When will Casey be Arrested?

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When will Casey be arrested on charges for Caylee's death ?

  • Tue. Oct. 14th

    Votes: 53 20.5%
  • Wed. Oct. 15th

    Votes: 85 32.9%
  • Thurs. Oct. 16th

    Votes: 40 15.5%
  • Fri. Oct. 17th

    Votes: 37 14.3%
  • Following Week or longer

    Votes: 43 16.7%

  • Total voters
I'm kind of worried about the case...Who would have thought OJ would be aquitted?

A lot of that was Ito's fault. Who woulda thunk he'd start dancing for the cameras, and throw away control of the courtroom.
The last part of the last sentence just shocks me to the core. They did NOT dig up that yard?

quote: "they believe it was unnecessary to dig there."

OMG, they feel they've done a thorough search but did not actually dig for Caylee? How can they know 1000% that she is still not there?

Because the dogs hit there lightly. The dogs knew she HAD been in the yard, and was gone. They hit a lot harder on the trunk. She was there longer, and more recently.
Long time lurker (since case inception) - first time poster..(still can't figure out how to change avitar, even). I'm here in a strange capacity...I've been a criminal defense paralegal for the past 9 years BUT strangely enough, usually get caught up in cases where I believe the accused is NOT innocent.
I know that (in my state), the public and most definitely the accused and attorney, do NOT know about an indictment until it's handed down by the grand jury. ESPECIALLY in major felony/murder cases. Here's how it works (if I sound presumptively "know it all", I don't mean to, but thought I could share some inside perspective in the world of criminal justice).

First, the State gathers all evidence they can (i.e., the slew of interviews done in the past 2 months). Once they feel like they have it all (or at least all they will likely get), they file their charges in the circuit court...and in murder cases, a lot of times, it's sealed. WHICH MEANS that the discovery documents that are filed are public record (i.e., the interviews, the texts, pc forensics, etc....) BUT the indictment is SEALED completely and unaccessible to ANYONE except the Judge, the State and the Grand Jury until they return their bill. Grand Juries can take hours, days, weeks and even MONTHS to convene depending on amount of evidence. Just like in a jury trial, they then return a verdict (called a "bill"). If they find there is enough evidence to indict, they return with a TRUE BILL. If they find insufficient evidence to indict, they reutrn with a NOT TRUE BILL. If they send back a TRUE BILL, the indictment REMAINS SEALED until the indictment is served upon the accused. Also, in my state, if the accused is in jail, they have to serve the indictment on them w/in 60 days of the indictment. If they are NOT in jail, they have a full year to serve it (no idea why they'd wait that long, but I've seen it).

So, to sum up this rant, I do believe it is POSSIBLE that the State is in the process of presenting the evidence against her...we just dont know it yet. It MAY even be that they are convening or HAVE ALREADY convened a grand jury. Simply because that information is sealed in many cases (not all cases, though). I just started to notice this slew of documents being filed by the State...they are likely filing it because they have done all of their interviews, got all the evidence they can get (short of the body) and now they have filed the discovery because it has to be filed in order to be viewed by grand jury.

just my newbie thoughts...
If they think they have enough evidence they will send it to a Grand Jury for an indictment first.

I do hope that you see that they are sending it to the GJ on Tuesday Oct 14th..which means they have evidence a plenty.
Part of behavioral science and getting a subject to crack and confess. It has been done at the direction of the FBI many times in the past.
It really is basic profiling. The stuff that they teach you in the first ten minutes of the LE course at Quantico.

However, in addition, they are also racking up mounds of forensics.
that makes sense. The only thing I don't understand if we go with this senario, is why would they charge with murder in Oct. rather than wait until, say, 1st week of November, which would buy them even more time?

Because they feel ready, and because they have an experienced GJ-- not the new one that they would have in November.
I wondered about the same thing. I wondered if it meant that LE is not willing to disclose what the charges will be just yet. But I don't know why they would hold that back? Any ideas?

Because they haven't seen the GJ, yet.
But since LE hasn't divulged whether or not there is evidence to support the death of Caylee, I wonder if that's why they phrase it that way. I wonder if they even know what the charge will be when they arrest her.(?)

