Who is the accomplice?

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DNA Solves
Why would anyone need help to dump 35lbs of trash into a dumpster?

I think she was dumped in one of the dumpsters at Sawgrass Apts. on the 18th and got some info. about ZFG from the trash at the same time. I think ZFG tossed some of her own garbage into the dumpster when she left the apartment complex and that is why Caylee was last seen with ZFG (it was trash with her name on it). Then the trucks came and no one knows where either of them are anymore.
IF its true that Caylee was originally buried on Surburban drive and then her body was relocated than chances are there is an accomplice. I was from the school she did it alone. Its possible she told her parents when she got arrested the first time and their attitudes shifted, maybe they helped move the body?
I have said it before, and I will say it again, none of KC's friends liked her enough to go to jail, embarass their families and become a felon for her. She is the nut, not them. They have all cooperated fully with LE and the only things they have to hide is a little recreational drug use which LE does not ever intend to prosecute. They have voluntarily returned to correct their statements with evidence to prove the need for the change, they have allowed LE access to their phones. The only ones who objected were the husband of one of KC's neighborhood pals and some other female (Rosalie?) that failed to show for her meeting with LE. She may have shown up by now.

She was perfectly capable of tossing 35 lbs into a dumpster.
Why did George lie about the chase on the 24th?

He even encouraged LE to pull toll records.


Page 49. In the document dump under 8-7-2008.

Economics Detective Karen Toledo researched the Anthony’s E-Pass records for the dates in question. Those reports are attached. The records do not support George Anthony’s account regarding him chasing Casey Anthony after she took Cindy Anthony’s SUV.

Did he know they would check it and discover it was a lie, was it a clue, was there something specific on that day he did, Casey did, or what? I can't figure out why he told this story and even told them to check toll records or that he would provide them if he knew he was lying.


I have always felt that George had lied about the 16th being the last time he saw them...too many details...Then I KNEW there was something hinky about that gas can story from the very beginning the first time I ever heard it and sure enough, since then 3 different versions of that story have surfaced. Again, when I heard the "chase" story, something did not add up about it...But this theory that everyone is discussing here now makes PERFECT sense. If she was inside the wheel-well, then the tow guy would not have seen her. George KNEW that was the smell of decomp, so you can bet your sweet pattooties that he checked that car VERY thoroughly when he went home. It seems it could be either way. She was discovered by him on the 24th and he buried her that day...or she was disposed of once they got the car home and discovered her inside the wheel well...but if this was the case...I do not think he told Cindy. She was WAY too frantic on that 3rd 911 call and not near frantic enough on the 1st 2...If he was the accomplice, he played his cards close to his chest. Perhaps THAT was some of the things that he has owned up to and confessed to Cindy that he was telling Casey about in the Aug 3rd visit...the things he told her about that made him feel better...Perhaps he was trying to tell her if she would own up to her part in it then she might feel better too?

I have to go outside and smoke...this case has made me batty!!!
Why would anyone need help to dump 35lbs of trash into a dumpster?

I think she was dumped in one of the dumpsters at Sawgrass Apts. on the 18th and got some info. about ZFG from the trash at the same time. I think ZFG tossed some of her own garbage into the dumpster when she left the apartment complex and that is why Caylee was last seen with ZFG (it was trash with her name on it). Then the trucks came and no one knows where either of them are anymore.

She was not 35 pounds of trash...she was a beautiful soul named Caylee and just because she was trash to her mother does not mean we should refer to her here as such.:eek: Maybe a more appropriate statement would have been 35 pounds of trash would not have been difficult for her to throw in a dumpster, so why would she have had trouble throwing Caylee in one? ...I know you probably did not mean it the way it sounded, but poor little Caylee, although discarded as so much garbage is a sweet soul that deserves honor and respect...:)

I have always felt that George had lied about the 16th being the last time he saw them...too many details...Then I KNEW there was something hinky about that gas can story from the very beginning the first time I ever heard it and sure enough, since then 3 different versions of that story have surfaced. Again, when I heard the "chase" story, something did not add up about it...But this theory that everyone is discussing here now makes PERFECT sense. If she was inside the wheel-well, then the tow guy would not have seen her. George KNEW that was the smell of decomp, so you can bet your sweet pattooties that he checked that car VERY thoroughly when he went home. It seems it could be either way. She was discovered by him on the 24th and he buried her that day...or she was disposed of once they got the car home and discovered her inside the wheel well...but if this was the case...I do not think he told Cindy. She was WAY too frantic on that 3rd 911 call and not near frantic enough on the 1st 2...If he was the accomplice, he played his cards close to his chest. Perhaps THAT was some of the things that he has owned up to and confessed to Cindy that he was telling Casey about in the Aug 3rd visit...the things he told her about that made him feel better...Perhaps he was trying to tell her if she would own up to her part in it then she might feel better too?

