Where the heck is George???

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DNA Solves
At this point it doesn't matter what CA and GA think or believe. Casey is behind bars and charged with murder as it should be. I have a feeling that even if someone produced bones and told CA it was Caylee she would have some claim that the forensic group that tested the bones were paid by LE and Tim Miller so that they could both claim they found Caylee and that she knows this because some housewife in ALABAMA called her and told her she saw Caylee at Walmart with a spanish/black woman, and that Caylee said "Please save me" but she had to pick up her kid at school so she didn't.
good find.

nobody is giving up looking for Caylee. Tim says he will be back

I would let George give his life for Caylee to be brought back too. I dont think I would want her dropped off at the A house though...........

I'll bet if I yelled, "Who would have given Caylee a home?" a chunk of this w/s would answer affirmatively. In fact, I think there would be a LINE.

After watching this video, I no longer believe "the right thing" was done yesterday in the grand jury. I believe the only thing accomplished was that George testified to what he has already stated. "He answered all questions asked of him..." no longer means that when we speculate that the GJ said to him "Do you think your daughter killed Caylee" that he answered "yes."

George Anthony continues to be the enabler for Casey. Caylee is not getting help from him.

After watching this video, I no longer believe "the right thing" was done yesterday in the grand jury. I believe the only thing accomplished was that George testified to what he has already stated. "He answered all questions asked of him..." no longer means that when we speculate that the GJ said to him "Do you think your daughter killed Caylee" that he answered "yes."

George Anthony continues to be the enabler for Casey. Caylee is not getting help from him.

I am a jaded person, almost always think the worst when I hear about a crime. Yesterday after seeing George and feeling sorry for him, and actually believing he was doing the right thing for Caylee, and now seeing he is still an enabler of KC, I cried. I cried because everytime I let my guard down and trust someone is doing good, this happens. I have now officially labeled myself a naive fool. Whatever that evil woman did to Caylee, I pray she did not suffer, and her remains are found. Bless you little Caylee.
GA testified because he had no choice.

I agree with the shrink that was on NG last night, they enabled her all of her pathetic life, and now they are suffering the consequences. And the only suffering they are doing has to do with KC.

I would bet everything I own that if they had turned their back on her (like DECENT parents would) Caylee would have been found long ago.

(sections snipped)

It must be nice to have all the answers even if they may or may not be based on the facts or the truth.

LE has made it clear several times that GA has provided them with information and been more than cooperative since day one. There's been nothing to indicate that he had no choice or was somehow forced help them -but the fact that he's done so has most likely helped LE build their case against his daughter.

And I'm sure it's enlightening to know exactly what 'decent' parents would do in a situation like this. Since most of us aren't perfect, I'll have to settle for hoping that we do the best that we can in any given situation.

I'm tired and may have misunderstood your comments --at least I'd like to think that's the case anyway.

ETA: I'm also not willing to determine how long anyone should or should not be in denial over something they are unable to accept. I can only make that decision for myself (based on things that are happening to me).
GA disappointed me again. I would suspect that he is doing a lot of 'damage control' at home right now. But, at this point, I would think that a healthy minded grown man would grow a set of cajones and move on, move out, face reality, help the real cause not the KC made up cause. *ugh* Just when you start to have faith in one of these family members they smack you back down again. Disappointing, very disappointing.

I just got to watch the video and I just shook my head. I now believe when Caylee is found " yes I believe she will be" that George & Cindy will blame someone else for her death and contiune to bury their stubborn heads in the sand!!!

I did not expext George to say that Casey is a murderer but I am disappointed in him!!

They are just like Scott Peterson's parents. deny deny deny :bang:
did i miss something? has someone confirmed that casey was acting out sexually because she was abused? i have yet to see that in anything other than speculation.
No, you didn't miss anything. That is just the way people judge women in our society. If she is having sex with whomever she wants then it implies there is something wrong with her. Of course, had she been male she would have been sowing her oats. Since she is female it is seen as indicative of some disorder or "acting out." Maybe she just likes sex and didn't give a crap what anyone thought.
I have prayed as much as anyone for not only Caylee but the entire family. I see a lot of ranting and venting on these threads much of it mindless and vengeful. But it is not hateful to at least glean the pearls, or principles of wisdom from such a heartbreaking tragedy. (Of stewardship, and sowing and reaping eg.) And as mother of four children including a 20 year-old daughter and grandmother to her two year-old, if anything I probably overidentify, and empathize with this grandmother, and even KC herself. But real love speaks the truth, and rejoices in the truth, and sets limits; and every parent who loves their child disciplines them. And had the parents understood some of these principles, it could have spared everyone a whole lot of heartache. It is possible they are both still in true denial. Or they may be keeping up a charade even now in hopes STILL of sparing an unruly, irresponsible, deceitful, and manipulative child--whose blameshifting and lies have worked and allowed her to escape consequences FOR 22 YEARS--from ever learning to tell the truth or finally paying for her actions. But even if their daughter does pay a price for the deceit and selfishness she LEARNED, the ultimate price was PAID BY CAYLEE. JMHUO

