When will Casey be Arrested?

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When will Casey be arrested on charges for Caylee's death ?

  • Tue. Oct. 14th

    Votes: 53 20.5%
  • Wed. Oct. 15th

    Votes: 85 32.9%
  • Thurs. Oct. 16th

    Votes: 40 15.5%
  • Fri. Oct. 17th

    Votes: 37 14.3%
  • Following Week or longer

    Votes: 43 16.7%

  • Total voters
I agree Brini. There will be enough forensic and circumstancial evidense to get a murder 1 charge. We haven't even begun to read or hear about everything yet!
I don't know if I can take it all or not. It won't be pretty.

You can take it, woman! :) I believe in yuh!:blowkiss:

I DO think we'll all be flabbergasted. And, that takes a LOT!
This is a link to a similar case here in Oklahoma where the Mom was convicted last year of killing her 6 year old son and his body has never been found. To my knowledge, there wasn't nearly the evidence that there is against KC. She got life without the possibility of parole....


And...I just found another article about this little boy and his mom - give it a quick look!!
Wonder if this is one of the missing children she researched? hmmmmmm

Saw a GREAT interrogation on TV, today.

Rapist/burglar was being questioned. He was asked whether he had recently broken into any house.

He answered, "I never broke into no woman's house."

ROFL! The cop never said the "w" word. :)
These stupid criminals always trip themselves up! :behindbar
Yes, and what I FINE day that will be!:)
Initially I said Thursday, but looking at the calendar again I may have to change my mind ~ :D

6/15 last day Caylee was known to be alive based on the Fathers' Day visit to Cindy's dad

7/15 Casey arrested

10/15 Casey arrested for Caylee's murder ???
Initially I said Thursday, but looking at the calendar again I may have to change my mind ~ :D

6/15 last day Caylee was known to be alive based on the Fathers' Day visit to Cindy's dad

7/15 Casey arrested

10/15 Casey arrested for Caylee's murder ???

I picked the 14th, the day the GJ hears the evidence and brings murder charges against her! That is my son's 29th birthday, the day my 42 year old sister will give birth to her first baby (It's a girl!) so it would make my day even sweeter if I get to see Casey's butt taken off to jail ONE MORE TIME! Let's see the poptart swing that butt all the way back to jail, never to leave again!
Initially I said Thursday, but looking at the calendar again I may have to change my mind ~ :D

6/15 last day Caylee was known to be alive based on the Fathers' Day visit to Cindy's dad

7/15 Casey arrested

10/15 Casey arrested for Caylee's murder ???
Wonder what the Vegas odds are to Casey's guilt, arrest & conviction, perhaps 15 to 1? Hopefully she'll be executed on the 15th as well, Florida does utilize the death penalty.
If state hold GJ on Tuesday, is the decision made in one day?

Then after the decision is made, I assume there is some paperwork for the charges. how long does that take?