I have to go outside and smoke...this case has made me batty!!!
The gas cans and the car chase stories just don't fly. I do believe initially GA played some part in the cover up. If so, it was an impulsive act on his part to protect the tart mom. I agree with you, though, that the Aug 3 visit was an attempt to reassure her that they could both come clean and face the music together.

I have always felt that George had lied about the 16th being the last time he saw them...too many details...Then I KNEW there was something hinky about that gas can story from the very beginning the first time I ever heard it and sure enough, since then 3 different versions of that story have surfaced. Again, when I heard the "chase" story, something did not add up about it...But this theory that everyone is discussing here now makes PERFECT sense. If she was inside the wheel-well, then the tow guy would not have seen her. George KNEW that was the smell of decomp, so you can bet your sweet pattooties that he checked that car VERY thoroughly when he went home. It seems it could be either way. She was discovered by him on the 24th and he buried her that day...or she was disposed of once they got the car home and discovered her inside the wheel well...but if this was the case...I do not think he told Cindy. She was WAY too frantic on that 3rd 911 call and not near frantic enough on the 1st 2...If he was the accomplice, he played his cards close to his chest. Perhaps THAT was some of the things that he has owned up to and confessed to Cindy that he was telling Casey about in the Aug 3rd visit...the things he told her about that made him feel better...Perhaps he was trying to tell her if she would own up to her part in it then she might feel better too?

I have to go outside and smoke...this case has made me batty!!!
If Casey dropped the Pontiac off at the house to use CA's suv, she had a reason for the Pontiac to be in GA's or CA's control either to set them up or get them to take care of Caylee in the trunk. If GA tells that as a story that is false, then he is trying to distance himself from the fact that the Pontiac was at the house while he was there. Seems like he is willing to be supportive of CA, but he seems to do things , that help, so that CA can do what she wants then he steps back out of view. In other words, he knows what Casey and her mother have done.
If Casey dropped the Pontiac off at the house to use CA's suv, she had a reason for the Pontiac to be in GA's or CA's control either to set them up or get them to take care of Caylee in the trunk. If GA tells that as a story that is false, then he is trying to distance himself from the fact that the Pontiac was at the house while he was there. Seems like he is willing to be supportive of CA, but he seems to do things , that help, so that CA can do what she wants then he steps back out of view. In other words, he knows what Casey and her mother have done.

There is no evidence that Casey ever actually DID use Cindy's SUV...nor that there ever WAS a chase that happened as George has stated. The e-pass records do not back up Georges story...so there MUST be another reason why he made this up? Right down to knowing the sticker on the back window and knowing it was her car...he gives himself away in the details...
The point of the accomplice is not to physically help carry the body. The accomplice is the person you call when you DON'T know what to do. The accomplice is the one to help you figure out your story and helps you clean up and tells you how and where to dump the body or does it for you.
There is no evidence that Casey ever actually DID use Cindy's SUV...nor that there ever WAS a chase that happened as George has stated. The e-pass records do not back up Georges story...so there MUST be another reason why he made this up? Right down to knowing the sticker on the back window and knowing it was her car...he gives himself away in the details...

Good points; Could it be that he has followed her at other times trying to find out where she was spending her time????Could he have followed her that day of the gas can return and either lost her or did have the time to fully pursue her due to job, if he had one?I haven't paid attention to the toll road records. Any records match the 24th or other relevant day. I find it hard to believe he did follow her at some point in the spring and early summer.
Good points; Could it be that he has followed her at other times trying to find out where she was spending her time????Could he have followed her that day of the gas can return and either lost her or did have the time to fully pursue her due to job, if he had one?I haven't paid attention to the toll road records. Any records match the 24th or other relevant day. I find it hard to believe he did follow her at some point in the spring and early summer.

