Who Killed Jon Benet Ramsey? Poll

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Who Killed Jon Benet Ramsey? POLL

  • John

    Votes: 124 8.4%
  • Patsy

    Votes: 547 37.2%
  • Burke

    Votes: 340 23.1%
  • An Intruder, (anyone including someone known to them)

    Votes: 459 31.2%

  • Total voters
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But my question is what does everyone think of the idea of someone who hated the Ramsey and set it up so they would look guilty?

This doesn't work for me at all. I can't imagine this angry person murdering a 5 year old and then sitting to write a 3 page ransom note hoping maybe the parents will get blamed and arrested.
IMO Patsy did a bad job. Such a bad job that it actually became a real compelling mystery, what they could have possibly been trying to accomplish. Is Patsy dumb? No, not at all but I think she was not thinking clearly and assumed she was above questioning.
If Mr. Taylor's statement is true, the strangulation had to of occurred first because the lack of blood in the capillaries around the head wound means that JB's heart wasn't beating or beating strong enough to send blood to that area. It makes the detectives comment suspect and makes me believe all it was "was his opinion" like the video I posted proves that fuel was added to the fire because of information like that and information from unidentified "sources", all of which added up to lot of innuendo.

It might be one thing to get mad at a kid and slam their head into a wall in a fit of rage, but, it takes more effort to wait out someones death from stangulation, and then bash their head in, and for what reason if someone believes they have killed someone by strangling them, seems like overkill to me. Someone wanted to inflict as much punishment as they could on JB.

It's been proposed that S.B.T.C could stand for Santa Barbara Tennis Club, Strangle Bind Torture Children or Saved By The Cross. It's interesting that the covicted pedophile minister Earnhart has been implicated in this and the end of the ransom note says Victory S.B.T.C and Earnhart was fond of using the word Victory a lot in his sermons.

And all the buzz about Ramsey flying his own plane to JB's funeral when Lockheed Martin had sent the plane and he didn't even pilot it.

Like JB's friend the lawyer said: Even if your innocent, you'd better get a lawyer.

WARNING: some may find the following post to be graphic: asphyxiation.

I’m going to use the term “garrotte” even though we all know that it was not a garrote. It was mis-named, and the name stuck. Now, it’s a garrote.

The garrote would have worked almost exactly as seen in this video (arm used for demonstration): http://tinyurl.com/mg4vvhr

Note that one pull of the handle (okay, I didn’t use a handle in the video, but I have, and it works the same. Pull) tightens the garrote and that it stays tight even after you let go of it. If it stays tight when you let go, then it asphyxiates its victim and kills it without any effort on the killer’s part. Tie on victim. One quick pull. Let go.

The asphyxiation would take minutes. The head blow could have been struck during those minutes. IMO, this is the only way that the asphyxiation could have come first. Because, she was alive when she was hit.

This doesn't work for me at all. I can't imagine this angry person murdering a 5 year old and then sitting to write a 3 page ransom note hoping maybe the parents will get blamed and arrested.
IMO Patsy did a bad job. Such a bad job that it actually became a real compelling mystery, what they could have possibly been trying to accomplish. Is Patsy dumb? No, not at all but I think she was not thinking clearly and assumed she was above questioning.

How about a non-angry, or an angry but calm, person writing a 3 page ransom first, then murdering a 5 year old hoping maybe the parents will get blamed and arrested?

It was no calm detached intruder, or even a Foreign Faction of individuals, as per the RN, since they left no forensic evidence, in fact there is no forensic evidence linking to anyone outside of the Ramsey house.

Yet all three remaining residents, BR, PR, and JR are directly linked to the wine-cellar by forensic evidence, this can be no coincidence, since the Grand Jury reviewed evidence we have never seen and concluded both parents should be charged with assisting in a homicide!

So the case is RDI and no amount of IDI spin and bluster can change this, the facts are the facts, end of!

