Who is the accomplice?

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I believe they allready know whom that man was in the vehicle at the house on that day. It was in that persons police report where he mentioned that Casey asked him to wait in the car while she got the gas cans. :) Which was a different day form the day she borrowed the shovel. The neighbor clarified this on the second interview with LE. He mentioned this other day, he was not sure which day, but Tony said he was there with Casey one day (on the 24th) to get gas cans.

I think the "man in the green truck" describes a different event altogether. Tony doesn't drive a truck and his vehicle isn't green. The first document dump contained info. on Tony's vehicle being towed in early June-- he drives a black 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee.
I believe they allready know whom that man was in the vehicle at the house on that day. It was in that persons police report where he mentioned that Casey asked him to wait in the car while she got the gas cans. :) Which was a different day form the day she borrowed the shovel. The neighbor clarified this on the second interview with LE. He mentioned this other day, he was not sure which day, but Tony said he was there with Casey one day (on the 24th) to get gas cans.
Yeah but Brian B was pretty adament that it was a pick-up truck. They question him about it and he says that he remembers a two-door pick-up truck.
I don't think it could be TL for the simple fact that I don't think he cared enough about her to do anything so crazy. She was the one obsessing over him, while he seemed to be tiring of her being around all the time.

I do think that LA may know something. His refusing polygraph & DNA doesn't sit right with me at all. I just don't understand what the motive would be if it were not that he had something to hide.

Could be that LA knows it all and has helped KC hide the body. Right now LA is mia, strange he is taking vacation now.I believe La knows, and has moved the body. Both La & Ca needs to be watched at all times. LA could have moved the body while mia, the body could be in Georgia now. KC had help.
First time poster - please be gentle
I'm thinking maybe Caylee's death was a genuine pool accident. Casey panicked as suggested by flurry of unanswered calls to Mom etc. However, Casey felt she could not call emergency services because she had a history of drugging Caylee with Xanex (and possibly chloroform)which would be discovered.
I'm wondering whether she confided in Annie - who may have been providing the Xanex - telling her if drugs were found in Caylee they would both be in trouble.
I think Annie could have provided the name Zenaida G after overhearing her filling in a guest card with Harry G. This would explain why Casey did not recognise ZG but knew what type of car she drove and why ZG and the Sawgrass office workers did not recognise Casey.
Further tentative guessing - could the green truck man be a close friend of Annie's borrowing her green truck to help Casey collect things for the disposal. Could this be the well dressed look out?
I think Annie is going to very important to this case. I really don't think Casey had any help before ,during or after. My impression of the friends we know about didn't like her enough to help her hide a body. If she had help I think it is from someone we haven't even heard the name of.

Agree. I think the entire thing was all Casey and her friends were unfortunate enough to be associated with her.
Dont think it was Lee. I dont even think she had an accomplice. She did what she did on her own.
Remember, Susan Smith had no accomplice and even her husband was standing beside her until she confessed.
She is like another S. Smith.
Dont think it was Lee. I dont even think she had an accomplice. She did what she did on her own.
Remember, Susan Smith had no accomplice and even her husband was standing beside her until she confessed.
She is like another S. Smith.

At least Susan Smith and her family could muster tears and go on TV and beg for the return of the boys... KC and the A's cant even get enough gutts to do that.

I think LA is involved somehow..
IMHO I don't think Lee was involved in Caylee's death, although I do think he knows things about what happened. If you recall, prior to Caylee's disappearance Lee was estranged from the family (his Dad) and was rarely there when his Dad was around. This changed when they were rallying around to support Casey. I believe that he told them all that he believed (or knew) what Casey had done to Caylee and has since been banished once again from their lives. Yes, he stopped over briefly to show his support when the GJ indicted her and she was picked up for murder and now is gone again. If he believes she is guilty, CA and GA cannot afford to have him around, possibly showing in action or words that he knows what Casey did, and perhaps implying that CA and GA know as well. Just a thought.:)
I understand your point and explanation in re to count three. I don't doubt the wording is "model penal code". I question why this section of the "model penal code" was included in the count three charge. I don't quite understand how your explanation applies to the wording in count two.

actively encouraging another person to commit an act which could reasonably expected to result in physical injury.”http://www.wesh.com/breakingnews/index.html

Just trying to get a better understanding of the charges.:)

I am pretty sure that what LawLady was telling us is that this is standardized language in these indictments and we shouldn't theorize about possible hidden meanings included therein.

That being said, the confusion may be from the fact that the language you are quoting, Magnolia, is taken directly from the Florida statute as one of the enumerated ways to accomplish the commission of the named crime.

That being said, I believe the language of the indictments includes every possible way the statutes describe the particular crime for this reason:

If a statute says you can do a felony by the actions of A,B, or C ....why leave out C? in the indictment.
What if the trial takes an unforeseen turn. You don't want to hear `a jury say....They didn't prove A or B, they proved C and we didn't have that as an option to convict.
That omission of language in the indictment would also open doors to potential defenses which are doors easily slammed shut by simply tossing in the statutory language.

