Who was George Brody?

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Yes, Raf the url is in Czeck. Here is the translation: Not sure what the 13 yrs after Eifee's name means.


I meet with him personally?

Ahojky Lorísku, já si teď píšu s jedním klukem přes internet a strašně si rozumíme, pořád máme o čem povídat, to si myslím, že je hodně dobře. MINI HOTEL ABRAKA Lorísku, I now am writing with one klukem via the Internet and the terrible understand what we always talk, to think that there is a lot of good. A takhle si spolu asi už píšeme něco málo přes 1rok. And how can you write about and just over 1 years. Ale já si myslím, že on chce být jen kamarád, ale já chci něco víc. But I think that he wants to be a friend, but I want something more. Už mě pozval, abychom se setkali, ale já jsem to odmítla, protože se teď strašně trápím a kdybychom se setkávali často, tak nevím, co bych dělala. He invited me, we are experiencing, but I refused it because it is now terribly trápím and if we meet often, so I do not know what I would do. Ale já nevím, jak mu to mám říct, že ho mám strašně moooc ráda a že mi na něm záleží, ale bojím se, že si se mnou přestane psát atd. But I do not know how I have to tell him that I have him terribly moooc like me, and that depends on it, but I fear that it will cease to write with me, etc. A to já nechci. And I am not. Lori prosím poraď mi, co mám dělat. Lori poraď me please, what can I do. Děkuji Eifee (13 let) Thank Eifee (13 years)

Mila Eifee,
v dnešní době je poměrně časté, že se dva lidé zamilují přes internet. today is quite common that the two people zamilují via the Internet. Dlouho si píší a tolik si rozumí, že se touží poznat také osobně. You write long enough and you mean that the desire to know the person. S tím přichází i pochybnosti - co když si po tom už nebudeme psát jako dřív? This comes even doubts - what if, after that it will not write as before? Co když nebude takový, jaký se přes internet jeví? What if this is not what appears to be via the Internet? Co když budu zklamaná? What if I disappointed?
Otázek vyvstane mnoho a přemýšlení o setkání často vyústí v závěr, že nejlepší bude nechat vše při starém, protože jen tak to zůstane krásné jako doposud. The questions arise, and many thought the meetings often result in a conclusion that the best will have all the old, because the only way to remain beautiful as yet. Jenže také to může dopadnout jinak. But it may also fall otherwise. Osobní setkání jen ílí vaše přátelství a stanou se z vás bezvadní kamarádi, co si rozumí nejen virtuálně, ale i osobně! Personal meetings only strengthen your friendship and become one of you bezvadní friends, what do you mean not only virtually, but also in person!
Měla by sis rozmyslet, co tedy vlastně chceš. Should you rozmyslet, therefore, actually want to. S klukem se virtuálně chodit nedá. With klukem be virtually impossible to walk. Neboj se mu o svých obavách říct. Fear him about their concerns say. Myslím si, že i on by byl rád, kdyby vše dopadlo dobře. I think that he would like, if turned out well. Až se spolu párkrát uvidíte, budeš si více jistá tím, zda s ním chceš chodit či být jen kamarádka. When the párkrát see you more confident, whether you want to go with him or be a friend. A věř mi, že on už dávno ví, že ho máš moc ráda. And believe me, that he knows very well that you have power like him. Za ten rok, co si píšete už měl šanci vycítit, že ti není lhostejný. For the year, what you write has a chance to sense that they are not indifferent. Nech to volně plynout. Let it flow freely. Co se má stát, se stane. As the State becomes. Hlavu vzhůru a jdi vstříc novým zážitkům. Head up and go to meet the new zážitkům

great SideKick! now by your contribute we know that this word could be a first name or a diminutive or nickname used in Czeck.... thanks again, regards, raf
I apologize if this guy has already been mentioned...

I was just in the cold case thread, and I saw info on this guy:


When I pulled up his photo, I IMMEDIATELY thought of George Brody. I know this man might be older than Brody, but the nose and ears are so much alike, as well as the mysterious past, that I had to throw it out for you guys! They even have the same chin and jaw line!!!
hmmm... just my personal opinion..... I see different ears, especially in the ears inferior part.... in the Anastasia Romanov princess story, the woman that said of being the princess, as the only survivor to the massacre, well she was unmasked from the ears form .... it seems that is the face part ( the ears) that cannot be counterfeited....
also the eyebrows are different.... and the oval of the face is more lengthened... but all is possible in this case...
best regards,
Annasmom - the German text appears to have been scanned and converted using optical character recognition.

