Where Do You Think Teresa Halbach was Killed?

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I think there are "holes" in every theory I can concoct, but honestly, SA being guilty makes the least sense to me.

SA lived on that property in close proximity to his brother, sister, niece(s), nephews, and parents, along with customers roaming nearby at times he can not predict. His mom stopped over shortly after, and he went for dinner there as he often did, which shows there is somewhat of a built in accountability living there. That doesn't mean he couldn't have risked anyone seeing him or walking right up to his house while he was killing TH, but to me, it seems unlikely. On top of so much more that makes no sense about SA being the murderer; the bones being moved to right behind his place, the car very clearly left on his property, no dna of TH in the garage or trailer, Kratz's narrative at trial with no evidence to back it up, and more!

RH seems like a really likely suspect, his history with TH, his odd demeanor during searches and trial, the password issue, the cuts on his hands, and not even being able to say morning, noon, or night when he last saw TH. For this to fit, I think LE had to have been a lot more involved in the coverup, because I don't know that RH would have planted items on SA's property easily (the car I can see being planted by him but it's hard for me to fit the pieces of how and when he burned her body and planted it).

As for ST, I think he's top on my list. He lived on Highway 147 at the time, and TH most likely would have taken this route to get home. From what I understand, ST first mentions the bonfire, and also tells LE that he believes SA and BD had a sexual relationship (I'm not sure if he said inappropriate or he felt BD was ok with it?), and these both point to framing SA. I don't find it too hard to believe that when enough people, LE included, mention a bonfire that night, SA and BD, and even Barb, can think their timeline is off and maybe there was a fire that night and not a week prior, or whenever. (That sentence is jambled, I apologize, I can't find another way to word it.) I think it's possible ST murdered TH, burned her body, planted the bones and RAV4. He likely knew she was going to be there that day, and could have waited for her along highway 147, or right outside the Avery property. Did Bobby see something he shouldn't have and ST threatened him to help or just to give him an alibi!? Maybe. If he'd murdered her at his trailer and/or burned her on his property, he's had an unlimited amount of time to get rid of evidence because he was never looked at as a suspect, and his property was never searched.

Thanks for posting. It is interesting that he was the 1st to mention the fire, kind of like "planting" the link there. If there is a connection, I can't imagine how BA would feel finding out the man she married was responsible for incarcerating her son.
Who- currently thinking it was RH.

Where- not sure- possibly not on the Avery property but somewhere close by. Definitely not in SAs trailer, or his garage.

Why- because he wasn't over the break up and wanted to get back together with Teresa.

He seemed to hang around her house a lot and maybe would have known what her movements would be that day.

Thanks for posting!
So I didn't know where would be a good place to post this so I decided here was as good as any. While I feel that there is much that does not add up in the this case, and I truly believe Brendan is innocent, I still get a feeling in my gut when it come to Steven. I believe items where planted to cement his guilt. Has anyone else noticed that TH and a young PB look similar? I find it kind of eerie and was wondering if it was just me who finds this. I don't know how to do side by side comparison pictures but I find their hair is even similar (when PB was younger and it was darker).
Thanks for Contributing Everyone who has so far. Here are the tally results so far:



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Who: Steven Avery
Where: Avery property----initially assaulted in house or yard? **Final blow outside in the grass/yard to explain why no blood was in the garage. There are other reasons he could have been bleaching the garage to destroy evidence ie: ashes, soot, hair or any other suspected TH dna from transfer to/from RAV 4 or some initial assault that occurred there? The dismembering, gunshot etc. couldn't have been done in house or garage.
Why? Sexual in nature, he is a DEVIL in sheep's clothing. Using his dull-wittedness as a convenient cover. He was rebuffed & pissed. ---- AND because it occurred to him while tossing the idea around in his head HEY, I CAN!! and IF I GET CAUGHT!!! BOOM-- MC!
Who: Steven Avery
Where: Avery property----initially assaulted in house or yard? **Final blow outside in the grass/yard to explain why no blood was in the garage. There are other reasons he could have been bleaching the garage to destroy evidence ie: ashes, soot, hair or any other suspected TH dna from transfer to/from RAV 4 or some initial assault that occurred there? The dismembering, gunshot etc. couldn't have been done in house or garage.
Why? Sexual in nature, he is a DEVIL in sheep's clothing. Using his dull-wittedness as a convenient cover. He was rebuffed & pissed. ---- AND because it occurred to him while tossing the idea around in his head HEY, I CAN!! and IF I GET CAUGHT!!! BOOM-- MC!

