Who believes that Cindy should be prosecuted for perjury? Or is it just me...?

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LMBO.. after reading some of the posts, I have to wonder if CA comes to our site to vent! I really hope she does!!! But, like her daughter she probably won't be rehabilitated from her sociopathy!!
What Cindy did wrong (besides pre-trial) was to lie under oath. That is Not acceptable under any circumstance! Even you admitted her and George's testimony were of no help... The thing Cindy can do for Casey is to plead for her life at sentencing, not try to deny that Casey is guilty of murdering her granddaughter!

Linas, that particular post was in response to one claiming CA gave items of importance to Baez (who turned them over to the State) rather than directly to LE.

I was honestly asking why that was a crime?

Again, CA's testimony was impeached (i.e., contradicted). Proving it was a deliberate lie is something else entirely (despite your and my private opinions).
I completely agree with you! I don't understand this "Leave Cindy alone, she's been through enough" mentality. What Cindy's been through is largely of her own making, and she's been lying ever since she made the 911 calls! If she wants to plea for Casey's life- her chance is to do that is at sentencing. I thought she stood up for Caylee during the trial, until she started lying again for her murderer.:banghead: That's NOT "unconditional" love, nor should it be. As other posters have stated, why have perjury laws if you're not going to enforce them??? Just because Cindy is a "grieving grandma" doesn't mean she is above the law!!!:razz:

The A's have been given a lot of free passes. They were also allowed to sit in on the whole trial despite being witnesses only to make notes and prepare testimony. Caylee may be alive today and ICA free had not CA enabled ICA via mistruths, half truths and, a complete lack of boundaries and accountability.

CA continues to make the same mistake today that she has made over and over.

If we are going to punish the lady that shouted out at Jury selection and the guy who showed the finger then why is CA any different? Double standards? The same way this trial has cost hundreds of man hours and thousands of dollars ... CA may have influenced the outcome by her actions leading to a skewed verdict, a hung Jury or, ICA going free. How would we feel if justice is denied?

As Horowitz said to NG ... How are you helping your kids by lying for them? ... In fact you are committing a crime and becoming an accessory after the fact.

I'd forgive CA's prior sins but lying so blatantly in a court of law deserves punishment. CA should be charged with perjury whether it flies or not.
Luckily the State has multiple interviews and a depo of CA changing her "memories" .
I gave my opinion :seeya:

Yet again, changing one's mind or remembering events differently over a period of years isn't proof of lying.
And that is the DT's obligation. So what did CA do wrong here?

The State is trying to kill her daughter. I don't think that can be stressed too often.

The state is not trying to kill ICA. The state is seeking justice for CAYLEE. The victim in this case. 2 yr. old CAYLEE. Remember her?? Precious, innocent little girl. Duct tape placed over her little nose and mouth. Dumped like trash in a swamp. Her little skeleton scattered by animals who gnawed on her tiny bones. Not reported missing by her "mother" for 31 days. The smell of her decomposing body in the trunk of the "mothers" car.....no, the state of Florida is not trying to kill Cindy's daughter. CAYLEE was a person. She had worth to this world. She had every right to live. The State of Florida is being the voice of CAYLEE and seeking justice for her death. Bless CAYLEES angels here on earth....
Martha was convicted of two counts of lying to federal investigators under this statute:

§ 1001. Statements or entries generally
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully--
(1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device[ , ] a material fact;
(2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or
(3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry.

It's pretty clear to me that CA went way beyond what (this statute is not applicable in the Anthony case-not federal) Martha did insofar as the extent and seriousness of the misrepresentations and crimes involved (murder versus a stock sale of $228k). So, if Martha was proper fodder for this type of charge why not CA who really did on many occasions seek to essentially derail justice to protect her daughter. The latest where she testified falsely in a capital case is about as serious as one can get.

I keep remembering that Martha Stewart was sent to jail for "lying under oath".
I'm sure there was more to it but...

I also think that the whole family have lied and covered things up from day 1.
Cindy ran the show and George was so scared of her that he was sneaking to the police station.
Your wife has that much control over you that you can't tell the truth?

I do believe he had an affair with that woman also.
Use a woman for sympathy, get money from her and tell your wife you're working.
Wow! What a guy!

