Where Precisely Do You Think Caylee Died?

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What is the location of Caylee's Death.

  • Car

    Votes: 577 54.3%
  • Pool

    Votes: 100 9.4%
  • Caylee's Room

    Votes: 102 9.6%
  • Casey's room

    Votes: 231 21.7%
  • Computer Room

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Other Room

    Votes: 51 4.8%

  • Total voters
I think the car. Casey was in a blind rage after the fight with CA. Caylee wouldn't stop crying for CA. Anything to shut her up, Casey wrapped duct tape around her head, not just on her mouth, to make sure she would shut up. That detail says 'intent' to me. Duct tape is very sticky and hard to peel off. I can't believe anyone would use it over a child's hair if they had the slightest plan to remove it later. Then Casey put Caylee to sleep in the trunk with cloroform. The next day the 'tot mom' took something from the house, probably a blanket or sheet, wrapped and bagged Caylee. I think George is lying about seeing Casey and Cayle the next morning. I think Casey slept in G&C's bedroom because the front bedrooms were noisy due to the protesters.
I used to think that Casey took Caylee and stormed out of the house after the fight with Cindy on the 15th, and then killed Caylee in the car somewhere that night.

However, after the ping information was released, it became clear that Casey wasn't anywhere very far away from home that night. She could have been in the car, but only if the car was parked at home or close to it, because we now know that she was close to the Anthony home all night, on the phone with Ton-E into the wee hours. So now I think Caylee was killed at home, most likely in Casey's bedroom.

Cindy's statement about hearing Casey and Caylee breathing through the door that night has always bothered me. Something is wrong there, but I can't quite put my finger on it. When I still believed they had left the house, I thought Cindy was just trying to cover for the fact that they weren't there. But now that I believe they WERE there (based on the pings), I can't figure out what Cindy heard, or what she is trying to accomplish by saying she heard them breathing through the door. I don't believe for a second that they were sleeping and she really could hear them "breathing" through a closed bedroom door, especially since I know Casey wasn't asleep, since she stayed up talking to Ton-E! So why did Cindy use the word "breathing"? Was it a subconscious effort on her part to convince herself that Caylee was, in fact, still "breathing" at that time? Did she hear something significant at the time, or did she really hear nothing? Trying to make sense of Anthony lies is just baffling. LOL.
If she had drowned why would KC have put the tape around her mouth and head?

I dont believe there was an accidental drowning, or any other accident. I think if there had been an accident of any kind she would have saved her a$$ by now.
I have thought, however, and I am so sorry to give you this picture - that she may have taped Caylee's mouth and head and thrown her into the pool and walked away.
I think she dumped the body the day that her dad took the gas cans and wouldn't let him in the trunk. She panicked and dumped her body down the street. I was wondering if anyone knew the date of the gas can incident with her dad and the date she borrowed the shovel? I think she went back to "bury" the body after just "dumping her".....:confused:

I am pretty sure the gas can incident was June 24.
initially, i thought she died in the car. my assumption was that after the fight w/ CA, KC went crazy and killed her (blunt force, strangulation etc.. in the backseat). After the search warrant (where they took Caylee's bedding) combined w/ CA's explanation for washing Caylee's sheets, I think she was murdered in Caylee's bedroom.
Not sure, was Casey's room the one LE ripped the particle board out of? But then, another poster said they had a dream or vision of Casey driving Caylee somewhere, so I had been thinking she finished her off in the woods...:waitasec: Haven't voted yet because I can't decide.
I think it was the trunk. I really think she "put her to sleep" with chloraform and drugs with tape on her mouth. I think she went to check on her the night she "woke up in a sweat" with Tony and found her dead. She then took her to her house the next day laid her in the backyard while trying to think of making it look like an accident. The calls to parents were to make sure they were not home. She thought of the pool (hence the ladder) and realized that it wouldn't work. Hence back to the trunk. ( day reported car backed in garage) I think she dumped the body the day that her dad took the gas cans and wouldn't let him in the trunk. She panicked and dumped her body down the street. I was wondering if anyone knew the date of the gas can incident with her dad and the date she borrowed the shovel? I think she went back to "bury" the body after just "dumping her".....:confused:

