White Truck Focus and second person in truck.

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I found that statement interesting. "Kyron saw it all and was involved."

Could Desiree be suggesting that Kyron may have been a willing participant in his kidnapping?

I've always thought it was possible that he might have been very attached to TH, and that she might have told him that she and Kaine were splitting, and that unless he went with her, she would never see him again (or something along those lines) and convinced him to go willingly. If so, I think that would increase the odds that he might have snuck out of the school unseen - because he KNEW he was sneaking and had to avoid being seen, rather than just that he was going to the doctor and it didn't matter if anyone saw him.

I have thought that maybe TH fashioned a "let's play CSI" sort of game, but haven't been so sure that it was likely.

I went through some Guardian Ad Litem training. They tell you that kids typically want to stay with the parents even in abusive situations (not saying there was any abuse in the Horman home). Even if the TH/KyH relationship was strained, your theory would still fit...taking it a step further to include Ky's relationship with his step-brother and it really makes sense. I hope that is what happened.
Wanda Barzee and Elizabeth Smart.

Yup. And the Homolka case up in Canada. It's actually not that uncommon for partners of the kidnappers to have a role in the abduction of children/women, and even more common for them to be involved in other acts that occur later.

Sick and sad, but it happens.
Yup. And the Homolka case up in Canada. It's actually not that uncommon for partners of the kidnappers to have a role in the abduction of children/women, and even more common for them to be involved in other acts that occur later.

Sick and sad, but it happens.

I have thought that maybe TH fashioned a "let's play CSI" sort of game, but haven't been so sure that it was likely.

I went through some Guardian Ad Litem training. They tell you that kids typically want to stay with the parents even in abusive situations (not saying there was any abuse in the Horman home). Even if the TH/KyH relationship was strained, your theory would still fit...taking it a step further to include Ky's relationship with his step-brother and it really makes sense. I hope that is what happened.

If Kyron did willingly participate in his kidnapping, the selection of shirt he was wearing that day might have been intentional - like a "reminder" that he had to be sneaky and get out unobserved.

And I'm not so sure about the relationship being strained - just because he was related by blood to Desiree and Kaine, that's not saying he was closer to them than to TH. She would have been his primary caregiver for years - he may well have been closer to her. As far as I know, we only have Kaine's word that TH was the one disciplining Kyron - and at this point I don't really see Kaine (or Desiree, for that matter) as an impartial observer.

Desiree says that Kyron didn't want to go back home after his visits with her. Well, to me that doesn't automatically say that TH was the reason why.
Holy cow, 30 pages. Maybe this has been brought up, but do you think it's possible the second person seen by the white truck wasn't an adult but actually Kyron?

Did Desiree misspeak or was Kyron the second person after all? What do you all think?

Kaine Horman & Desiree Young 8/27 pt.2
Video: http://www.kgw.com/news/kyron-horman...101688128.html

Clips are from the transcript of the interview:
"Desiree: (interrupts) It just makes me feel stronger that, that there were people helping her... that Kyron saw it all and was involved and that there were other people helping her... which is what we suspected.

Reporter: So because... but do you believe that a man was spotted? I mean again, these are witness accounts, and I don't know how much information that you've been privy to about what the, what is the likeliest scenario?

Desiree: Well first of all, why would Kyron even be outside the school? Why would he even be near a truck with somebody else in it?" (BBM)
May I please ask if any one knows or the story of this.There was a man talking to little kyron outside the school in a truck?Were there 3 people seen?Very importantly where was he seen?
I just need to know where he was seen?

There was never any real confirmation of this, I think Desiree is the only one who talked about it and then LE asked if anyone witnessed another person close to the truck. Desiree said something about Kyron being seen near the truck when he should have been in school, I believe.
There was never any real confirmation of this, I think Desiree is the only one who talked about it and then LE asked if anyone witnessed another person close to the truck. Desiree said something about Kyron being seen near the truck when he should have been in school, I believe.