I believe it should read

"Eine derartige Politik entspricht ja gar nicht der Geiste der Verfassung. Wir werden darin das alte Österreich nicht nachahmen"

In other words "Such a policy does not correspond with the spirit of the Constitution whatsoever. We will not imitate the old Austria in this respect."
so no Eifee but Einee..... this is a good explanation, thanks, raf
I apologize if this guy has already been mentioned...

I was just in the cold case thread, and I saw info on this guy:


When I pulled up his photo, I IMMEDIATELY thought of George Brody. I know this man might be older than Brody, but the nose and ears are so much alike, as well as the mysterious past, that I had to throw it out for you guys! They even have the same chin and jaw line!!!

Hey Jules! This guy was discussed a year or so back. I *think* he was ruled out because of his height. He was reported 5'10" tall, where Brody, according to Annasmom, was very short....5'2" or so.
Ok, thanks! What a ringer though, huh?

Hey Jules! This guy was discussed a year or so back. I *think* he was ruled out because of his height. He was reported 5'10" tall, where Brody, according to Annasmom, was very short....5'2" or so.
I apologize if this guy has already been mentioned...

I was just in the cold case thread, and I saw info on this guy:


When I pulled up his photo, I IMMEDIATELY thought of George Brody. I know this man might be older than Brody, but the nose and ears are so much alike, as well as the mysterious past, that I had to throw it out for you guys! They even have the same chin and jaw line!!!

Jules, I still agree this is the closest match to GB. I've read Dalton also went into boxing for a short time. He was also a lawyer. Not ever meeting the man to determine his age, if he was Dalton he would have been almost 82 yrs old in 1967, and then 96 yrs old when he died in 1981.


  • brody3.JPG
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Hey Jules! This guy was discussed a year or so back. I *think* he was ruled out because of his height. He was reported 5'10" tall, where Brody, according to Annasmom, was very short....5'2" or so.

There are many folks who shrink with age. I don't remember where it was said that GB was only 5'2". Even looking at this pic, he looks taller than that.


  • 1536782078_l.jpg
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There are many folks who shrink with age. I don't remember where it was said that GB was only 5'2". Even looking at this pic, he looks taller than that.

It is hard to tell. I believe that this pic shows the two Georges coming down some stairs with Waters farther down the steps than Brody. I believe that Waters was tall (6'?), so if they were standing on the same level, Brody would have been 7 foot plus. Anybody wanna start searching missing ex-NBA players for a match? :crazy:

Facially, this is a pretty good match. I suspect that Dalton would be too old, but I may be wrong on that point.

The only scenario that would make Dalton the same guy as Brody is if somehow Dalton assumed the identity of the real Brody. This is because there is someone who appears to be Brody living in Oakland prior to Dalton's disappearance. It is possible, but I do not know how plausible it is.
There are many folks who shrink with age. I don't remember where it was said that GB was only 5'2". Even looking at this pic, he looks taller than that.

Oops, I was a couple inches off, I was going on memory...(obviously not my strong point!), sorry. Here is where I got the info Brody was short.

Originally posted May 2005, Post 478, Original Theory #2 thread

Originally Posted by HeartofTexas
Does anyone know approximately how tall George Brody was? And, if not, is there any way we can guesstimate it by judging his height against GW's height (which I assume Annasmom would know)? The reason I'm asking is because many of the WWII enlistment records list the height of the person enlisting, and it would help in eliminating some of them if I know GB's approximate height.

Annasmom reply:
I would guess about 5'4" or 5'5", though he might have been taller when he was young.
It is hard to tell. I believe that this pic shows the two Georges coming down some stairs with Waters farther down the steps than Brody. I believe that Waters was tall (6'?), so if they were standing on the same level, Brody would have been 7 foot plus. Anybody wanna start searching missing ex-NBA players for a match? :crazy:

Facially, this is a pretty good match. I suspect that Dalton would be too old, but I may be wrong on that point.

The only scenario that would make Dalton the same guy as Brody is if somehow Dalton assumed the identity of the real Brody. This is because there is someone who appears to be Brody living in Oakland prior to Dalton's disappearance. It is possible, but I do not know how plausible it is.

i saw a similar resemblance but the nose is way off brodys nose and daltons nose look different
I've been following the Dalton case but I'm new to the Waters case, so I have a lot of reading to do to catch up.

