Where are the 2 LITTLE GIRLS seen with PG?

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Several of the printing clients gave the media emails from Jaycee so she would have needed internet access.

He could have set up a computer with all but one site blocked, giving her access to approved email through a kids site. You can find them all over the internet, you set the parameters for what email your children can receive, so they don't receive *advertiser censored* or ads, but you can also set your computer and internet settings, so that the only site allowed through would be that one.
She would have had access to the Internet and she would have had an email address of her own, but not the ability to reach beyond a circle of people that PG knew. In essence, the entire world at her fingertips, and still trapped.

ETA: with the kids email pages, you can even set it up so they can type and send emails and they either sit in the outbox or go to the parent's email for approval, they don't go to the recipient until it's approved.
I don't know why he'd do it, but PG could have been emailing the customers under Jaycee's name the same way he told one person that the girl on his business card was his daughter. Having an employee or secretary could have made him feel more important just like telling people the girl on the card was a model or wanted to be a model.
I don't know why he'd do it, but PG could have been emailing the customers under Jaycee's name the same way he told one person that the girl on his business card was his daughter. Having an employee or secretary could have made him feel more important just like telling people the girl on the card was a model or wanted to be a model.

No, she was e-mailing them on his account, which suggests that it was a computer under his control.
He could have set up a computer with all but one site blocked, giving her access to approved email through a kids site. You can find them all over the internet, you set the parameters for what email your children can receive, so they don't receive *advertiser censored* or ads, but you can also set your computer and internet settings, so that the only site allowed through would be that one.
She would have had access to the Internet and she would have had an email address of her own, but not the ability to reach beyond a circle of people that PG knew. In essence, the entire world at her fingertips, and still trapped.

ETA: with the kids email pages, you can even set it up so they can type and send emails and they either sit in the outbox or go to the parent's email for approval, they don't go to the recipient until it's approved.

Very cool!!! I have to remember this when I will need it in a couple of years!! Thank you!

No, she was e-mailing them on his account, which suggests that it was a computer under his control.

Do you have a link for this Natal? I would love to read more about this aspect of the case.
Unfortunately we really do not know...They can also be foster kids; and sadly foster kids are more often abused then protected. :(
It would be great if all children had a loving home, and parents that do not give up on them...Maybe one day this too will happen.

whos foster kids? that would be such a public arrest if it was true.
no one was arrested in connectino to the kids that ive heard confirmed. and why are we wasting 2 pages talking about jaycee on the computer?
No connections here, but I wish I did right about now!!

Do you mean pg called in the tip himself? That is actually a great theory as he could have brought Jaycee to the gas station, in the van, let her get out to see the poster, let her see him call the police, to prove to her that no one would help her. If he did, he is sicker than I even imagined and that thought is hard to process!

I may be mistaken, but I thought they also confiscated computers from the garrido residence? Those were the computers I was referring to. Also, since the general theory is that pg was the one using Jacks bank account to download *advertiser censored*, it had to be on a computer somewhere?! If they can show the *advertiser censored* was downloaded to Jacks computer, then they have to take another look at Jack Medeiros, in my humble opinion.

actually i was saying she was never actualy with him. he made that up. tuanting the police
actually i was saying she was never actualy with him. he made that up. tuanting the police

Well anything and everything is possible with that sicko. I think if it were him that he would have used a vehicle description that didn't match one of his though.
Well anything and everything is possible with that sicko. I think if it were him that he would have used a vehicle description that didn't match one of his though.

id hate to think it was actualy jaycee.
imagine seeing your own missing poster but being under the threat of having that psycho kill your family if you scream for help :(
id hate to think it was actualy jaycee.
imagine seeing your own missing poster but being under the threat of having that psycho kill your family if you scream for help :(

I hope that if it was Jaycee (which she says it wasn't, apparently) that that memory stays buried. There is no need to remember everything and that strikes me as being such a painful thing to have to live through or remember. I can admit with no doubt, that probably would have been the breaking point of my hope, it speaks to her strength even more if that was her and she did manage to maintain hope after that.
I hope that if it was Jaycee (which she says it wasn't, apparently) that that memory stays buried. There is no need to remember everything and that strikes me as being such a painful thing to have to live through or remember. I can admit with no doubt, that probably would have been the breaking point of my hope, it speaks to her strength even more if that was her and she did manage to maintain hope after that.

still think its possible garrido or someonelse was playing a twisted game
Do you have a link for this Natal? I would love to read more about this aspect of the case.

