Where are the 2 LITTLE GIRLS seen with PG?

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The *advertiser censored* connection to me, is more of an angle to get this out of the hands of local LE, IMO, they have done enough...or not done enough.
I'm not seeing a cult connection. I don't think there is one. Just a high functioning schizophrenic pedophile with a lot of really good luck, coupled with a pretty little girl with a lot of bad luck.

Yes, I think that is the main objective - getting it out of just the local authorities hands.

Further, I think not examining the child *advertiser censored* angle would be a mistake in any case like this. I don't think that spins it clear to the extreme of some direct cult connection of Garridos. At any rate, all of these things are not at odds with each other and do not need to be argued and one purpose pitted against another. We forget that if there are responsible LE folks investigating the clues will probably lead them to where they need to go and help develop priorities from a logical and evolving list of priorities.
sounds good. now how do we do it? anyone here got connections to either?

No connections here, but I wish I did right about now!!

if this is true then what is up with the gas station sighting?
seems too much of a coincidence that the van described seems to be one they found in garridos property.
did he call in a tip himself just to laugh at the police?

Do you mean pg called in the tip himself? That is actually a great theory as he could have brought Jaycee to the gas station, in the van, let her get out to see the poster, let her see him call the police, to prove to her that no one would help her. If he did, he is sicker than I even imagined and that thought is hard to process!

If there was *advertiser censored* on those computers it wouldn't involve PG, since they belonged to Molino and the neighbor. They are the ones that would get charged for anything that might be on them.

In the neighbor's case, he wasn't associated with PG, PG looked after the house before he moved in but his computer wouldn't have been there at that time. It isn't clear why LE even took that computer since PG didn't have access to the house during it's current occupation, unless they were just fishing because they had a warrant stemming from PG's prior association with the property.

I may be mistaken, but I thought they also confiscated computers from the garrido residence? Those were the computers I was referring to. Also, since the general theory is that pg was the one using Jacks bank account to download *advertiser censored*, it had to be on a computer somewhere?! If they can show the *advertiser censored* was downloaded to Jacks computer, then they have to take another look at Jack Medeiros, in my humble opinion.
This is not exactly what you all are asking for however, it is part of it:

Antioch not the sex offender rat's nest that media suggests, data show
By John Simerman
Contra Costa Times
Posted: 09/04/2009 10:47:29 AM PDT
Updated: 09/04/2009 08:27:07 PM PDT

"It's a juicy nugget for the worldwide press, tripping alarms on the cable news fear-o-meter.

Anderson Cooper of CNN has the graphics to prove it and a roster of experts to explain how the local area where police say Jaycee Dugard was held in sexual bondage for 18 years has fast become a dense haven for registered sex offenders.

"How Jessica's Law turned Antioch into a paedophile ghetto," splashed a headline Thursday on the Web site of The Independent, a major British newspaper.

Disturbing, if true. Only it's not, according to a Bay Area News Group analysis of sex offender addresses and census data.

News that more than 100 registered sex offenders call Antioch home has sparked a TV news frightfest and stirred worry in local residents. But while the number of registered sex offenders per capita in the city places it above the Bay Area rate of slightly less than one per 1,000 people, Antioch falls well below dozens of other Bay Area communities, and barely cracks the top 10 in Contra Costa County."

much more at link

Interesting article. I think a bigger concern is how many unsolved crimes have been committed, not condemning the whole community of Antioch or claiming a high sex offender population - and, after all, crimes committed in Antioch or Pittsburg could be by non-residents.

This part of the article I find disturbing as did others (but not the journalist obviously)...

A task force including the sheriff's office and local police visited Garrido's house during a July 2008 sweep to check on compliance — that he lived where he said he did, said Terry. They entered the house and walked through, noticed nothing unusual and left.

"There was no evidence to support any type of foul pay or elicit activity that would violate his position as a (Megan's Law) registrant," he said. "Did we go into his backyard and climb the 8-foot wall into the compound that for 17 years nobody knew he was using? No, we did not."

Sheriff Warren Rupf last week apologized, however, for a deputy's weak response to a 911 call in 2006 from a neighbor reporting suspicious circumstances involving young children in the backyard.

Here's one source that found that part disturbing as I think I have posted the link before...


"We're inundated with sexual assault cases"

That's Captain Terry of the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office, lamenting about how stretched thin his staff is, regarding both registered sexual offenders and those that haven't yet been caught. He needs more money, I'd bet, and manpower to really police the situation.

Where-oh-where might they get more money?

The trillion dollars spent on the "war on drugs" since 1970 has brought us 35 million arrests and done nothing to eliminate drugs from society. We need to be using that money in better ways, and the horrific nightmare that has been the last 18 years of Jaycee Dugard's life illustrates how we could better use police resources.

The speakers at LEAP want to restore the publics faith in police and also be allowed to do real police work instead of constant, resource sucking drug interdiction. I can't help but wonder if the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office would have been able to recognize this man for the insane, dangerous monster he is if they had been fully present.
Two completely different kinds of articles.

