Who Is Caylee's Biological Father?

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What about this guy?


Who dat?
I agree, It's very sad and unfair for a child to grow up not knowing their Bio father and grandparents.

I disagree, there are MILLIONS of adopted people in this world who don't know any of their biological family and most of us are perfectly fine and well adjusted.

I doubt she actually truly knows who the father is. The 'sad' part about that situation is that she obviously has some serious self-esteem issues to allow herself to be treated like a piece of meat. I would hope that whomever the father is, if he has the slightest inkling that he might be the father he'd come forward to LE and be a man about it. However, perhaps she does know who the father really is and left his name off of the birth certificate because she knew he would not own up to his responsibilities and felt 'why bother'.

I also firmly believe that LE is doing a fantastic job on this case and only allowing very select information to slip through on purpose. I believe that LE has a whole heck of a lot more information that we could ever imagine and they are very carefully playing their cards right in order to ensure that the case 'sticks' when they finally do charge her.
Maybe they can find out who the father is through this testing (the info below is from a site LabCorp that does it but many do):
LabCorp also analyzes forensic cases where evidentiary items need to be connected to an individual for whom no reference sample is available. These may be the result of homicide where no body has been recovered, but where blood stains have been located at the crime scene. In these cases, LabCorp uses a reference sample from at least one parent to perform a reverse paternity test for purposes of linking identity.
Forgive a repeated post in case anyone else done this calculation/estimation - didn't see it and found it interesting:

Estimated Fertility Window: 11/10/04 - 11/20/04
Estimated Conception Date: 11/15/04
Estimated Gestational Age: 202 weeks, 2 days
Estimated Due Date: 8/9/05
we've all seen these side by sides of caylee and jp


what about these side by sides of caylee and jp


i think hes the one. and i feel so bad for him. for any dad who never knew he even had a kid and never got a chance to be part of her life. for her for never knowing him.

as an artist, i study facial structures in particular. starting at the top: caylee's root hair color is the same as jp's. her longer hair appears lighter for having more sun exposure for a longer period of time. her forehead and jps is the same. the eyes are a huge similarity. look at her left outer eye corner and then jp's back and forth, exactly the same. their eye shape and brow bone shape is the same. if you look at the anthony's the dad and casey have round eyes with upturned outer corners. caylee and jps nose shape is the same. their cheeks are the same. their jaw shape/line is the same. most telling of all, their lips, mouth. they have the same lipline. they have the same smirky closed mouth smile. for caylee to smile that way exactly like jp means to me that either that 3 year old spent a lot of time around him (and it doesnt sound like she has) or it is an inheirited trait. in the other set of photos, where they have their brows scrunched, they look extremely similar. caylee looks a little like cindy. other than that she looks nothing like the anthonys. she looks like a little carbon copy of jp.
I love how Casey says " I have an obituary on my computer " -- ok.. just because she kept an obituary that 100% beyond a doubt proves that guy is the fahter?

Does she not believe that people can check this kind of stuff out?

I guess the whole family doesn't believe in DNA testing?
I've said before--I don't think Casey has any idea who the bio father is. She hoped for Jesse, but DNA should that to be false. Other than him, it would probably take Maury Povich to figure it out.

I try not to be judgmental about these things, but I'm a genealogist, I study and research and document family trees, and when children are produced through random sex, it is not fair to the child to never know his/her people.

If reports of her sexual activities over the past few months are true -- you may be right.
I am sure that there are many women who have differnt reasons for not listing a father's name on the birth certificate, but I think that the child is the one who suffers.
I do not wish to bore anyone with my own personal tales, but I have a LOSER sister who is similar to KC in a lot of respects, esp. the pathological lying. She had a child and would never tell anyone who the father was, and always said that she would just assure her son when he was older that families came in all kinds, and that he was loved and wanted.
Fast forward to when he was 12, and she wound up in jail again. I brought him to live with my family, and had to try to get some paperwork to enroll him in school. I obtained copies of his birth certificate and he was very anxious to see it. When he viewed his certificate, and he saw NOT INDICATED in the space for the father's name, he dissolved into tears, and said that he was never going to find out who his father was.
Nice, huh? That is the kind of thing, in my opinion, that is brain damaging for a kid.
I also think it is quite possible that Casey doesn't know who the father is. There could be a few different possibilities if she was sleeping around. That could explain why GM "believed" he was the father if Jesse and Casey were in a relationship but maybe eventually Casey came clean that he may not be.