IIRC June 18, 2008 -- day of borrowing the shovel
June 24, 2008 -- gas can incident with her dad -- according to GA.
I think the car. Casey was in a blind rage after the fight with CA. Caylee wouldn't stop crying for CA. Anything to shut her up, Casey wrapped duct tape around her head, not just on her mouth, to make sure she would shut up. That detail says 'intent' to me. Duct tape is very sticky and hard to peel off. I can't believe anyone would use it over a child's hair if they had the slightest plan to remove it later. Then Casey put Caylee to sleep in the trunk with cloroform. The next day the 'tot mom' took something from the house, probably a blanket or sheet, wrapped and bagged Caylee. I think George is lying about seeing Casey and Cayle the next morning. I think Casey slept in G&C's bedroom because the front bedrooms were noisy due to the protesters.

This makes the most sense to me and ties in the detail that the hair band was dated 2.6 days from the time of death. If Caylee was extremely upset and crying, KC may have tried to shut her up with chloroform and added duct tape. KC may have previously used chloroform to knock her out. People says Caylee was brought to parties and would sleep through anything. KC may have stormed out of the house with Caylee; especially if there was an argument about CA trying to get custody. KC may have stormed out with little gas, no money and nowhere to go -- just parked near the woods -- still within the Anthony's home cell tower range. Caylee died. KC on the phone. CA did not hear breathing through the door. GA didn't see them leave the next morning -- he may be recalling another day. Wednesday, June 18, 2008, 2.6 days after the late evening hours of June 15, 2008, KC arrives at the house. An unidentified man waits in the vehicle. KC borrows a shovel and returns it shortly.
I don't know when the photo below was taken, but it appears to be taken at night and possibly with a cell phone. Caylee is distressed and reaching up to the person taking the photo, but the person taking the photo is ... taking a photo and not comforting Caylee. After swimming, Caylee may have been dressed in the red jersey for sleeping. If KC had been researching how to make chloroform, made it, used cleaning product bottles or gas cans to store it, had it in the trunk, used it on Caylee for other purposes and then, while in a rage over the argument had to deal with a distressed Caylee, she may have overdosed her. However, it would not be an accidental death because using chloroform and duct tape would be aggravated child abuse, thus making the death a first degree homicide. The body fluids could have been present enough on June 18th to leave a scent for the dogs.

I don't know when the photo below was taken, but it appears to be taken at night and possibly with a cell phone. Caylee is distressed and reaching up to the person taking the photo, but the person taking the photo is ... taking a photo and not comforting Caylee. After swimming, Caylee may have been dressed in the red jersey for sleeping.

Where did you get this picture? Was it time stamped? Got any more? Very interesting...
IIRC, this photo of Caylee was discussed in one of the threads on chloroform in the trunk.
Someone suggested this photo could be Caylee reaching out from the boot of the Pontiac. However if you simply invert the colors in ms-paint, what was the dark background now looks more like chair legs and furniture. FWIW.
Where did you get this picture? Was it time stamped? Got any more? Very interesting...

This pic is sooooo bothering me.

So isn't the 1 2 3 cheese video. In it Caylee keeps saying 1 2 3 cheese and gets NO RESPONSE unlike videos G & CA have taken. In it, she appears to want to empty the box of crayons onto the floor but thinks better of it and TURNS HER BACK ON the camera! WHY is the "person" on the other end NOT RESPONDING with delight in this child???


There is another on You Tube where Caylee is dancing to rock music, seems to be getting bored, again getting NO RESPONSE, NO PRAISE from videographer and veers toward a glass cabinet, puts her hands on it--looks cautiously towards camera then decides better of it and goes to couch, plops her feet on the coffee table, leans back sulking.

She should be SMILING. LAUGHING. PAID attention to. She's got the cutest pink outfit on.

SORRY O/T but that pic brought these vids to mind, they have been bothering me since I saw them the first time last nite. The ones in which G & CA our part are TOTALLY different. They are loving, encouraging, tickled by Caylee. They saw only what they were allowed, when not home I believe Caylee suffered enormously.
What 2 yr old would be afraid to act out when being ignored?
They usually do so for attention even if it's NEGATIVE in return!
Caylee didn't DARE.
After this latest video release........

