall, dang ! :baby:
I originally thought that she would be arrested Wed, but now I think it will take a week because there is alot of evidence for this grand jury to hear. And well look how long it takes us to read all that stuff..lol.
Be patient, it WILL happen!
Kc usually runs out of gas on a Friday.....

Perhaps that is a day she will run out of time...

I just wish she would tell the truth.....
I just wish she would get a little streak of
True Motherhood....... and care... and have a conscience .....
& care

* * * It is my prayer that she would come to from the
blackout that she is in and
Straighten Up & Fly * R * I * G * H * T ! ! !
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I am going to continue to pray for her...
It is hard for me...
But I must ! ! !
God Bless Everyone !
Hopefully she will be arrested on the same date she took that precious little girl out of this world ie. 16th, 17th, or whatever day. IMO Casey will be prosecuted whether or not it be by the law or on her dying day but hopefully both.
It does seem incredible that the GJ could hear the evidence and hand down an indictment on the same day. The talking heads I heard on NG didn't mention anything about an extension so I assumed it wasn't possible. I guess the GJ could request one, not wanting to end their term with this left hanging and wanting to finish the job. I don't know how it works, obviously. :)

It might be a fast hearing though. Present DNA evidence from the trunk, cadaver dog hits, KC's actions during the 31 days including photos and that could be enough. Slam bam.

The wild card is GA and why his testimony is so critical at this juncture. I'm starting to believe he really WILL testify directly against her and bring in something critical to seal the deal. It's a cliffhanger.
Initially I said Thursday, but looking at the calendar again I may have to change my mind ~ :D

6/15 last day Caylee was known to be alive based on the Fathers' Day visit to Cindy's dad

7/15 Casey arrested

10/15 Casey arrested for Caylee's murder ???

October 15th is the day I picked.
Perhaps LE could pick her up at the stroke of Midnight.
It does seem incredible that the GJ could hear the evidence and hand down an indictment on the same day. The talking heads I heard on NG didn't mention anything about an extension so I assumed it wasn't possible. I guess the GJ could request one, not wanting to end their term with this left hanging and wanting to finish the job. I don't know how it works, obviously. :)

It might be a fast hearing though. Present DNA evidence from the trunk, cadaver dog hits, KC's actions during the 31 days including photos and that could be enough. Slam bam.

The wild card is GA and why his testimony is so critical at this juncture. I'm starting to believe he really WILL testify directly against her and bring in something critical to seal the deal. It's a cliffhanger.

George is just one of many people who will testify in front of the grand jury. Cindy has also been told to be available. Somehow it leaked to the media that George was on the 'secret' witness list and the media chose to sensationalize it with the headline about George testifying against Casey. Reality is that anyone who testifies in front of the GJ will be testifying against Casey, no defense witnesses are presented to the GJ.
Quote: The wild card is GA and why his testimony is so critical at this juncture. I'm starting to believe he really WILL testify directly against her and bring in something critical to seal the deal. It's a cliffhanger.

Regardless of what GA later told the media, what really matters are statements GA gave to LE during interview under sworn oath. Those are the statements (about KC not letting him near the trunk, cutting him off in his path, cussing him as she shoved cans at him before he could reach the trunk or possibly smell, much less view, it's contents) to which he'll be bound in GJ and at trial. Unless of course he wishes to perjure himself...

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