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
I have prayed as much as anyone for not only Caylee but the entire family. I see a lot of ranting and venting on these threads much of it mindless and vengeful. But it is not hateful to at least glean the pearls, or principles of wisdom from such a heartbreaking tragedy. (Of stewardship, and sowing and reaping eg.) And as mother of four children including a 20 year-old daughter and grandmother to her two year-old, if anything I probably overidentify, and empathize with this grandmother, and even KC herself. But real love speaks the truth, and rejoices in the truth, and sets limits; and every parent who loves their child disciplines them. And had the parents understood some of these principles, it could have spared everyone a whole lot of heartache. It is possible they are both still in true denial. Or they may be keeping up a charade even now in hopes STILL of sparing an unruly, irresponsible, deceitful, and manipulative child--whose blameshifting and lies have worked and allowed her to escape consequences FOR 22 YEARS--from ever learning to tell the truth or finally paying for her actions. But even if their daughter does pay a price for the deceit and selfishness she LEARNED, the ultimate price was PAID BY CAYLEE. JMHUO

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

Kiki, I could have stumbled around for the rest of my life and still not have found the wisdom to put it in the words you did here. God bless you for doing so.
I am a jaded person, almost always think the worst when I hear about a crime. Yesterday after seeing George and feeling sorry for him, and actually believing he was doing the right thing for Caylee, and now seeing he is still an enabler of KC, I cried. I cried because everytime I let my guard down and trust someone is doing good, this happens. I have now officially labeled myself a naive fool. Whatever that evil woman did to Caylee, I pray she did not suffer, and her remains are found. Bless you little Caylee.

I hear ya edgeonight! I felt bad for him too. No more! I'm back to square 1 with this entire family. Mental illness rampant throughout!

Poor Caylee, I too hope she's found shortly and laid to rest. She deserved far better than the likes of these people. They've all shown their true colours!
I hear ya edgeonight! I felt bad for him too. No more! I'm back to square 1 with this entire family. Mental illness rampant throughout!

Poor Caylee, I too hope she's found shortly and laid to rest. She deserved far better than the likes of these people. They've all shown their true colours!

This is what I don't understand. If G and C loved Caylee, and I'm sure they did, in my eyes they are totally disrespecting Caylee's life. I believe they know full well she is dead, then why go on playing this game, defending KC, not wanting TES to search, not being shy about exploiting Caylee for money. For me you continue to love and respect the loved one who has died. On the other hand if they really believe she is alive, again they are disrespecting Caylee, do what ever in your power to make your daughter talk, and I don't believe for a moment that couldn't have been accomplished. Also plead with whoever has her to take good care of her, bring her home so forth and so on. Don't do everything in your power to cover for KC, and say LE isn't looking for an alive Caylee. All I see is disrespect for a beautiful little girl and I'm very offended and disgusted.
I am a jaded person, almost always think the worst when I hear about a crime. Yesterday after seeing George and feeling sorry for him, and actually believing he was doing the right thing for Caylee, and now seeing he is still an enabler of KC, I cried. I cried because everytime I let my guard down and trust someone is doing good, this happens. I have now officially labeled myself a naive fool. Whatever that evil woman did to Caylee, I pray she did not suffer, and her remains are found. Bless you little Caylee.

You are not a naive fool, EdgeofNight, for expecting people to do the right thing. It's human nature to want and expect that.

But sooner or later everyone has to be realistic and see the facts for what they are.

The ones who DO NOT do that are the fools. And if it had been done in this situation Caylee would probably still be alive.
You are not a naive fool, EdgeofNight, for expecting people to do the right thing. It's human nature to want and expect that.

But sooner or later everyone has to be realistic and see the facts for what they are.

The ones who DO NOT do that are the fools. And if it had been done in this situation Caylee would probably still be alive.

Thank-you, I've been upset with myself all day over this and I will now let it go.
No, you didn't miss anything. That is just the way people judge women in our society. If she is having sex with whomever she wants then it implies there is something wrong with her. Of course, had she been male she would have been sowing her oats. Since she is female it is seen as indicative of some disorder or "acting out." Maybe she just likes sex and didn't give a crap what anyone thought.

hear, hear. :toastred:
Thank-you, I've been upset with myself all day over this and I will now let it go.

nothing you can control, edgeofnight. it's only natural to want to find some goodness in all this evil mess. hope you're feeling better. certainly no one faults you for being 'naive', and you're definitely not a fool for thinking that way. i think a lot of people did. chin up. we're all in this together. well, for the most part, anyway, heh. :):)

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