It was no calm detached intruder, or even a Foreign Faction of individuals, as per the RN, since they left no forensic evidence, in fact there is no forensic evidence linking to anyone outside of the Ramsey house.

Yet all three remaining residents, BR, PR, and JR are directly linked to the wine-cellar by forensic evidence, this can be no coincidence, since the Grand Jury reviewed evidence we have never seen and concluded both parents should be charged with assisting in a homicide!

So the case is RDI and no amount of IDI spin and bluster can change this, the facts are the facts, end of!

I disagree. Not only was there evidence of an unknown source in the house but I question LE's ability at that time to properly secure the crime scene. In fact its actually a fact they didn't IMO.
I don't come here and post either for the very reasons you have stated. Its a little too heated for my taste. I will post my opinion and then move on again. I have long learned to put emotions aside and for me dwelling on any case for years is something that doesn't interest me. I do like to read from time to time but that's about it.

I find nothing logical if the Ramseys were involved and I have really tried to make sense of it putting the Ramseys as the suspects. I respect others where it works for them but it doesn't work for me and I can only be true to myself.

While I didn't particularly care for Patsy I never thought she was fake or lying. It was obvious though in her interviews that I saw she was heavily sedated leaving her thick tongued at times and having problems processing her thoughts quickly. Since I am from the same state the Ramseys are from I didn't find Patsy any different than most of the upper class women I have known. She was feisty at times, sure, but that is understandable if one thinks someone is trying to pin a murder wrap on them. I imagine I would be highly p*ssed off too and then some.

I cannot for the life of me rectify in my mind why this crime was committed the way it was if any of the Ramseys were involved. I have always felt it was someone who knew the Ramseys well but not close personal friends but enough to know a lot about them and had great resentment/hatred, and jealousy for them. And that is why the crime scene was found like it was.

John and Patsy Ramsey neither are/were stupid people by any means. Both were educated people who certainly were capable of using their brains. If any of the Ramseys were actually guilty then why would Patsy write the ransom note on her own pad and then leave the notepad behind? Anyone even in elementary school knows at a young age one can take a pencil and shade in the blank page and what had been written would appear. And why would they even write a ransom note to begin with and then John finds her in her own home? Imo, they wouldn't.

If she was killed during the night the adults had plenty of time to get rid of the notepad and take JB out of the home and then when they had cleaned up the scene they would have called 911 just like most parents who murder their child who lies saying the child is missing. Although most parents who murders will pretend the child fell down the stairs accidentally etc. or whatever pretending to be so upset and of course it was really done on purpose all along. And once an autopsy is done on the child that supposedly met with an 'accident' of some kind it is revealed they were murdered instead. But it never stops the majority of parents who go right on killing their child by physically assaulting them/abusing and then here comes the call to 911 pleading for help because their child has had an accident. Gag.

In all the decades I have kept up with true crime cases not once have I seen any parent/s who killed their child who do it this manner. Is there another case that you are aware of where another parent/murderer did the same as the Ramseys are accused of doing?

Why would Patsy write a ransom note when it would not only make them look very suspicious immediately (which it did) but it would also make them look like fools and complete morons as well. If John was pretending JB had been kidnapped then why would he be the one to find her? If guilty of conspiring with Patsy then he was trying to deceive ...not be the one to actually find her which would make the ransom note look even more ridiculous to LE . He could have easily let the police do the work and sit there until she was found. He could have pretended he was too overwrought to do anything.

Why would Patsy use her own paintbrush when she knew it could be matched to the one she had? That makes no sense. Why cover her with the blanket if either of them were truly involved? Why would they interject the amount of John's check knowing only a few would know that? Why?....because the killer knew the ransom note was the riddle that no one would ever be able to unravel.

Was the taser ever found? If not, why not. If it isn't there then that means someone had to leave the home that night to discard it so why weren't other evidence tied to the Ramseys also taken out? Like I said, with the Ramseys being it have never made one bit of sense to me. That is just my opinion and it has been the one I have consistently held throughout all of these years.

