Who Knows What Happened to Haleigh? Vote Now. No Need to be a Member

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Who is Involved in the Abduction of Haleigh Cummings

  • Her Biological Father Ron

    Votes: 10 2.3%
  • Her Biological Mother Crystal

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • Her Step Mother Misty

    Votes: 149 33.6%
  • Her Biological Father Ron and Step Mother Misty

    Votes: 113 25.5%
  • Her Biological Mother Crystal along with an accomplice

    Votes: 14 3.2%
  • Strangers to the family

    Votes: 12 2.7%
  • Other Persons not mentioned in this poll

    Votes: 41 9.2%
  • maternal side Granny Marie with accomplices

    Votes: 10 2.3%
  • Don't know? could have been any one of them

    Votes: 16 3.6%
  • Donald Sapp & Misty

    Votes: 10 2.3%
  • Johnny Sheffield , Crystals father

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • The Cummings Family, and the Croslin Family

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • Killed by Ron, coverup by Ron's family & GF

    Votes: 13 2.9%
  • Death resulting from actions of babysitter

    Votes: 18 4.1%
  • Misty Croslyn's brother (?)

    Votes: 3 0.7%
  • Someone the family knew after Misty left the kids alone

    Votes: 27 6.1%
  • Sister Crystal isn't on the list

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I think she walked out open back door and a gator got her.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have no idea and don't want to accuse an innocent party.

    Votes: 3 0.7%
  • It is a male around the same age as the parents. Either an Uncle or a very close family friend. Ta

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Really? I found it odd that in the beginning people felt sorry for RC but once the rumors and lies started it all changed..(read the beginning threads of this case) Once people were told he was involved with the mexican drug cartel and he robbed the biggest drug dealer in town.. Peoples opinions started to change...Well them rumors only came from a few "locals" with agendas...IMO

Have a good evening. (family time)

Jmo but I watched the RT become a Vendetta to destroy Ron and each of those rumors were squashed no FACTS became of them, but they are still lingering around and able to be posted over and over and over. I for one feel that the personal attacks are what destroyed the confidence in people and felt the only way they could post was to join. you know the saying if you can't beat them Join them . Well I for one am my own person and what i think or feel is not swayed by rumors or agenda's. I judge a person by the inside not the cover. I don't feel the need to have my personal page have albums making fun of the family , I don't have twitters, i don't have photoshop, all i have is my own thoughts and feelings and do not allow someone to make me be in the GANG, or to feel the need to fit in i am allright with being the NERD. I am here for Haleigh and not the games.
Jmo but I watched the RT become a Vendetta to destroy Ron and each of those rumors were squashed no FACTS became of them, but they are still lingering around and able to be posted over and over and over. I for one feel that the personal attacks are what destroyed the confidence in people and felt the only way they could post was to join. you know the saying if you can't beat them Join them . Well I for one am my own person and what i think or feel is not swayed by rumors or agenda's. I judge a person by the inside not the cover. I don't feel the need to have my personal page have albums making fun of the family , I don't have twitters, i don't have photoshop, all i have is my own thoughts and feelings and do not allow someone to make me be in the GANG, or to feel the need to fit in i am allright with being the NERD. I am here for Haleigh and not the games.

kittylyn...I am happy that you have the right to post your opinion. I also have that right and thank the admin and mods for it. I am sorry that you feel that the RT is not the place that puts your ideas forward. I have found it and the mod there, fair and unbiased. Just because many people have come to feel that by his behavior and public arrest record RC has become a person of some suspicion, does not mean we are a GANG. That is your opinion and you are entitled to it....I have never seen anyone here at WS trying to coerce another to "be or do" anything. Hopefully, you will be able to post with us even though you do not agree with our opinion.
Jmo but I watched the RT become a Vendetta to destroy Ron and each of those rumors were squashed no FACTS became of them, but they are still lingering around and able to be posted over and over and over. I for one feel that the personal attacks are what destroyed the confidence in people and felt the only way they could post was to join. you know the saying if you can't beat them Join them . Well I for one am my own person and what i think or feel is not swayed by rumors or agenda's. I judge a person by the inside not the cover. I don't feel the need to have my personal page have albums making fun of the family , I don't have twitters, i don't have photoshop, all i have is my own thoughts and feelings and do not allow someone to make me be in the GANG, or to feel the need to fit in i am allright with being the NERD. I am here for Haleigh and not the games.

Kitty...no one is forced to post here at WS and Tricia, Top etc do a fabulous job IMO--

BBM-- I find that sadly all we have to use as a guide to "judge" people in this sad saga is their criminal records and behaviors....my opinions are formed by these factors and I don't give a rat's azz or head if ANYONE agrees with me....JMO
kittylyn...I am happy that you have the right to post your opinion. I also have that right and thank the admin and mods for it. I am sorry that you feel that the RT is not the place that puts your ideas forward. I have found it and the mod there, fair and unbiased. Just because many people have come to feel that by his behavior and public arrest record RC has become a person of some suspicion, does not mean we are a GANG. That is your opinion and you are entitled to it....I have never seen anyone here at WS trying to coerce another to "be or do" anything. Hopefully, you will be able to post with us even though you do not agree with our opinion.

