Whitney Houston passed away on 2/11/12 - Part 1

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I wonder if the public will ever really know what the truth is - legs in or out of tub, face down or face up ? - cuz last night I heard somewhere that by the time the paramedics got there that Whitney had been carried to the bedroom area and was already on the floor where somebody had been performing CPR on her. Actually that's the right thing to do but then no one outside of her own people ever saw her passed out in the tub. We don't even know who actually discovered her as there have been several conflicting reports as to who found her unresponsive in the tub. And why wasn't anybody in the bedroom area while she was in the bathroom if she was drinking that morning and at lunch, etc. I'd like to know what time the lunch was delivered and who else was in the room at that time. Someone knows the exact timeline of her preparations. Did they go back to their room to begin getting ready too thus leaving Whitney alone to begin getting ready?

The makeup artist or hair stylist was in the lobby of the hotel some time after 3PM for a 4PM appointment to help get Whitney ready for the evening. She called up to the room (who answered?) to let them know she was there waiting. She waited and I think she said at 3:55 someone came down and told her that Whitney was dead. Now, I suppose, if Whitney began her bath a little before 3PM, if all had gone well, she could have gotten out and applied lotion and all the stuff you do prior to getting dressed and just put on a robe before makeup and hair - so considering that the bath timing seems consistent with makeup application afterward, she'd be taking a bath around 3PM. It stands to reason that she may have stumbled or passed out while getting into the tub, falling in head first and was unconscious from the get go. Also take into consideration that the person upstairs says they heard curious sounds at around 3:30PM. That could have been sounds made by whoever found Whitney. Wait, how many peeps would you need to carry a body out of the bathroom into the bedroom in order to begin CPR? I don't think one lone woman could do that alone. Wasn't there room on the bathroom floor - which would seem most logical. Find person in/out bathtub, flip them over onto floor, begin CPR. ??????

Did the person who delivered the room service actually see Whitney - at what time? - or did someone else receive the food?

I wonder who the main point person is who knows the timeline - how long Whitney would have been alone, if she seemed sober, etc.
Sorry for my rambling but I was hoping something would begin to come together but no such luck - too many different versions of the details have been reported.
They are both great singers and each made a lot of money with the other when Houston sang Parton's song. I'm not sure why or how this became a contest.

Because someone suggested that Dolly should pay for Whitney's funeral and the comment had a negative tone to it.
I guess we have a group of Dolly fans here to include me!
Can someone please post that link again?? I'm on a new computer and the new touchpad is driving me nuts and having to go back thru pages and scroll would be a huge pain and would probably get me completely aggravated even more at this new computer. Pretty please. Your kindness in posting the link will prevent senseless violence against an equally senseless laptop.


From this series of photos:

The burger was for someone else, no doubt. There was another table in that picture with a plate, fork, napkin, and soda can. Were there other plates too? The turkey would be WH, I would guess, from reading a rider from a past concert on the smoking gun dot com. Turkey was all over the serve us this menus.

I also agree more than one person pulled her from tub, bathroom, to bed. She did not weigh 100 lbs, not saying she was fat, just saying there is no way that one lady did all that.

She passed sometime between 3 and 3:30 if everyone on the phone, out of the room, can just get their stories straight. I do believe there is a lot no one is saying, and well, they might as well just say it. She died, no fault if no one was there looking out for her. It was going to happen watching her or not. You just can't keep doing all the drugs, alcohol and prescriptions and expect anything else. Perhaps they are all afraid of being sued, I just don't know. The reported times of everything do not match up. If her heart gave out, it gave out in an instant. It would not have mattered if you were there on the other side of the door or not. I really don't understand the mess it is.
"According to an eyewitness who was in the Beverly Hilton yesterday (Feb. 11) minutes before Whitney Houston was pronounced dead, a young girl who "looked very much like" the singer's 18-year-old daughter, Bobbi Kristina, left the hotel in a huff, cursing as she stormed through the lobby".

"She was like, 'I'm tired of this mess,' and she was using a few other choice words,"

"Jones says the young girl was being followed by a man she pushed away, ...Jones received a text message from a friend. The timestamp reads 3:47, minutes before Whitney was officially pronounced dead at 3:55PM PST."