Maybe she should go on Maury.
Or draw straws maybe?
I don't think Casey knows who the father is. I come to that conclusion several ways.

First, due to the number of guys that Casey allegedly was intimate with and the overlapping time periods.

Second, if there was a known father I think we would have heard from him by now.

Third, if there was a known father I believe that Casey would have tried to capitalize on that before now. I mean a known father or grandparents would not only have been a possible source of income but also a possible set of babysitters.

But if there are too many possibilities it would be too embarrassing to DNA them all.
I can't tell anything from the photo pool. When I look at little Caylee, I just see a mini Cindy.
I am sure that there are many women who have differnt reasons for not listing a father's name on the birth certificate, but I think that the child is the one who suffers.
I do not wish to bore anyone with my own personal tales, but I have a LOSER sister who is similar to KC in a lot of respects, esp. the pathological lying. She had a child and would never tell anyone who the father was, and always said that she would just assure her son when he was older that families came in all kinds, and that he was loved and wanted.
Fast forward to when he was 12, and she wound up in jail again. I brought him to live with my family, and had to try to get some paperwork to enroll him in school. I obtained copies of his birth certificate and he was very anxious to see it. When he viewed his certificate, and he saw NOT INDICATED in the space for the father's name, he dissolved into tears, and said that he was never going to find out who his father was.
Nice, huh? That is the kind of thing, in my opinion, that is brain damaging for a kid.

If the father isn't present to sign the certificate you can't just put their name on it. At least not in my state.
I am sure that there are many women who have differnt reasons for not listing a father's name on the birth certificate, but I think that the child is the one who suffers.
I do not wish to bore anyone with my own personal tales, but I have a LOSER sister who is similar to KC in a lot of respects, esp. the pathological lying. She had a child and would never tell anyone who the father was, and always said that she would just assure her son when he was older that families came in all kinds, and that he was loved and wanted.
Fast forward to when he was 12, and she wound up in jail again. I brought him to live with my family, and had to try to get some paperwork to enroll him in school. I obtained copies of his birth certificate and he was very anxious to see it. When he viewed his certificate, and he saw NOT INDICATED in the space for the father's name, he dissolved into tears, and said that he was never going to find out who his father was.
Nice, huh? That is the kind of thing, in my opinion, that is brain damaging for a kid.

In the state of Florida, if you are not married, you cannot put the name of the father on the Birth Certificate if he is not present. He must sign the certificate and have his signature notorized.

NO Notorized Signature, NO fathers name.
I don't think Casey knows who the father is. I come to that conclusion several ways.

First, due to the number of guys that Casey allegedly was intimate with and the overlapping time periods.

Second, if there was a known father I think we would have heard from him by now.

Third, if there was a known father I believe that Casey would have tried to capitalize on that before now. I mean a known father or grandparents would not only have been a possible source of income but also a possible set of babysitters.

But if there are too many possibilities it would be too embarrassing to DNA them all.

Shoot they do it on Maury all the time...................
I don't know if this was mentioned before, but as I look at the guys Casey dates I can't seem to tell a big difference in the way any of them look. They could all be bros. She seems to have a very specific type in men.
Sorry, I am a newbie to this site -- I tried to search for posts on this but didn't see anything -- so I apologize if this is a repeat.

Does anyone have any idea where the biological father is or who he is??? Wouldn't you think with this kind of press - someone out there would know they slept with this girl and when???
Sorry, I am a newbie to this site -- I tried to search for posts on this but didn't see anything -- so I apologize if this is a repeat.

Does anyone have any idea where the biological father is or who he is??? Wouldn't you think with this kind of press - someone out there would know they slept with this girl and when???

Yes, NSC, I would think that. I don't believe any of the stories. Apparently, Casey told her parents that the father was married, lived out of state, had no interest in his offspring and died in a car wreck.
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