They do. That's why they are going GJ now.
There was a case in San Antonio, TX in the last 10 years (and I am not going into all the background on it) where the wife was missing, there was some blood found in the home and they found splinters of a leg bone in the back yard. Unfortunately, they could not charge the husband with homicide because, technically, someone could have lost their leg and still be alive. Talk about frustrating for LE! As far as I know, that case is still 'open'.

It does seem that there is more evidence in this case, and I hope some type of homicide charge can be made.

There was a case I just saw on TV, no body. (Can't remember the state) Little girl vanished. Mom's b.f. is on death row.

There was, BTW, discussion on NG the other day of some cases that were prosecuted w/o bodies. AND, there was a special on ID channel re: the same thing.
Excellent point! I don't think LE asks the right questions of some of these people. "What did you do with Caylee's body" would be a great question. Or to any of her friends "have you ever been in contact with Chloroform or Xanax", "have you ever purchased either?", to Casey "did you ever give your daughter chloroform or Xanax." etc Questions to GA and Cindy would be good if they asked if they have ever had either drug in THEIR possession! People who lie do that, they break down the question into tiny bits in their mind so they can "honestly" say no or yes or whatever!

Saw a GREAT interrogation on TV, today.

Rapist/burglar was being questioned. He was asked whether he had recently broken into any house.

He answered, "I never broke into no woman's house."

ROFL! The cop never said the "w" word. :)
Why would "we" have any assumption about the whereabouts of her daughter when she repeatedly told LE she "honestly did not know the whereabouts of my daughter"?

If JB knows his client knows her daughters whereabouts and he does not disclose this isn't he an accessory?

He has to disclose only if she has disclosed to him. Because he is an officer of the court.

But, she also told GA that Caylee was "close and OK."

KC says different things at different times.
Yeah, I would have liked those questions asked too, but it was early on and the detectives probably hadn't quite started considering the deeper implications of "Xanny," and chloroform probably hadn't hit their radar screen yet. Caylee lawyered up right after the questioning we heard, so that was the end of the questioning. I seriously doubt that any competent lawyer would put this woman on the stand, so, personally, I have a strong feeling that no one's going to get to ask her anything at trial either. It also seems likely that a competent attorney would be out bigtime to plea-bargin this case and I think the state would do that eventually in exchange for KC's co-operation to find Caylee. Lately, I've started to think that this might not even get to trial because the defense will end up begging for a deal...on their hands and knees. Hope I'm right. I think that might be the best solution- a long sentence but no death penalty and some opportunity to get out some day in exchange for saying what happened in a way that could be verified, more or less. Coming from her, what ever explanation she would give would probably mostly be a lie too, but I'm wondering more and more if that won't be the conclusion to this awful mess.

KC hasn't spoken to LE, since she retained JB. How are they gonna ask questions?
If they had enough evidence to convict her, they would be charging her already. There might be enough to arrest and charge... but might not be enough to get a conviction, and that is their goal.

Nope. They assemble the evidence, go to the GJ, and then charge-- just like what they are doing now. :)
Are you thinking that KC might have left Caylee home by herself and she got outside and drowned in the pool because she was unsupervised?

No, I guess that's what someone else thought, though.
I think there's a good chance Casey might walk on any murder charge. Here's why:

If there was an accident in the pool (16th) after returning to the house after George leaves, it could have been a result of Cindy leaving the gate open from swimming the evening prior (15th).

Case would have thought the gate was typically locked. She might even think it was her fault if there was an accident in the pool, or might have frantically called asking her parents if the gate was left open.

In this case, the death might not be Casey's fault necessarily. Yes, she should have checked. But if they all always let her go play assuming it's locked then that would be another story. They would all be equally to blame for the accident.

There's a possibility that Casey talked to Cindy about this later. And might be the reason for Cindy's reversal in attitude if she discovered that she was partially to blame. It would also explain Cindy asking George about the gate being left open.

Doesn't make any difference now. Accident or not. Not reporting her missing AT ALL was telling enough. Cindy reported it. Casey never did. Stealing checks, shopping sprees, boyfriends, chloroform in trunk, chloroform searches on her computer, missing children searches on her computer, parties, body decomp in trunk, disappearance of body, lying to LE, Zanny the nanny, etc., etc., etc.

After all that, what difference could it possibly make that it was an accident, IF it ever was. The only place she's going to walk is in the "yard" at the penitentiary.

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