When will Casey be Arrested?

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When will Casey be arrested on charges for Caylee's death ?

  • Tue. Oct. 14th

    Votes: 53 20.5%
  • Wed. Oct. 15th

    Votes: 85 32.9%
  • Thurs. Oct. 16th

    Votes: 40 15.5%
  • Fri. Oct. 17th

    Votes: 37 14.3%
  • Following Week or longer

    Votes: 43 16.7%

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If I was KC, i'd be less worried about jail and more worried about

I'm not a particularly religious person but if there was ever someone deserving.....
There is a video on wesh that has a long story on this and the evidence that has been collected. LE states that Casey will be arrested for her daughter missing within a 'few weeks'. I think they are waiting for more testing to be finished. It mentioned that testing was taking place last week. It also states that everything is being tested 3 times to make for an iron clad case. Casey is going to be arrested for this. Don't doubt. LE is trying to make themselves an iron clad case. Remember, it is harder without a body. The video also stated they know how caylee was positioned in the trunk and that there were hairs, not just 1 hair', that shows her dead in the trunk. The hair was from a dead child, not a live child. Very interesting video.

Do you have the link for that video?
I don't know. I know the article says a couple of weeks.

I go to bed every night checking here for news and nada, cept more interviews released, which make me more angry and more inpatient. I go to bed, get up, DON'T EVEN MAKE COFFEE, BUT COME BACK RIGHT HERE, and look for news, same things that were there before I went to bed. No news, nothing. No closer to finding Caylee's body. KC comes and goes as she pleases as if child neglect will be the only charge, minus check charges, will be the only charges she faces.

It is very disheartening. How she sleeps is beyond me. How anybody in that house sleeps is beyond me. I know LE is busting their humps on this case, but I can't see how they can go home (I know this is wrong) and leave Caylee alone and not find her every day. I don't know how the lawyers can sleep, eat, be near her w/o puking.
There is no rush to arrest her regarding Caylee's disappearance. I trust and believe that LE has been working this case from Day One, and testing evidence several times so her defense attorney cannot come to court stating the tests were flimsy. There will be justice for Caylee. It is so obvious that she was involved with the death of that sweet little girl. She had her chance to come forward and say that it was accident weeks ago, with limited immunity, and she ignored it. Too late now.
Patience has never been one of my virtues. But in this case I want the authorities to take every bit as much time as they need to have a rock solid case against this woman so she'll never ever see the light of day after her conviction. I can be patient but sooner rather than later would be terrific.
Yes, Amethyst they can afford to take their time and hope for even more leads or evidence. Of course the body would be the best thing for the prosecution, so in spite of everything they have, they should wait since they only get one shot at justice.

Maui4me, I love the way you think. They are strategizing right now as well. They are completely on top of this case.

I know it's frustrating that she is not locked up (yet) but she still has to live with herself and her actions. She wanted so badly to get away from her mom but her mom is now her warden. Isn't it ironic for her.

I think there's a good chance Casey might walk on any murder charge. Here's why:

If there was an accident in the pool (16th) after returning to the house after George leaves, it could have been a result of Cindy leaving the gate open from swimming the evening prior (15th).

Case would have thought the gate was typically locked. She might even think it was her fault if there was an accident in the pool, or might have frantically called asking her parents if the gate was left open.

In this case, the death might not be Casey's fault necessarily. Yes, she should have checked. But if they all always let her go play assuming it's locked then that would be another story. They would all be equally to blame for the accident.

There's a possibility that Casey talked to Cindy about this later. And might be the reason for Cindy's reversal in attitude if she discovered that she was partially to blame. It would also explain Cindy asking George about the gate being left open.

There is absolutely zero proof Caylee drowned in the pool. There is no proof Casey thought she drowned. There is no proof Cindy left a gate open.

There is 100% proof Casey NEVER called 911 for help, in regards to a drowning.
There is no proof Casey called 911 to report Caylee missing.

There IS proof chloroform was found in the trunk of her car.
There is also proof a dead body had been in there.
There is also proof from hair samples Caylee was dead.

If it were a accident Casey would be begging to be released & a free lady.
I am very sure LE has enough evidence to prove homicide. They are determining the degree of homicide.

I think there's a good chance Casey might walk on any murder charge. Here's why:

If there was an accident in the pool (16th) after returning to the house after George leaves, it could have been a result of Cindy leaving the gate open from swimming the evening prior (15th).

Case would have thought the gate was typically locked. She might even think it was her fault if there was an accident in the pool, or might have frantically called asking her parents if the gate was left open.

In this case, the death might not be Casey's fault necessarily. Yes, she should have checked. But if they all always let her go play assuming it's locked then that would be another story. They would all be equally to blame for the accident.

There's a possibility that Casey talked to Cindy about this later. And might be the reason for Cindy's reversal in attitude if she discovered that she was partially to blame. It would also explain Cindy asking George about the gate being left open.