The first is what historically has been called 'reporting'. It is is not an opinion piece. It is presenting facts.

The second is an opinion piece by a member of some group that wants to legalize and regulate drugs.

There really is no comparison in my mind.
This is not exactly what you all are asking for however, it is part of it:

Antioch not the sex offender rat's nest that media suggests, data show
By John Simerman
Contra Costa Times
Posted: 09/04/2009 10:47:29 AM PDT
Updated: 09/04/2009 08:27:07 PM PDT

"It's a juicy nugget for the worldwide press, tripping alarms on the cable news fear-o-meter.

Anderson Cooper of CNN has the graphics to prove it and a roster of experts to explain how the local area where police say Jaycee Dugard was held in sexual bondage for 18 years has fast become a dense haven for registered sex offenders.

"How Jessica's Law turned Antioch into a paedophile ghetto," splashed a headline Thursday on the Web site of The Independent, a major British newspaper.

Disturbing, if true. Only it's not, according to a Bay Area News Group analysis of sex offender addresses and census data.

News that more than 100 registered sex offenders call Antioch home has sparked a TV news frightfest and stirred worry in local residents. But while the number of registered sex offenders per capita in the city places it above the Bay Area rate of slightly less than one per 1,000 people, Antioch falls well below dozens of other Bay Area communities, and barely cracks the top 10 in Contra Costa County."

much more at link
Good link worth reading.

Just a little snip.

the 122 registered sex offenders who list the city as their home on the state's Megan's Law online database

GESHHHHH. 122 people can do lots of damage.
Where is the door to door brigade?
Regarding that e-mail you got......
Do you feel comfortable to see if you can get more information?
Nora ... your article does contain the quotes I put in my last post. I think it is relevant as well as the second article I posted because both articles are taking some position about sex offenders and sex crimes in Antioch and in Contra Costa County. I don't find the journalist or LE comments any less biased than the group LEAP. I am not challenging the statistics in the article you posted nor the fact that Antioch isn't as bad as many other cities in the Bay Area or Contra Costa County, but if a journalist then accepts claims likes these to support his article ...

"There was no evidence to support any type of foul pay or elicit activity that would violate his position as a (Megan's Law) registrant," he said

... then perhaps the point has been missed - maybe there are not as many convicted sex offenders in Antioch as was horrifically claimed in the news (even in other countries), but are the sex offenders that are there adequately being supervised and ivnestigated (particularly when there are warning signs and when the opportunity is dropped in your lap!), are new sex crimes being committed in Antioch and in the county, are there more unsolved sex crimes/murders in that city than other places (there certainly seems to be an alarming number within the 8 mile stretch between Garridos and JM Enterprises), and has enough been done to prevent more sex crimes and solve those that are unsolved. The second article I posted questions where priorities are place - I think that is pertinent as well as, are we asking the right questions? I hope local LE and journalists will think about these things.

Is it a numbers game anyway? One sex offender might offend a hundred times or be a horrific offender such as Garrido whereas another only offends once (given the broad range of who is listed as a sex offender and what they were charged with).
I may be mistaken, but I thought they also confiscated computers from the garrido residence? Those were the computers I was referring to. Also, since the general theory is that pg was the one using Jacks bank account to download *advertiser censored*, it had to be on a computer somewhere?! If they can show the *advertiser censored* was downloaded to Jacks computer, then they have to take another look at Jack Molino, in my humble opinion.

It wasn't Jack's computer (he apparently didn't have one anyway), it was the new tenant's computer. Jack's surname isn't Molino btw, it's Medieros.
If there was *advertiser censored* on those computers it wouldn't involve PG, since they belonged to Molino and the neighbor. They are the ones that would get charged for anything that might be on them.

In the neighbor's case, he wasn't associated with PG, PG looked after the house before he moved in but his computer wouldn't have been there at that time. It isn't clear why LE even took that computer since PG didn't have access to the house during it's current occupation, unless they were just fishing because they had a warrant stemming from PG's prior association with the property.

They apparently had some reason for taking the neighbors computer ... and the Molino's. You nor I have any idea what they saw that made them suspect child *advertiser censored*, but they obviously saw something that made them want to investigate further.
Nora ... your article does contain the quotes I put in my last post. I think it is relevant as well as the second article I posted because both articles are taking some position about sex offenders and sex crimes in Antioch and in Contra Costa County. I don't find the journalist or LE comments any less biased than the group LEAP. I am not challenging the statistics in the article you posted nor the fact that Antioch isn't as bad as many other cities in the Bay Area or Contra Costa County, but if a journalist then accepts claims likes these to support his article ...

