"Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey?"

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Originally posted by BrotherMoon
I'd like to belabor a dead horse concerning psychosis.

A psychosis occurs when a person's ego degrades to the point it becomes subject to the contents of the unconscious. The unconscious is the source of symbol, dream and myth. A psychotic may identify with a mythic figure or imagine themselves related to one and to be a part of a mythic storyline. Their behavior may have a high degree of structure and a low degree of rationality.

Patsy's psychosis has structure evidenced by the ransom note, the repeated references to The Psalms and literature in general. I include DOI here. Her psychosis has very much to do with numbers, dates, birthdays and the symbolism in letters, words and objects.

Her psychosis was timeline sensitive. It led up to a single date, the last Christmas before her 40th and JonBenet's 7th birthday. Her psychosis led to an act that was carried out. Her psychosis has structure much as a novel has the structure of; introduction, body, climax and denouement. Patsy is still in the psychotic denouement, her daughter is in heaven with a God awaiting her arrival.

As far as disease, I do not believe the psyche resides in the brain. It resides in the whole body and possibly beyond. Behavior pathology does not necessarily indicate physical pathology. There is major fault to be found with scientific materialism.

Patsy Ramsey is inhibited in her ability to function socially due to moral maladaptation and lack of maturation. It is these qualities that are compensated by an IMAGINED relationship to a supernatural being. This is something that humans in general have been grappling with throughout history.

Patsy's behavior and crime have little to do with disease and more to do with problems of the conscious moral nature that we all share.

Compelling post/info-Thanks!; so what SHOULD HAVE PATSY done... in your honest onion?... surely this was not her only WAY OUT!:eek: ... but I do see how this would have been her "PROFITIBLE WAY OUT"...(?):rolleyes:
Originally posted by BlueCrab
Who killed JonBenet? Well, we know that it can reasonably be boiled down to the involvement of at least one of the three family members besides JonBenet who were known to be in the house that night.

John and Patsy have exculpatory evidence in their favor -- and Burke doesn't. And neither has Burke ever been cleared, since Hunter's affidavit, in my opinion, is an obvious fraud.

However, there is some evidence of a fifth person in the house that night --
and that person could have been the killer with a Ramsey family member as an unwilling accomplice.

The killing, in my opinion, involved EA (erotic asphyxiation) and was an accident followed by gruesome staging and a bizarre coverup. The physical evidence of the killing being the result of EA gone wrong is the EA device still wrapped around JonBenet's neck and the circumferential marks on the neck.

In my opinion JonBenet died accidentally during EA, and was then hit on the head and finally viciously strangled as part of the staging to make it appear that the "murder" was done by a terrorist foreign faction.

Just my opinion.


WELCOME BACK! Could John(her dad) or Patsy (her mom) OR BOTH have done EA on JonBenet that night? ... is this a possibility that most don't want to consider/ask-answer?:nono:
Originally posted by sissi
BrotherMoon,I believe the person who killed Jonbenet was mentally ill,either induced by organic disease or by substance abuse. It is not uncommon for this type of person to be having some type of religious experience and incorporating it into their crime. Patsy,no,she's just fine,she didn't kill her baby!

Are you absolutely sure that "she didn't kill her baby!" ... how so?
Justification is EVERYTHING(ANYONE CAN JUSTIFY ANYTHING--FACT!)... so the fact is you're right in your own mind/thinking ... but "the killer on the loose" is still out there regardless..:nono:
Originally posted by ajt400
I can't do math, I went to public school. They just taught us to use calculators if the digits are TOO big!

AJT:Too funny...they didn't have CALCULATORS when I was in school/went to school ... you're TOO LUCKY!!!...!!!:) :D:cool: :D
Here's why I believe there was a fifth person in the house that night:

1. The evidence is compelling that neither John nor Patsy wrote the ransom note. Therefore it had to have been written by Burke or a fifth person in the house that night.

2. There was crime scene evidence missing from the house that logically could have been removed only by a fifth person. These items included the roll of Shurtape brand black duct tape; the balance of the Stansport white cord; the murder weapon; the tip of the paint brush handle; the piece of dark blue fabric used to wipe down JonBenet; the size 6 panties JonBenet was wearing prior to being redressed in ridiculous size 12 panties; the red ink pen used to draw the red heart on JonBenet's palm; the stun gun; and the nine pages ripped from the note pad used to write the ransom note.

3. There is foreign DNA evidence that suggests that two males were involved.

4. Patsy made repeated comments in the plural, such as "they", about the possible killers. Pam Paugh came right out on T.V. and admitted she knew who was involved and there were two of them, but she didn't know which one did the actual killing.

5. Burke, being only 9 years old at the time, was immune to prosecution under Colorado law but nevertheless the Ramseys embarked on a massive coverup. This suggests they are covering up for a fifth person in the house that night who was 10 years old or older.

Just my opinion.

So, what do you believe their motivation to be in covering up for the fifth person, if Burke were immune?
In my opinion the only reason for the Ramseys to cover up what really happened, even though Burke was immune to prosecution, was to protect a fifth person from possible prosecution who was a family member or a close family friend.