Thanks for contributing! I will add you to the tally once I get a few more. :)
Alison, I didnt notice that, but I did find her video diary eerie. Why would she say 31? why not 30?

Good thread BCA, interesting reading others opinions.
Thanks for Contributing Everyone who has so far. Here are the tally results so far:


We have right now have 2 top contenders:

1. SA on Avery Property with a sexual overtone
2. RH in another location in Manitowoc County because of relationship breakup.

What I find interesting is that these are the 2 top choices LE should have been looking at in the beginning of their investigation.
So I didn't know where would be a good place to post this so I decided here was as good as any. While I feel that there is much that does not add up in the this case, and I truly believe Brendan is innocent, I still get a feeling in my gut when it come to Steven. I believe items where planted to cement his guilt. Has anyone else noticed that TH and a young PB look similar? I find it kind of eerie and was wondering if it was just me who finds this. I don't know how to do side by side comparison pictures but I find their hair is even similar (when PB was younger and it was darker).

I actually did notice this as well. I found them to be eerily similar as well. I had posted this in the earlier threads.
Alison, I didnt notice that, but I did find her video diary eerie. Why would she say 31? why not 30?

Good thread BCA, interesting reading others opinions.

Her Dad died at the age of 31 I believe. That is why she said 31.
Oh okay, that makes sense Missy. I did know her Dad had died but I didn't know how or when.
I actually did notice this as well. I found them to be eerily similar as well. I had posted this in the earlier threads.

Glad you thought that as well, I thought it may just be my imagination making a stretch.
We have right now have 2 top contenders:

1. SA on Avery Property with a sexual overtone
2. RH in another location in Manitowoc County because of relationship breakup.

What I find interesting is that these are the 2 top choices LE should have been looking at in the beginning of their investigation.

Ok BCA.... add me to the RH list LOL Although I think there are other possibilities (including SA) I really think RH did this. I think it was jealousy. Reading his testimony... they broke up in 2001, but I think in the previous 9 months before TH's death, it seems that he saw her more, because his "buddy" was living in the same house, maybe he used that as an excuse to go over there more. He tries to minimize things but then later contradicts himself. Like maybe going over there once a week... then the next answer he says that sometimes if he is there 3 times that week... then 3 times the next week (uhmm that's more than once). He claims to know ALL her friends... he knows she spends nights in Green Bay... he knows her schedule. I mean... her own room mate didn't seem to know that much. It all seems so "off" to me. And he comes off as smug in his testimonies that I have read, pretrial and trial. He dropped Pagel's name so many times in his pretrial testimony... it was just weird, was he trying to say, hey, I had the Sheriff's direct line... nuttin shady going on here... it just seemed odd, all of it. Oh and... her going to a Halloween party and it was Sunday... that just doesn't make sense to me.... she went to her grandfathers bday on the Sunday afternoon, she was said to have gone out on the Saturday night (to a halloween thing?), but yet no one seems to know where she was that night. And his lack of having any idea of what time of day he last seen her? IMO someone that kills, may not want to recall the last time they seen that missing person... because the last time you seen her was when you killed her.

There is more about his shadiness.... but that's the beginning LOL

As for where... I think he could have followed her and it could have happened anywhere between Avery's and home (would explain how he knew she was at Avery's last and how he would know to plant the RAV4 there)
The fact that RH wasn't even interviewed, or indeed that he didn't mention he was Teresa's ex is suspect too. Add the deleted phone calls and him having access to her computer, him inserting himself into the search...he definitely should have been seen as a suspect.
sorry OT a bit.. But is it possible that she did make it home to her apartment and something happened there?

I've seen this discussed over at Reddit Wendy- the propane truck guy has her leaving the Avery property...it's a pity he didn't actually see who was driving though.
In all honesty, I cannot even decide if TH is really dead.. i don't trust in evidence , the state submitted.. hOw do I know that she isn't held captive somewhere for some sick pervert... Really the stay proved NOTHING.. So is she even dead?
As for where... I think he could have followed her and it could have happened anywhere between Avery's and home (would explain how he knew she was at Avery's last and how he would know to plant the RAV4 there)

BBM - IMO I think he has been listening in on her voicemail for a long time (jealous ex keeping tabs) I wouldn't say it's that uncommon. I think he has known her password all along. I just don't understand how he wasn't at least a POI.
AddedNew Sleuthers/Changed 1 Sleuther:

Top 2 Contenders in each category:
WHO: RH (6) SA (5)
WHERE: Avery Property (6) Another Location in Manitowoc (3)
WHY: Relationship Breakup/Jealousy (5) Lust/Sexual in Nature (5)


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