Every answer on the stand was like pulling teeth!
From all of them! Just answer the **** question!

Cindy saying, "Look at Jesse Grund, Any H., etc., etc."
Anyone but my daughter. When we all knew it couldn't be anyone BUT her daughter from about day 2.

The way both she and George behaved at the ZFG depo. Disgraceful!
"How dare you sir!" And "You are not a 10!"
You pieces of (what your daughter treated HER daughter as)!

And Lee saying, "I believe everything my sister tells me." How about you molested her?
You believe that?
And that CMA stuff at the memorial service and asking people to not judge the inmate,
but instead, send her letters. OMG!!!

And last, but not least, the Media!
They have all made this bigger than it should have been.
They have made these liars celebrities!
They must all be in a panic thinking, "What are we going to sensationalize now?"

Poor little Caylee has been a cash cow for so many people.
It makes me so sick!!!!!!!

So yes, I hope they prosecute her.
*Unless it takes out the 911 call.*
And I wish the state of Florida would fine them to recoup some of the cost of the trial.

They collected a lot of money off of their NOT missing granddaughter.

And last, I hope they are never welcome on another television program for as long as I live.
I don't want to see their lying faces ever again.

They have shown the "worst" of humanity.
Sadly, I think we'll see more of this. (from other people)

But isn't that pretty much what she was doing?She used words or stories, if you will,but it meant the same thing IMO :furious:

Too true! i never thought about it that way! that poor (albeit dumb) guy gets 6 days for giving the finger and she might not get a THING for her miscarriage of justice???
Definitely not fair....
Yet again, changing one's mind or remembering events differently over a period of years isn't proof of lying.
How convienient for Cindy?:doh::boohoo::liar::back:
It worked for Ronald Reagan- he claimed Alzheimer's to cover up for his misdeeds in the Iran-Contra affair...
RespectfullyQuoted Nova

What I meant by the child comment was how would you explain to a child how it is okay that Cindy gave the names of innocent people as the murderers of her grandchild to save her child's life, which if you read the documents you will see Cindy was only doing what was bad for Casey. If you were engaged in that very activity how would you explain that act to a child. I ask respectfully.

It is not disrespectful to speak to one like a child. I just do not understand why adults would teach children not to lie but then say lying is okay. I respectfully do not understand.


It's hard to answer these questions when CA is now accused of every crime since the Crucifixion!

A mother gives LE the names of possible suspects? I think that's standard procedure. A mother is in denial and doesn't want to believe her daughter killed her grandchild? Pretty much to be expected, don't you think?

If I were talking to a child, I would say lying is wrong, but not every wrong is punished with a term in prison. I don't doubt CA has made other mistakes as well, but most of the ones listed aren't punishable with prison terms.

(BTW, this is a place to trade and compare opinions. I see nothing disrespectful in your disagreeing with or challenging mine. :))
How convienient for Cindy?:doh::boohoo::liar::back:
It worked for Ronald Reagan- he claimed Alzheimer's to cover up for his misdeeds in the Iran-Contra affair...

Did he claim that? Or did the rest of us claim that? IIRC, he just said he forgot.
Yet again, changing one's mind or remembering events differently over a period of years isn't proof of lying.

Who did that in this case? :waitasec:
That doesn't prove that she doesn't honestly believe she made that search three years ago on the days in question. An error is not the same as a lie.

(Do I think she lied? Sure. But proving it beyond a reasonable doubt is something else entirely.)

Hi Nova ... I took the poster that I was replying to, to not believe that it had been simply proven that the searches had NOT been made. What I should have said there, is that it has been clearly proven that the searches had, in fact, not been made. I might have misunderstood the post I was replying to - not sure. I agree with you that it would be hard to prove whether Cindy made an error or outright lied. She could also just blame her meds, again.
LinasK, I'm not saying that whatever perjury CA (I don't know about GA) committed was "okay." I'm saying that putting grieving grandparents in jail for trying to keep their daughter alive is too much.

On the whole, their testimony was NOT helpful to KC. While still on the stand, GA basically said KC was guilty. They will have to live with that for the rest of their lives (along with anything they may have done that helped to trigger the murder itself). Enough is enough!