I voted Caylee died in Casey's room, as it's been stated it was where Caylee slept.
Also, I would not put it past Casey to do it right under G & C's roof, and believe they'd not DARE go into her room uninvited.
She had NO FEAR of discovery.
In her own room, on her own bed, with her own pillow.
We have to consider what Forensics took from the home. Crib pillow, clothing, shoes, sunglasses. What was in car? problem...CA cleaned it out...before leading LE to the car. what we do know is; purse, 2 backpacks, diapers, carseat, doll, knife and Amy's resume in a black case.

I think she may have kept diapers in the car at all times. Her clothes were there for quick changes at people's houses after her notorious showers. She may have even kept one of Caylee's backpack in the car at all times.
There's a chance she may have killed Caylee in her own bedroom by smothering her and carried her to the car wrapped in a blanket from Caylee's room. She placed her in the trunk till morning. She may have waited for her mother to leave. She could have faked talking to Caylee while CA passed by her door.

She may have driven around corner, talked on phone. Suburban may have always been her look-out point to see when the folks were leaving. She goes back to the house to regroup and gather some of her clothes. She may have placed Caylee in the sandbox at this time. Checked on her parents schedule to see if she could find out if they were coming home. Since they didn't answer, she left. She got mama doll and put her in the car seat. This gave her an attachment/security feeling. She kept it with her in the car the entire time.
I don't know when the photo below was taken, but it appears to be taken at night and possibly with a cell phone. Caylee is distressed and reaching up to the person taking the photo, but the person taking the photo is ... taking a photo and not comforting Caylee. After swimming, Caylee may have been dressed in the red jersey for sleeping. If KC had been researching how to make chloroform, made it, used cleaning product bottles or gas cans to store it, had it in the trunk, used it on Caylee for other purposes and then, while in a rage over the argument had to deal with a distressed Caylee, she may have overdosed her. However, it would not be an accidental death because using chloroform and duct tape would be aggravated child abuse, thus making the death a first degree homicide. The body fluids could have been present enough on June 18th to leave a scent for the dogs.



I don't think we should be reading too much into what these photos may mean. Of course I'm not making excuses for KC or anyone else.. but we don't know the circumstances of this photo. I have a couple of photos and video of my kids crying and throwing a fit. I've captured the images so I can show them to my kids when they get older. And we have no idea why Caylee was wearing the jersey. Maybe she loved it!

I don't think we should be reading too much into what these photos may mean. Of course I'm not making excuses for KC or anyone else.. but we don't know the circumstances of this photo. I have a couple of photos and video of my kids crying and throwing a fit. I've captured the images so I can show them to my kids when they get older. And we have no idea why Caylee was wearing the jersey. Maybe she loved it!

like everyone else, I cant stand to see this photo of caylee because we know what happened not too long after (I dont know when it was taken but she was killed before age three so it wasnt too long after.)

But I have taken pics of my kids throwin' fits too. It is all a part of who they are, the good and bad, that I want to always remember. Granted they are not reaching for me in any of them, they are on the floor kicking and screaming :) but still, if caylee was one of those toddlers who threw fits daily for an hour at a time, then this isnt so major. it is that her mother likely killed her that makes it so terrible to see.
The car. I don't think Caylee returned to the Anthony home alive after the night of Cindy and Casey's fight.

That would mean that Cindy lied at the bond hearing when she said: "she tucked them both in on the night of 6/15" as well as George lied at the bond hearing when he said: "I saw them at 12:50 PM on 6/16."
I believe that Casey and Caylee shared a room didn't they??? So the Caylee and Casey rooms should be combined in the poll
I believe Caylee's room,hence the 3rd search warrent of them stripping Caylee's room.
I believe that Casey and Caylee shared a room didn't they??? So the Caylee and Casey rooms should be combined in the poll

it seems that caylee often slept in casey's room, but she had a room of her own.

i'm so torn between 3 different areas that i can't vote.

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