I don't have the link but it was one of those guys that CNN interviewed who did business with PG. They were saying the e-mails were coming from PGs Yahoo e-mail account, but they were signed by Jaycee, and they knew that it actually was her since they had just discussed the printing issue in question with her by phone. I think some of those e-mails were reprinted on the net as well.
I don't have the link but it was one of those guys that CNN interviewed who did business with PG. They were saying the e-mails were coming from PGs Yahoo e-mail account, but they were signed by Jaycee, and they knew that it actually was her since they had just discussed the printing issue in question with her by phone. I think some of those e-mails were reprinted on the net as well.

I think it's these:
arent we supposed to stay on topic here?
im totally lost as to what jaycee being on the computer has to do with anything in what we are looking for here
Since we were all veering off into another dimension here, we might as well get this thread back on track.

I have made the phone calls that I can make. I brought up the fact that there are two little girls that were seen with PG within the last year, children that to the best of the public knowledge, have not been identified and possibly have not been located. I also sent them the links to verify that there is a connection between PG and internet *advertiser censored*. I sent links to verify the stated existence of the two little girls. I raised my question that it seems the local police are not equipped to handle the investigation of the other little girls, should they exist and be endangered.
The person that I spoke with and sent the links to is a very shrewd person, very intelligent, and I think she got the gist of what I was intending. She told me that they can't just walk in and take over the investigation, unless they can show that they had an ongoing investigation of the same suspect already in play. But, as I had hoped, they can request a sharing of info, so if there are pics out there of the little girls or anyone else that we haven't heard about yet, they can be requested by INTERPOL, thus confirming or denying the existence of photographic proof that there are other children. She agreed that it would be nice to get photos of them to check against the child database... noncommittally agreed, as it were. The only info that I have to give is that they will see if this is a case that falls within their means and jurisdiction and if it does, they will do what they feel is "necessary to facilitate the resolution and effective handling of the case and to ensure the necessary dissemination of documentation that may have legal bearing on other open investigations."
(That last part was a mouthful.) So, I don't know anything more than I did this morning, but I have turned over what I do know, so maybe now the law knows more than they did this morning. I never expected to report back with breaking news or inside info, but now I truly feel as I have done my part, and so has everyone here that dug up the info, and sent me links and so forth. Great job, guys, you deserve the credit, all I did was pick up the phone, so I hope that those of you that are concerned about these other kids can rest a little easier.
Since we were all veering off into another dimension here, we might as well get this thread back on track.

I have made the phone calls that I can make. I brought up the fact that there are two little girls that were seen with PG within the last year, children that to the best of the public knowledge, have not been identified and possibly have not been located. I also sent them the links to verify that there is a connection between PG and internet *advertiser censored*. I sent links to verify the stated existence of the two little girls. I raised my question that it seems the local police are not equipped to handle the investigation of the other little girls, should they exist and be endangered.
The person that I spoke with and sent the links to is a very shrewd person, very intelligent, and I think she got the gist of what I was intending. She told me that they can't just walk in and take over the investigation, unless they can show that they had an ongoing investigation of the same suspect already in play. But, as I had hoped, they can request a sharing of info, so if there are pics out there of the little girls or anyone else that we haven't heard about yet, they can be requested by INTERPOL, thus confirming or denying the existence of photographic proof that there are other children. She agreed that it would be nice to get photos of them to check against the child database... noncommittally agreed, as it were. The only info that I have to give is that they will see if this is a case that falls within their means and jurisdiction and if it does, they will do what they feel is "necessary to facilitate the resolution and effective handling of the case and to ensure the necessary dissemination of documentation that may have legal bearing on other open investigations."
(That last part was a mouthful.) So, I don't know anything more than I did this morning, but I have turned over what I do know, so maybe now the law knows more than they did this morning. I never expected to report back with breaking news or inside info, but now I truly feel as I have done my part, and so has everyone here that dug up the info, and sent me links and so forth. Great job, guys, you deserve the credit, all I did was pick up the phone, so I hope that those of you that are concerned about these other kids can rest a little easier.

thanks for your hard work not my kids
Since we were all veering off into another dimension here, we might as well get this thread back on track.

