What would indicate a proclivity for violence, sexual or otherwise? Or kidnapping? Looks like petty property crimes, imo.
With regard to her losing custody of her children [which I am assuming is accurately recounted on here], wouldn't everybody be raisin' cane if she had not?
Guess I need to learn more about this 3rd rate suspect. [jmo, re: ranking]
- Did the Lauramore's ever babysit Haleigh or live nearby? [close enough to be watching her and the m/h]
- How is Amanda related to JJ, Crystal, Haleigh?
- Are we sleuthing out everybody who visited either tent? If so, let's get chesterp and other w/s'ers who came to Satsuma to give us some insight. [Sorry, can't recall who all said they came up/down here.]
Real questions, not rhetorical, btw.