I have to disagree that anyone would share the blame with Casey for ASSUMING her child was safe and not verifying this fact. I live on a busy street in my town, and I have 2 small children that I do not ever want to see in the street because they went out one of the doors and I did not see them because I assumed they were locked. I would never take that chance. I have latches on the doors and immediately check those latches if anyone enters or leaves the premises. I have also ingrained it into the minds of all who live here that a dead child in the street could be the result of THAT particular irresponsibility...but I still check every single time...Casey is/was responsible for making sure her daughter was safe, not just assuming that she was. She is soley to blame if it was an accident and can carry that burden upon her own shoulders.
I don't know. I know the article says a couple of weeks.

I go to bed every night checking here for news and nada, cept more interviews released, which make me more angry and more inpatient. I go to bed, get up, DON'T EVEN MAKE COFFEE, BUT COME BACK RIGHT HERE, and look for news, same things that were there before I went to bed. No news, nothing. No closer to finding Caylee's body. KC comes and goes as she pleases as if child neglect will be the only charge, minus check charges, will be the only charges she faces.

It is very disheartening. How she sleeps is beyond me. How anybody in that house sleeps is beyond me. I know LE is busting their humps on this case, but I can't see how they can go home (I know this is wrong) and leave Caylee alone and not find her every day. I don't know how the lawyers can sleep, eat, be near her w/o puking.
I'm sorry Zoo. Unfortunately, a widening circle of people (including you and me and everyone who is hurt and saddened by this story) are beginning to suffer because of Casey. Hope it ends soon.
I still think it was an accident, because of the flurry of calls, but now that she has lied forever and refuses to give up the location of her baby's body, I think the accident has now turned into some type of murder.
Yes, Amethyst they can afford to take their time and hope for even more leads or evidence. Of course the body would be the best thing for the prosecution, so in spite of everything they have, they should wait since they only get one shot at justice.

Maui4me, I love the way you think. They are strategizing right now as well. They are completely on top of this case.

I know it's frustrating that she is not locked up (yet) but she still has to live with herself and her actions. She wanted so badly to get away from her mom but her mom is now her warden. Isn't it ironic for her.

I also think it ironic that all of the people Casey was trying to impress with her stories of getting a house, the Universal job and the $15k in the bank now consider her a pariah. She totally is totally dependent on the family she resented.

No new men, no parties, having to wear t-shirts with Caylee's picture, (no mini-skirts or go go boots) no friends...staying home every night with mom and dad. If Casey was feeling sad and bitter before, think how she is feeling now.
I'm sorry Zoo. Unfortunately, a widening circle of people (including you and me and everyone who is hurt and saddened by this story) are beginning to suffer because of Casey. Hope it ends soon.

Yeah, and the sad part is that when it does end, Caylee will still be gone, we just might have justice and KC in jail. What a thing to wish for huh? But, I want justice.
I also think it ironic that all of the people Casey was trying to impress with her stories of getting a house, the Universal job and the $15k in the bank now consider her a pariah.

No new men, no parties, having to wear t-shirts with Caylee's picture, (no mini-skirts or go go boots) no friends...staying home every night with mom and dad. If Casey was feeling sad and bitter before, think how she is feeling now.

Sorry for herself for sure...but sorry about anything? I doubt it...
Definatley will go before a grand jury first. I see her coming off with manslaughter if anything, no murder one or predmeditated. She will get off easy UNLESS they find Caylees body, or she talks, both of which I doubt.

I totally disagree with this. You don't know what LE is holding in their hand. My guess is Oct. 1st to the 7th, we'll see the arrest.

Caylee's whole body will not make or break this case. They already know that parts of it were left in that trunk and it was not alive.
I totally disagree with this. You don't know what LE is holding in their hand. My guess is Oct. 1st to the 7th, we'll see the arrest.

Caylee's whole body will not make or break this case. They already know that parts of it were left in that trunk and it was not alive.

I agree. I think they have enough for a murder charge. There doesn't have to be a body for her to be convicted of murder. I don't think she will be charged with manslaughter, because if it had been accidental she would have called 911. Not calling police for 31 days does not go in her favor. Correction, she never called 911, her mother did.
I really don't think anyone else is involved with caylees disappearance but casey .

She will reap her bad deeds and karma will catch up , even if the law fails.

JMO. :python:

Yeah. Sorta like OJ? What could have been a more sure thing?

They'd better get this one right otherwise this gal will walk.

Casey Anthony has been fine tuning her story(s) from the get go. And so far the cops haven't found the hard evidence.

I'm not sure they ever will but we can only hope.
I think it was premeditated.

I did wonder if there was enough evidence to prove it.

I don't anymore.
I think that Casey will be arrested as soon as the latest tests are back - so IMO Casey needs to be sure that her attorney is talking straight with her - LE is just waiting for the tests to come back...for the third time. LE is just dotting their i's and crossing ther t's -

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