From The Merchant of Venice:

The quality of mercy is not strain'd,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes....

There is a dedicated portion of the trial for Cindy to plead for KC's life, it's there for a purpose. Instead, she chose to take the stand and insist on a total fabrication that the State had to pay dearly in man hours and expenses to reveal.

What she did was shameful and illegal, and don't think for a minute think that the man who watches the pennies didn't notice that costly folly. No way.

Who did that in this case? :waitasec:
Cindy- she supposedly has memory-improving meds now, yet she still got her search dates wrong!!!

From here on any post with the word YOU in it will be removed. I have already removed several. Everyone is now put on notice that all posts must be written based on YOUR own analysis - NOT on what the other guy says.

So..... review your post and find a way to word it without using "you" or your post will be zapped.

I have a LOT of patience for most things but it is VERY THIN when it comes to attacking the poster instead of addressing the post.

Just a reminder - closing arguments in less that 12 hours.
The state is not trying to kill ICA. The state is seeking justice for CAYLEE. The victim in this case. 2 yr. old CAYLEE. Remember her?? Precious, innocent little girl. Duct tape placed over her little nose and mouth. Dumped like trash in a swamp. Her little skeleton scattered by animals who gnawed on her tiny bones. Not reported missing by her "mother" for 31 days. The smell of her decomposing body in the trunk of the "mothers" car.....no, the state of Florida is not trying to kill Cindy's daughter. CAYLEE was a person. She had worth to this world. She had every right to live. The State of Florida is being the voice of CAYLEE and seeking justice for her death. Bless CAYLEES angels here on earth....

OF COURSE the state is trying to kill KC, because under Florida law, that is considered justice. There's no need to make a word game out of it.

As for the rest of your post, yes, I am aware of all those facts. I am not defending KC or her parents. I'm just saying formal charges of perjury against grieving grandparents would be overkill.
It's hard to answer these questions when CA is now accused of every crime since the Crucifixion!

A mother gives LE the names of possible suspects? I think that's standard procedure. A mother is in denial and doesn't want to believe her daughter killed her grandchild? Pretty much to be expected, don't you think?

If I were talking to a child, I would say lying is wrong, but not every wrong is punished with a term in prison. I don't doubt CA has made other mistakes as well, but most of the ones listed aren't punishable with prison terms.

(BTW, this is a place to trade and compare opinions. I see nothing disrespectful in your disagreeing with or challenging mine. :))

I agree Nova, but perhaps one should review the multitude of testimony she has given in the past and keep a notebook at their side to document all her iconsistencies...
I think the mere fact that she gave LE a brush that was ICAs and not precious Caylees for DNA was the point where i would have said "enough" if I was LE. BUT, they gave her the benefit of the doubt and that was their worst mistake. She took this as getting away with yet one more lie and ran with it!!
i won't even mention the money aspect. They need to be investigated for that as well.
Sorry.. I really have no sympathy for her....
Well, all I can say is that IF it were considered ok to lie like CA has lied for KC, there wouldn't be a law against it. We cannot pick and choose which laws we want to abide. We must adhere to them all. Those who do not follow the laws should face the appropriate punishment. It really is just that simple.


From here on any post with the word YOU in it will be removed. I have already removed several. Everyone is now put on notice that all posts must be written based on YOUR own analysis - NOT on what the other guy says.

So..... review your post and find a way to word it without using "you" or your post will be zapped.

I have a LOT of patience for most things but it is VERY THIN when it comes to attacking the poster instead of addressing the post.

Just a reminder - closing arguments in less that 12 hours.

EXACTLY!! In that case, also, no cause of death could be determined. There is actually more evidence in this case, I believe.

The Peterson parents were reviled and hated and despised. Sort of the way I feel about the Ants......:cursing:

Exactly. Can you imagine the hell Peterson's parents are still going thru. LWOP is just fine with me, humane to the parents and frankly more cruel to the convict IMO.
I just hope they pass on prior to the execution.
That said, and being against DP, I do no know how I would react if one of my children/grandchildren was murdered and I knew for sure the killer was. So tempting to take justice in your own hands if a stranger. I would probably go nuts if the killer was a very close relative.

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