I am going to be very nice when i say this but IMO and I stand by my thoughts and feelings in regard to this opinion of mine. I know and can name at least 5 people that have done everything and alot things on this forums and other to get them shut down . I have watched these people and their followers "I've got your back kinda thing" and I really find it childlike behavior It does seem though that certain people feel they need and want to argue. I for one don't so This is my last thought on this and will not further discuss to just make someone happy to argue.
I never fully realized what a thankless job the mods have until I read this thread in its entirety. I've found most of the mods here to be fair and unbiased - THANK YOU.

Secondly, I've noticed the cat whose tail is CAUGHT in the door usually screeches the loudest.
Aren't you local Crazyover88? Do you have an agenda? If I pull all the posts you've made, can you back them up with a link?

I rest my case.

I don't recall ever stating i was local to the Satsuma Area..No agenda on my part.. I came to WS for Haleigh unlike others..Could you pull up my post where i stated i was a local and knew things for a fact? TIA
I never fully realized what a thankless job the mods have until I read this thread in its entirety. I've found most of the mods here to be fair and unbiased - THANK YOU.

Secondly, I've noticed the cat whose tail is CAUGHT in the door usually screeches the loudest.

I will cosign this post!
I have to say this is a very enjoyable thread because we have the usual debate going on BUT with mods interacting more and sort of acting as facilitators in a support group. Detached, logical, reasonable. I would like to have more of these, but I think the mods would run away *LOL*
I don't recall ever stating i was local to the Satsuma Area..No agenda on my part.. I came to WS for Haleigh unlike others..Could you pull up my post where i stated i was a local and knew things for a fact? TIA

You might want to check your PM's, like real quick.:)
I don't recall ever stating i was local to the Satsuma Area..No agenda on my part.. I came to WS for Haleigh unlike others..Could you pull up my post where i stated i was a local and knew things for a fact? TIA

Crazy You never said you were a LOCAL you said you lived near by i was in that SG with you , and I have a great memory and if the SG posts are posted for all then I think ALL the SG"S should be displayed for ALL to see the workings of what has became a division. JMO ! Sad WHO cares about anyone thinks. I KNOW that I only gave out personal information to a choosen few and one person that i truly trusted turned on me also and broadcast it to other forum's our personal conversations. JMO
The first 7 options were put up by Tricia when she made the poll. We set the poll up to allow write in votes, so the ones after the seventh were all added by other members. The member that added that option would be the best one to answer your question.

Hi ! How do we find who added the other options? (very technology challenged here :crazy:) I 'believe' it was Flossie just by reading the first thread, but is there a way to see who added what options? just curious..

ETA-Big TY to admin/mods for bringing back our RT, (it looks like everyones trying to be good :)) and for making WS the wonderful place I love to read and post! :woohoo:
The first 7 options were put up by Tricia when she made the poll. We set the poll up to allow write in votes, so the ones after the seventh were all added by other members. The member that added that option would be the best one to answer your question.

I understand, now, the later options were added....and that is how the wording got to be so insinuating and inappropriate. If that member is interested in being respectful they should change the wording to the proper name as the others are worded. If not, then I hope that the mods will consider changing it themselves. Thanks for explaining this and for putting up with all of our opinions!

Also, just an observation-

Granny Theresa is the one in this story who has actually lawyered up- yet she isn't a featured option- like Marie is-
Hi ! How do we find who added the other options? (very technology challenged here :crazy:) I 'believe' it was Flossie just by reading the first thread, but is there a way to see who added what options? just curious..

ETA-Big TY to admin/mods for bringing back our RT, (it looks like everyones trying to be good :)) and for making WS the wonderful place I love to read and post! :woohoo:

I added the Granny Marie with accomplices option and changed my vote from others to her. I believe she is behind HaLeigh's abduction.
Also, just an observation-

Granny Theresa is the one in this story who has actually lawyered up- yet she isn't a featured option- like Marie is-

You could add her if you like. I don't believe she is involved in any way, but if someone did think that why not add her?
I understand, now, the later options were added....and that is how the wording got to be so insinuating and inappropriate. If that member is interested in being respectful they should change the wording to the proper name as the others are worded. If not, then I hope that the mods will consider changing it themselves. Thanks for explaining this and for putting up with all of our opinions!


I don't think they can be changed, edited or deleted after they are added. If they could I would delete the one I added, which was the Cummings family and the Croslin family. It's not that I changed my mind, but rather found one that expressed my opinion better than my own. lol
fwiw. :)
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