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Isn't Kathleen McKenna the one who says she's writing a book about RZ's death?

I certainly hope Anne Bremner isn't getting her info from this woman. I don't like the idea at all that someone is already drafting a book about RZ's death when there are so many unanswered questions - and I like even less the idea that this woman may be a source of *information* to the family's attorney.

I'm not an expert on Ann Rule (true crime author), but did she ever do this sort of thing? Has Ann Rule ever gotten mixed up in an investigation in this manner in order to write a book? I suspect she hasn't.

I wouldn't be surprised to hear that some of the rumors that have been circulating can be traced back to this Kathleen McKenna. If she wants to write a book - fine. But she needs to stay out of the investigation, IMO.

I have mixed thoughts on this so I agree wth - and then I don't :)

I do hope McKenna has good research skills. I think most of what she is giving to Bremner would just be that raw research. However, it should be used as a lead in what might be checked out not what is fact. The big problem I have with this sort of thing is possibly tainting/leading witnesses or maybe you would call it over-interviewing them! Another problem may be giving out info that a good investigator would keep close to their vest. I am kind of surprised she is posting about her research.
? when AS cut Rebeca down - was she dead already? IIRC she was still alive - anyone remember?

How could she have rigor set in if she was still alive when adam first called?
? when AS cut Rebeca down - was she dead already? IIRC she was still alive - anyone remember?

How could she have rigor set in if she was still alive when adam first called?

No, she was dead for hours and already in rigor.
? when AS cut Rebeca down - was she dead already? IIRC she was still alive - anyone remember?

How could she have rigor set in if she was still alive when adam first called?

According to the FD personnel she was dead when they arrived several minutes after his call and rigor had already set in.
IMO Those comments have as much or more credibilty as Medicis promoter Joan Kron's take in Daily Beast on where and when JS took his kids to the airport.

I agree! Or any comments coming from the PR firm, or any MSM, or LE for that matter! GEESH
A neighbor, who was reading in their front den, heard a woman scream for help at 11:30 p.m., the night Rebecca was murdered. She called the police and they did nothing, then called again and Lt. Nesbitt came out. she told him of the scream again and he said "it wasn't important"! What kind of LE acts like this? Why even have them! LOL.

..that was according to the commenter "writeaboutit" who also said the woman and her husband filed a formal report with LE the next day---AND were visited at their home by a member of LE later on ( who they think could be lt.nesbit).

..if either of those LE contacts actually happened----esp. the "formal report" that was made--- i'm sure LE would have those on record.

..a comment made by someone to an article doesn't neccessarily mean it's true.
Hmmm... what does everyone think of this?

Author: writeaboutit

The times and movements of the family that day do not match Rebecca’s blackberry. Which shows Mr. Shacknai’s children leaving at noon and little Max going to his mother.

Someone stole Rebecca’s credit card, the charges are to the Apple Ipod store and a dating site called Zoomsk. Miss Zahau and Mr. Shacknai’s daughter had a very contentious relationship, terrible is a better word, her family has spoken about this at some length.



Rebecca had a Blackberry? That's news to me.

Last I heard she had a Samsung Focus Windows Phone.

Ah - it's the little details that I think the rumor-mongers forget about when they write their nonsense.

ETA: There was no reason for that person to take a jab @ JS's daughter, and to insinuate that JS's daughter stole RZ's credit card. That commenter lost my respect right then & there.

Rebecca had a Blackberry? That's news to me.

Yeah, I don't know. Like a lot of things, it's unverified, but interesting.

Who knows, maybe someone older would refer to any phones with a lot of capabilities to be a 'Blackberry' as a sort of generic term?
I really wish we could get some information on DOCTOR Howard and his relationship with JS.
What about the hair? Because it's longer? I would guess extensions. The build seems the same as photos of Dina Shacknai from PVPD. Wide shoulders and waist, busty, slim hips, fair complexion, dark hair.

It isn't the hair length. It's more of the thickness and the color of it. Dina also apparently enjoys having bangs. I'm not sure, it could be her or it could be someone else. I just can't seem to make the hair on the woman from the black car match up to Dina's hair.

Hence my wanting to believe that it wasn't her. I need to get out of my own head and how I would act in the same situation. Would this mean she may have been packing to go stay at Jonah's? Interesting possibilities if it truly was Dina.

Sorrell, I know that Bremner reported this also and stated it either on tv or in an article. There are so many threads, I am lost on where to find it now?:banghead:

Here is one link anyway!! http://www.cbs8.com/story/15520745/...us-cell-phone-new-witnesses-accounts-reported

Thank you for finding that article, Sunnie!