Here is her video interview
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oasgONhujE&feature=player_embedded"]Whitney Aftermath Eyewitness - HipHollywood - YouTube[/ame]

"A bleary-eyed Ray J was seen briefly inside the lobby of the Beverly Hilton on Sunday morning, surrounded by three companions"
"Whitney dead," he repeated multiple times, as one friend grabbed him by the shoulders. "Whitney dead. We all gotta live with that."
~ jmo Odd statement...
"According to an eyewitness who was in the Beverly Hilton yesterday (Feb. 11) minutes before Whitney Houston was pronounced dead, a young girl who "looked very much like" the singer's 18-year-old daughter, Bobbi Kristina, left the hotel in a huff, cursing as she stormed through the lobby".

"She was like, 'I'm tired of this mess,' and she was using a few other choice words,"

"Jones says the young girl was being followed by a man she pushed away, ...Jones received a text message from a friend. The timestamp reads 3:47, minutes before Whitney was officially pronounced dead at 3:55PM PST."


Here is her video interview
Whitney Aftermath Eyewitness - HipHollywood - YouTube

"A bleary-eyed Ray J was seen briefly inside the lobby of the Beverly Hilton on Sunday morning, surrounded by three companions"
"Whitney dead," he repeated multiple times, as one friend grabbed him by the shoulders. "Whitney dead. We all gotta live with that."
~ jmo Odd statement...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What is this about pulling duffle bags out of the trunk?!

I wonder about Ray J's words, "we gotta' live with that." Sorry, but my overly suspicious mind sees blame passing, unless he was talking to Bobbi K and trying to calm her.

If Bobbi K was angry that makes sense. She has every right to be angry at the world, at God, at everything and everyone. She only saw her mother and father high on drugs her entire life. She knows nothing else. That is her reality. That and taking care of a messed up mom. It's like she was raised on the streets. I don't know what kind of future she has, can she change it all for herself? Or will she just go gansta' and burn up too? So sad when she could have been so much if her parents could have just cleaned up once they realized she was a living, breathing, talking, thinking, absorbing human being.
Last night I caught a portion of the interview Oprah had with Whitney in 2009. In that interview, as others have said, Whitney seems reflective, honest, and self aware. Alcohol makes many people Jekell-Hyde like. I'm pretty sure that's why we are seeing two different Whitneys. Based on the Oprah interview, I can see why people say Whitney was nice and goodhearted with all the good traits we like to people to have. As the disease of alcoholism progresses, the bad traits that are unleashed through alcohol use begin to overtake the good traits that the person would put forth when sober. So, if one is drinking alot and often, they become outwardly 'bad'. Emotional growth becomes hindered at the point that alcohol begins to take over. That's why, even when an alcoholic stops drinking, it takes a long time to get back into one's own skin and in touch with their real emotions to include heathy ways of dealing with them. Many addicts are very deep feeling, sensitive souls to begin with which is one of the reasons they like to drink. Or shy souls who don't feel they can express themselves openingly without a little help which is how it all starts - dependency.

Whitney was a beautiful woman who, for whatever reason, was beaten down by her addictions. No matter what, rich or poor, it's a sad ending.

IMO she still looked beautiful at age 48 on the outside when she wasn't drunk or stoned. I'd be curious to know what the autopsy showed re liver and other organ damage or if there even was any. Also, not important but would like to say, that when Whitney wore her hair blond she was the best looking black woman with blond hair I've ever seen. I usually think blond hair does nothing to enhance a black complexion and wonder 'what were they thinking'. Whitney looked beautiful with both blond hair and brown hair color. Her skin looked to be a beautiful golden color. So, what I really want to ask, is what in the heck did she see in bb? sorry. Based on outer beauty alone, that guy should have worshipped her. Just my :twocents:
The burger was for someone else, no doubt. There was another table in that picture with a plate, fork, napkin, and soda can. Were there other plates too? The turkey would be WH, I would guess, from reading a rider from a past concert on the smoking gun dot com. Turkey was all over the serve us this menus.

I also agree more than one person pulled her from tub, bathroom, to bed. She did not weigh 100 lbs, not saying she was fat, just saying there is no way that one lady did all that.