or typically how long to physically arrest after a GJ?
Casey needs to realize the GAME she has been playing is going to be over real soon. I believe that casey did this out of anger and I seriously believe that she has a Mental Problem. This could happen to anybodys family and I feel sorry for all the people involved even casey. Her life is over it will never be the same again. I hope that when this case comes more to light that the Anthonys will be able to grief the loss of caylee. We did not no caylee marie anthony but she has touched many of are hearts forever. I hope and pray that casey can find it in her heart and show some remorse for her parents and especially caylee that she will tell someone where she is at so she can be buired. Now what casey has done is wrong, I will not judge her because she will be judged in the end. I hope and pray that she will have a fair trial and I think she will and justice will be served for caylee. When tragedies like this happen we all learn something from them. I hope they will come out with a CAYLEE ANTHONY LAW. I think any person should have to report a child missing immediatily when first discovered that he or she went missing! I also hope that the Anthonys will stop being in denial, what happened has happened we can not turn the clock back. When stuff happens to families we tend to turn and blame the parents that they did something wrong. Casey was a ADULT. Everything that casey has done is her fault she made bad choices and decisions. Casey thought she would get away with this but shes not going to. What I don’t understand If she wanted to party and do whatever why didn’t she just give her child up for adoption or to her mother. Even writing bad checks etc. she is going to jail. What kind of life is that? Why someone so young would want to destroy there life? I wish she would talk because I just want to know what is going on with your mind, was your life that bad that you would want to spend the rest of your life in jail? If she thought caylee was in her way she could of dropped her off with her mother and father and just left said I’m sorry I just cant handle this right now or I cant do this anymore. She could of went to a local church Explain I’m feeling this way will you help me! Just don’t understand! Well when I think she will go to jail when the time is right and I hope it is soon! I personally think she should of stayed in jail from day 1. Just based on this and this alone you don’t report a child missing after 31 DAYS PERIOD.
IIRC the local news here said that Tuesday was the final day that this GJ will be seated. Of course I could have heard that wrong. If it isn't the last day there are not very many more before a new GJ is selected. Not sure how long that takes.
IIRC the local news here said that Tuesday was the final day that this GJ will be seated. Of course I could have heard that wrong. If it isn't the last day there are not very many more before a new GJ is selected. Not sure how long that takes.

This is true, I have heard the same. The last case of the year brought before this GJ.

Welcome to the board fla*mom!
You don't know what the cops have. None of us do.

OJ walked because Judge Ito got camera happy and let the defense confuse the jury. OJ also had some very sharp and experienced criminal lawyers.

Also, OJ didn't kill a two year old baby.

Won't happen, this time. Take it to the bank.

There were other factors with OJ, like holding the trial in L.A. vs Santa Monica, with a predominantly black jury that refused to convict him and was starstruck, Chris Darden's mistake of having OJ try on the glove in open court, and the defense capitalized on Mark Fuhrman's use of the "N" word.
Has a special Grand Jury been convened to only hear the Casey Anthony case or is this the regular empaneled jury that decides whether to true bill or not on a lot of other cases?

If it is just the regular GJ we do not know in what order they will go and where Casey's case will be among them but if it is a special GJ then I think there should be a true bill on murder no later than October 15th.

The 17th or possibly the 18th. Through this case we have seen a lot of action on Saturdays, so that wouldn't surprise me.
I could have sworn I heard that if she is indicted, she will be picked up Immediatly


If she is indicted, and we are not sure when the GJ will decide that... they will issue a warrant for her arrest, but the paperwork has to be filed first. So my guess is not before Weds. and possibly as late as Thurs. or Fri.
I just can't fathom this GJ session only lasting one day with all the evidence we know so far, and if they call more than a few witnesses. Perhaps they will request an extension of their term.
Doesn't make any difference now. Accident or not. Not reporting her missing AT ALL was telling enough. Cindy reported it. Casey never did. Stealing checks, shopping sprees, boyfriends, chloroform in trunk, chloroform searches on her computer, missing children searches on her computer, parties, body decomp in trunk, disappearance of body, lying to LE, Zanny the nanny, etc., etc., etc.

After all that, what difference could it possibly make that it was an accident, IF it ever was. The only place she's going to walk is in the "yard" at the penitentiary.

Very well said! :clap:
If she is indicted, and we are not sure when the GJ will decide that... they will issue a warrant for her arrest, but the paperwork has to be filed first. So my guess is not before Weds. and possibly as late as Thurs. or Fri.
I just can't fathom this GJ session only lasting one day with all the evidence we know so far, and if they call more than a few witnesses. Perhaps they will request an extension of their term.

My thoughts exactly. I also don't believe that the GJ will hear everything in one day and an extension will be requested.

Sure wish I were a fly on the GJ wall! There are SO many pieces of this puzzle missing. I sure hope LE has the majority of those missing pieces.
Orange County detention, just like before. She will stay there until trial. I think they will delay the November trial for the checks and neglect if they get a homicide charge. Not sure they will drop them until there is a verdict to be sure they don't let her get away.
I picked Fri, Oct. 17, 2008....because all the good stuff happens on Fridays!

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