Some of the biggest problems I have with the gas can story is that:
1) George admits that Casey is a gas thief and he knows she's taken gas before.
2) The gas cans are reported within a couple hours of Casey returning home from her purported trip from Tampa on some trumped up excuse.
3) George makes up an excuse to get into the trunk of Casey's car instead of saying "Look, if you've got the cans, I need them back. I'd like to mow the lawn and I reported the cans to the OCSO as stolen." It might be this factor alone that jacks the hinky meter up into the stratosphere. WHY make up a story to retrieve stolen property so that you can contact police to resolve the issue?
4) George's need to get into the trunk, coupled with George's insistence that he had to chase Casey down in a vehicle race means that George saw or knew something more than gas cans were in the trunk. Added to this the fact that Casey has txt'd Amy about the smell in her car, there is no way on the 24th that George could be as close as 3 feet away (in some reports) and right next to the trunk (in others) that he would have missed the smell.
5) That pesky timeline issue the Anthony's seem to suffer at nearly every critical moment of this case......No transponder evidence to show George had a car chase with Casey on the day he insists it happened. June 9 versus June 15. "It's been a month" seems to be on a sliding scale. The timeline, by the way, never fails to overcorrect to the benefit of Casey and family. Caylee, it seems, is relegated to the "whatever" timeline.

George is too eager to make someone believe him. I do not believe him.
There is no evidence that Casey ever actually DID use Cindy's SUV...nor that there ever WAS a chase that happened as George has stated. The e-pass records do not back up Georges story...so there MUST be another reason why he made this up? Right down to knowing the sticker on the back window and knowing it was her car...he gives himself away in the details...
I agree. I think that GA (or CA) transported something in CA's car that could be incriminating and he made up this story as a way of "explaining" how that evidence could have ended up in CA's car. I'm not sure that LE ever found it but he was definitely trying to cover for something that he thought would be found.

I have said it before, and I will say it again, none of KC's friends liked her enough to go to jail, embarass their families and become a felon for her. She is the nut, not them. They have all cooperated fully with LE and the only things they have to hide is a little recreational drug use which LE does not ever intend to prosecute. They have voluntarily returned to correct their statements with evidence to prove the need for the change, they have allowed LE access to their phones. The only ones who objected were the husband of one of KC's neighborhood pals and some other female (Rosalie?) that failed to show for her meeting with LE. She may have shown up by now.

She was perfectly capable of tossing 35 lbs into a dumpster.

We might want to rethink this............considering what we have found out about the one in jail in St. Augustine.
There is no evidence that Casey ever actually DID use Cindy's SUV...nor that there ever WAS a chase that happened as George has stated. The e-pass records do not back up Georges story...so there MUST be another reason why he made this up? Right down to knowing the sticker on the back window and knowing it was her car...he gives himself away in the details...

I believe the same thing.

I have always felt that George had lied about the 16th being the last time he saw them...too many details...Then I KNEW there was something hinky about that gas can story from the very beginning the first time I ever heard it and sure enough, since then 3 different versions of that story have surfaced. Again, when I heard the "chase" story, something did not add up about it...But this theory that everyone is discussing here now makes PERFECT sense. If she was inside the wheel-well, then the tow guy would not have seen her. George KNEW that was the smell of decomp, so you can bet your sweet pattooties that he checked that car VERY thoroughly when he went home. It seems it could be either way. She was discovered by him on the 24th and he buried her that day...or she was disposed of once they got the car home and discovered her inside the wheel well...but if this was the case...I do not think he told Cindy. She was WAY too frantic on that 3rd 911 call and not near frantic enough on the 1st 2...If he was the accomplice, he played his cards close to his chest. Perhaps THAT was some of the things that he has owned up to and confessed to Cindy that he was telling Casey about in the Aug 3rd visit...the things he told her about that made him feel better...Perhaps he was trying to tell her if she would own up to her part in it then she might feel better too?

I have to go outside and smoke...this case has made me batty!!!
*above bolded by me*

I've smelled decomp before and remembering the smell made me slightly nauseous, but remembering it doesn't make me violently ill.

Maybe that is why GA was vomiting when recounting the opening of the trunk to LE that day, he wasn't just remembering the smell, he was remembering the cause of that smell?
*above bolded by me*

I've smelled decomp before and remembering the smell made me slightly nauseous, but remembering it doesn't make me violently ill.

Maybe that is why GA was vomiting when recounting the opening of the trunk to LE that day, he wasn't just remembering the smell, he was remembering the cause of that smell?

I think it would make me that way if I knew it was my grandaughter that caused that smell and I was already sick over the whole situation.
I am going to choose to believe that Casey acted alone in this. I don't think she had any help at all. Many things seem weird and out of place about certain people, but I don't think anyone would have held it in this long knowing what the Anthony Family is going through. I certainly don't think that George helped or Lee, I don't think if they did that either of them would still be breathing to be honest, as I think they would have took their own life.
I'll wait for trial, the only thing that could shock me anymore is finding out someone helped her.

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