Who was George Brody?- Part 2.

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I agree Odyssey, I don't think he lied or had anything to hide in 1940 but he seems to have gone off the radar after that, maybe because of the war?

Annasmom had evidence of GB's location in the early 60's IIRC. prior to GB meeting GW. IIRC, someone Annasmom knew was the landlord who had rented to GB while Margaret Kukoda was still living and before she became ill leading to her hospitalization which led to GW meeting GB.

With regards to records on GB, there aren't many records online. As we all know, most records are in hard copy in libraries. We've never had anyone on the ground to go look up resources at the Oakland Library that aren't available online.

If we had a local WS member, outside of Anna's family, to go to the library and do the research, we might find GB wasn't that hard to find after all.
So how can we explain why GB was a Jr research assistant in 1938 then a laborer on 1st April 1940, back to being a Jr research assistant on 5th Nov 1940 (census) and still a Jr research assistant in 1944. It doesn't make sense to me.

What jobs could you be a Jr research assistant in?

It's possible he held two jobs. Lots of people held two jobs over the years. If he listed more than one job, perhaps the records only had space to list one rather than 2 or more jobs.

The addresses are the same. The address listed in the 1940 census stating laborer is the same address listed for a GB with the research job.
Hi all; we know that OUR George Brody was in Oakland from 1936-1944 and living:
1936 Oakland George Brody, 483 9th - Salesman, Dem
1938 Oakland George Brody, 534 12th - Jr. research assit. Dem
1940 Oakland George Brody, 534 12th – Jr. research assit. Dem.
1942 (Aug.) Oakland George Brody, 1724 San Pablo – Jr. research assit. Dem.
1942 (Nov) Oakland George Brody, 2329 San Pablo – Jr. research assit. – Dem
1944 Oakland George Brody, 2329 San Pablo – Jr. research assit, - Dem

and by newspaper article of 1941 (Oakland Tribune):

"Berkeley, 1941 Oct 2-Suspect freed of picket’s charge

It required a jury but 15 minutes to find Joseoh G Sgroe, 29, innocent of battery charges in connection with alleged assault on a ticket patroling in front on a barber shop at 1906 University Avenue last august 5.
The case was heard in the court of Police judge Oliver Young jr.
According in prosecution witness testimony, as Sgroe who lives at 1912 Sacramento st, was entering the barber shop he saw Picket George Brody, 3, the plaintiff, jot down his license number.
Sgroe retraced his steps, the testimony said, and demanded the memo from Brody. When Brody turned his back. Sgroe slapped him in the face with such force that he spun him around, the testimony related.
At this juncture, Brody, who lives at 1724 San Pablo Avenue, called for help. Patrolman B.W. Gocke responded."

and I believe that this George Brody is our guy. The wife was Margaret, nurse, born in NJ yes but the parents coming from Hungary

The GB born in Ohio and married at another Margaret born in NJ( parents born in NJ) and living in San Francisco in 1940 census as a well in 1930 census..
I believe that they are other peoples...

It are several posts of WB members abt that ..
Just my opinion...

We had the address on 12th before the 1940 Census became available.

Also, construction/laborer jobs can be seasonal. They are not always steady work. It's possible when construction work was slow or unavailable GB picked up research work.
We had the address on 12th before the 1940 Census became available.

Also, construction/laborer jobs can be seasonal. They are not always steady work. It's possible when construction work was slow or unavailable GB picked up research work.

He worked as a research assistant more than a laborer going by the voter's registers and you would think that with his ego he would want the research job on record rather than the laborer's job.
He worked as a research assistant more than a laborer going by the voter's registers and you would think that with his ego he would want the research job on record rather than the laborer's job.

We don't know that he had a choice. It could have been the census takers choice in listing which job if GB gave them two jobs.

Or if the construction work GB did was seasonal, on April 1st or whatever date in April the census was taken, it could have been during the busy construction season, thus the research job was only necessary during construction down times.

I don't know any construction workers or laborers who have steady work year round. Not in any industry, expect maybe union electricians. and even they get laid off during slow periods.
With regards to records on GB, there aren't many records online. As we all know, most records are in hard copy in libraries. We've never had anyone on the ground to go look up resources at the Oakland Library that aren't available online.

If we had a local WS member, outside of Anna's family, to go to the library and do the research, we might find GB wasn't that hard to find after all.[/QUOTE]

~~ Cubby, I can't agree enough. I think we've devoured the online GB's. If anyone lives on the west coast, an hour at the libray with.. an assistant from the libray may bring up a whole lot more on him. I think there is much more info on GB than we realize.
With regards to records on GB, there aren't many records online. As we all know, most records are in hard copy in libraries. We've never had anyone on the ground to go look up resources at the Oakland Library that aren't available online.