She passed sometime between 3 and 3:30 if everyone on the phone, out of the room, can just get their stories straight. I do believe there is a lot no one is saying, and well, they might as well just say it. She died, no fault if no one was there looking out for her. It was going to happen watching her or not. You just can't keep doing all the drugs, alcohol and prescriptions and expect anything else. Perhaps they are all afraid of being sued, I just don't know. The reported times of everything do not match up. If her heart gave out, it gave out in an instant. It would not have mattered if you were there on the other side of the door or not. I really don't understand the mess it is.
The time line has to be off somehow
Cissy Houston talked to her at around 3:15, TMZ reported.
wasn't WH in the tub at this time? Maybe Cissy just coverted EST to PST wrong?

"According to our sources, her body was very cold and the bodyguard attempted CPR. That's when hotel security was called."
She would not be COLD in 30 min.Cool maybe


PINSKY: The other thing that was telling, I think you and I talked about this on day one, back when you had me on the phone, when we all were mortified to find this happened, was that the paramedics called it in the field. They stop. They called the code so to speak. And that usually means somebody has been gone a long time. So, it was awhile before they called the paramedics I suppose, right?

LEMON: Yes. And the time frame is a little bit tricky because the hotel doesn`t want to say, they haven`t gone On the Record to say exactly what happened. Who called 911?


Even MJ was transported for TOD to be called, why not Whitney? Paramemdics knew she was not able to be resuscitated therefore no transport. AND this almost never happens unless hospice was involved or rigors had set in.

"Lividity generally becomes visible between 1/2 and 4 hours following death"

Maybe that is what they saw.
I still do not believe WH died in that tub.
Because someone suggested that Dolly should pay for Whitney's funeral and the comment had a negative tone to it.
I guess we have a group of Dolly fans here to include me!

It comes up because Dolly made the terse comment in an interview,
saying when asked about her financial gains vis-a-vis Whitney, that Whitney
recording her song excited her and "I went out and bought a lot of shoes"!

"Went out and bought a lot of shoes" ? :please:

The fact of the matter is, Whitney was 20x the voice Dolly Parton ever
hoped to be. Whitney recording Dolly's song brought Dolly more than
Dolly herself could ever earn with her own song - it took someone else
recording it to bring in the riches.

On the other hand, Dolly has always been a good song writer, or had the
ability to get people to help her write songs. Whitney never wrote anything
if she even could have. Whitney could play the piano, I guess? Could Whitney
read music? Dolly can and does.

But, its equating "buying a bunch of shoes" with Whtney's LIFE, that some
find a little tacky. And the timing couldnt be worse,to say the least.

It very well could be, Dolly had no intention of demeaning Whitney in any
way ... and I tend to think that was the case ... it just sort of came out
the wrong way, whether Dolly intendedit or not, and the interviewer let it
stand and didnt have the brains to clear it up, and Dolly didnt explain further,
either ! It left some people wondering and some thinking "Woah!" Ooooooops!

Maybe the whole thing should just be dropped. !:what:
woe I can only offer speculation.

I think Whitney needed to rebel from all of the control, her life was not her own at that time. She met BB. He was not so bad looking at the time, but not great looking. He was the bad boy. Someone she could tell the world to "F" off with, so she wouldn't have to do it alone. Someone to keep partying with.

I also think she fell for his lines. He's a smooth talking sumptin' when you are naive. He also presented himself as a man. Someone to take care of things like men used to, and all women really want. He could provide, protect, and keep her away from all of "them". She may have thought he was really intelligent, wise, and kind to her. No matter what, he took her as she was. She trusted him too. Unfortunately.

The Oprah interviews are available online, I watched them yesterday, or what is available.

The EVIL ALCOHOL DEMON is what I called it in my liquor days. Some part of "ID" comes out, nothing connects in your brain properly when that drunk. Fear, paranoia, jealousy, all your past pains, and anything current rage out of you. It does not make sense, it is irrational. Synapses fire in unusual ways.

There is also the coke/crack and possible heroin. I have noticed through others that, well, yeah, it fries your brain. Portions of the brain are no longer functioning, perhaps the nervous system too. Back to synapses misfiring.

Have you ever noticed how slow people are that can quit for a while once they have done these? The metabolism is the first sign. Very slow and seems to never catch up. The mind is also very slow and still misfiring.

Just had a conversation with a friend. We talked about WH, many other stars, and some film producers that did this drugs and quit. Friend sees it more in film, so we jumped there instead of music artists, but I had plenty wound up. You would notice no more master pieces, very slow films instead of very rapid fire, very slow response times. (Examples: Torinto, PT Anderson) The body and mind never recover.