Just my opinion.

Originally posted by BlueCrab
The evidence is compelling that neither John nor Patsy wrote the ransom note.
A few things have happened in your absence. Someone can post a link for you to FFJ where you can see Darnay's comparison of Patsy's handwriting to the ransom note. It convinces anyone with normal eyesight that Patsy is the author of the note. It goes beyond "compelling".
Originally posted by BlueCrab
In my opinion the only reason for the Ramseys to cover up what really happened, even though Burke was immune to prosecution, was to protect a fifth person from possible prosecution who was a family member or a close family friend.

Just my opinion.

As far as the law and Burke I don't believe the Ramseys were aware that Burke would be immune and would just assume he could be prosecuted and so the cover-up began. By the time they realized he was too young they were in over their heads and couldn't find a way out. Also if a fifth person was involved that could have complicated matters even more if one was immune and the other of a age to be prosecuted.
Originally posted by eliza
As far as the law and Burke I don't believe the Ramseys were aware that Burke would be immune and would just assume he could be prosecuted and so the cover-up began. By the time they realized he was too young they were in over their heads and couldn't find a way out.
I think you're right on the money, Eliza. Why would the Ramseys have ANY reason to know the law about what age a child is culpable? I think the dictionary being open and marked to the word "incest" was probably the Ramseys trying to determine what Burke could possibly be guilty of, or charged with.
Originally posted by Shylock
I think the dictionary being open and marked to the word "incest" was probably the Ramseys trying to determine what Burke could possibly be guilty of, or charged with.
The dictionary was neither open to that page nor was the page dog-eared in any way. Neither of the Ramseys would concoct any sort of cover-up of anything.
BC, I think it's possible there was a 5th person (not an intruder) in the house that night who was involved in JonBenet's death, but I don't agree with your reasons for believing there was. Here's why:

After seeing Patsy's exemplars compared to the handwriting in the note, I'm convinced that Patsy penned the note. No one could mimic every nuance of her writing so perfectly.

One of the three Ramseys could easily have disposed of the tape roll, etc. when they left the house on the 26th. None of them was searched by LE. Also, Auntie Pam could have removed the evidence when she did her sweep of the house.

The so-called "foreign" DNA is likely just "noise," or a false positive resulting from the amplification process.

Patsy's "they" comments probably referred to the small foreign faction in the note.

As other posters have said, it's doubtful the Ramseys would have known about the immunity law for kids under 10, so I think the coverup was to protect Burke. Also, I don't think the Rs would go out on a limb for a friend, or even for another family member, under such horrible circumstances.
The dictionary was neither open to that page nor was the page dog-eared in any way. Neither of the Ramseys would concoct any sort of cover-up of anything.

How would you know that Toth? You weren't there. You have freely admitted on several occasions that you have never met any of the Ramseys and that you stay in a state far from Boulder (even farther from Georgia).

You cannot possibly claim to to have intimate knowledge of the Ramseys thoughts and of the crime scene.
Originally posted by Shylock
A few things have happened in your absence. Someone can post a link for you to FFJ where you can see Darnay's comparison of Patsy's handwriting to the ransom note. It convinces anyone with normal eyesight that Patsy is the author of the note. It goes beyond "compelling".

Will someone please post the link?
I agree with Shylock, Patsy wrote the note. I'm convinced that Patsy wrote the note as her part in the cover-up to save her son from prosecution. I believe that Burke had no prior knowledge of the note and that explains his comment on the 911 call to his father "What did you find".
Originally posted by ajt400
I think that Wecht is one of those people that tends to see conspiracy wherever he looks. (JMO-don't freak out on me) His book was very informative as far as medical records go. I don't put alot of faith in him as a detective, either.

Hey ajt, I agree here. I not a big fan of Wecht.

Originally posted by eliza
I agree with Shylock, Patsy wrote the note. I'm convinced that Patsy wrote the note as her part in the cover-up to save her son from prosecution. I believe that Burke had no prior knowledge of the note and that explains his comment on the 911 call to his father "What did you find".

Very good point Eliza, Yes I think Patsy wrote the note. Although, I am of the opinion that JAR might be involved.. or a friend.

But if the friend was the killer then why would Patsy write the note Ya Know?

There is just no answer to this puzzle:dontknow:

The following is just BlueCrab's opinion:

I'd like to see the comparisons too. If they are from Darnay Hoffman then, IMO, they're invalid.

The comparisons from Tom Miller, Cina Wong, David Leibman, Larry Ziegler, and Gideon Epstein included exemplars that were supposedly in the hand of Patsy Ramsey. IMO they weren't. They were exemplars from Burke Ramsey's photo album obviously written by Burke, not Patsy.

IOW, if Hoffman's experts were right, then Burke Ramsey penned the ransom note.

All of the official handwriting examiners who had access to the ORIGINAL note before it was destroyed for further scientific analyses and who had ALL of the exemplars to study determined that neither John nor Patsy likely wrote the note.

None of Hoffman's examiners had access to the original note.

From this evidence it appears to me that Burke Ramsey penned the ransom note, but was likely helped with the text by the fifth person in the house that night.

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