If we had a local WS member, outside of Anna's family, to go to the library and do the research, we might find GB wasn't that hard to find after all.

i love to research at the library but sadly i live on the East coast and have no plans to go back to california anytime soon but if i was i would stop in oakland and do some research for you.
~~ Cubby, I can't agree enough. I think we've devoured the online GB's. If anyone lives on the west coast, an hour at the libray with.. an assistant from the libray may bring up a whole lot more on him. I think there is much more info on GB than we realize

We need a local who will volunteer to do some library research on GB!
This is a long shot, but this name might be anglicized or changed to Brody.

I found a George Brotkin born in Russia with a birth year of 1905.
This is from the 1910 census.

Parents are Ike and Anna
Siblings Ida F 7
Harry M 9
Izzie 1 yr 6 mo

Imm. 1907

Newark, Essex, NJ.

Can anyone with ancestry see if they can do some research on this George Brotkin? Has anyone looked at him previously?
Annasmom had evidence of GB's location in the early 60's IIRC. prior to GB meeting GW. IIRC, someone Annasmom knew was the landlord who had rented to GB while Margaret Kukoda was still living and before she became ill leading to her hospitalization which led to GW meeting GB.

With regards to records on GB, there aren't many records online. As we all know, most records are in hard copy in libraries. We've never had anyone on the ground to go look up resources at the Oakland Library that aren't available online.

If we had a local WS member, outside of Anna's family, to go to the library and do the research, we might find GB wasn't that hard to find after all.

I actually don't live that far.. however, Oakland is a place I avoid. Unfortunately, there are shootings there almost daily. The Oakland Library website does state that librarians can do look-ups and scan images via email, although I have not had much luck getting a response.

I tried to request the court records for GB's incident with the union (it said he appeared in court) just to see the handwriting to be sure it was our GB, but got the runaround from the court as well.

If it were any city other than Oakland, I'd gladly go.... :(
He worked as a research assistant more than a laborer going by the voter's registers and you would think that with his ego he would want the research job on record rather than the laborer's job.

Also, in a boarding house/apartment house, the census enumerator/directory recorder may have only spoken with the landlord or another person who was available. If a resident was reported to be "at work" by this informant, the term laborer may have been used. The landlord or other informant may not have known where George Brody worked or what kind of work he did.

Probably the enumerator/recorder wants to make only one stop at this address and uses little effort to verify information.

I agree about George's ego!

Hi, as I said, I searched so much abt GB, the surname in all spelling, and I know that all real GB that I found had own life and no one is our GB...
My idea, by 1940 census, it is that GB immigrated when little child.. and abt the Russia birthplace anyone know that the immigrants said Russia but the Russia was a Empire in 1900s and until the 1917 October revolution... and many countries was a part of russian empire...
Knowing abt GB and him behavior, and searching more, I found this record:

U.S. City Directories (Beta) about Geo Broudy
Name: Geo Broudy
Residence Year: 1940
Residence Place: Oakland, California

Occupation: Mech Hl
Publication Title: Polk's Oakland California City Directory


1818 Harrison st Oakland CA; now I know not if is a residence address or a work address...

this name with this spelling is just on this record.. no further records... no before no after of 1940 ...

the 1940 census was of 3 Apr 1940, and at this address nobody Geo Broudy


now the directory( 1940) showing the address in 1940 ( Jan-Dec) or last part of 1939 year and first of 1940 year? who know?

However the only possible Geo Broudy that I found was born in Russia ( in Gorodno*) and is a possible record, matching with my idea, ( so it is just a my idea of our GB ), well was born in 1903 ( and that is no a problem, because our GB changed always him birthyear becoming more young in the passing time), hebrew, son of Russian-polish parents, immigrated in 1905;
Name: Gerson Prudofsky
Arrival Date: 27 Sep 1905
Birth Year: abt 1902
Age: 3
Gender: Male
Ethnicity/Race¬/Nationality: Hebrew
Port of Departure: Liverpool, England
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Ship Name: Caronia

the surname was no Broudy originally, but the siblings used Broudy and sometime also the mother.

The mother of this GB and children, at arrival, well the final destination was Providence, RI, where lived the husband and where the last child born also, but in 1910 they lived in Manhattan;
the parents was divorced in 1920 census, and found Geo/George (but really him first name was Gerson) living with mother and sibling.

I believe that I found it on the 1930 census ( Brooklyn, NY) with the father, remarried or just joined at a woman.. I am positive that the 1930 census is abt this GB, the father, the new wife and another person. They was naturalized.

Instead on 1930 census of mother ( Bronx, NY), she lived with the 2 daughters and the last son.

So this GB preferred to live with father.

In WWII draft registration card
(1942) of this GB father, well the next of kin was the son: GB (using a wrong spelling of original surname) living at 1817 Mohegan Ave, Bronx NY

I cannot find this GB at this address on 1940 census of Bronx ....