WH carried gold makeup and hair like no one else. Her skin tone was perfect for it, not to mention her beautiful features.
The time line has to be off somehow
Cissy Houston talked to her at around 3:15, TMZ reported.
wasn't WH in the tub at this time? Maybe Cissy just coverted EST to PST wrong?

"According to our sources, her body was very cold and the bodyguard attempted CPR. That's when hotel security was called."
She would not be COLD in 30 min.Cool maybe


PINSKY: The other thing that was telling, I think you and I talked about this on day one, back when you had me on the phone, when we all were mortified to find this happened, was that the paramedics called it in the field. They stop. They called the code so to speak. And that usually means somebody has been gone a long time. So, it was awhile before they called the paramedics I suppose, right?

LEMON: Yes. And the time frame is a little bit tricky because the hotel doesn`t want to say, they haven`t gone On the Record to say exactly what happened. Who called 911?


Even MJ was transported for TOD to be called, why not Whitney? Paramemdics knew she was not able to be resuscitated therefore no transport. AND this almost never happens unless hospice was involved or rigors had set in.

"Lividity generally becomes visible between 1/2 and 4 hours following death"

Maybe that is what they saw.
I still do not believe WH died in that tub.

Dang! I knew they would not say b/c of all the "star" issues, forgot the all mighty Hilton hotels are involved too.

Time line is all wrong. We need Chaka Khan to force everyone to start telling the truth. Since she hit on it the other day she knows it is time to stop the cycle!

I believe that 2 people were in her room. One being Ray J. He probably ordered the hamburger & fries with the beer. Whitney probably ordered the turkey sandwich with the champagne & maybe decided to take it in the bathroom & relax in the tub while she ate. I wouldn't eat while soaking but that's just me.

Also, they say Ray J was not in town on Thursday that he was in San Diego & there are no pictures to prove he was with Whiney at the club. There is a picture but I can't remember where I saw it. He was hanging back almost like he didn't want to be seen while Whitney was being helped out of the club.

I agree 100%. Ray J was there the day she died. It was reported that he found her body and then his reps quickly put out a story that he hadn't even been with her the last few days, which was a LIE. I think he was staying at the hotel with Whitney because Bobbi Kristina had a separate room and they were close, so I think if Whitney didn't have someone staying with her, she and Bobbi Kristina would have shared a room. Also I have heard gossip that Whitney was smoking primo (pot laced with crack) Friday night with Ray J.

And I also think it was ridiculous for them to say Whitney ate a hamburger and fries and then took a turkey sandwich and jalapenos in the bathroom to eat. And ordered a Heineken and champagne. I mean, she was supposed to perform that night. I don't really think she was pigging out knowing she was getting ready to get dressed to perform. And even if she didn't perform, that's a lot of food for one person. I couldn't/wouldn't eat a hamburger and fries and then immediately each a turkey sandwich. And who drinks Heineken and champagne together? And what woman drinks Heineken anyway? It has a strong taste and women don't usually like it.

Yes, I think Ray J was there. If her toxicology report comes back with crack cocaine in her system, I hope they look at Ray J. I hope they are already looking at him. I don't think he killed her but I think he may have been there when she died and then instead of helping her fled the scene so he wouldn't be implicated in any way.

I also don't like the fact the Clive Davis changed all the people around Whitney about a year ago and the new people didn't protect her the way the old ones did. Like her old bodyguard said he didn't allow her to take baths and he checked on her in the bathroom every 7 to 10 minutes. Seems like no one was watching out for Whitney. I think they were collecting the money and not doing their job.
jwarner, Dolly made that remark before WH died. She was saying that yes, she made money off that song. I'm sure she didn't bring it up to begin with.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What is this about pulling duffle bags out of the trunk?!

I wonder about Ray J's words, "we gotta' live with that." Sorry, but my overly suspicious mind sees blame passing, unless he was talking to Bobbi K and trying to calm her.

If Bobbi K was angry that makes sense. She has every right to be angry at the world, at God, at everything and everyone. She only saw her mother and father high on drugs her entire life. She knows nothing else. That is her reality. That and taking care of a messed up mom. It's like she was raised on the streets. I don't know what kind of future she has, can she change it all for herself? Or will she just go gansta' and burn up too? So sad when she could have been so much if her parents could have just cleaned up once they realized she was a living, breathing, talking, thinking, absorbing human being.