Whomever did this I don't think they will ever be arrested. They hated the Ramseys so much they destroyed the most beautiful part of their lives. The one who brought them so much pride and joy. What sick satisfaction he must get even to this day to know he was able to fool almost everyone. He set it all up for the Ramseys to immediately be the ones under suspicion and it worked ...just like he knew it would. Once BPD were convinced the Ramseys were involved they were so sure they couldn't see anyone else. Through the years with the characters at the BPD...IMO, it has become more about being right than really trying to find out who murdered JB. They have drawn their line in the sand long ago and they are too arrogant and narcissistic to ever admit they were wrong. That is why I read no books concerning this case from either side's viewpoint.

What one is seeking to find is exactly what they will find/see and there are way too much biases now to ever get the straight truth without the slant.

I think this person is highly intelligent and he thought about this plan for a very long time before entering their home. I think he entered when he saw them leave for the party/waited for them to return and for all to retire for the night. I also think he may be upper class like they were at the time. One who has no criminal record nor is his DNA in any data base and he knows it isn't and he is going to make sure he keeps it that way. I have always called this unknown killer 'The Joker' and 'The Riddler" rolled into one and to this day no one has been able to figure out his riddle and the joke was on the Ramseys. He knew they would be suspected. Of course they would. The ransom note cinched it and he knew it would. No one could figure out why he did that so they assumed it had to come from one of the Ramseys. I think he even practiced Patsy handwriting for months before doing this.

Patsy loved JB almost to an obsession. IMO, if she had killed her beautiful daughter, accidentally or otherwise she would have made sure when JB was found she was laid out like a little sleeping princess and not in the horrific manner in which she was found. I will never believe that Patsy struck JB over bedwetting. There is nothing in her background that I have ever seen that proves she was violent with either of her two children ever.

I don't believe CW either. I do not believe she was sexually molested prior to this happening to her. I do think the killer put one more nail in their coffin by trying to make it look like a sexually twisted sick game he played with their daughter's life..

I think John and Patsy were in deep denial.... which a lot of family members are that have children who have been murdered. I don't think they could stand the thought they had made an enemy so mean, cruel, and sadistic that he would destroy not only JB's beautiful life but all of their lives as well. But they did have such formidable enemy and a very smart and cunning one with sadistic tendencies. He set them up to take the fall and in the end it worked just like he knew it would. He not only destroyed JB..the love of their lives...he brought John and Patsy to their knees. They had lost their beautiful daughter, they had lost their reputation and the end they were no longer upper class. He knew the dominoes would fall and take the Ramseys with them. He got everything he wanted and now he sits back and gloats.

[emoji173] [emoji173] [emoji173] [emoji106] [emoji108] [emoji122] [emoji122]
Absolutely loved your reply. Thanks for that.

You and I basically see eye to eye on pretty much this whole situation. I feel better now because I'm not crazy and others see what I see. Lol

You know I've never actually read a book from any side of this either. The first book I read was basically just transcripts. I tried reading the one the Ramsey's wrote and couldn't get into it because at that time I had no idea if I felt they were guilty or not so I never finished it.

I feel lucky cause I was young enough not to be persuaded by tabloids or public opinions. Anyways thanks for your input.
I disagree. Not only was there evidence of an unknown source in the house but I question LE's ability at that time to properly secure the crime scene. In fact its actually a fact they didn't IMO.