Hi Clu, I think LE has used Desiree to put some things out to the public to hopefully enhance the investigation. We know that is done allot. We even have a poster who in Lindsey Baum's case said a LE source told him they were using the media as a tool.

Desiree put out some new info last week that I can't imagine her doing unless she had the grace of LE. IMO
Hi Clu, I think LE has used Desiree to put some things out to the public to hopefully enhance the investigation. We know that is done allot. We even have a poster who in Lindsey Baum's case said a LE source told him they were using the media as a tool.

Desiree put out some new info last week that I can't imagine her doing unless she had the grace of LE. IMO

I think I disagree in this case, as LE has made a point to distance themselves from some comments, when they could just leave well enough alone and say nothing, as they do about everything else. I think Desiree tries very hard not to say anything she shouldn't, but sometimes things have slipped out.
May I please ask if any one knows or the story of this.There was a man talking to little kyron outside the school in a truck?Were there 3 people seen?Very importantly where was he seen?

On reading the transcript, I'm not at all certain it was confirmed that it was a man seen outside with Kyron. It looks to me like the reporter assumed a man in the wording of the question but neither KH nor DY confirmed it.

It may have been an unconscious word choice on the part of the interviewer or it may have been a deliberate ploy to try to get more specific information from KH and/or DY.

It is a fairly common tactic. It works like this: the interviewer deliberately makes an assumption, hoping that if it is wrong interviewee(s) will correct it and if the assumption is correct, that the interviewee(s) will say something to confirm it.

In this particular situation, KH and DY were careful to only give out non-specific information.

The two of them seem to be doing quite well on controlling what information they release. Very few, if any, slips. I'd love to be a fly on the wall at MCSO to find out if my impression is accurate.

And to find out what the heck evidence they do have, of course!
I'm convinced there was a man witnessed outside talking to little Kyron.LE was looking for a witness I believe on the other side of the school?not the gravel road where the grounds keeper was at.That is why I feel sheriff Staton said they think two people are involved.If this man was seen where the grounds keeper was at.I am totally convinced Terri,Kaines truck was never on that road.If LE was looking for a witness on the other side of the school then that is where Terri parked near the front of the school right?I feel LE is looking for two suspects.If it is Terri than I feel someone very close to little Kyron was there too.I'll go look for what LE was looking for in the witness.

Ok here it is.I'm confused if two sighting were seen.A man in the truck earlier (while Terri was in the school with Terri) and a man in the truck at a later time?

If LE has indentified all of the vehicles that were there that day, as was indicated in recent articles, then they must have found whoever it was they were looking for (in above link) who parked in a certain place before 8:45AM. And either ruled out the vehicle or it didn't really solve anything. )where they are talking about the identity of a witness...if they know who the witness is by now, they would know the vehicle, I think?)

And if they have truly indentified ALL vehicles that were there that day, then Kyron must have left in one of them; this seems to omit the possibility of TH having someone else there in another vehicle, I would imagine.

Reading back in the posts on this thread I realized this must be the small garden area Stensen referred to where he saw some children walking towards. It is by the outside door closest to the soccer field and think it would be viewable by Stensen down on the field. It looks like it is close to the edge where the land breaks off down towards the field. IMO

Thanks to Kimster for that shot. ;}

Reading back in the posts on this thread I realized this must be the garden Stensen referred to where he saw some children walking towards. It is by the outside door closest to the soccer field and think it would be viewable by Stensen down on the field. It looks like it is close to the edge where the land breaks off down towards the field. IMO

Thanks to Kimster for that shot. ;}

Yes, I do believe that is it. Here is a photo of the same thing I took last June.


http://i780.photobucket.com/albums/yy81/gwenabob/Skyline School/SkylineSchool070.jpg
Yes, I do believe that is it. Here is a photo of the same thing I took last June.


http://i780.photobucket.com/albums/yy81/gwenabob/Skyline School/SkylineSchool070.jpg

Ya Ya Gwen, I went searching for your pic, found your great photos in the S School thread but somehow missed this pic. IMO your photo shows how Stensen could have seen children at that spot as the garden area almost seems to look down on the field.

