Who is the accomplice?

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"Here's what I know for fact. from the 1st of June until the 15 of July she only talke to Lee on one day. and it was a flury of calls from 1am - 3:30isham.

just strange to me that brother and sister would only make cell contact 1 time in a month and a half and this contact is from 1 - 3am in the morning."

Are you talking about July 3rd? I remember in the documents released that there was something about Cindy having Lee contact Casey and try to get her to come home and that he would be the one to do it. I know Lee said that, cant remember if Cindy did too but I think she did.(yes even tho she says in the original bond hearing that she talks to her everyday so I know this is totally conflicting, which is it Cindy??) And I think in Lee's statement during the bond hearing he says he only talked to Casey one day which was on July 3rd. Then either in text messages or one of the friends interviews, on July 3rd Casey is at a bar with her friend and tells her she wants to leave because Lee was coming there and was going to try to get her to leave with him and go home or something so they take off.

Can someone please tell me if you remember this too and help me verify some of this?

I think Casey did the entire murder and disposal all on her own. Tho I do think a few of the A's know some incriminating details, most likely Cindy but I feel definately Lee knows the most.
July 3 Troy, Melissa and Casey went to The Lodge. Casey’s Brother called and she was visibly upset and wanted to leave so we did. [The Lodge 49 N. Orange Ave. Orlando Fl 32801]
Page 1329 Lines 14-25 & Page 1330 Lines 1-5 Troy B. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008
I was wondering... I know LA & CA names were on the GJ thing, [along with like 80 other people] - but as far as media showed, GA was only one who went in & testified...? Am I mistaken....? If those 2 did, & just did it another day or whatever, then that completely blows my theory..... however I was thinking it extremely odd since the indictment if they were not called to testify, that could signify something.... ?
July 3 Troy, Melissa and Casey went to The Lodge. Casey’s Brother called and she was visibly upset and wanted to leave so we did. [The Lodge 49 N. Orange Ave. Orlando Fl 32801]
Page 1329 Lines 14-25 & Page 1330 Lines 1-5 Troy B. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

I tend to agree with Jane as well. I don't think that there was an accomplice during the killing and disposing but I do think that there was/were after the fact.

Curiousity about the call(s) between Lee and KC that Jane mentions...What date was that? I seem to remember that it was in the wee hours of the morning of July 4th but I'm not sure. Can anyone confirm?
I was wondering... I know LA & CA names were on the GJ thing, [along with like 80 other people] - but as far as media showed, GA was only one who went in & testified...? Am I mistaken....? If those 2 did, & just did it another day or whatever, then that completely blows my theory..... however I was thinking it extremely odd since the indictment if they were not called to testify, that could signify something.... ?

I think prosecutors knew in advance that LA and CA would invoke the 5th so why bother bringing them in and delay the process if they weren't going to talk.
I believe that list of 82 names (witnesses who will be called to testify) is for the actual trial not for what went on in front of the secret GJ the other day.
I believe that list of 82 names (witnesses who will be called to testify) is for the actual trial not for what went on in front of the secret GJ the other day.

Correct. Only for fraud.

Jeepers. Is it me or just me. ha haha.
I don't think Casey had a accomplice - Cons don't trust
marks and she seemed really unsure of her family support .

She was already begging favors from friends - place to stay - rides -
gas cans - dont think she would have risked losing their acceptance
of her in the group . TonE and his crowd was far from a sure bet .

Good morning everyone.

I am "temporarily" locking this thread for a bit as I see lots of alerts about some posts. I will go through the posts and reopen the thread at some point.
I honestly don't believe Lee had anything to do with this before, during or after. No matter how much KC loves her brother, she'd open her big fat mouth for a deal if he did anything. She has no love or loyalty to anyone, not even her own child. She acted alone to spite her mother.
I believe its pretty standard practice, since accessories to crimes CAN face the same penalties as the person who committed the crime if they harbored the same intent.

My thought was since LE doesn't seem to know exactly what happened to Caylee, since as far as we know KC didn't say squat and no one else can point to where/when Caylee last was, they might have added this if it comes out that say... KC just left Caylee somewhere, as in, abandoning her, and then something else happened to her.

Like if you leave your daughter in the middle of central park with an intent to get rid of her, and then a homeless person kills her and no one finds her, that mother should be just as responsible if she killed her with her own hands.

IMO nancy is just being dramatic. the "model penal code" is worded just like the indictment

I understand your point and explanation in re to count three. I don't doubt the wording is "model penal code". I question why this section of the "model penal code" was included in the count three charge. I don't quite understand how your explanation applies to the wording in count two.

actively encouraging another person to commit an act which could reasonably expected to result in physical injury.”http://www.wesh.com/breakingnews/index.html

Just trying to get a better understanding of the charges.:)
I honestly don't believe Lee had anything to do with this before, during or after. No matter how much KC loves her brother, she'd open her big fat mouth for a deal if he did anything. She has no love or loyalty to anyone, not even her own child. She acted alone to spite her mother.