Unbrella Of Suspicion Investigating The Death Of Jonbenet Ramsey (John W.Taylor)

pg.66 Many Boulder home tours featured the Ramsey house, which afforded numerous strangers access to the house. The Ramseys had parties on Dec.15th and Dec.23 with approximately 150 and 30 guests attending, respectively. The home tours provided an opportunity for strangers to preview the complex floor plan, but the combination of home tours and parties also meant that hundreds of persons entered the Ramsey house in the weeks and months leading up to the death of Jonbenet, thus greatly increasing the possibility evidence unrelated to the murder became part ot the investigation.

pg.67 The mistakes made by law enforcement on Dec.26 alone could fill a book. Those mistakes resulted in extensive contamination of the crime scene. For example, during the morninig of Dec.26, the police allowed victim advocates and family friends to clean counters in the kitchen, eliminating critical evidence. The law enforcement errors were further compounded by the lack of judgement and discretion shown by the Boulder D.A's. Office as chronicled exhaustively in Steve Thomas' book, JonBenet - Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation.

pg.68 Countless police, paramedics, and other official individuals entered the crime scene on De.26, 1996. As the day progressed, the number of people entering and exiting 755 15th Street grew expontentially. The contamination by this much foot traffic immeasuraly imparied the integrity of the crime scene. It is not clear what items law enforcement and family friends moved versus items moved in conjuction with the murder or cover-up.
Unbrella Of Suspicion Investigating The Death Of Jonbenet Ramsey (John W.Taylor)

pg.66 Many Boulder home tours featured the Ramsey house, which afforded numerous strangers access to the house. The Ramseys had parties on Dec.15th and Dec.23 with approximately 150 and 30 guests attending, respectively. The home tours provided an opportunity for strangers to preview the complex floor plan, but the combination of home tours and parties also meant that hundreds of persons entered the Ramsey house in the weeks and months leading up to the death of Jonbenet, thus greatly increasing the possibility evidence unrelated to the murder became part ot the investigation.

pg.67 The mistakes made by law enforcement on Dec.26 alone could fill a book. Those mistakes resulted in extensive contamination of the crime scene. For example, during the morninig of Dec.26, the police allowed victim advocates and family friends to clean counters in the kitchen, eliminating critical evidence. The law enforcement errors were further compounded by the lack of judgement and discretion shown by the Boulder D.A's. Office as chronicled exhaustively in Steve Thomas' book, JonBenet - Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation.

pg.68 Countless police, paramedics, and other official individuals entered the crime scene on De.26, 1996. As the day progressed, the number of people entering and exiting 755 15th Street grew expontentially. The contamination by this much foot traffic immeasuraly imparied the integrity of the crime scene. It is not clear what items law enforcement and family friends moved versus items moved in conjuction with the murder or cover-up.

These are some of the strongest cases around for the IDI theories. Thanks for sharing.

I'm not a hundred percent sure who did this to the poor little girl, and I can change my mind at times. These facts here and also two more are strongest for IDI.

The other strength imo is that after the murder, John and Patsy appeared to trust each other alone with Burke. And of course the boy is an adult man now and appears to be fairly normal considering the media attention and traumatic loss of his sister. However some people may theorize then Burke did this, (but not the staging) so this is why the parents are not distrustful of each other. Also it's possible he could have grown up well despite this if he did it, especially if it was an honest accident and never intended to be her death.

One other thing that makes me wonder if Burke actually knows anything at all is that he never must have said a thing to the police or child therapists. It seems hard for a child this age to keep such a major secret without ever slipping up once his entire life so far. If he didn't do a single thing then it's particularly strange that the parents stayed together and appeared to trust each other.

This case is so deep. This is probably why we have so many plausible theories. The one thing I don't think I'll ever be able to drop is that PR (and no one else in house) was changing her writing patterns after the note. And she was never really eliminated as the writer., and apparently named the writer by the man who found the unibomber from his notes. This and the lack of intruder evidence make me lean more towards RDI although I'm honestly still pretty unsure.

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What exactly? I looked and he isn't even speaking at that point.

"The American public has been led to believe that while we went to bed that night after a wonderful Christmas we brutally beat JonBenet, sexually moleted her, strangled her, went to sleep, got up the next morning, wrote a three-page ransom note, called the police, sat around the house for four hours and then I went downscares and discovered her body and was able to act distraught."