In looking at the aerial shots of the school I have a hard time seeing this raised bed. Do you know if it is off to the right as one exits the school side door, or to the left? I see something off to the right by the sidewalk but it isn't clear. xox
I'm convinced there was a man witnessed outside talking to little Kyron.LE was looking for a witness I believe on the other side of the school?not the gravel road where the grounds keeper was at.That is why I feel sheriff Staton said they think two people are involved.If this man was seen where the grounds keeper was at.I am totally convinced Terri,Kaines truck was never on that road.If LE was looking for a witness on the other side of the school then that is where Terri parked near the front of the school right?I feel LE is looking for two suspects.If it is Terri than I feel someone very close to little Kyron was there too.I'll go look for what LE was looking for in the witness.

Ok here it is.I'm confused if two sighting were seen.A man in the truck earlier (while Terri was in the school with Terri) and a man in the truck at a later time?


So, from the link to the Press Conference Flier you attached to your post, I am just curious which word "convinced" you that the person that this flier was focusing on might be a "man"?

"person, persons, anyone, witness"

Each of those words definitely do not scream out "man" to me...:waitasec:

They do not point towards male anymore than they might "curly red hair female"...kwim?
Ya Ya Gwen, I went searching for your pic, found your great photos in the S School thread but somehow missed this pic. IMO your photo shows how Stensen could have seen children at that spot as the garden area almost seems to look down on the field.

In looking at the aerial shots of the school I have a hard time seeing this raised bed. Do you know if it is off to the right as one exits the school side door, or to the left? I see something off to the right by the sidewalk but it isn't clear. xox

scandi, I'm another who went up there and had a nose around. That raised bed is on the west side of the school (gwenabob's pic is looking west). The soccer field is just below it, and there are a few staircases leading down to the field. There is a row of raised beds (3-4 or 5?) all along that side of the building. There is another set at the front of the school, about the same distance to the building.
It would be very easy to see children who were standing near the beds in the pictures, if you were DS and down on the field.

I wouldn't expect to see them in the aerial shots.. many of the google pics are years old.

The first shot you posted is the same bed, but looking south. The sidewalk on its left is the walkway adjacent to the building. Not sure how to help answer your last question though.
So, from the link to the Press Conference Flier you attached to your post, I am just curious which word "convinced" you that the person that this flier was focusing on might be a "man"?

"person, persons, anyone, witness"

Each of those words definitely do not scream out "man" to me...:waitasec:

They do not point towards male anymore than they might "curly red hair female"...kwim?
Well,LE was looking for the witness in that area near the school.I assumed(I feel convinced,But still trying to find out more)it was the same witness that desiree and Kaine and the reporter lady was talking about when she said 3 people,Kyron talking to a man in a truck outside the school.
But it could have been these witnesses.They do not say man here.(But I personally feel it was)That's why I'm confused if there are two different witness here at different places or the same place different times?

scandi, I'm another who went up there and had a nose around. That raised bed is on the west side of the school (gwenabob's pic is looking west). The soccer field is just below it, and there are a few staircases leading down to the field. There is a row of raised beds (3-4 or 5?) all along that side of the building. There is another set at the front of the school, about the same distance to the building.
It would be very easy to see children who were standing near the beds in the pictures, if you were DS and down on the field.

I wouldn't expect to see them in the aerial shots.. many of the google pics are years old.

The first shot you posted is the same bed, but looking south. The sidewalk on its left is the walkway adjacent to the building. Not sure how to help answer your last question though.

Thanks PDX, I didn't know the Google shots could be years old. I nosed around the school but didn't get out of the car. It was kind of spooky, a media van just sitting in the corner of the PL next to the road, the church {which I now read has cameras} silent across Skyline and Brooks road ominously leading straight out and away as if an exit, but to where. Being there so close, wanting to put a finger on everything. xox

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