... then perhaps the point has been missed - maybe there are not as many convicted sex offenders in Antioch as was horrifically claimed in the news (even in other countries), but are the sex offenders that are there adequately being supervised and ivnestigated (particularly when there are warning signs and when the opportunity is dropped in your lap!), are new sex crimes being committed in Antioch and in the county, are there more unsolved sex crimes/murders in that city than other places (there certainly seems to be an alarming number within the 8 mile stretch between Garridos and JM Enterprises), and has enough been done to prevent more sex crimes and solve those that are unsolved. The second article I posted questions where priorities are place - I think that is pertinent as well as, are we asking the right questions? I hope local LE and journalists will think about these things.
Is it a numbers game anyway? One sex offender might offend a hundred times or be a horrific offender such as Garrido whereas another only offends once (given the broad range of who is listed as a sex offender and what they were charged with).
I'm only replying to the bold as if it were a question .
18 years? and has enough been done? No way. I just hope they don't sweep the status of this town under the rug.
There are still 2 girls that we do not have an accounting for.
It wasn't Jack's computer (he apparently didn't have one anyway), it was the new tenant's computer. Jack's surname isn't Molino btw, it's Medieros.

I corrected the name, thank you, but there was a reason, unknown to you, or I that the computers were taken. I also told you earlier that I was referring to computers from the garridos. We know they existed as Jaycee worked on one for the business as well as at least one in the tents.
It wasn't Jack's computer (he apparently didn't have one anyway), it was the new tenant's computer. Jack's surname isn't Molino btw, it's Medieros.

Do you know for certain that Jack doesn't/didn't have a computer? I haven't heard one way or the other, have you?
I corrected the name, thank you, but there was a reason, unknown to you, or I that the computers were taken. I also told you earlier that I was referring to computers from the garridos. We know they existed as Jaycee worked on one for the business as well as at least one in the tents.

Do you think they had the internet on the computer that was in the shed that was set up as an office? I've wondered about that ever since seeing the pictures. We know he ran cords out there, but it seems like giving Jaycee and the girls unrestrained internet access out there would be too dangerous to PG. But if they didn't have internet on that computer, what would the point of having it be?

Maybe it was an old one that had some evidence on it and he just junked it out there instead of risking throwing it away?
I can't be shocked by the number of sex offenders in the town. I would love to, but I would rather live there than here, with our 640 registered inside the city limits.
A month ago, it was 598, that's 42 additions inside a month and we don't have a state prison in my area, so it's all registered walking around SO's. The problem is widespread and far reaching. They are letting out the monsters, without the proper number of people to police the monsters. This could be happening anywhere, and it's dangerous to see this one town as a hovel of sex offenders and freaks, when in reality, it could have been anyone's town.

ETA: I just looked and the populations are the same for my city and the "sex offender haven". Yet we have 640, they have 112. Oh, yes, I would love to live there. It seems safe compared to here.
Do you think they had the internet on the computer that was in the shed that was set up as an office? I've wondered about that ever since seeing the pictures. We know he ran cords out there, but it seems like giving Jaycee and the girls unrestrained internet access out there would be too dangerous to PG. But if they didn't have internet on that computer, what would the point of having it be?

Maybe it was an old one that had some evidence on it and he just junked it out there instead of risking throwing it away?

I think the idea of it being an old computer is entirely possible, maybe even probable. As for whether the girls had computer access, I really do not think that pg felt any fear about Jaycee escaping or telling someone who she was. I think her brainwashing was firmly in place prior to her having children and the children ensured she would stay as she would never leave them behind. I also believe the reason she never told them the truth about their parentage is because she wanted to protect them. Not from the emotional trauma, but from pg and doing anything against his wishes.

My opinion only, of course.
Do you think they had the internet on the computer that was in the shed that was set up as an office? I've wondered about that ever since seeing the pictures. We know he ran cords out there, but it seems like giving Jaycee and the girls unrestrained internet access out there would be too dangerous to PG. But if they didn't have internet on that computer, what would the point of having it be?

Maybe it was an old one that had some evidence on it and he just junked it out there instead of risking throwing it away?
She was able to get e-mails from customers so she had to get on line.
But she also did Cards and Brochure so she could have done all that work off line. Maybe only he had the pass code to get on, and when she had to get to the e-mails he logged her on. Who knows.? we do kno she got e-mails from customers....
Do you know for certain that Jack doesn't/didn't have a computer? I haven't heard one way or the other, have you?

Well there was none visible in that interview he did in his room and as far as we know LE hasn't exercised a search warrant on him.
Do you think they had the internet on the computer that was in the shed that was set up as an office? I've wondered about that ever since seeing the pictures. We know he ran cords out there, but it seems like giving Jaycee and the girls unrestrained internet access out there would be too dangerous to PG. But if they didn't have internet on that computer, what would the point of having it be?

Jaycee did the graphic work for the printing stuff, she would have needed a computer for that. Internet wouldn't be needed,
Jaycee did the graphic work for the printing stuff, she would have needed a computer for that. Internet wouldn't be needed,

Several of the printing clients gave the media emails from Jaycee so she would have needed internet access.

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