Until he said otherwise, the American public had been led to believe that he didn't find JonBenet's body until 1 p.m. after he had been told by Det Arndt to search the house.
If Mr. Taylor's statement is true, the strangulation had to of occurred first because the lack of blood in the capillaries around the head wound means that JB's heart wasn't beating or beating strong enough to send blood to that area. It makes the detectives comment suspect and makes me believe all it was "was his opinion" like the video I posted proves that fuel was added to the fire because of information like that and information from unidentified "sources", all of which added up to lot of innuendo.

It might be one thing to get mad at a kid and slam their head into a wall in a fit of rage, but, it takes more effort to wait out someones death from stangulation, and then bash their head in, and for what reason if someone believes they have killed someone by strangling them, seems like overkill to me. Someone wanted to inflict as much punishment as they could on JB.

It's been proposed that S.B.T.C could stand for Santa Barbara Tennis Club, Strangle Bind Torture Children or Saved By The Cross. It's interesting that the covicted pedophile minister Earnhart has been implicated in this and the end of the ransom note says Victory S.B.T.C and Earnhart was fond of using the word Victory a lot in his sermons.

And all the buzz about Ramsey flying his own plane to JB's funeral when Lockheed Martin had sent the plane and he didn't even pilot it.

Like JB's friend the lawyer said: Even if your innocent, you'd better get a lawyer.

So we both agree that Victory is at the end of the note. Have you ever read Patsy's JonBenet's birth story in DOI? At the end of the story, Patsy talks about how JonBenet's middle name was going to be Collette.

I disagree. Not only was there evidence of an unknown source in the house but I question LE's ability at that time to properly secure the crime scene. In fact its actually a fact they didn't IMO.

Not only was there evidence of an unknown source in the house
There were multiple sources of unknown touch-dna found all over JonBenet and some known from the parents and Burke Ramsey, so which unknown source are you referring to, and if its unknown how does it fit into any particular theory?

but I question LE's ability at that time to properly secure the crime scene. In fact its actually a fact they didn't IMO.
Sure but knowing this cannot mean you can magic up some evidence from anywhere to back up any old theory!

Like I say there is no forensic evidence linking to anyone outside of the Ramsey house, but plenty linking all three remaining Ramseys to the wine-cellar murder crime-scene!

People talk so much about how LE bungled the crime scene. They did. But really, what was actually lost? Sure Patsy's fibers got on the body, but they were also found in the paint tote, so not much lost there. What other evidence became unusable? I think LE probably caused themselves a heck of a lot more work, but I disagree that their case was overly compromised. I believe this was more of an issue for media and Ramsey lawyers who were well aware of the role crime scene contamination can play, having just witnessed the OJ Simpson trial.

Let's face it, the crime scene initially wasn't a murder scene. People had to go through that house, and short of evacuating the entire house, there really wasn't a crime scene to preserve.

That said, I believe that the way this case was most profoundly impacted was when LE failed to find the body on the initial search. If the body had been immediately found, I believe the Ramsey's would have immediately been taken for questioning and Patsy would have cracked like an egg. During those extra hours afforded them by the incompetent search, the Ramsey's had already likely begun to receive legal advice, and the opportunity was gone.

So IMO opportunities were lost but physical evidence for the most part was intact.

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There were multiple sources of unknown touch-dna found all over JonBenet and some known from the parents and Burke Ramsey, so which unknown source are you referring to, and if its unknown how does it fit into any particular theory?

Sure but knowing this cannot mean you can magic up some evidence from anywhere to back up any old theory!

Like I say there is no forensic evidence linking to anyone outside of the Ramsey house, but plenty linking all three remaining Ramseys to the wine-cellar murder crime-scene!


It is not true that unknown tDNA was found all over JonBenet and some known from the parents and Burke Ramsey.”

Once again, and is often the case with this poster, a gross misunderstanding of the evidence is being demonstrated.