Now, if I remember well, our GB also lived in SF (1970s/1980s), but on him unclaimed money record he had a Oakland address...
If I remember well all of this case, obviously...

So the idea is: because our GB is on 1940 census of Oakland, any possible GB cannot be on 1940 census of residence in previous census

This possible GB could be very possible; so my dilemma is:
-it is possible that our GB is Geo Broudy appearing in 1940 Polk's directory? The address is a work address?
This Geo Broudy is not on the 1940 census of Oakland. So the address 1818 Harrison st Oakland CA must be a work address....

The different work ( our GB was a mason or so but the " PW" on the 1940 census meaning Private Work) is no a problem, because really our GB never had a true work, and if I remember well, Annasmom said also that GB spoken abt a work in a garage or similar ...

-It is possible that our GB had also a NY address?

I read abt research assistant profession on the other addresses in Oakland; we know that our GB was a lier, and the only Brody that I found in Oakland as research assistant or so, it was a chemistry assistant and no related at our GB....
sorry for long post, sorry for my bad english,
*various spelling:
Gorodno [Rus],
Horodno [Pol],
Horodnia [Yid],
Haradnaja [Bel],
I actually don't live that far.. however, Oakland is a place I avoid. Unfortunately, there are shootings there almost daily. The Oakland Library website does state that librarians can do look-ups and scan images via email, although I have not had much luck getting a response.

I tried to request the court records for GB's incident with the union (it said he appeared in court) just to see the handwriting to be sure it was our GB, but got the runaround from the court as well.

If it were any city other than Oakland, I'd gladly go.... :(

I'm afraid I agree with you about Oakland...It simply is not worth the risk...and I'm not sure what could be gained by going to the Oakland library, since even our tiny local library has almost everything on computer now. I did actually go through two years' worth of microfilmed Half Moon Bay Review a couple of years ago, but I would be surprised if they still had microfilm now.
is the library thats in oakland in a safe area. is it unsafe during the day as well.? where i live we have some unsafe parts. but during the day if you were to drive through those streets nothing would happen its only at night when you should avoid those areas
is the library thats in oakland in a safe area. is it unsafe during the day as well.? where i live we have some unsafe parts. but during the day if you were to drive through those streets nothing would happen its only at night when you should avoid those areas

Smile, you have a good attitude and your posts are always optimistic, but I am not willing to ask anyone to go to Oakland to research Brody. I think he has caused--and is still causing--us enough trouble without inviting more. I personally do not go to Oakland for any reason whatsoever.
Hi, as I said, I searched so much abt GB, the surname in all spelling, and I know that all real GB that I found had own life and no one is our GB...
My idea, by 1940 census, it is that GB immigrated when little child.. and abt the Russia birthplace anyone know that the immigrants said Russia but the Russia was a Empire in 1900s and until the 1917 October revolution... and many countries was a part of russian empire...
Knowing abt GB and him behavior, and searching more, I found this record:

U.S. City Directories (Beta) about Geo Broudy
Name: Geo Broudy
Residence Year: 1940
Residence Place: Oakland, California
Occupation: Mech Hl
Publication Title: Polk's Oakland California City Directory


1818 Harrison st Oakland CA; now I know not if is a residence address or a work address...

this name with this spelling is just on this record.. no further records... no before no after of 1940 ...

the 1940 census was of 3 Apr 1940, and at this address nobody Geo Broudy


now the directory( 1940) showing the address in 1940 ( Jan-Dec) or last part of 1939 year and first of 1940 year? who know?

However the only possible Geo Broudy that I found was born in Russia ( in Gorodno*) and is a possible record, matching with my idea, ( so it is just a my idea of our GB ), well was born in 1903 ( and that is no a problem, because our GB changed always him birthyear becoming more young in the passing time), hebrew, son of Russian-polish parents, immigrated in 1905;
Name: Gerson Prudofsky
Arrival Date: 27 Sep 1905
Birth Year: abt 1902
Age: 3
Gender: Male
Ethnicity/Race¬/Nationality: Hebrew
Port of Departure: Liverpool, England
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Ship Name: Caronia

the surname was no Broudy originally, but the siblings used Broudy and sometime also the mother.

The mother of this GB and children, at arrival, well the final destination was Providence, RI, where lived the husband and where the last child born also, but in 1910 they lived in Manhattan;
the parents was divorced in 1920 census, and found Geo/George (but really him first name was Gerson) living with mother and sibling.

I believe that I found it on the 1930 census ( Brooklyn, NY) with the father, remarried or just joined at a woman.. I am positive that the 1930 census is abt this GB, the father, the new wife and another person. They was naturalized.

Instead on 1930 census of mother ( Bronx, NY), she lived with the 2 daughters and the last son.