From what I've read so far, I think it's unlikely that Brody was Dalton, but it caught my eye that Brody might have been involved in politics. In the 1930 census, Dalton's occupation is listed as representative, and the industry is listed as law maker.
I came across an interesting old case of the missing Glen Rollin Hyde (Doe case file # 645DMAZ) and Bessie Louise Haley Hyde (Doe case # 855DFAZ). Both disappeared while rafting on the CO River in the fall of 1928. It suggests that Bessie was from WV and married to an Earl Helmick whom she had gone to hs and college with. She left shortly after the marriage and said she wanted to study art in SF the following year. She presumably met Glen on a cruise ship going from Los Angeles to SF and wanted a divorce from Earl. He was said to deny it so she went to NV to meet residency requirements for the divorce and then married Glen. Her dob is 12/29/05 and his is 12/9/1898. Glen's father helped in the long search and the two were never found. The article suggested she might have been pregnant. It is possible that this may have been the couple's first disappearing act or they may have begun their job in abortions("plumbing"), baby selling ("salesman") and snatching ("merchant"). Also remember that he often listed "Hyde" as the address he lived at. He was a Jeckyll and Hyde! His info in papers for example about "Lena" was either to signal someone to make a money deposit, set an appointment for an illicit activity or to signal someone about a name change perhaps. Just speculating, of course.
I came across an interesting old case of the missing Glen Rollin Hyde (Doe case file # 645DMAZ) and Bessie Louise Haley Hyde (Doe case # 855DFAZ). Both disappeared while rafting on the CO River in the fall of 1928. It suggests that Bessie was from WV and married to an Earl Helmick whom she had gone to hs and college with. She left shortly after the marriage and said she wanted to study art in SF the following year. She presumably met Glen on a cruise ship going from Los Angeles to SF and wanted a divorce from Earl. He was said to deny it so she went to NV to meet residency requirements for the divorce and then married Glen. Her dob is 12/29/05 and his is 12/9/1898. Glen's father helped in the long search and the two were never found. The article suggested she might have been pregnant. It is possible that this may have been the couple's first disappearing act or they may have begun their job in abortions("plumbing"), baby selling ("salesman") and snatching ("merchant"). Also remember that he often listed "Hyde" as the address he lived at. He was a Jeckyll and Hyde! His info in papers for example about "Lena" was either to signal someone to make a money deposit, set an appointment for an illicit activity or to signal someone about a name change perhaps. Just speculating, of course.

Hi NJS, nice to hear from you again. About a year ago a few of us came up with the Hyde theory. He actually looks incredibly like Brody, and if you notice in most pictures available of him, he is wearing a fedora. The problem is, a couple of articles we found about Hyde state he was VERY tall, over 6 foot. According to Annasmom, Brody was rather short. around 5'5, give or take an inch.
I just finished reading "The Baby Thief" by Barbara Bisantz Raymond. In it there is a suggestion that often there were printed things in newspapers that were false around the 20's-50's often suggesting "accidents." Women took "vacations" away from home and had "accidents" which would account for their long stay in a far off city to recuperate. They could then come home to their husbands and families with a "biological" baby who would be accepted in the family. The other thing I noted was that Georgia Tann had a long time live in lover that she eventually adopted named Ann Hollinsworth who had a baby of her own named "Jack" born in 1924. He died in an aircraft accident in the 1940's. I recall the letter someone found about a downed flight and contact with a British(?) woman named Hollingsworth(?), if I remember correctly. I think that this Ann may have had a boy, perhaps with Glen Rollin Hyde aka. Earl Helmick...George Brody(?) or been somehow related. That might have been the way they connected via codes. Even though George B. was reported as small, some things in the press (e.g. Hyde's description) may not have been accurate. There was also a Bessie Bernard doing selling in NY and a Bessie Simpson, Georgia Tann's administrator. Some of these people may have either been related or had professional connections. The book is a good read and may help shed some light on who George was and where little Anna may have gone some years later.
I found this link about the 'Dalton' boys. Alot of them were Elders.


I tried to copy and paste a picture of Elbert Gilbert Dalton but am unable.. perhaps someone can do this and put a side by side photo of Dalton and Brody. There is a resemblance.


Elder Gilbert Dalton couldn't have been George Brody. His whereabouts were known his whole life. His granddaughter just recently joined WS to try to help find out what happened to his cousin Jack (Tolbert Percy). I do see a resemblance between Gilbert Dalton and GB, but the only significance I see in it is that it could have been a family resemblance if Jack were GB.

The more I see these pictures, the more I see the physical resemblance between Jack Dalton and George Brody, but I still don't think they are the same person. Annasmom thinks that GB was a true believer in whatever it is he believed, and it is so far from the Primitive Baptist theology that I can't see him being a preacher there in 1948, then changing his theology so much so quickly. I would guess that GB had been into mysticism for a really long time.
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