Unsourced tDNA was found on both exterior sides of the leggings that matched the CODIS sample found on the inside crotch of her panties.

Unsourced tDNA was found on the wrist ligature.

Unsourced tDNA was found on the cord used for the garrote.

Mrs Ramsey’s and Burke’s tDNA was on the Barbie nightgown. As far as we know, no Ramsey tDNA was found on the victim, or on her clothing.

In addition to the unsourced DNA, other unsourced trace evidence (hairs, fibers) was also found in incriminating locations, where we would expect her killer to leave such evidence. Plus, we have 2 ½ pages of unidentified handwriting.


There were multiple sources of unknown touch-dna found all over JonBenet and some known from the parents and Burke Ramsey, so which unknown source are you referring to, and if its unknown how does it fit into any particular theory?

Sure but knowing this cannot mean you can magic up some evidence from anywhere to back up any old theory!

Like I say there is no forensic evidence linking to anyone outside of the Ramsey house, but plenty linking all three remaining Ramseys to the wine-cellar murder crime-scene!

I actually wasn't talking about any of the DNA evidence at all. You kind of just assumed I was. I wasn't. But i dont mind saying I do believe that sinse the DNA found under JB finger nails didn't match JR's DNA that does in fact point to an unknown source. Seriously who's DNA does that belong to then?

I was actually talking about the HI-Tech shoe print as I don't believe it belongs to Berk. I think possibly it could have belonged to an officer. As lots of officers do wear HI-Tech shoes but that was on them to match that out with any of the officers that where there that day. They didn't do that so as it stands that is IMO evidence that an unknown source was in that house.

The marks under the basement window along with the suitcase also point to an unknown intruder. You can say that it was the Ramsey's making it look like something it wasn't. But it sure as heck isn't fact. The only fact is that it was there.

Which is it...was this a crime of passion where rage took over or was this premeditated? IMO if this was a crime of passion and PR snapped on JB then this wouldn't of ever been a mystery. Crimes of passion are messy and the perp is usually in distress and isn't thinking clear enough to cover all their tracks. It was to well thought out. It was planned.

No mother who accidentally kills her child is going to be in her right mind to think clearly enough to sit down and wright up a ransom note that will baffle everyone to this degree. Nor is she going to make a gerrotte and then sexual assault her daughter with a paint brush. That was all very well thought out. IMO and from what I've seen people who kill people they love in a fit of rage get caught because they are freaking out not furthing the crime by sexualy assaulting their child.
WARNING: some may find the following post to be graphic: asphyxiation.

I’m going to use the term “garrotte” even though we all know that it was not a garrote. It was mis-named, and the name stuck. Now, it’s a garrote.

The garrote would have worked almost exactly as seen in this video (arm used for demonstration): http://tinyurl.com/mg4vvhr

Note that one pull of the handle (okay, I didn’t use a handle in the video, but I have, and it works the same. Pull) tightens the garrote and that it stays tight even after you let go of it. If it stays tight when you let go, then it asphyxiates its victim and kills it without any effort on the killer’s part. Tie on victim. One quick pull. Let go.

The asphyxiation would take minutes. The head blow could have been struck during those minutes. IMO, this is the only way that the asphyxiation could have come first. Because, she was alive when she was hit.


Hey AK, Sorry my computer wouldn't show it, so I couldn't see the point you were making. Were your knots the same as in the crime scene evidence?

The head blow could have been struck during those minutes. IMO, this is the only way that the asphyxiation could have come first. Because, she was alive when she was hit.

The head blow had to have been long enough after the asphyxiation for the heart to have stopped or at least have slowed significantly, because the evidence shows that there was lack of blood to the head blow area. Again, there is Evidence Against the Head Blow Coming First:

•Wecht View. Wecht's explanation is as follows: "If you inflict a blow like that on someone whose heart is beating," he asserts, "the heart doesn't stop, because the cardiac and respiratory centers are at the base of the brain. You're not damaging that with a blow to the top of the head. It'll become compromised as the brain swells, but initially there's no compromise. They control your heart and lungs. The heart continues to beat. The blood continues to flow. But in the Ramsey case, they got less than a teaspoon and a half of blood. If you have a beating heart and the carotid arteries are carrying blood, this person doesn't die right away. That means that blow was inflicted when she was already dead or dying."