So this GB preferred to live with father.

In WWII draft registration card
(1942) of this GB father, well the next of kin was the son: GB (using a wrong spelling of original surname) living at 1817 Mohegan Ave, Bronx NY

I cannot find this GB at this address on 1940 census of Bronx ....

Now, if I remember well, our GB also lived in SF (1970s/1980s), but on him unclaimed money record he had a Oakland address...
If I remember well all of this case, obviously...

So the idea is: because our GB is on 1940 census of Oakland, any possible GB cannot be on 1940 census of residence in previous census

This possible GB could be very possible; so my dilemma is:
-it is possible that our GB is Geo Broudy appearing in 1940 Polk's directory? The address is a work address?
This Geo Broudy is not on the 1940 census of Oakland. So the address 1818 Harrison st Oakland CA must be a work address....

The different work ( our GB was a mason or so but the " PW" on the 1940 census meaning Private Work) is no a problem, because really our GB never had a true work, and if I remember well, Annasmom said also that GB spoken abt a work in a garage or similar ...

-It is possible that our GB had also a NY address?

I read abt research assistant profession on the other addresses in Oakland; we know that our GB was a lier, and the only Brody that I found in Oakland as research assistant or so, it was a chemistry assistant and no related at our GB....
sorry for long post, sorry for my bad english,
*various spelling:
Gorodno [Rus],
Horodno [Pol],
Horodnia [Yid],
Haradnaja [Bel],

Your English is good, raf. Honestly, with the slang people use today - your writing is better than many!

I'm always amazed at your work. Especially the countries you listed above. I wouldn't have the first clue as to how to find that... I'm sure I could, but it would take me awhile.

Back to your post. You asked about/mentioned GB stating he worked at or for a garage. Interestingly, we did research boxer's a few years back. It almost makes me wonder if working as a boxer was made up in the event someone recognized a broken nose. His ego was such that he might have believed GW or Annasmom could recognize a broken nose, even if not that obvious, due to GW's medical training and experience. Certainly a much more glamorous way to receive a broken nose, than saying getting punched while picketing. ...and offering an explanation before being asked.

That gives me more reason to believe the info and article you found on GB is our GB.

I think I found a Broudy or Proudy which I seem to recall a few facts available free via ancestry to those of us without a membership. A Broudy/Proudy misspelling is coming to mind for some reason.
Smile, you have a good attitude and your posts are always optimistic, but I am not willing to ask anyone to go to Oakland to research Brody. I think he has caused--and is still causing--us enough trouble without inviting more. I personally do not go to Oakland for any reason whatsoever.

I certainly respect and appreciate this and wouldn't wish for anyone to go to an unsafe area.

If I may ask, yourself or another member who is local, what local library might you suggest if doing genealogical research for Alameda County?

While I am sure many things are now computerized, I'm sure some information, whether in hard copy or on computer, is not available via the WWW.

Hopefully someone can suggest a safer alternative than the Oakland Library.

Currently 1818 Harrison St, Oakland is a highrise which looks to be a newer office building builing. Several doctors names appear as residents of this address via google maps search.

I couldn't say it's always been an address which housed some sort of medical facility/doctors.

Could MK have been in CA as early as 1940? In the event this address housed medical facility/doctors back in 1940?
Currently 1818 Harrison St, Oakland is a highrise which looks to be a newer office building builing. Several doctors names appear as residents of this address via google maps search.

I couldn't say it's always been an address which housed some sort of medical facility/doctors.

Could MK have been in CA as early as 1940? In the event this address housed medical facility/doctors back in 1940?

MK's nursing license was dated 1947 in San Francisco. I found the attached in an old thread. It puts her on the East Coast in 1939.

The Poughkeepsie Star Enterprise
June 9, 1939

150 Attend Dinner Given by Alumnae Group
Approximately 150 attended the dinner given last night by the Alumnae Association of Vassar hospital for members of the class of 1939, at the Nelson house.

The dinner tables were decorated with the class flower, Talisman roses, and class colors, in brown and gold. Margaret M. Kukoda, chairman of arrangement for the dinner, was the toastmistress.

The address of welcome was given by Mrs. Evelyn Lawrence Kerrigan, president of the Alumnae association, and Kathryn Tripp made the response.

Elsie Tachudin read the class will and Alfreda Czech the class prophecy.

A talk "Over the Tea Cups," was given by Doris Davis, and Helen Ranung presented a piano solo. Music was supplied by the Harmonica band, directed by J. L. L. Chisholm. John Bossik gave a violin solo.

Assisting Miss Kukoda with arrangements were: Hortense Marcheauuit, Christine Bruno, Miss Davis, and Miss Taber.

At some point, she was a Navy nurse, wasn't she? I am not quite sure where to find the other information on MK any more.

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