Unfortunately, it doesn't mention anything about Lt. Nesbit responding to a neighbor's call to police.

I don't doubt that someone contacted LE with a report of hearing screams. I don't doubt that screams were heard on July 12 @ about 11:30 p.m.

But I'm needing confirmation of which police department or sheriff's department responded to the call (and when the report was made & when there was a response).

Good Golly - I'm hard to please, ain't I? :crazy:

Someone posted previously that Lt. Nesbit responded to the report of screams, which were heard by a woman in her den reading, which confuses me, since Lt. Nesbit is with SDCSD, and not the Coronado PD.

I said (in reply to the post):

Where did you hear that a woman was reading in her den, and that Lt. Nesbitt responded to her phone call to police?

Lt. Nesbitt is with the SDCSD. If a Coronado neighbor heard screams, and called the police, I think the Coronado PD would have responded.

I would also like to apologize for misspelling Lt. Nesbit's name in my previous post. :)
Sorrell, I don't think I have a link to anything like that. Sorry. Heck, I was happy to find the spot where Bremner talked about it also. lol
Sorrell, I don't think I have a link to anything like that. Sorry. Heck, I was happy to find the spot where Bremner talked about it also. lol

I'm happy you found it, too! TY for going to the trouble to locate it.

From your link:

"We are now confirming information from a witness that there may have been a cry for help from a woman in the mansion around 11:30 p.m. the evening prior (to Zahau's death)," Bremner said. "So that's important in terms of the time of death and in terms of the surrounding circumstances."


Here is what was posted earlier:

Originally Posted by goody2shoes
A neighbor, who was reading in their front den, heard a woman scream for help at 11:30 p.m., the night Rebecca was murdered. She called the police and they did nothing, then called again and Lt. Nesbitt came out. she told him of the scream again and he said "it wasn't important"! What kind of LE acts like this? Why even have them! LOL.

I think it's important to be able to corroborate or refute the claim that Lt. Nesbit was the one who responded to this neighbor's call, and to corroborate or refute the claim that he blew this neighbor off.

If this information is factual, then it needs to be corroborated (with a source). If this information is a rumor, then it needs to be refuted so that we don't all go off half-cocked with misinformation. KWIM?
I agree 100 % Sorrell. There is too much misinformation out there already!
I do too. What I find interesting about the video image is that she's very fashionably dressed, well put-together, for a mom with a brain-dead or dead child (not sure of video date). I would picture someone in her shoes to look more like she did in Paradise Valley police dept photos.

BBM Unless she has the same type of mindset as Patsy Ramsey. I don't recall the name of the book now, but I thought it was one either co-authored by her or approved by her, that she always had to be "dressed to the nines" or some similar phrase.
BBM Unless she has the same type of mindset as Patsy Ramsey. I don't recall the name of the book now, but I thought it was one either co-authored by her or approved by her, that she always had to be "dressed to the nines" or some similar phrase.

Wow, this is interesting, as there are many people who believe, to this day, that Patsy Ramsey was responsible for her daughter's death.

I truly wonder if someone else was at the house that day. Someone that Rebecca would cover for, without hesitation.

I know there are circumstances where someone may be expected to 'cover' for someone, but there are probably just as many reasons someone would want to cover for another person.

If GS and ES were truly supposed to leave that day at noon, as per the calendar in Rebecca's phone, and this occurred after 9 am, did Dina bring Max over to say goodbye to his siblings? Did Dina go over to say goodbye to GS and ES? Where was Dina after Max's accident, when her car was at home, but she wasn't?
Wow, this is interesting, as there are many people who believe, to this day, that Patsy Ramsey was responsible for her daughter's death.

I truly wonder if someone else was at the house that day. Someone that Rebecca would cover for, without hesitation.

I know there are circumstances where someone may be expected to 'cover' for someone, but there are probably just as many reasons someone would want to cover for another person.

If GS and ES were truly supposed to leave that day at noon, as per the calendar in Rebecca's phone, and this occurred after 9 am, did Dina bring Max over to say goodbye to his siblings? Did Dina go over to say goodbye to GS and ES? Where was Dina after Max's accident, when her car was at home, but she wasn't?

I agree, I think Patsy hit her and thought she died from JB hitting her head on the sink or some such, and that John helped stage the rest.

The fact that it took so long for Dina to find out about the accident has always bothered me...if she didn't like Rebecca being with Max so much, one would think she wouldn't want to be that hard to be in contact with.

I don't think Rebecca was or would cover up for anyone...jmo.

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