If she opens her mouth for a deal-she implicates herself in something more than neglect. Her lawyer has her convinced that a "stick to your guns" missing child is not a case that convicts a murderer. I'll assume that Lee has had this same discussion with her. Her defense is "I know not what has happened to my child once she was no longer in my care" and if she can convince a jury.....
If Lee only tried to clean up her mess and help her come up with a convincing story, then there wouldn't be much of a "deal" that would ease KC's distress.
I'm quite interested in Annie. Her silence and the absence of her name in any docs, and absence of her statement is really strange.

She either knows something they don't want out yet- or there's something fishy w/ her and possible knowledge, involvement.
Count two is aggravated child abuse. This alleges that between the same dates Casey Anthony “did knowingly or willfully…causes great bodily harm, permanent disfigurement or permanent disability to Caylee Marie Anthony…by intentionally inflicting physical injury…or by intentionally committing an act or actively encouraging another person to commit an act which could reasonably be expected to result in physical injury.”

What I am about to suggest is completely out of the box, but it is simply a possibility that occurred to me when closely reading count 2.

Is it possible that Casey had gotten involved in some shady dealings via the Fusion club?
Could some of those dealings have involved Caylee?
Even though we don't know the dates of the chloro searches, it would stand to reason they occurred within a reasonable timeframe to this terrible crime.
Could she have been researching chloro as a way to sedate Caylee for these shady activities?
Is it possible, then, that Caylee died during some sordid activity/situation that Casey had put her in, and this being the case, is why she didn't feel she could call 911?
This would indicate that at least one other person was present when the death occurred. Perhaps this is the person who was standing "lookout" for Casey that the latest witness reported, and they stood lookout because they were already involved.
A well dressed man? A client?

I do not mean to insult anyone by making these suggestions, and please understand this is purely me speculating after having carefully re-read count 2

I never subscribed to the accident theory, certainly not any kind of accident that would be something not out of the ordinary, but this kind of accident screams for a cover up. Perhaps it was sheer coincidence that it occurred so close to the big argument between Cindy and Casey.
I think prosecutors knew in advance that LA and CA would invoke the 5th so why bother bringing them in and delay the process if they weren't going to talk.

I thought those 80 or so names were for the other charges with the Nov court date. I thought they were prosecution witness list. I understood the GJ said they would 6 but I think ended up having 4.
Count two is aggravated child abuse. This alleges that between the same dates Casey Anthony “did knowingly or willfully…causes great bodily harm, permanent disfigurement or permanent disability to Caylee Marie Anthony…by intentionally inflicting physical injury…or by intentionally committing an act or actively encouraging another person to commit an act which could reasonably be expected to result in physical injury.”

What I am about to suggest is completely out of the box, but it is simply a possibility that occurred to me when closely reading count 2.

Is it possible that Casey had gotten involved in some shady dealings via the Fusion club?
Could some of those dealings have involved Caylee?
Even though we don't know the dates of the chloro searches, it would stand to reason they occurred within a reasonable timeframe to this terrible crime.
Could she have been researching chloro as a way to sedate Caylee for these shady activities?
Is it possible, then, that Caylee died during some sordid activity/situation that Casey had put her in, and this being the case, is why she didn't feel she could call 911?
This would indicate that at least one other person was present when the death occurred. Perhaps this is the person who was standing "lookout" for Casey that the latest witness reported, and they stood lookout because they were already involved.
A well dressed man? A client?

I do not mean to insult anyone by making these suggestions, and please understand this is purely me speculating after having carefully re-read count 2

I never subscribed to the accident theory, certainly not any kind of accident that would be something not out of the ordinary, but this kind of accident screams for a cover up. Perhaps it was sheer coincidence that it occurred so close to the big argument between Cindy and Casey.

Also, we still do not know who the man in the green truck was who went to the Anthony house with Casey the day after she borrowed the shovel. See interview with Brian Burner.
I'm quite interested in Annie. Her silence and the absence of her name in any docs, and absence of her statement is really strange.

She either knows something they don't want out yet- or there's something fishy w/ her and possible knowledge, involvement.

I think Annie is going to very important to this case. I really don't think Casey had any help before ,during or after. My impression of the friends we know about didn't like her enough to help her hide a body. If she had help I think it is from someone we haven't even heard the name of.
The accomplice could very well be the man in the green truck that was seen by the neighbor the day after she borrowed the shovel. This could be the same man who was "standing guard" pretending to fish per the most recent witness statements, and who Might have been present when Caylee died so was already involved, willingly or not. If it was a sordid situation, neither he nor Casey would have wanted to call the police. This man may be found via a Fusion connection. Not necessarily through her network of friends.
The accomplice could very well be the man in the green truck that was seen by the neighbor the day after she borrowed the shovel. This could be the same man who was "standing guard" pretending to fish per the most recent witness statements, and who Might have been present when Caylee died so was already involved, willingly or not. If it was a sordid situation, neither he nor Casey would have wanted to call the police. This man may be found via a Fusion connection. Not necessarily through her network of friends.

I believe they allready know whom that man was in the vehicle at the house on that day. It was in that persons police report where he mentioned that Casey asked him to wait in the car while she got the gas cans. :) Which was a different day form the day she borrowed the shovel. The neighbor clarified this on the second interview with LE. He mentioned this other day, he was not sure which day, but Tony said he was there with Casey one day (on the 24th) to get gas cans.

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