I honestly do not believe the language in the indictments tells us anything other than the crimes with which Casey is charged.
This is not a criticism of NG :Banane59:at all and of course, just my humble o.
I am pretty sure that what LawLady was telling us is that this is standardized language in these indictments and we shouldn't theorize about possible hidden meanings included therein.

That being said, the confusion may be from the fact that the language you are quoting, Magnolia, is taken directly from the Florida statute as one of the enumerated ways to accomplish the commission of the named crime.

That being said, I believe the language of the indictments includes every possible way the statutes describe the particular crime for this reason:

If a statute says you can do a felony by the actions of A,B, or C ....why leave out C? in the indictment.
What if the trial takes an unforeseen turn. You don't want to hear `a jury say....They didn't prove A or B, they proved C and we didn't have that as an option to convict.
That omission of language in the indictment would also open doors to potential defenses which are doors easily slammed shut by simply tossing in the statutory language.

I honestly do not believe the language in the indictments tells us anything other than the crimes with which Casey is charged.
This is not a criticism of NG :Banane59:at all and of course, just my humble o.

Count me in as one agreeing with you and LawLady. IMO, it's smart on their part to have the indictment be vague and all-encompassing "just in case." They don't know 1) if Caylee's body will be found and 2) if so, what it may tell them of what happened.

To me, it's like search warrants. Make them broad "just in case," as one doesn't know before the search what all may be found. Better to have it more extensive than may be needed.

Separate from that (my "opinion" on the wording when the body hasn't been found yet)...

I don't believe anyone else assisted KC in the act that resulted in Caylee's death. What transpired afterwards, as far as destroying evidence or obstructing an investigation, I believe some of the family members may indeed have legal problems with that.
I'm quite interested in Annie. Her silence and the absence of her name in any docs, and absence of her statement is really strange.

She either knows something they don't want out yet- or there's something fishy w/ her and possible knowledge, involvement.

I agree..I think KC had spilled some of the beans to certain people when she was out partying and they will be key witnesses when the trial begins. I think there will be alot of evidence come out that will connect alot of dots!...:clap:
Who is the accomplice?

The person that gave Casey the chloroform
as a "babysitter"
My opinion - there is no accomplice. This case is so much simpler than everyone is trying to make it out to be. Casey killed Caylee and Casey hid the body. That's all.
Count two is aggravated child abuse. This alleges that between the same dates Casey Anthony “did knowingly or willfully…causes great bodily harm, permanent disfigurement or permanent disability to Caylee Marie Anthony…by intentionally inflicting physical injury…or by intentionally committing an act or actively encouraging another person to commit an act which could reasonably be expected to result in physical injury.”

What I am about to suggest is completely out of the box, but it is simply a possibility that occurred to me when closely reading count 2.

Is it possible that Casey had gotten involved in some shady dealings via the Fusion club?
Could some of those dealings have involved Caylee?
Even though we don't know the dates of the chloro searches, it would stand to reason they occurred within a reasonable timeframe to this terrible crime.
Could she have been researching chloro as a way to sedate Caylee for these shady activities?
Is it possible, then, that Caylee died during some sordid activity/situation that Casey had put her in, and this being the case, is why she didn't feel she could call 911?
This would indicate that at least one other person was present when the death occurred. Perhaps this is the person who was standing "lookout" for Casey that the latest witness reported, and they stood lookout because they were already involved.
A well dressed man? A client?

I do not mean to insult anyone by making these suggestions, and please understand this is purely me speculating after having carefully re-read count 2

I never subscribed to the accident theory, certainly not any kind of accident that would be something not out of the ordinary, but this kind of accident screams for a cover up. Perhaps it was sheer coincidence that it occurred so close to the big argument between Cindy and Casey.

I could see where something like that happened. Casey had too much unexplained time about where she was at times and a non-existant babysitter. I think she was up to something illegal.
But, we do know according to Tony's police statement that he did indeed go to pick up gas cans with her. And in fact waited in the vehicle, whichever vehicle that was.
My opinion - there is no accomplice. This case is so much simpler than everyone is trying to make it out to be. Casey killed Caylee and Casey hid the body. That's all.

I agree Chilly. I have said from the beginning the shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line. KC killed Caylee to get back at her Mom and allow her to have her freedom. All the other stuff just muddys the water.

That being said, I like to mull over theories simply for mind candy. My own life is no fun so I like to think about other stuff.
Hi everyone, I have always wondered if maybe she noticed the neighbor observing her and the friend in the green truck. Then decided to have AL take her over to get the gas cans as an alibi. She knew when the time came AL would say he took her over to the house to get the gas cans, so maybe she was trying to confuse everyone involved.

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