Who Is Caylee's Biological Father?

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We all know that Jesus Ortiz died in an auto accident in May of 2007. He is not "white" but yet, when the 911 calls took place and Cindy and Casey were asked about Caylee, they both said that she was "white" - not mixed, 1/2 white, 1/2 Hispanic/Puerto Rican, whatever. So if Jesus was Caylee's father, then why would they say she was "white"? Is he just a convenient guy to pick as Caylee's father because he can't talk?

Lee Anthony and Casey are so much alike - they use the same terminology and laugh during a very serious time. I would be so distraught . . . and tired from looking for my niece, that I wouldn't have time or energy for such an interview.

Have you ever looked at criminal records, where the picture and name is clearly not anglo/white and they record their race as white? I'm :confused:
I really think it's JP. Look at pics of him and Caylee side by side. They look like twins for crying out loud!!
In Florida you can't name a father on the Birth Certificate if you are not married.

If you are not married, the "father" has to sign the BC and have his signature notorized at the hospital.

If that is not done at the hospital, then it must go through family court to have it legalized.

That's interesting.
I really think it's JP. Look at pics of him and Caylee side by side. They look like twins for crying out loud!!

I thought KC did not even know JP when she became pregnant?
Also, I really think that we should leave JO and his family out of this. Yes he died in a car accident, but it was 3 months before Caylee's birthday and his family has been talked to and they do not know KC, the A's or of Caylee.
All this speculation is just messing up peoples lives.
This could also be true of several men that Casey was intimate with during that time period. It's quite possible she did know who it was, and quite possible that she was extorting money from several of them claiming that Caylee was their daughter. All we know is that she is a pathological liar and a thief, so it wouldn't surprise me one bit.

I saw a Law and Order CI episode on this kind of thing once.
If there is even a remote possiblity KC knows who Caylee's father is, she won't be coming out with it.
Her stupid stories and lies are absurd. She isnt a very smart con is she?
How convenient to use the identity of a deceased man.
Consider the source and the rest of her baloney.
This man's grieving family has become another unfortunate member of the "mistruths"
in this nightmare.
I wonder what the tally is now.
Maybe her lawyer will need to start a fund for all the people she has damaged in her sordid web of lies.
If there is even a remote possiblity KC knows who Caylee's father is, she won't be coming out with it.
Her stupid stories and lies are absurd. She isnt a very smart con is she?
How convenient to use the identity of a deceased man.
Consider the source and the rest of her baloney.
This man's grieving family has become another unfortunate member of the "mistruths"
in this nightmare.
I wonder what the tally is now.
Maybe her lawyer will need to start a fund for all the people she has damaged in her sordid web of lies.

Let's Think about it:

IF true, It could explain WHY she didn't want to keep the baby......and felt forced, in order to keep her mothers love and approval.

It could explain Why she denied having an 'intimate' relationship with anyone, maybe she didn't... Her parents should have known if she was dating in November.

Sadly, it could also explain why she possibly build-up resentment to being reminded each time she looked at the child of what happened to her,

" forced sex, rape or molestation, incest or plain sex", in her younger years??,

how many times it happened,

How long did it go on before she got pregnant?

All alone, being forced to carry on as if nothing traumatic happened to her and keep the SECRET, answer all the questions with lies just to keep this guy out of trouble or jail....a big burden for a young girl to carry alone...and possibly helped lead up to what happened.

Over the years we have all read about things happening in what we think are nice families, that are dark secrets no one ever talks about or stops...and those deeds do cause children to be self destructive or to live 'self destructive' lives.... just my thoughts, no facts.

ITA, it explains alot of KC's seemingly irrational behavior.
(not saying excuses--just explains)

love it ------:)
I really think it's JP. Look at pics of him and Caylee side by side. They look like twins for crying out loud!!

Yes, they do, but then Casey and JP look like they could be twins as well (at least to me). I wish a picture of Casey at the age of 2 or 3 was available.
I thought that JPC had a DNA test done and was not the father. I also was confused about whether or not he had known Casey when she became pregnant (she had only met Ricardo and Amy within the last year or so). Can anyone confirm how long Casey has known JPC?
I've said before--I don't think Casey has any idea who the bio father is. She hoped for Jesse, but DNA should that to be false. Other than him, it would probably take Maury Povich to figure it out.

I try not to be judgmental about these things, but I'm a genealogist, I study and research and document family trees, and when children are produced through random sex, it is not fair to the child to never know his/her people.
I feel the same way as I'm an amature genealogist, too. I have been thinking throughout this case that CA's other grandparents are probably watching this whole 'drama' thinking 'poor little girl' not even knowing it's their grandbaby they are talking about.
I've said before--I don't think Casey has any idea who the bio father is.

She hoped for Jesse, but DNA showed that to be false.

Other than him, it would probably take Maury Povich to figure it out.

I try not to be judgmental about these things, but I'm a genealogist, I study and research and document family trees,
and when children are produced through random sex, it is not fair to the child to never know his/her people.....

I agree, It's very sad and unfair for a child to grow up not knowing their Bio father and grandparents.
I think the father may be a player yet to be named.

Caylee had to be conceived somewhere between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
It would be fairly easy for her friends from that time to name a candidate.

If the donor was with Casey at that time, he is probably aware at this point that there is a good chance it was him. Central Fl is blanketed with coverage.

I would hope he would stand up, sue her for paternal rights, then sue her for the loss of his child.
I would also sue her for hiding the existance of Caylee to me.

In civil court she can be made to talk. She may lie but would at least answer questions where answers can be verified.

I don't think it will matter when the car DNA is all lined up. I think LE is doing a fine job.
They are not giving a play by play on Fox news though. It is coming together.
They say they are working 24/7 on this. That would not happen if there was nothing to work on.....

Bobby...You have made some good, common sense points. I agree the Bio-father could sue!
It was not JP that took the DNA test it was Jesse Grund who's parents paid for the DNA test, Jesse Grund's father even wrote a letter stating what happened.
IM Curious to know if FORENCIS HAS DETERMINED THE FATHER and they are not saying???
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