I have made the phone calls that I can make. I brought up the fact that there are two little girls that were seen with PG within the last year, children that to the best of the public knowledge, have not been identified and possibly have not been located. I also sent them the links to verify that there is a connection between PG and internet *advertiser censored*. I sent links to verify the stated existence of the two little girls. I raised my question that it seems the local police are not equipped to handle the investigation of the other little girls, should they exist and be endangered.
The person that I spoke with and sent the links to is a very shrewd person, very intelligent, and I think she got the gist of what I was intending. She told me that they can't just walk in and take over the investigation, unless they can show that they had an ongoing investigation of the same suspect already in play. But, as I had hoped, they can request a sharing of info, so if there are pics out there of the little girls or anyone else that we haven't heard about yet, they can be requested by INTERPOL, thus confirming or denying the existence of photographic proof that there are other children. She agreed that it would be nice to get photos of them to check against the child database... noncommittally agreed, as it were. The only info that I have to give is that they will see if this is a case that falls within their means and jurisdiction and if it does, they will do what they feel is "necessary to facilitate the resolution and effective handling of the case and to ensure the necessary dissemination of documentation that may have legal bearing on other open investigations."
(That last part was a mouthful.) So, I don't know anything more than I did this morning, but I have turned over what I do know, so maybe now the law knows more than they did this morning. I never expected to report back with breaking news or inside info, but now I truly feel as I have done my part, and so has everyone here that dug up the info, and sent me links and so forth. Great job, guys, you deserve the credit, all I did was pick up the phone, so I hope that those of you that are concerned about these other kids can rest a little easier.

GOOD JOB...Now if you can...PM to me how to contact them.
A feeling I have is if they get several called, they may get on it for real.
It may pressure them to get on it.
I am glad you started the ball rolling, I am willing to keep the ball rolling..
And I hope that others would be willing to do so as well.
Since we were all veering off into another dimension here, we might as well get this thread back on track.

I have made the phone calls that I can make. I brought up the fact that there are two little girls that were seen with PG within the last year, children that to the best of the public knowledge, have not been identified and possibly have not been located. I also sent them the links to verify that there is a connection between PG and internet *advertiser censored*. I sent links to verify the stated existence of the two little girls. I raised my question that it seems the local police are not equipped to handle the investigation of the other little girls, should they exist and be endangered.
The person that I spoke with and sent the links to is a very shrewd person, very intelligent, and I think she got the gist of what I was intending. She told me that they can't just walk in and take over the investigation, unless they can show that they had an ongoing investigation of the same suspect already in play. But, as I had hoped, they can request a sharing of info, so if there are pics out there of the little girls or anyone else that we haven't heard about yet, they can be requested by INTERPOL, thus confirming or denying the existence of photographic proof that there are other children. She agreed that it would be nice to get photos of them to check against the child database... noncommittally agreed, as it were. The only info that I have to give is that they will see if this is a case that falls within their means and jurisdiction and if it does, they will do what they feel is "necessary to facilitate the resolution and effective handling of the case and to ensure the necessary dissemination of documentation that may have legal bearing on other open investigations."
(That last part was a mouthful.) So, I don't know anything more than I did this morning, but I have turned over what I do know, so maybe now the law knows more than they did this morning. I never expected to report back with breaking news or inside info, but now I truly feel as I have done my part, and so has everyone here that dug up the info, and sent me links and so forth. Great job, guys, you deserve the credit, all I did was pick up the phone, so I hope that those of you that are concerned about these other kids can rest a little easier.

You have to be proud of yourself!! The positive action you have taken by involving a connection that you have, could lead to helping many victims.
You have brought attention to the case that needs scrutiny by experts.
Thanks so much for the feed back..
GOOD JOB...Now if you can...PM to me how to contact them.
A feeling I have is if they get several called, they may get on it for real.
It may pressure them to get on it.
I am glad you started the ball rolling, I am willing to keep the ball rolling..And I hope that others would be willing to do so as well.

im with you guys on this.
if i can dig up any info on my own i will let you all know.
No need to PM, the contact info is public, I don't feel comfortable giving the name of the person I spoke to, but the basic contact info for INTERPOL is
The way to email them is direct thru the site, it's a secure connection.

Here is the info on the International INTERPOL Child Abuse Image Database (ICAID). This is the database I am hoping can be used.
No need to PM, the contact info is public, I don't feel comfortable giving the name of the person I spoke to, but the basic contact info for INTERPOL is
The way to email them is direct thru the site, it's a secure connection.

Here is the info on the International INTERPOL Child Abuse Image Database (ICAID). This is the database I am hoping can be used.

Don't you have to actually know what they look like to use that? I don't think "someone thinks they saw a girl a year ago" is going to get you too far with that database.

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