•Doberson View. "Adams County Coroner Mike Dobersen said he reviewed the autopsy photographs and thinks there would have been much more internal bleeding inside the brain if JonBenét had been struck first and strangled later."

I just read the Larry King interview transcript and the statements from Wecht and Dobson completely dispells (for me) Det. Thompson's theory that he voiced in the interview that PR smashed JB's head in over a bedwetting incident first.

I have to believe and the forensic information dictates it that PR was more intelligent than to strangle her child to death because of bedwetting! I honestly believe PR had more of an intelligence capacity than to believe that strangling your child for bedwetting wasn't a "no-no".

The physical evidence is massive, and yet due to contamination, failure to secure the crime scene as well as the failure to detain witnesses, the case may never be solved. I think it's gonna take a confession for this to ever be solved.

I honestly wish someone would do a socio-economic study on parents that kill their children and stop lumping PR in with the pack.
Hello//I just have a question as i was looking as some of the crime scene pics i thought of it. The rope used to do the garotte its simply a shoelace .I cant speak for the rest of you but for myself i dont have a spare set of shoe laces lying around i would have to take one out of another pair of shoes to get one untill i could get to the store and they come in 2 so iam just wondering did they ever check the spare shoes in the house to see if there was a shoe with only one shoe lace in it or if they had a set of new ones was one allready used the other still in the package..just wondering your thoughts and well if you know the awnser ...
It is not true that unknown tDNA was found all over JonBenet and some known from the parents and Burke Ramsey.”

Once again, and is often the case with this poster, a gross misunderstanding of the evidence is being demonstrated.

Unsourced tDNA was found on both exterior sides of the leggings that matched the CODIS sample found on the inside crotch of her panties.

Unsourced tDNA was found on the wrist ligature.

Unsourced tDNA was found on the cord used for the garrote.

Mrs Ramsey’s and Burke’s tDNA was on the Barbie nightgown. As far as we know, no Ramsey tDNA was found on the victim, or on her clothing.

In addition to the unsourced DNA, other unsourced trace evidence (hairs, fibers) was also found in incriminating locations, where we would expect her killer to leave such evidence. Plus, we have 2 ½ pages of unidentified handwriting.


Those three unsourced tDNA samples belonged to three separate males, including two more male DNA samples underneath JBR's fingernails. Five male intruders enter and leave the Ramsey house undetected while leaving no fingerprints and only one shoe-print (which may not even belong to the intruder)?
Just as I suspected, seems the root cause of mothers killing their children ( filicid) is low intelligence and significant life stresses.

Hello//I just have a question as i was looking as some of the crime scene pics i thought of it. The rope used to do the garotte its simply a shoelace .I cant speak for the rest of you but for myself i dont have a spare set of shoe laces lying around i would have to take one out of another pair of shoes to get one untill i could get to the store and they come in 2 so iam just wondering did they ever check the spare shoes in the house to see if there was a shoe with only one shoe lace in it or if they had a set of new ones was one allready used the other still in the package..just wondering your thoughts and well if you know the awnser ...

It's odd you mention it, I just read an article today that someone proposed that. They tracked similar cord to the Boulder Army Navy surplus store.

The clerk was asked if the Ramsey's had ever been in the store and they said "not to their knowledge".
How about a non-angry, or an angry but calm, person writing a 3 page ransom first, then murdering a 5 year old hoping maybe the parents will get blamed and arrested?


Just as bad as the ransom note is the parents sending Burke away, and looking to get out of town after the body is found, which we can't pin on a mystery man. It's all consistent IMO.
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