Ray J was going nuts cussing the hotel clerk about "missing Whitney's call before death. I think that's what he's gotta live with.
He had a cell he didn't answer. How is it the clerks fault?
They are both great singers and each made a lot of money with the other when Houston sang Parton's song. I'm not sure why or how this became a contest.

Right, and when Dolly said she bought a lot of shoes with the money she made from Whitney singing I Will Always Love You, that was BEFORE Whitney's death. She certainly didn't say that after her death. And that's just Dolly's personality/sense of humor, which I think is wonderful. She is a very gracious woman and she would never say anything demeaning to Whitney. She said she liked Whitney's rendition of her song better than her own, and I believe she was being honest about that. Dolly is a class act. I don't see how anyone can say that Dolly should pay for Whitney's funeral. Dolly wrote the song; she deserves any royalties she receives from the sale of that song.

I never heard Dolly's rendition of the song until the other day. Never realized till after Whitney's death that Dolly wrote it. I think Dolly is a wonderful singer, but I like Whitney's rendition better.
Lol, everyone is so right about pigging out before squeezing into a tight "Grammy dress". Yep, turkey was for WH, everything else for others. And no woman at 48 is eating the jalepenos before going on stage. Much as I love them, at 46, they don't love me anymore! I've eaten them all my life, even hot sauce doesn't like me anymore. It does make food boring, but there is no way I'll be eating anything hot and going around a group of people. That is saved for days off with the extra holiday in there.

As far as Heineken and champange, there go the hot peppers again, not happening. While she may have been drinking all day, I don't think those plates and plates of food and different beverages were just hers. Oh heck, they may not have been from her room for all we know. Could have been the staff's room, I did see a diet soda can. Or what looked like one to me, back to the rider on smoking gun, for the staff.

Clive wanted money, and still did. WH had not made any in years and had become an "issue." That bothers me. I'm happy the ex-body guard talked too. I'm hoping more will. It will not change what happened to WH, however, there is a new generation that needs to take care of themselves. They don't need Sony, Arista, Clive's, or whomever, anymore. They need to manage themselves.
I just do not get the honouring of Whitney Houston. She is being put up as a role model star? Yet the sad facts stink here. Whitney had a great voice long ago. Does that make a role model? Or should we look at the person? Whitney never gave back to the music industry. She failed herself in life. She failed her family. Her friends and her fans. Over 2 decades of proven major time drug abuse? We are going to honour that? We are all humans. And responsiblity for ones actions start in the mirror. Not the enablers she brought around herself. Does a one time great vioce over ride the human mess she was in our society? It appears so. And I find that very distrubing.IMO
Ray J was going nuts cussing the hotel clerk about "missing Whitney's call before death. I think that's what he's gotta live with.
He had a cell he didn't answer. How is it the clerks fault?

I'm thinking it's the drugs he was passing, and he's scared. I don't know why, stars never get in trouble for these things, which is a huge downfall in our society for their lives.

Or was it the fight they got into? Did it get out of control? Thuds, male voice?
I just do not get the honouring of Whitney Houston. She is being put up as a role model star? Yet the sad facts stink here. Whitney had a great voice long ago. Does that make a role model? Or should we look at the person? Whitney never gave back to the music industry. She failed herself in life. She failed her family. Her friends and her fans. Over 2 decades of proven major time drug abuse? We are going to honour that? We are all humans. And responsiblity for ones actions start in the mirror. Not the enablers she brought around herself. Does a one time great vioce over ride the human mess she was in our society? It appears so. And I find that very distrubing.IMO

I'm just sidechair investigating, I never knew anything before this week. Other than when I had to hear the songs on the radio, that ended in the early '90's. I don't know about a lot of honoring. I'm sorry she died at 48, but that is what I have to give. I did not know her, so how can I honor her? Her hometown, well, I think that the mayor just wanted in on some action, don't be surprised if he is up for re-election soon.

Her family is asking for a private funeral and finally said okay to one camera, so I'm guessing they feel the same as you have stated.

I find all the celeb stuff disturbing, yet morbidly fascinating as I think little "Hollywood Mafias" still exist.
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